God of Fishing

Chapter 1361: The Hunter

He said he was going to hunt the Lord, but Han Fei was not eager.

In the refining world, Han Fei's mind of the white mist suddenly surged from all directions. The million catties of Lingquan suddenly disappeared, and the old tortoise was stunned again.

The old turtle knew: Han Fei must have done something again. Such a thing is not the first time. Moreover, it must be related to this gourd.

Even the old turtle could guess: Han Fei was making an exchange with Xiao Hulu.

However, every time he saw this situation, he felt a little horrified. No matter how aura is worthless, there are still a million catties! You just use it as you say it. Is it wrong to take money? Will it be so fast with Reiki?

Han Fei didn't feel wrong at all. What he deduced was "Contemplation". This technique had too many drawbacks, and it was very uncomfortable to use it by himself.

However, this technique is indeed much better than the Thread of Nothingness.

After all, the line of nothingness is not invincible. Although there are many benefits, there are still limitations after all. For example, the intake of spirit and vitality is not too much. It is only fragmentary to be able to read out the memory of creatures.

These experiences awakened Han Fei suddenly. Only then did he remember that "Fishing in the Void" was actually just a book written by the nine kings. Although extraordinary, the king's realm is actually just to open the sea, and there are many great realms above it.

This is not to say that "Void Fishing Technique" is bad, this technique is absolutely top-notch, otherwise, there will be no strange scene of the world crying on the day when the book is completed.

However, comparing "Despiration" to the Line of Void, Han Fei found that although "Void Fishing" has a higher comprehensive effect, the single effect is not necessarily the strongest.

Han Fei even wondered: his golden body is almost complete. I wonder if he can use the seventh layer of "Void Fishing Technique" to attract thunder and help his golden body become successful?

However, this idea was just a thought, and was abandoned by Han Fei.

The "Void Fishing Technique" on the sixth floor already corresponds to the Venerable Realm. Then, the seventh layer should be able to face the upper kingdom.

The Wang Jing's exercises are hurriedly deduced in the realm of his own explorer. Even if his cards are exhausted, can he sustain it? That's all a problem. Moreover, during the deduction, there must be no small disturbances.

Han Fei shook his head quickly: he was too worried. Now, I just wanted to make a gesture with the Junior Venerable, but I thought of so many...

The reason why Han Fei wanted to play "Contemplation" was that if he had the opportunity, he could learn about the situation of the Blood Sea God Wooden City through the memory of this venerable.

After all, Blood Sea God Mu City is the most mysterious place in the sea area where Shuimu Tian is located. Thousand-year snappers, under normal circumstances, will not leave the area of ​​Blood Sea God Wood City.

However, whenever something happened to the three major forces, the Blood Sea God Wood City had never fallen.

Blood Sea God Wood City never goes to war, but they will always do one thing. That is: find ways to expand the sphere of influence.

This alone is not a delight for Baibei King City and Shui Mutian. We are fighting, you are expanding the territory... this matter, who can stand this matter?

Therefore, the Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life had also stopped fighting for a while, preparing to work together to clean the Wood City of the Blood Sea God.

As a result, in that battle, Venerable Blood Sea God Wood City fought nearly a hundred.

Within the scope of the Blood Sea God Wood City, the blood monster ancestors used the power of the Blood Sea God Tree to smash the two kings undefeated, and this brought the battle to an end.

The Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life were not stupid, and naturally knew that the recuperation of the Blood Sea God Wood City was only temporary. In the future, once the blood demon ancestors accomplish something, they will definitely take action against them.

Therefore, Baibei Wangcheng and Shuimutian generally focus on consumption and inhibit each other's development.

Every hundred years, the two sides will attack Blood Sea God Mu City at least once. Not for anything else, just to explore the strength of the blood demon ancestor.

That's all Han Fei knew.

Han Fei didn't know why he was only investigating the strength of the blood demon ancestors instead of destroying a group of strong men in the Blood Sea God Wood City.

It stands to reason that strength can be faked for a while. In case, the blood demon ancestor pretended to be invincible, but in fact went secretly into Chen Cang and secretly became the emperor, then the situation in this sea area would change again.

Moreover, without consuming the vital power of the Venerable Blood Sea God Wood City, Venerable Blood Demon will become a disaster in the future. Although there are as many king states, there are so many venerable states!

Han Fei did not understand why the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia would tolerate this question? Therefore, he wanted to find out.


After a while, the spiritual vortex suddenly stopped.

In Han Fei's mind, a message emerged:

"Soul Searching" [Extremely Supreme]

Introduction: This is a taboo technique, which violates the laws of nature, and you can forcefully peep into the spirits of others to observe it. If the opponent releases the soul, it will have no effect on the soul searched. If the other side forcibly resists, it may cause both sides to be backlashed.

Deduction: "Eye of Broken Soul"

Deduction consumption: 1 wisp of chaos

Disadvantages: If the soul searcher is stronger than the soul searcher, it is easy to backlash.

Note: If you peek through the opponent's soul, you have a certain chance to peep into the opponent's road.

This time it was deduced that the "Search for Souls" obtained at first glance was much higher than that of Soulsurgery. As expected, the old tortoise was hiding it from himself, not completely at ease with him.

However, Han Fei keenly noticed: The Venerable's magic technique deduced later turned into Chaos Qi. And now, I don’t even know what the Qi of Chaos is...

Also, there is a sentence in the remarks: "There is a certain chance to peep into the other side's road."

This stunned Han Fei: Is this soul searching technique so awesome? There is still a certain chance that you can peek through the other side's road?

