God of Fishing

Chapter 1338: Tsing Yi

This phenomenon is very strange. In this mountain range, all the mountains are lush and green, and occasionally beasts roar.

However, the mountain in front of Han Fei's eyes is located among the mountains, and the mountain is bare.

If it's just bare, it's fine, Han Fei probably guessed that there was some kind of creature or treasure that would deprive him of life in this mountain.

However, when he saw the headless female corpse, the whole person was not well.

First of all, this comprehension female corpse is really ugly. If the female siren in the siren looks like a woman, even the little murlocs are a bit human. But this female ghost, her skin was wrinkled all over, and she was very thin, so thin that some of her skin was just hanging on her body.

When the headless female corpse pulled her head out of the void, Han Fei knew that something was wrong. Sure enough, the headless female corpse stepped forward and directly stood in front of her.

In Han Fei's eyes, the message of this headless female corpse appeared magically.

【Name】Female Yun

【Introduction】Women born in some extremely hot places are born in the horrifying flames, so they die prematurely. Female Yun likes to wear Tsing Yi, but wherever she goes, the vegetation is withered, so her temperament is very strong. The female ghosts are calcined by different fires day and night. They are so strong that there are few creatures in the world that can match them.


[Enforcement] Withered Fire


[Realm] Sea Monster

[Combat Skills] Tsing Yi is fearless


[Remarks] Once the female ghost reaches the lush vegetation, she wants to be Tsing Yi.

Han Fei looked at the description of this female ghost with a dazed expression. Everything else is easy to say, it is nothing more than this female mane is a kind of drought mane, wherever it passes, a severe drought will come. But what does this female ghost like to make clothes mean?

Fortunately, this female ghost is only a 79-level creature, in the pinnacle or half-king state.

Han Fei looked up and couldn't help but said, "Didn't it mean that certain special creatures have already been cleaned up, who is this? I am not afraid of being slapped to death by others?"

The insect king and the queen of life, who heard Han Fei complain, looked strange. They said in their hearts that you still have the face to say here that we have removed ten people for you to come in.

Furthermore, there were bare hills there earlier, can't you see that the creatures just appeared?

At this moment, the Queen of Life said: "That is a half-king creature and should not appear."

Just listen to the emperor Bai Jia shouted: "Mu Wuhua, are you trying to cheat in front of me? The creature is very strong, but we didn’t notice it before. Now that creature jumps out, it involves the chance itself, it shouldn’t be based on the body. does not appear?"

Zhang Xiaotian lost to Han Fei and was forced to retreat temporarily. At that time, Emperor Bai Jia had nothing to say, after all, Zhang Xiaotian was indeed hiding his strength.

But at this moment, when Han Fei meets a half-sovereign creature, the Queen of Life is not happy anymore, and if he wants Han Fei to retire, Emperor Bai Jia is naturally not happy.


Han Fei thought, Old Turtle said: "This is a half-sage Drought Man, if nothing happens, her physique is definitely stronger than you, you are afraid you can't beat it."

Han Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "Better than me? How much better than me?"

Old tortoise: "The creatures of Droughts are extremely special. All Droughts are cultivating their bodies. After they have cultivated to a certain level, they will return to some great inheritances. At that time, their physique is even more terrifying. Under normal circumstances, it depends. You can leapfrog to the physique of the Drought Man. For example, this female man may be comparable to the Junior Venerable. But there is a half-king female man who can fight the king in flesh."

Han Fei talked at the corner of his mouth at the time: "Leap the level to challenge, look at what you said, it looks like how tall it is."

Just listen to the old tortoise angrily said: "What do you know? The physical body is extremely difficult to cultivate, so the cultivation of the drought is very difficult. The drought can appear here, indicating that there must be a strange fire or a severe drought here. Only such a place is possible. It can be used for creatures like the adopted daughter Yun."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Different fire?"

Old tortoise: "Don't worry about the strange fire, go around first, don't make enemies like these creatures."

Han Feixin said: "Old Yuan! I found that you really don't have backache when talking on your stomach. This female ghost has been staring at me for a long time. You let me go around? The land of Longwei, the short seat behind her On the mountain, how do you let me go around?"

Han Fei wondered, if he was using the Star Shifting Technique once, he might be able to get around a little distance. But this is also a half-king creature, if this female ghost is not afraid of the void, she will also get in. Fighting with yourself in the void, wouldn't it be finished in minutes?

