God of Fishing

Chapter 1321: Queen arrived

After all, this is also an active flame.

Although it is not comparable to the legendary flame of the kind of fire, as long as the flame can catch up with the fire of fish, it is worth taking.

Han Fei stepped across, wanting to feel the power of that strange fire with his empty hand. However, before Han Fei's big empty hand touched the strange fire, he saw a purple haze burning through a small half of the sky, directly burning his palm to pieces.

Suddenly, Han Fei's eyes lit up: This strange fire is not only active, it has also been born with wisdom!

The old turtle also said, "It's better than it looks."

Seeing that Zi Huo could stop him, Han Fei did it himself this time. Just now, when he blasted the bottom of the lava lake, he failed to heat himself to death. How can it be so strong that the fire is so small?


When Han Fei reached out into the Zixia, his hand started to smoke directly. The skin and flesh and blood are heating up rapidly.

However, Han Fei's arm shook, his demon energy shook, and a golden dragon chant was coiled around.


Han Fei doesn't care about being seen by others. Even if Chang Shuiqin and the others have some questions, how can they resist the calcination of the different fire? Then they would have to wait for seven days to pass, and they would ask after they really returned to the Baibei King City. If you don't go back, who do they ask?

This time, Han Fei was determined: he wanted to achieve his goals and retire.

In Baibei King City, it was different from the time in Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the strongest Blue Feather could only find the pinnacle of Taoism, or the realm of half exalted. But there are too many powerhouses in Baibei King City. Even with the help of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, he has no ability to steal things under the eyes of others.

In this way, staying in Baibei King City has no meaning.

Therefore, Han Fei made a strong shot at this moment, showing some stronger physical strength. But he saw him grabbing the purple flame with one hand.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "In the hands of the Dragon King, if you have the means to reach the sky, you can't even want to escape."


The dragon shook, and Han Fei forcibly shattered a strand of consciousness born in this strange fire.

Sure enough, after struggling for a while, this purple flame has since settled down. Han Fei just let go of his hand, because the hand holding Zi Huo had already begun to become scorched.

The volcano is still erupting frantically, and the temperature is still extremely high.

However, Han Fei slapped a platform beside the crater of cholera. Sitting on it, holding a different fire in his hand, he immediately began to practice, and he was forcibly absorbing this power.

Seeing this scene, the insect king said to his heart: Is Han Fei so high-profile in Baibei King City? It's a strange fire, and it's not Chinese cabbage. You want to swallow it casually. Didn't it attract the attention of the kings of Baibei King City?

Chang Shuiqin felt a little cold, and a little doubt arose in his heart: It stands to reason that the level of Alien Fire and the Spirit of Thunder Veins should be similar. This Yulong King can take the different fire, but can't take the spirit of thunder? Is he hiding his strength?

However, this strange fire looked like it had begun to have spiritual consciousness, and it was still far from the powerful Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire. It was nothing to be conquered by Han Fei so easily.

It's just that, what makes these venerables onlookers somewhat uncomprehending is: You took the strange fire and didn't leave, staying there, is it to wait for someone to come?

In the eyes of these people, even Chang Shuiqin, Han Fei should know the right way to measure. After all, this time is not a time for willfulness. Those who come are all arrogant talents, and no one is much weaker than others.

In Chang Shuiqin's view, the Yulong King is so proud. He seems to just want to wait for someone to come and fight, and he doesn't know where his confidence comes from?

What makes Chang Shuiqin unhappy the most is that I have already told you that Han Fei is very dangerous. You have made such a big movement, do you really think people will not come? People are now, but the real deal is already on the way.

While watching a movie outside, Han Fei was happily devouring the strange fire. Although he couldn't let Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai appear outside, he was not affected in the refining world. In name, he was devouring the alien fire, but in fact, he was madly refining the power of the alien fire into the world.

The only thing that makes Han Fei a little uncomfortable: is that he can't smoke too fast, otherwise he will appear too enchanting. In fact, for Xiao Hei, Han Fei was too slow to supply abnormal fire, and it was not enough for him.

Half a day later.

Han Fei was still sitting cross-legged, the strange fire was half the size.

But in other places, there are also changes. The first thing that happened was the direction of Lingguoyuan.

Above the sky over there, there seemed to be a big mouth. Han Fei couldn't penetrate the void, but could feel the energy riot there. The auras rolling around have a tendency to move in that direction.

Except for the big movement, Zhang Xiaotian collided with a treant in Shui Mutian in a place that Han Fei could not see, and the two sides fought in the swamp.

In the end, the tree man ran away a piece of roots. A moment later, he appeared in the sky, and was the first Tianjiao to leave the battlefield.