This thing, if you know the other side’s Dao in advance, can you destroy the other’s Dao Yun in the future? This is such a great art, no wonder the old turtle refuses to teach himself.


Half a day later.

Ji Yue keenly grasped one person, that was Ye Long.

This person, the scene of the counterattack and killing just now, she still vividly remembers.

However, counter-attack and counter-kill are okay. If your strength suddenly increases, it's not quite right.

Ji Yue muttered to herself: "This person's overall strength has increased by nearly 20% compared to before? Has she been hiding her strength before? Why?"

Of course Ji Yue didn't know that this body was originally transformed by the Yulong King. However, the Yulong King had already seen Ye Long's memory and had already worked very hard to lower his standard of strength.

However, the supernatural arrogance and the small talent are two concepts.

Even if the Yulong King is weak in Han Fei's eyes, in fact, they are also the tenth strongest in Baibei King City, how can ordinary people compare it?

Regardless of speed, physical strength, strength, physique, spirit, etc., the Yulong King must exceed a lot. Therefore, he has tried very hard to pretend to be weak.

It was precisely because of the disguise of the Yulong King that Ji Yue was a little uncertain. Otherwise, if the Yulong King's strength suddenly increased by 50%, I was afraid that Ji Yue would immediately take him out for questioning.

"Well, I have to think about it when I go back."

Ji Yue nodded slightly. Suddenly, she felt a chill in her heart, and her heart was shocked.

There was no time to look back, and there was a mantra floating behind him, blocking him. At the moment when the curse appeared, a Hongye blade stood in the back at the same time.

After doing this, Ji Yue immediately looked back.


I saw the curse shield armor, instantly shattered, and the Hongye blade was blown away.

"The law of time?"

Ji Yue's heart shuddered: The enemy hasn't seen it yet, but he has discovered the law of time in horror.

The opponent's shot changed the time rules. Therefore, this person can kill himself in a flash. Otherwise, long before the opponent gets close, it is impossible for oneself to fail to notice it.

However, Ji Yue had just confirmed that this was the law of time, and the next second he felt the soul was pierced and it was very painful. The reason is also very simple, Han Fei also used the shocking thorn when he used the time light.


The fish skin map is in the air moments.


The beasts roared, shaking their souls.

At this moment, Han Fei's spirit power had already been restored, much higher than the peak state it had ever been. This is the terrifying part of "Void Fishing Technique", and it is also where Han Fei dared to split his soul.

At this moment, Han Fei's spirit strength is already comparable to that of an unusual half. Under the double spirit attack, even Ji Yue, as a Venerable, would inevitably be shocked and dizzy.

But it is always the Venerable, even if Ji Yue's mind is chaotic, she knows to call out a battle suit.

However, Han Fei had already held the sword in both hands and filled his whole body with aura. The aura attack that dismantled up to 60%, let the brilliance of Snow Sorrow bloom, shining half of the secret realm.

When this sword was drawn, the void turned white, and frost and snow flew over the sky.


Rao is a high-grade magic weapon, and under this sword, he was also cut into pieces.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed. In the case of a sneak attack, it was all a killer move, but he still couldn't succeed?

But seeing Han Fei's thoughts move again, endless water directly wrapped Ji Yue.


Han Fei knew: As soon as the endless water came out, the battle here would end in no time. Otherwise, it must be observed.

At the moment when Han Fei started his hand, the fist mark burst out.

I saw that Ji Yue was smashed into the bottom of the sea like a nuclear bomb, without even a chance to react.


After the first blow, Han Fei's fist imprinted again. At the same time, the law of swallowing **** huge energy. In the midst of fighting, Han Fei was already holding the embroidery needle and striving for it.

"Boom boom boom~"

Without the bodyguard of the magic weapon, Ji Yue was first blown **** by the endless water, and then forcibly received Han Fei's fist imprint at close range, and her chest was penetrated.

The blow was not finished, and another blow came again. At this moment, the Monkey King's three thousand sticks had already been swung.

The blood demon is not good at physique.

In other words, it is impossible for most people's physique to be like Han Fei, who can be golden in the Explorer realm. Therefore, this series of bombardments has already taken Ji Yue's half life.

However, the old tortoise shouted: "Remember, the Venerable Realm can be reborn from a drop of blood. Under severe injuries, don't kill, lock the void and crush it every inch."

While the old turtle was talking, Han Fei's line of nothingness tried to hold Ji Yue.

However, the next moment, Han Fei miscalculated. The soul of this person actually blocked the line of nothingness.

And at the moment when Han Fei was wrong, Ji Yue was given a chance. But seeing the curse all over her body lit up, it was about to burst.

Han Fei withdrew suddenly, holding the embroidery needle: "Kill the door."


One shot broke through the air, and a beam of light burst out from the embroidery needle of UU Reading www.uukānshu.com. The power of Dinghai Bizarre Treasure was demonstrated at this moment.


Half of Ji Yue's body was shattered, and Han Fei once again fought the stars, intending to destroy this person with another blow.

However, Han Fei has not arrived yet.

Ji Yue blew herself up just after hearing a loud bang.

The void was blown apart, and Han Fei took the opportunity to crash into the void. At the last moment, Han Fei still didn't forget to take the hook, and finally caught the Jiyue Riyueshell back.

No, as soon as I entered the void, the fish skin map was displayed, and the teleportation burst appeared. Regardless of the blood rush, Han Fei had already got in.

After Han Fei disappeared, only a breath of time, a blood tree appeared.

Sweeping the perception, there was no one. The treeman stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a mist of blood gathered. The blood mist intertwined, and it condensed into one person in a moment. Who is it if it is not Ji Yue?

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