God of Fishing

Chapter 1370: Return

Demon Sen channel.

Tranquility had just entered here, and suddenly his nerves were tense: "What a strong seal."

Han Fei glanced at Tranquility: Her aura had rapidly reduced from the Venerable Realm to the Demon Transforming Realm. It is no wonder that she will look tense. If someone shot her at this time, the consequences would be unpredictable.

However, Tranquility was only a little surprised, and he was relieved: "It's not completely suppressed. The realm is suppressed, and part of the physical power cannot be used. However, the characteristics of the Venerable are still there, and they can be reborn with a drop of blood. The physique is not weak enough to transform into a demon realm."

Han Fei also had some feelings: In addition to his own unique strength, other strengths such as Qi and blood that can strengthen the body have all disappeared.

However, Han Fei was even more calm.

If nothing happens, his current physique should be stronger than Jing'er.

For those who don't practice body training, entering this place not only loses their realm, but also loses their physical strength to two realms.

The difference between the body-refining stream and the non-body-refining stream is reflected here.

After entering here, Han Feizheng wanted to ask how to get out, and then he saw the leafless tree with only two branches still here.

Just listen to Qianshu's explanation: "Wu Ye has been here for too long, and he is so bored that he has bred a new body in his stump, leaving the stump behind."

As he said, Qian Shu's hand of the tree vine, with a random wave, the two branches broke. Qian Shu handed one of the branches to Han Feidao: "From now on, this branch alone can open the way to the demon forest in the nearby area."

Han Fei said; "Senior Thousand Trees, guard this place also need to be careful. The Sea-Monster also has a way to enter this place! Although it is in the Transformation Demon Realm, Senior Wuye has even broken several branches."

Qianshu's voice didn't rush and said: "That won't be enough. The reason why Wuye is broken off branches is because most of his power is conceiving a new body. Within a thousand years, I will not conceive a new body. So if the siren dares to commit, I won't let them succeed."

When Han Fei heard this, he was relieved immediately.

However, he changed his mind and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if they succeed! Opposite is the Cloud Sea God Tree. There are many strong people. Can you pinch them to death without just hand?"

Thousand Trees: "The Sea-Monster never wants to defile the Cloud Sea God Tree."

Quietly said: "It's nothing more than hunting a few siren, it's meaningless, there's no need to booby trap. Moreover, this is your business, not our Shui Mutian's business."

Han Fei shrugged, didn't want to say anything, and said directly: "Senior Qianshu, please send us out."

Qianshu couldn't help looking at Tranquility: "Jingshi, you too..."

Tranquility: "This matter is arranged by the Queen, no need to say more."

"Yes, quiet agent."

Qianshu should have a good understanding of the leafless tree, so he picked up a branch and bloomed with blue light in his hand. But I saw that small branch broke through the air, like a stick hitting the sky, opening a gap.

Seeing this method, Han Fei immediately moved his heart: Although Qian Shu looks very gentle and has taught for so many years of books, from the point of view of the technique, Qian Shu is more direct and violent than the tree without leaves. Of course, it is conceivable that Wuye stayed here for too long and was consumed with some vigor.

Han Fei didn't take it seriously, and glanced at Tranquility. The two "swiped" the ground and disappeared in this passage.

At the first moment of going to sea, Han Fei swept away. Because the scope is not large, there is no special situation. This place is close to the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, which looks like more than tens of thousands of miles. It is not uncommon for ordinary Krakens to hunt for treasures.

Even if it is quiet, it is impossible for the perception to extend to Ten Thousand Demon Valley at once.

However, his quiet brows condensed slightly, and he looked directly at the direction of Ten Thousand Demon Valley: "There is the aura of Venerable Kraken. In that direction, the demon aura is strong. It should be the place where the Sea-Monster gathers. You have to go. Is it gone there?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched: "Don't worry! I just came back, and everything is puzzled. If the place is still the one I know, it won't be too difficult to destroy them. So, don't worry at this moment."

Tranquility: "Okay, then! Where are we going now?"

Han Fei turned his head and said, "Go! Go that direction. There is a beautiful sea area called Pearl Harbor. The coral reefs are tens of thousands of miles away. Every day there are pearl divers picking pearls and treasures. Take you to see?"

Tranquility's eyes lit up: "Pearl plucker? Pearl, what's so good about pearl plucking?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth evokes: "When any kind of creatures are large in number, they will look different. Just take a look."


In fact, I was just passing by, by the way, walked with tranquility, and inspected again.

The two crossed the void.

At the speed of Han Fei and Jing'er, the distance of three to four hundred thousand miles, even if they walk slowly, is only a few hours. If you go quickly, you don't need an hour.


After a few hours.

When Han Fei saw Pearl Sea, he couldn't help but sigh: He is finally back.

Sure enough, no matter how good someone else's home is, it still feels best at home.

However, Han Fei saw something wrong with his perception: there are very few pearl pickers today, but there are a lot of guards around. There are more than 10 people in the law enforcement environment.

Looking at a lot of coral reefs, there are large signs of collapse, Han Fei immediately secretly said: No, something happened to Pearl Sea?

Tranquility was surprised and said: "Ah! A place like this is very peaceful. However, there are weird buildings emerging from the sea in that direction. What is that?"

Han Fei's heart moved: Is Jing'er's perception so big? From this position, it should be more than 50,000 miles away from Caizhu Port.

Han Fei: "That's one of the places where humans live. Go and take a look."

After a while.

