God of Fishing

Chapter 1351: This place is going to collapse

Before the strange gate, Zhang Xiaotian felt: The dragon's vitality around him has escaped more.

At this time, the whole road was filled with Long Yuan Qi.

Chong Liu Liu exclaimed: "What a powerful force, eat it!"

Inside the door.

Han Fei stuffed some energy into the refining world.

However, how can the space of the refining world compare with Dinghai Tu?

Dinghai Tuli spans tens of thousands of miles. Within the refining world, it is only ten miles in radius. In a short while, the refining world was full of all kinds of spiritual plants, filling the existing space full!

Fortunately, the little masterless souls around Han Fei no longer affect his cultivation. Ever since, Han Fei continued to practice Immortal Body.

This time, Han Fei was even more painful in his practice. He really felt that his skull was frustrated and dusted with ashes, and it hurt him to death.

However, once Han Fei stopped, there would still be a lot of Long Yuan Qi burrowing into his body. If he is not careful, he can be blown up by this dragon vitality.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "Stick to the heart of the Tao, and realize your own avenue more. The avenue is in front, how can the suffering of the flesh be enough?"

Han Fei gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and his heart said: If I could understand the true meaning of Taoism, I would have understood it long ago. Who wants to be so painful? You old tortoise, it's easy to say. I don’t believe that you easily understood Dao Xin back then...

"Apocalypse magic!"

Han Fei once again performed apocalyptic magic. It seems that every time I use it, my pain disappears a bit. This is like smoking marijuana, almost addicted.

Han Fei thought to himself: If he could walk on this road, maybe his body would not be in pain.

However, when Han Fei gave birth to this idea, he suddenly woke up: When the Avenue of Apocalypse was founded, did the creator hold this mentality and let the people of later generations follow his way, and finally become his leeks?

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei learned from the pain and determined that he could no longer use the apocalypse magic in the next time.

As for how to survive this frustrated pain? It's not as cost-effective as burning blood. Although this consumes vitality, it is still much less expensive than the apocalypse magic arts! After all, apocalyptic magic consumes vitality.


In an instant, Han Fei used the combination technique that has always been tasteless. As Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's inheritance secret technique, this combination technique has always been useless. However, at the moment of the Trinity, coupled with the effect of burning essence and blood, Han Fei's strength has become stronger, but it can also resist some painful feelings.

Han Fei: "Oh, can you control Daddy's body?"

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly remembered: Every time he merged before, he was crazy and sometimes couldn't control himself. At those moments, I don’t seem to feel any pain in my body...

In his mind, Han Fei didn't use his own soul power to force control of this body. Sure enough, Xiao Hei's consciousness suddenly filled the head of the transformed fish.


This feeling is amazing.

Han Fei seemed to have become a part of the consciousness of this body. Although he knew that the physical body was extremely painful at the moment, when he was completely in a mental state, he suddenly realized that this painful feeling really got the most. Great relief. It seems that my spirit and body have completely separated.

An hour.

Two hours.

When Han Fei was practicing "The Immortal Body", the river of blood and energy from the outside world had become chaotic.

I don't know if it's because of the collapse of space, this small world seems to have some rules collapsing. The mountains were shaking everywhere, and there were still bolides falling above the sky.

The whole world is a scene of apocalypse.

In the **** river, the blood water suddenly decreased. The blood on the river surface, as well as the clouds of mist, are reducing. On the contrary, the number of blood leprosy has increased.

Some Tianjiao who were still on the river suddenly discovered that there were more boats on this **** river. These boats seem to appear out of thin air, no one knows where they come from.

At this moment, most of Tianjiao came to the river.

In the long river of blood, these people can be described as "the eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers."

The manned ship flew away. Some people's hull was surrounded by blood leopards. In despair, they found two or three small boats appeared not far away, so they jumped and escaped.

Of course, there are also people who were infected with blood disease. After being poisoned, they held a stick of incense and their bodies began to rot.

In this apocalyptic scene, the real arrogant among the various forces was quickly selected. After all, at the juncture of life and death, a person's potential will be maximized.

The Queen of Life and others can see it straight from the outside. This is not a big island, even if it has been wiped out several times by several forces, it still greatly exceeded their expectations.

At this time, life and death are centered.

At the end of the day, facing the moment of life and death, a number of Tianjiao's various methods and various hole cards were thrown out. At this time, everyone's background is also exhausted.

Although the outside world has fallen out, before the giant gate...


This is already the eighth breakthrough sound on this road.

Yes, everyone who comes to this door today has basically made a breakthrough. Obviously, the frequency of such breakthroughs is a bit high, and Jane has reached a point where people feel shocked.

Although some people have reached the peak of Hailing or the peak of law enforcement, there is still a gap between the peak and the peak. Today, again, they still feel that they have made a small breakthrough and made their foundation more solid.

For example, Zhang Xiaotian, he just passed the Forty Nine Kings Tribulation. Originally, he should be still consolidating his own cultivation base. However, at this time, he was consuming the Qi of Long Yuan while consolidating his cultivation. In just five or six hours, he felt that his foundation was already very solid.

Nonetheless, Zhang Xiaotian's expression didn't look happy.

My own cultivation base has stabilized very quickly, but what about Han Fei? He forcibly surpassed the extreme distance of the 600th meter, so the benefits he could obtain would definitely exceed him!

