God of Fishing

Chapter 1327: Is anyone enlightened?

After coming out, Han Fei's body changed immediately, and Han Fei became the appearance of the Yulong King again.

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, there is still a problem with the secret here, right?"

The old turtle said: "Yes! That barren grave shouldn't really leave."

Han Fei's heart was chilled. Fortunately, there are still a lot of creatures in the refining world, but they can't give it now. After he returns to Han Fei's identity, he will kill the Quartet and show the person in the grave.

Also, the queen of life is here, so I have to explain the situation to her as soon as possible. Han Fei estimated that even the Queen of Life probably didn't know about this desolate grave.

Therefore, Han Fei released Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, and Xiao Hei was thrown into the refining world to prevent future troubles, and Xiao Bai stayed by his side, staying vigilant at all times.

Off the island.

Suddenly, Chang Shuiqin's eyes condensed, and he turned over his hands and took out a jade slip, his eyes cold. Because this jade slip has been shattered too suddenly.

"Qing Si Ling is dead?"

Chang Shuiqin's expression was slightly condensed, and there were three people on the grassland before, namely Qingsiling, Yulong King, and Tangyue of Blood Sea God Mucheng.

In his eyes, the Yulong King was caught in a big formation, and he couldn't see it. In fact, when Tang Yue was chasing Han Fei, she had already lost her way, and she had also fallen into a formation.

In the eyes of outsiders, all three of them were trapped in a formation on that grassland. But it is not a formation, there is no reason that someone will fall.

Now, the sudden fall of Qingsiling makes Chang Shuiqin suspicious, but the ancient ruins may have a little power, but it will not be able to kill such a arrogant as Qingsiling!

The insect king seemed to feel Chang Shuiqin's movements, and seemed to have guessed something. What he thought was that the Yulong King was originally fake, so it was a matter of course to kill the Tianjiao in Baibei King City.

Although he also saw that the three people seemed to be trapped in three formations, but the three people did disappear in front of his eyes. The people have disappeared, and if they are really in the formation, the insect king expressed doubt.


Suddenly, the insect king, Chang Shuiqin and others raised their heads and looked towards the sky. But I saw the thick fog dissipating, and there was light penetrating through the clouds and falling on the grassland.


Including the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia also frowned.

Emperor Bai Jia was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "There is chaos, along with Dao Yun coming, someone is enlightening Dao? It can cause celestial phenomena to change, it seems that this person's road is smooth, quite extraordinary!"

The Queen of Life was expressionless, because there was no Shuimutian on that grassland at the moment, so she had no reason to be happy.

However, Han Fei, a bug man who was on the riverbank for more than 2,000 miles next to the grassland, suddenly looked into the air. Seeing the insect man Han Fei Weiwei seemed to be stunned for a while, then set off directly and quickly swept towards the grassland.

Originally, the Queen of Life was only afraid that her purpose was too clear and to highlight the grassland too much.

However, this chaotic aura immediately gave the Queen of Life a reason. Han Fei had been portrayed as the strongest arrogant of Shui Mutian, so it was natural to discover the abnormal movement of the grassland.

In fact, Han Fei was not the only one who discovered the celestial phenomenon on the grassland. Within a radius of 5,000 miles, the clouds and mist broke open. At least 20 people discovered the celestial phenomenon on the western grassland.

Zhang Xiaotian looked towards the sky and murmured, "Someone enlightened the Tao? What a strong Tao."

Yang Ruoyun's figure jumped in Fei. Although he was embarrassed and his battle clothes were damaged in many places, he was rushing towards the grassland. Unlike yin and yang, most people probably don't understand Tao Yun intuitively enough, so this phenomenon is considered to be celestial phenomena at most.

However, those who live in Shuimutian should know that the scene of Tiancai Dibao was not like this when he appeared. This power printed from the sky can only be related to the avenue.

However, the avenue will not come suddenly, naturally it is possible for someone to enlighten it. But why does that person enlighten Dao, whether there is something unknown on the grassland that can help others enlighten Dao, this is the key.

Because if you can comprehend the Great Dao, it basically represents the hope of being respected, so this kind of opportunity is what these Tianjiao really want.

In the middle of the storm, Han Fei was also looking up at the void, and was discussing with the old turtle.

Han Fei: "I haven't realized it! I have realized it. Could it be the girl who chased me just now?"

Old Tortoise: "It shouldn't be! This enlightenment seems to be too fast, and it started right away. At the beginning of the avenue, there was already an aura of chaos. This is definitely not a trail."