As soon as Han Fei arrived here, he discovered that there were not many people in the Pearl Harbor.

As the main source of income for Broken Star Island, Pearl Harbor is so small that there are so few pearl collectors, but there are many guardians?

At this moment, Han Fei actually felt that there are two powerful explorers sitting in this Pearl Harbor.

In the past, Han Fei was not strong enough, so naturally he didn't know how many explorers there were in Broken Star Island?

At this moment, Han Fei's true strength has reached half, and his soul strength has surpassed the so-called peak of the explorer. So, just a little bit of perception, I found something wrong.

Just listen to quietly said: "Um... I think something happened to you here. To the east of me, the blood is so full of blood, there should be a big battle."

Han Fei's heart sank immediately: Jinger didn't mean anything else, but the direction of Broken Star Island.


No longer paying attention to the Pearl Harbor, and no longer in the mood to see the scenery, Han Fei tore the void directly and stepped in.


Broken Star Island.

At this time, the wind is surging.

At this moment, there are more than 50 battlefields, large and small, across the island. This is an all-out battle against the island, and it seems to have been fought for several days.

The fighting was fierce along the coast of Broken Star Island.

In the offshore area, countless fishing boats are suspended in the air, with explorers sitting high in the sky, and law enforcement officers commanding operations below. These people float in the air and use hook techniques to kill the enemy, and they know they are from the Anglers' Union.

In the sea a little farther away, countless hunters of the Pioneer Group concealed in the surrounding areas, ready to take action, fighting for one shot to kill.

Near the coast, almost all the guards of Broken Star Island were dispatched. Someone fights, some rest, and the cycle fights.

The patrol team around the island is very busy. In the sky above Broken Star Island, I had no longer cared about slowing down, it was all running at full speed.

In the sky, the fishing boat flew by, and only listened to a small captain roaring: "Quickly, the special mother's give me a quick help to the Hell Beach, where the scorpions exploded."

Someone intercepted in mid-air and shouted at the team, "No matter which team you are in, leave half of them to me. Giant's Causeway, urgently needs additional staff."

And the team leader shouted: "No one. Our team has already been loaned two groups of people. You can apply for it yourself at the tactical headquarters."

The man shouted: "Can't anyone be free?"

When the team leader saw this, he immediately took a breath: "Old Wu, you are most familiar with the Giant's Causeway. You have been fighting there for more than three years. Remember not to die."

In the team, a middle-aged war spirit master took a breath: "Okay, I'll go, you guys will increase your support quickly."

On Broken Star Island, the five tactical command centers have already been fried.

Because there are too many people who come to seek decisions.

Ever since, all the tactical headquarters of Broken Star Island Central City, including Central City, have been split into many groups. Even, some small battlefields directly sent people to be stationed forcibly.

For this reason, Xue Shenqi specially emphasized that if any member of the tactical command headquarters makes a major decision, it must be confirmed by the superior before it can be implemented. Once there is something difficult to solve, no matter how urgent it is, it must be reported to the central tactical headquarters.

Of course, this is only the situation on Broken Star Island.

On the coastal circle, a large number of standby troops were rushing around and were dispatched to be transported. This also shows: On Broken Star Island, it is actually not the most difficult. After all, there is a reserve force that can continue to fight.

However, when Broken Star went west, the battle situation was much more complicated in the outer waters, between 5000 and 10000 miles away from the island.

Here, on the human side alone, there are more than 2,000 submersible fishermen, over a hundred law-enforcement areas, more than 10 explorers, and they are fighting wildly.

There was more than double the number of people on the Kraken side.

The blood was surging here, the raging waves were raging, and the blood water almost infested the sea.


Someone was pierced by a harpoon with one enemy two. Seeing no hope of surviving, the long sword in his hand flew, leaning forward: "Blast!"

Song Yi is the captain of a five-man team. As a manipulator, the team now consists of only her and the Spirit Gathering Master.

The other three, Armored Armored Division, Spiritual War Division, and Hunter, have all fallen.

Not far away, at least three squads were struggling to kill, and the waves were stacked, trying to rescue them both. However, there were dozens of half-mermaids, who surrounded them without killing them and used them to fish.


A giant waterman blasted through the water, causing the viscera of a group of Spirit Gathering Masters to shatter and could no longer live.

In such a fierce battlefield, once the Spirit Gathering Master died, the fighting time of others was limited. However, there are so many sea monsters, one after another...

In desperation, a team can only rush in frantically.

Song Yi shouted angrily, UU reading www. uukanshu.com shouted: "Don't come, don't come."

But as soon as I said this, I saw the harpoon horizontally and horizontally, and the whale attacked. Poseidon swept across, and that team was instantly beheaded.

Next to Song Yi, the Spirit Gathering Master shouted: "Song Yi, blew himself up. Otherwise, we will be reduced to tools for them to trap and kill our colleagues."

Suddenly, half of the mermaid broke the water, holding two spears. Because the speed was too fast, they penetrated the two in an instant.

When the other half-mermaid saw this person, their discoloration changed: This half-mermaid has an extraordinary origin. It is said that it is the king of heaven, and its strength cannot be underestimated.

And the half-mermaid, the corner of his mouth raised: "Huh, I want to die in front of me? Let you continue to listen to the wailing voices of human beings, the human race will eventually go to extinction. My sea race is the lord of all ages in this vast ocean. ..."

Just as the half-mermaid sighed proudly while carrying the two, a voice suddenly sounded.

"The **** of all ages of fish shit? Go to Jiuyou Huangquan as the god!"


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