God of Fishing

Chapter 1383: Land of whales

"Hi! Wrong, wrong idea..."

Old tortoise; "What? What is wrong?"

Han Fei was taken aback by this thought.

However, he immediately thought: He can think of it, so it's impossible for someone at the level of the old tortoise to think of it...

So why didn't they tell themselves? Is it the old tortoise and the insect king who cherish their broomsticks and don't want to tell themselves?

If the old tortoise thinks so, it makes sense.

However, the Insect King didn't tell himself that way. It seems that I did not realize this at all. Or is it that the Insect King never thought about this problem at all?

It's just that Han Fei feels that a strong man of their level will never advance in the realm of strength for thousands of years. For hundreds of thousands of years, they had nothing to do all day, just thinking about these questions, can they not come up with it?

Without paying attention to the old tortoise, a hundred points of aura suddenly appeared in Han Fei's hand.

With the dismantling degree of 50%, the two auras after dismantling blasted out at once. As a result, in the water, a one-meter-sixth trace came out.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei bombarded out with the two auras he had dismantled 62%. As a result, Han Fei was surprised. The traces blasted in the water were only less than two inches longer.

"No, no!"

Han Fei immediately shook his head: After all, I still don't understand the power of the great avenue contained in the aura. I don't know how much power it can increase? When dismantling it by myself, how much of the power of the Great Dao was distributed? There is no concept.

Obviously there is a 12% difference in the dismantling degree, but the difference in the power that bursts out is not very big.

Could it be that the further you go, the smaller the benefits you get from dismantling the spirits?

This should be felt by most people.

Therefore, the dismantling of Reiki becomes more difficult as you go forward. Fifty percent and 80 percent are actually not very different.

Some people will just take it, but it is actually acceptable.

However, Han Fei felt that he could not. In any case, you have to know the internal mechanism and internal reasons, right? Otherwise, I am always unwilling!

There seems to be a big problem here!

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Old Yuan, you said that there is a trace of the power of the great avenue in the aura. The power of the avenue can make a little aura at most, how much stronger than the normal state?"


The old tortoise suddenly let out a horror: "Did you find it? You discovered the problem with only half a stick of incense?"

Han Fei looked dumbfounded: "Do you know what I found?"

The old tortoise was a little surprised and said: "Naturally, you discover the power contained in the aura. Because of different personal strengths and different levels of mastery, the power that can be exerted is also different. Even if there are people in the same state, the degree of dismantling the aura is different from yours It’s the same, but the power you exert is actually different."

Han Fei frowned: "So, because each person who uses Reiki is a variable in itself, after the Reiki is disassembled, the final power obtained is different?"

Old Turtle: "That's right! Actually, this shouldn't be something you need to consider. How can you suddenly realize this now?"

Han Fei really wanted to roll his eyes to the old tortoise and take a look: Does this require me to realize it? There must be a difference between shoddy fabrication and high-quality imitation! Reiki dismantling, since it is a standard to measure whether a person can be respected and whether he can become a king, I must be clear about this stuff!

Otherwise, even 50% of the dismantling, and 60% of the dismantling, the results of the explosive power are obviously wrong, and I have to use "the more difficult it is in the future, and the improvement Do you deceive yourself with such nonsense as "smaller"? Am I still a new man?

Han Fei immediately asked: "Just say you! A little aura, if you consider me as a consideration, how strong can a little aura be used in the end?"

The old turtle pondered for a moment and said, "That might scare you a bit."

Han Fei curled his lips and said: "I, Han Fei, is not scared. Let me tell you, when you were with me, what was the use rate of Reiki Dismantling? How much of my usual aura can be displayed?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "When you are in the explorer realm, you can probably display about 1.8 times your aura."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched, "Where is the Venerable Realm?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "If you are in the venerable state...heh, the peak state is about 3.6 times as high!"


"Nima, I don't read much, don't you lie to me? Are you sure, are you using aura? Is it that chaotic energy?"

Just listen to the old tortoise sneered: "Huh! Lie to you? The emperor still needs to lie to you? It is not the emperor who blows it to you, even the emperor, the emperor has never seen anyone who can play a little aura more than four times Powerful. If it wasn't for the emperor's bad luck, I'm afraid he has already proclaimed the emperor by now."

Han Feixin said: Do I believe in your evil? When people disassemble the aura, theoretically, they only get twice the aura. It's okay for you, you almost gave me a full quadruple...

Han Fei said in a bad mood: "Co-author, you can split a little aura into four auras!"

The old tortoise said with disdain: "Don't be yin and yang. At that time, you will find that the power contained in a little aura is actually beyond your imagination. When you completely disassemble a little aura into two points, you may find: The power of the great avenue contained in the aura has room for digging!"

Han Fei said with a dazed expression: "Meaning, the energy of aura is not enough to be divided into two halves. Can the power of the great path in the aura continue to tap the power?"

The old tortoise said: "So I said, why are you aware of this problem now? In the early stage of dismantling the spiritual energy, because the difference is not big, there is basically no big difference before you become respected. The source of power you are looking for is that Things that will be considered by the venerable state. You have an extremely long state where you can think about this matter."