Even if he can fight, he can't fight in the void. I don't know how to do this, but this female ghost might be.

Therefore, Han Fei put himself on the invisibility formation, the invisibility formation, and the restraint formation. Quietly changed the top of the mountain, hid for a while, and prepared to sneak into the mountain quietly.

Han Fei cautiously stepped on the bald hill and glanced at the female ghost every once in a while. When he passed the female ghost more than 2,000 meters, he let out a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, this creature's brain needs to be hit again. Going up, it means that the brain may be badly worse."

But just as Han Fei was about to cross this infiltration from half a mountainside, he suddenly saw himself a hundred meters away, and the female ghost did not know when she had been waiting there.

Han Fei was all ill at the time, and with an ugly expression, he raised his hand and waved his claws and said, "Hi!"


As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, the female ghost raised her hand and grabbed it at him. The speed was so fast that a trace of flame was worn out in the void.

"Bawang Jue!"

Han Fei wanted to regress at the time, but for some reason, he wanted to see the so-called strong and harmonious physique. The strength of this female ghost is naturally not to be underestimated.




When the golden fists collided with one blow, Han Fei was hammered out with a mouthful of blood. I only saw Han Fei's figure directly halfway through the top of the mountain, and was hammered into the halfway point of another mountain, smashing a large piece of the mountain.

Han Fei was shocked, what a terrifying force. Although I used my force a bit hurriedly, I wouldn't be hit by someone from one mountain to another, right?

Han Fei quickly lost a holy light technique to himself and repaired the bone that had just been dislocated and broken.

But suddenly, in the deep forest on the half of the mountain that I smashed, a large number of demon plants suddenly began to burn, some of them directly withered, and then burned...

In the flames, Han Fei saw the other end of the flame, where the female ghost seemed to be looking for something.

Han Fei wondered, what are you looking for? Isn't it a good fight?

I heard this female ghost growl low, holding a relatively special grass body in her hand for some time. He saw a roll of flames on the female ghost, and the bluish-green Demon Zhizhi was burned by him.

Han Fei seems to understand what it means to be a Tsing Yi? The high temperature of yours is higher than the temperature in the magma, you still make a woolen clothes! A mountain is almost burned to you, how much obsession does this have?

Han Fei discovered that the flames on the female ghosts showed a dark yellow color, a very strange color, but gradually changed to the color of flames.


The female ghost was shouting, because she had just made a set of clothes for herself, and it broke and melted in an instant, which made her very angry.

When Han Fei saw it, he felt Ling Ran, and immediately wanted to retire. He said that I would make a set of clothes and come back.

But as soon as Han Fei wanted to leave, he saw that the female ghost was relying on him and appeared 100 meters away from him.

Han Fei: "..."

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Girl, if you have something to say, we are all civilized people. Look at me, I won't run away."

Seeing that the female ghost was indifferent, Han Dun immediately said his plan. Just listen to Han Fei: "Do you really want a blue dress?"

I saw the female spouting flames, which looked very strange. She looked at Han Fei directly, as if waiting for Han Fei's next words.

Then Han Fei said, "I will make you clothes, and you will let me go? This exchange is very fair."

But when she saw the female ghost, she nodded directly. The Han Fei who was watching was a daze at the time. You said so early! I said I'll bring it here!

"Clang clang~"

I saw Han Fei staying in place, pulling out the refining table, the hammer of war, UU reading www.uukānshu.com and many special spars.

Old tortoise: "What are you doing?"

Not only the old tortoise is fascinated, but everyone who sees it is dumbfounded. What kind of operation is this? The mountain didn't break anymore, started refining?

But the point is that the female ghost is still nodding, so it's impossible for Han Fei to build a weapon for the born female ghost.

Insect King Xin said that you are so funny? Do you know that other places are fried.

On this island, many creatures are gathering and coming.

There are super big birds hovering in the air, predators crawling out of inland rivers, a large number of orcs, zergs, and even large pieces of fruit, leaping towards this mountain range.

Except for these creatures, it is impossible for the people of the three parties to notice the changes here. Therefore, at this moment, almost most of the three powerful forces on the island are rushing here.

And Han Fei quickly raised a cyan war intent and said: "Girl, how is it? Is it appropriate? If it doesn't fit, I will change the size for you?"

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