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Xiaotian's heart is simply fighting between heaven and man.

Not knowing how long it took, Zhang Xiaotian suddenly felt: The amount of Long Yuan Qi around him began to slowly decrease. This made him feel shocked: Could it be that this kind of power is gone? Was it absorbed by Han Fei?

Thinking this way, Zhang Xiaotian is even more anxious! The opportunity is right in front of you, is it because you dare not take it, you have to regret it for life?

To reincarnate and rebuild, even to have the courage to rebirth, don’t even have the courage to break into a secret realm?


I saw Zhang Xiaotian stepped on the limit of 600 meters.

However, as soon as his feet fell on the ground, he just heard a "bang" sound, and he fell directly on the ground.


Zhang Xiaotian's octopus body was directly suppressed. For octopuses, their defense and unloading capabilities are extremely strong.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiaotian finally realized the pain that Han Fei had just experienced. Is this something that people can survive? This and the previous coercion are basically two kinds of coercion.

Zhang Xiaotian felt: There was a heavy mist around him, and his eyes looked into the depths of the mist unconsciously. As a result, he saw a figure, a bit like a figure in a painting.

Just a stare from the other party is not something he can bear.

At that moment, Zhang Xiaotian was shocked: Even in his previous life, he had never met such a terrifying powerhouse.

Behind Zhang Xiaotian, the group of people were also looking at Zhang Xiaotian's miserable appearance, and then thought of Han Fei's painful look before, and they were worried: I am afraid this Zhang Xiaotian is still a little worse than Han Fei.

In particular, Xia Youwei and Umbrella Qi and a few people understand in their hearts: From now on, there is one person in Shui Mutian who can't provoke him, and that is Han Fei. They all knew that Zhang Xiaotian had kept his strength secretly. However, even so, it is not what they can match.

This is already obvious: Facing the same short circuit and the same difficulty, Han Fei has passed, and Zhang Xiaotian's appearance seems to be worse than Han Fei.

At this moment, the insects were wriggling all the way forward, and they had reached more than 400 meters, close to 500 meters.

Facts have proved that as long as you insist on this path, you can still gain something. The only huge ridge is 600 meters away.

Chongliu said: "Chongxiao Chong, Lieqi, rush forward! The further you go, the more powerful this power will be. My body is getting bigger, and if I go out this time, I will surely be able to overcome the disaster.

Chong Xiao Chong: "You animal, crawling so fast? Desperate! This coercion scares people to death."

Chong Liu Liu thought of Han Fei's figure of Qi Juechen, and couldn't help saying: "Are you afraid that you don't know what is fast? Han Fei has already run away. We can't be counseled anymore."


Everyone, just now I thought anyone had broken through?

However, suddenly, everyone looked up: they saw a gap above the giant gate.


I don’t know if Zhang Xiaotian is lucky, or how? At this moment, the door cracked. This allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, he really felt that he might be crushed to death here.


However, in the place where the 95 **** rivers converge, Han Fei's eyebrows, three small vines are still devouring frantically, and the vine leaves become brighter.

However, the Qi of Long Yuan suddenly began to decrease sharply, and the Soul of No Master had been completely absorbed.

Han Fei also didn't know: To what extent has his Immortal Body cultivated?

He just felt: The skull of his mind is also shining at this moment. The spirit spring in the refining world, if not counting the spirit fruit, is not even 200 million points.

It can be seen from this: how difficult it is to cultivate on the fifth level of the immortal body!

This is just the immortal body, and it is not counted as the soul cultivation of the "Indestructible Hegemonic Body" part. If by then, Han Fei feels: He has less spiritual spring, I am afraid that he will not be qualified to practice.

In Han Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, because the dragon shadow was completely destroyed, the demon refining pot flew up from the old turtle at this moment.

This made the old turtle's heart a long sigh of relief: Nima, the turtle is scared to death!

The old turtle finally discovered: This refining demon pot is very strange! Want to take advantage of the situation and run out? This phase method should be impossible. In the future, if there is a chance, I should still have a good relationship with Han Fei. This is the safest strategy.


"Crack, click~"

Han Fei discovered: The **** cocoon around him is getting thinner and thinner. It seems that this so-called Long Yuan Qi is gone after all.

Han Fei was even a little horrified: How strong was this dragon in his lifetime? Cultivating the immortal body, devouring power, repairing the soul, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to open up the world of refining, refining the demon pot to absorb, set the sea chart storage... these add up, they can not completely eat it.

In fact, Han Fei has thought about it many times in his heart: all the places he can use to absorb energy are full. Even his immortal golden body is almost finished. The energy of this dragon yuan disappeared in an embarrassing manner.

Even so, the remaining Dragon Yuan's power has not completely disappeared, and there should be a lot of remaining.

It's just that this cocoon is no longer enough to bind oneself, and there will be no endless energy to drill into his body.

Looking at my feet, under the dragon's head, tentacles stretched out from a cloud of blood: it's not soil, fat, round, and who is it?

It's just that the soil and fat circle at this moment seems to have changed a little. Has its tentacles turned red?


Suddenly, Han Fei saw the ground cracking, and the tributaries of the **** river began to flow backwards.

Immediately, Han Fei said: No, this place is going to collapse!

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