Han Fei immediately said angrily: "You told me just now that you can increase your strength by increasing the dismantling degree. If the difference between the sages is not big, then I can increase the dismantling degree. What's the point? And, Investigate the origin of everything, that's the right way."

The old tortoise doesn’t matter; “You’ve talked about the origin. The origin is the most difficult thing to understand. Moreover, the emperor said the same thing, but the actual effect shown is not the same. Don’t grab the emperor’s language. You can. Try to understand and see, if you can use the strength of the emperor back then, the improvement will be great."

Han Fei's mouth twitched.

After talking for a long time, in fact, it's just a kind of conjecture about the dismantling of Reiki. But knowing that this is a conjecture, the dismantling itself is also a boring process, I still have to continue!

Time is too short, Han Fei is not so energetic, to disassemble the spiritual energy little by little.

He set aside three days for himself. If you can't think of a good way within three days, then go down first.

first day.

Han Fei tried to use his own Dao to infiltrate the spiritual energy, which is the Dao infiltration method that the insect king said. According to one's own thinking, the Dao is the Dao of the Heaven. Anyway, it is the Dao. What if you melt into it?

As a result, after experimenting for a day and a night, Han Fei even imagined that the aura could dismantle four times the power, but Mao did not use it. A little bit of aura, under this avenue penetration method, the usage rate is far lower than his own forging and dismantling method.

Thinking left and right, Han Fei felt: Maybe his forging technique is too low. Thinking that since I entered the cycle of reincarnation, entered the 100,000 mountains, and learned the Hundred Wars Hammer, I rarely used normal methods to refine weapons.

Therefore, Han Fei deduced "Linghuobian" by the way.

The Solution of Everything [Heaven Grade God Product]

Remarks: The method of melting all things can evolve fires. You can try to strip the origin of all things, get rid of their dross, and take their essence to make the origin of all things more pure. It can have different effects in the hands of different people.

Deduction exercise: "Dissociation Fire"

The degree of completion or how to refining the demon pot is amazing? This trick is really easy to use.

The solution of all things is changed to a higher level than the spirit fire, and at the same time the refining technique, this technique actually seems to be able to invoke the great power of the aura. In one fell swoop, Han Fei's progress reached 65 percent.

Seeing this progress, Han Fei was still stuck at 65 percent for one day.

Han Fei believes that the solution of everything is just a loud name, of course it cannot really unlock everything. So, "Dissociation Fire"

Dissociation Fire【Premium Grade Medium】

Remarks: The method of melting all things can evolve all fires. You can try to strip the origin of all things and get rid of the essence. Under the dissociation fire, the source of the material can be dissociated, and the refined crystal can be selected. It can have different effects in the hands of different people.

Deduction exercises: "Li Huo"

Degree of completion: 0/100 million

As soon as Han Fei saw this, he discovered what kind of dissociation fire, and he returned to pure refining techniques.

He can parse the material into the most essential substance. I tried it myself, and found out what dissociation fire, it can only increase the progress by one percent in a while!

For a while, Han Fei felt embarrassed: It seemed that the technique of refining was not the most critical. Mainly, it depends on the targeted effect of the refining technique. For example, the so-called Lihuo is more like a refining technique directly turning into a kind of fire.

And now, I don't have any need for flame.

In this vast water world, what else can you do with fire other than refining? If it is for refining tools, now that he has Dinghai Bizarre Treasure in his hands, there is no shortage of weapons at all.

Three days, fleeting. Han Fei's real progress is a 4% growth.

This speed of progress scared the old turtle, and said in his heart: If you continue to do this for him, in fact, you will have another month, isn't it necessary to dismantle the spiritual energy of the Venerable Realm and do it for him in advance?

In addition to this, the old tortoise discovered that every time Han Fei consumes aura, he will have a new ability.

Suddenly, the old tortoise only felt: What he found! This kid, Han Fei, is actually exchanging combat skills with Xiao Hulu?

This surprised the old tortoise. UU reading www.uukanshu.com said in his heart: What is this gourd? Can he give Han Fei this kid endlessly, can't he exchange his kungfu and combat skills?

Unfortunately, the old tortoise couldn't understand it after all.

In the past three days, Han Fei has made his progress in dismantling aura a little higher. In fact, the adaptability to the coercion of the king has also increased a lot. After all, I am not Fanmai.

When the strength surpassed two levels, the dismantling of the aura went further, and the foundation was polished to a higher level, and Han Fei slowly sank.

In fact, this green and misty layer is not deep, only a mere 100 meters.

It was this hundred meters. When Han Fei really passed through, his whole body was cracked, and his seven orifices were bleeding. Every once in a while, I would throw a holy light technique on myself.

At this moment, Han Fei's eyes widened.

He saw: Deep in the bottom of this cave, there was a huge whale with a broken body lying unexpectedly. And this big whale shocked Han Fei's heart. What's this... Is it a cloud whale?

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