Han Fei's face was black at the time: "Then I didn't feel chaotic when I enlightened Dao! What's the matter, I was a trail?"

But the old tortoise said: "This is different. You have even realized the Dao seed. Is it possible that the Qi of Chaos can be compared with the Dao seed? Your Dao should be better than this."

When Han Fei heard this, he was relieved: "I said, I have seeds."

Upon hearing this, Han Fei was immediately puzzled. It was not himself, Qing Si Ling had also fallen. Could it be that Tang Yue just now? Or maybe there are other people on this grassland?

However, it always felt like it was wrong, because the place where the light poured down was a bit like the place where the deserted grave disappeared just now.

Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath: "Old Yuan! Did you say that the figure just now hasn't recovered its strength, it's just bluffing me?"

Old tortoise said: "There is no need to bluff you. Although that person may have been decayed and has existed for tens of thousands of years. But he is definitely a super strong person. Even the emperor has not been able to see through this person, indicating that this person's strength is absolute. Not to be underestimated. He can't be the one who has not entered the Tao, but..."

"But what?"

Old tortoise: "This doesn't have to be Dao! Chaos air is coming, although Dao Yun is also coming, but it may also be returning. The emperor guessed that you might have given him too much food, and he is eating now. Strength began to recover."


Han Fei took a breath, I didn't give much! There are less than 200 creatures, half of which are still below the path...

In the end, Han Fei's voice became smaller and smaller, it seemed that there were indeed a lot of special words. Its aura may not be much, but its energy is a lot. Moreover, those who can enter their own magical eyes have a bit of strength after all.

For those who are strong, it may be enough temporarily.

Just like an old tortoise, without a body, you can be a half-senior strong person. Now you have the body of Gui Sanqing. Although Gui Sanqing had never seen his true strength, Han Fei felt that he could use it as a venerable when it was in a crisis.

This force lasted for about half an hour.

Just after this power disappeared for less than a hundred breaths of time, suddenly Xiao Bai kissed Han Fei's cheek: "Dad! Someone is coming."

Han Fei raised his eyes: "Do you know him?"

Xiaobai "hmm" for a while, some milky voices said, "It has something familiar on it."

Han Feidun’s eyes lit up for a while, and he hurriedly said, “Is it the smell of a red shirt? It’s the wood.”

Xiao Bai should be quite familiar with Wannian Dahongxi. Before, he used too much, and even the collection of Thug Academy was built with Wannian Dahongyi.

However, Xiaobai rolled around and flicked his tail again and again: "Yes, it's wood."

Han Fei's heart moved immediately, so it's easy to say.

But seeing Han Fei's face overjoyed, the queen of life finally arrived, and he was about to be liberated.

Han Fei was about to let Xiaobai go and find him on his own initiative, when he suddenly saw a figure in a red dress in his field of vision. The man is holding a long knife, but who is Tang Yue?

Han Fei was speechless, "Why are you again?"

Tang Yue frowned. She was chasing after Han Fei just now. Although this person is not very strong, she can't be underestimated. She is a bit incomparable in speed.

However, if you can't kill, you have to find a way to kill, after all, this is your own mortal enemy.

Just listen to Tang Yue yelling: "This time, you can't run away."


"call out!"

In an instant, one shot the knife and the other moved horizontally.

Han Fei snorted: "Just because you want to kill me, wait until you can catch up with the Dragon King."

Han Fei moved his feet, taking advantage of the chaos here, stepped a kilometer, and pierced out with a shocking blow. And Tang Yue was also not afraid of divine and soul attacks, and attacked with spirit piercing.


Enthusiastically, both of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com had their brains shaken, and there was a violent explosion between the two.


Tang Yue snorted and said to her heart that the strength of the Yulong King seemed to be stronger than just now.

"Gemini magic."

What Han Fei wanted was this timing, because the use of Gemini Divine Art was limited, so Han Fei used it when he first came out of the deserted grave.

At this moment, Xiao Bai had already sensed that the queen of life was coming, and naturally no longer had any scruples.

But in the blink of an eye, Han Fei split into two, and the white mist immediately turned into a person.

After turning into a fog, Han Fei was originally inhuman, so he could become anything he wanted. The black mist that Xiao Hei turned into was invisible to ordinary people at all. It was the principle that the naked eye could not receive the reflected light, so Tang Yue never saw two Han Fei from beginning to end.

I saw Han Fei in the body of white mist, retreating quickly to the Queen of Life, and sneered: "Tangyue, right? If you chase it again, don't blame the Dragon King for killing you."

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