God of Fishing

Chapter 1375: Be careful I beat you into an iron head fish

You Lingyun couldn't believe his eyes. He had long heard that Han Fei had gone to Thousand Star City. However, it didn't take long for a gossip spread that it was the Thug Academy rebellion and killed Thousand Star City.

In this regard, You Lingyun and the others sighed for a while, and secretly prayed that Han Fei was okay.

At that time, Leng Hui said that he was going to inquire about it. However, it didn't take long for Leng Hui to die in the open sea, and he could not even bring his body back.

At this moment, Han Fei appeared quietly at this time again, like a **** descending.

Seeing You Lingyun's surprised expression, Han Fei smiled lightly: "Why, haven't seen you in a few years, don't you know him?"

"Be careful."

You Lingyun just wanted to talk, but his face changed and he quickly shouted.

"Shoo, hoo~"

I saw the life spear pierced through the air, and five red demons attacked Han Fei. They couldn't confirm Han Fei's strength, but Han Fei was able to kill the sea spirit realm powerhouse, so they had to make an all-out effort.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth curled up, without turning his head back, he flicked his hand, just listening to the continuous explosion of "bang bang bang".

The five life spears, together with the five red demon hidden underground, were blown up in an instant. Almost half of the Skeleton Coast saw this scene.

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "It's really troublesome."

Seeing Han Fei turned around, within a kilometer of his side, the sea was flowing backwards, suspended in the sky. In the blink of an eye, it became a water blade with a handle as thin as a cicada's wings.

"Shoo, hoo~"

Thousand knives spiral, flying like a dragon, massive water blades, swimming on the surface of the sea, and even plunged into the beach and the seabed.

"Puff puff puff~"

"Boom bang bang~"

How can these ordinary giant winged horseshoe crabs and king worms be able to resist the endless stream of water? Basically, it is one size fits all.

With the power of Han Fei's soul, it might be a bit difficult to control Wandao. After all, it takes a lot of brain power to walk thousands of paths.

However, this endless water has almost become a part of his body.

Therefore, this problem does not exist at the moment. With every blade, wherever it passes, there is residual energy, a thousand knives are like a stream, wind swirling clouds, corpses everywhere.

"I go……"

"This... who is this?"

The knife was like a migratory locust, and in the blink of an eye, it swept the giant horseshoe crabs and king worms within a radius of tens of miles.

After ten breaths, there was no living marine creature on the Skeleton Coast.

In the horrified eyes of tens of thousands of people, in the shock of You Lingyun, Han Fei stepped in the air, carrying Snowmourne, stepping a kilometer, and cutting out a sword mark with every step.

Ten steps and ten swords, and finally, Han Fei stepped on it, and a large gathering spirit formation appeared. Behind him, the sea flows backwards, flying in the sky, and the big wave rises more than 200 meters into the sky.

"The sea is a sword."

In the face of a strong person in the same realm, it is basically impossible to cut off a great demon seeking the pinnacle of this power. However, this is the Skeleton Coast, the coastal area of ​​Broken Star Island, and the marine creatures that can rush here are not too strong.

I saw Han Feixue’s sorrow continuously slashing, and the spirit gathering array "suddenly" rising crazily under his feet, and this horrible wave of swords spread for dozens of miles.


I just saw this huge tide, pushing it towards the sea in the opposite direction.

But in an instant, everyone on the Skeleton Coast found to their horror: This sea water has been completely enveloped by insect corpses and crab shells. The horrible sword wave was pushed to a place that was invisible to the naked eye, and it collapsed with unbearable spiritual energy.

In the meantime, almost everything that this wave passed.

With just this blow, Han Fei beheaded many creatures.

Han Fei can even madly swallow the aura contained in these creatures by refining the demon pot. It's just that, for him now, he can take in aura from the void at any time, and he doesn't want to covet these auras. After all, where the auras are all auras, you don't have to worry about getting them from ocean creatures.

Moreover, the people of Broken Star Island have fought for seven days and seven nights, and they need a lot of aura.

Han Fei, it's not enough to **** them. After all, these people cannot draw aura from the void, and can only rely on eating these marine creatures.

Waiting for Han Fei to raise his foot, within a few steps, he returned to the Skeleton Coast.

Everyone on the shore, including the guard regiment and investigation brigade that had just been replaced, all stood up.

Each of these people's eyes widened, and their hearts were shaking. Tens of thousands of us fought such a difficult battlefield.

That young man, one man and one sword, swept clean? Is this still human?


Someone sighed: "I'll drop a mother! This one, is this handsome Xue Shenqi?"

Someone was shocked and said: "Who is he, I don't know. However, he will be him in this life. He is my goal in this life."

Someone on the battlefield even sat down, blinking his eyes, and murmured: "The strong, this is the strong?"

"It's him, it's Han Fei, it's the captain of Han Fei. He was the former captain of my investigation team..."