For Shuimutian, every Tianjiao is extremely precious. This must have been warned when they came. Everything comes first. If you miss a chance, you miss it. Life is gone, it is really gone.

Therefore, for the strong of Shui Mutian, there is no demon at all for this kind of escape. Because losing is losing, if you survive, you have a chance.

However, the luck on Mizuki Tian's side, is it not so good? This time, the only one from the Sky Clan was ambushed by two blood demons, was blocked by a spell, and fell on the island.

When the parties were fighting or hunting for treasure, the Qingsiling of Baibei King City found a dry tomb in a plain area. I don't know whether it is conscious or unconscious. Everyone on the island is approaching this dry grave in a subtle way.

However, in the eyes of the outside world, even in the eyes of Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life, there is no dry grave on this island. When Qingsiling arrived near this dry tomb, what appeared to the venerables and kings was that Qingsiling was trapped in a large formation and had nothing to do with dry tomb.

On the island, although it is not possible to escape into the void, the speed of everyone's actions is not slow.

For example, someone came to the crater at this moment.

As a result, with his eyes facing each other, Han Fei discovered that the man turned out to be Xuye who was ranked tenth on the Tianjiao list.

This newly promoted Tianjiao was also taken aback when he saw Han Fei, and then glanced at the strange fire in Han Fei's hand, knowing that the opportunity here should have been taken away by Han Fei.

So he asked: "Dragon King, are you together?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No, this dragon king still needs to refine this fire."

Xuye nodded: "Sure, then I'll take a step first."

Under this circumstance, it is naturally impossible for Han Fei to act on the so-called "his family".

Not long after Xu Ye left, a flame-burning Zerg rushed to the crater. When his eyes met again, he saw that Han Fei had just gotten up while clutching the strange fire, and the bug turned around and slipped away.

Han Feixin said: Doesn't it seem too fake if you don't even fight?

Outside, Chang Shuiqin also glanced at the Insect King, and said with a little confusion: "Insect King, don't you Zer Clan never fear life or death? Why didn't you stop fighting after seeing the Yulong King?"

The worm king said lightly: "My zerg is self-defeating and not afraid of death, and lives toward death. However, after all, the Yulong King is the arrogant talent who has appeared in the city of Baibei. What strength does this king know?"

Not long after the zerg ran away, another blood demon rushed over. Similarly, seeing Han Fei who was refining the strange fire, this person frowned slightly, and seemed to want to challenge, but he should have thought of something and quietly withdrew.

It's just that this person didn't really withdraw very far, just retreated a hundred miles. Surrounded the body with a rune spell, and finally disappeared in this place where lava flows.

Seeing Tianjiao in the Blood Sea God Mucheng made such a move, Chang Shuiqin and the Insect King showed disdainful smiles.

In this kind of battle, it is natural to fight if you can, or if you can't fight, or if you lose your mind, you will leave.

Hidden, looking for opportunities, the possibility of success is not great. Your strength is not much higher. Since you can't make an instant kill, what is the meaning of ambush?

Besides...there is so much movement here, there will still be others coming. In case it was discovered, I didn't even want to run.

As for Han Fei himself, pretending to be refining different fires, so he did not take the initiative, which is also in line with common sense.

However, when there was still about one-third of the abnormal fire left to absorb, a character that Han Fei hadn't expected appeared.

This person is the fake "worm man" Han Fei who pretends to be himself.

The moment he saw this insect man, Han Fei suddenly got up, holding the alien fire in his hand, as if using the alien fire as a weapon, as if he was facing a major enemy, but did not escape.

Seeing this scene, Chang Shuiqin hummed softly: This Yulong King is a bit disobedient. If he can survive this time, he doesn't need to be beaten and beaten, he will immediately know that the sky is thick.

When Han Fei and Chongren met, the aura of the two of them rose rapidly. Han Fei even had golden dragons hovering around his side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes facing each other, Han Fei only felt that in his heart, a touch of aura suddenly sounded. Listen to the worm: "Where did you hide Master?"


Han Fei's heart stunned: I knock Nima? What do you mean? Isn't it a bug?

Han Fei always thought: That bug man should be an independent individual. Even Han Fei felt a little sorry for the substitution strategy.

But, looking at it this way, is the Queen of Life actually in charge of this body?

Queen of Life: "Don't show any expressions. Guess you would choose Spirit Orchard. This king has been waiting at Spirit Orchard. Who knew you came here?"

Han Fei responded, "Is it okay to speak like this?"

Queen of Life: "I'm here, so it can be said. Remember, more than 10,000 miles to the northwest, there is a plain, where something is not normal. The sky is unstable, go there. I disturbed the heavens and covered the outside You take the opportunity to change the sight of those people."

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