"Huh? Lao Hu, just relax, don't talk nonsense."

A newcomer exclaimed and quickly stopped the shouting guy.

Someone dumbfounded and said: "Old Hu, are you right? You are talking about Captain Han Fei who created the non-smoke stove?"

Someone hurriedly said, "Is it Han Fei who rushed to kill the Assassin Corps twice?"

The middle-aged man who was called Lao Hu said: "It can't be wrong. At the beginning, I was just coming to the 38th team. At that time, Captain Han Fei was already at the team leader level. Now...this strength, I I can't understand it!"

Han Fei came to You Lingyun, followed by a little bit of spiritual energy, quickly poured into her body.

When it was over, Han Fei waved his hand again and saw a chain of white light suddenly descending, frantically starting to circulate among the injured people.

Anyone who has been transmitted by that white light, no matter how big or small, is recovering quickly from injuries that are visible to the naked eye.

It was the first time that Han Fei used the holy light chain.

Before, he had never had a chance to use it. Now, it really comes in handy. Who knows that the effect is so good under one use!

The chain of holy light can even transmit nearly a hundred people. Of course, the consumption is also a lot. However, Han Fei can afford it now.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Anyone who is seriously injured will gather all within ten breaths."

Under the gaze of You Lingyun and a group of dive angler commanders and members of the tactical command, the crowd quickly gathered.

I saw "swipe", the chains of the holy light fell. Just as the beach was cracked in half, in an instant, thousands of people were recovering from their injuries.

Han Fei was also helpless for the few of the most severely injured, severed hands and feet. It is said that this kind of injury can be healed after reaching the Venerable Realm.

Amidst the discussion, Han Fei frowned slightly and looked at You Lingyun: "Why are you still here?"

You Lingyun took a breath, looked at the incomparably powerful healing techniques one after another, and said to his heart: This is Han Fei, a supreme prince, and a legendary figure in Broken Star Island. Isn't it a matter of course that he can become so strong?

You Lingyun sighed slightly: "Leng Hui and I have the same purpose as Daliang, both of which are to become stronger. Let's go back to town, what are we going to do?"

Han Fei turned his eyes slightly: "Where are Leng Hui and Gu Daliang?"

You Lingyun smiled bitterly: "Leng Hui fell into the open sea, and Daliang died in a sea-mon riot battle a year ago. I thought it was my turn today. Unexpectedly...you are here."

Han Fei was deeply moved.

However, Han Fei just nodded slightly, took out a swallow seashell, and handed it over: "You are not growing slowly. You have been in battle. The foundation should not be bad. However, fighting all the time is not the way out. Cultivation requires Thinking, epiphany, understanding... Let’s rest for a few years!"

You Lingyun took the seashell swallowing seashell blankly and found that there were a lot of spiritual springs, spiritual fruits, energy fruits, combat skills, techniques... and even she saw two long swords that were full of fire.

"team leader!"

You Lingyun quickly recovered, but as soon as she looked up, she saw Han Fei had already walked a kilometer away.

Han Fei's voice fell in her ears: "I don't want the people I brought, and finally fell to no one. Okay, you can come here, go back to your own town and understand for a few years! Below is my battle."

Since Han Fei left, every time I met, it was just this short moment. You remember that when Han Fei returned from overseas, he immediately appeared on the Skeleton Coast and had a hot pot with them.

You Lingyun knew: Probably from that time, Han Fei has been completely different, and it has been flourishing.


Immediately, there were dozens of people, flying by You Lingyun's side, and quickly transmitted the voice: "Head, this is... the former Captain Han?"

"Sister Lingyun, how strong is he... on earth?"

"Didn't it mean that Han Fei has only risen for more than ten years? By now, he should not be over 30 years old! How can he become so strong?"

There is also humanity: "Sister Lingyun, Captain Han is your old captain, what good things did he give to UU reading www.uukanshu.com?"

You Lingyun glanced at Han Fei's back, and then at the sea that was far away, full of remnants, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone has it, a stick of incense to clean up the battlefield, quickly assemble the army, ready to respond. Other lines of defense."

Han Fei, who had disappeared from the eyes of everyone, slightly raised the corners of his mouth: You Lingyun is indeed the same You Lingyun, no matter what happens, the immediate thing is always the first place.

Suddenly, a voice rang in Han Fei's ear: "Who I said, one man, one sword and one sword, swept a battlefield in a few breaths. It turned out to be a rebel from the Mob Academy."

Han Fei's perception is swept away: I don't know. That person was in the city lord's mansion at this moment.

Han Fei frowned slightly: "You repeat what you just said? Anyway, I just slaughtered one, I don't mind slaughtering another one."

In the city lord's mansion, the person's expression became cold: "Han Fei, how did you escape back then?"

Han Fei curled his lips: "Which one are you from? I can't speak, so I will shut up. I will say the ugly thing again, and you will say it a third time. Be careful that I will beat you into an ironhead."

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