God of Fishing

Chapter 1389: Immortal body

Xue Shenqi can be said to be a great official in Xinjiang. This is not the family of the Thousand Star City, or the seven major sects that can be sealed, but the real battle.

No one who can be the supreme commander is a simple character, they are all made in blood. Normal people spend only four to eight years in Broken Star Island. During this period, there is a high probability of falling.

If they did not fall, there would be many applications for these people to return to the villages and towns to teach and educate people after their term of service expires.

However, generally speaking, those who can live on Broken Star Island to seven or eight years without dying are not the pinnacle of submersible anglers, they have already enforced the law. Among them, many people have long been accustomed to life on Broken Star Island. Suddenly let them go back to the village to teach and educate people? On the contrary, I'm not used to it.

Xue Shenqi coldly reprimanded, and didn't give any face to these big families. He just listened to him saying: "You are in Thousand Star City, what position in your own family, this seat can't control. But, here comes my Broken Star Island. , You have to listen to me. If you don’t want to, then leave and don’t show up on Broken Star Island in the future, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

The commander-in-chief of a generation, the majesty has reached this point, behind the two powerhouses in the realm of explorers, their eyes are cold. Even at this moment, even if they were fighting against the Four Great Venerables, they would dare.

Yang Kun's complexion turned red. The dignified sage was actually taught by a junior, how could he stand it? But when he was about to speak, he only listened to Chu Qing's voice: "Okay, this matter is not to be disputed. The fate of the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island is very complicated, and they are all personally selected by the commander-level powerhouse. The same is true. Yes, in addition to the inheritance of location, there is also a powerful inheritance of Dinghai Bizarre Treasures. Even if it is one-to-one, Xue Shenqi is not something you can handle alone."

When Yang Kun listened, he shuddered slightly. However, he gave a cold snort and dived into the void.

In fact, Xue Shenqi never expected how to use these people. The aristocratic family, the wolf's ambition, is obvious. If you are kind to yourself, you may be bullied to death.

Xue Shenqi also snorted: "Chu Qing and Ye Kai are hiding in the void, and the other Intermediate Venerables can't come out. You two don't have to take action. Yang Kun and Sun Baisheng...you two are on the court, if there are Venerables fighting, You must take the lead and not shirk."

Xue Shenqi's expression was proud, and the corner of his mouth showed a touch of disdain. If I want to deal with you, then I will be upright and let you suppress the battle. I just ask you, do you dare not suppress?


Over the vast sea, where there are hundreds of thousands of miles, there are only less than 200,000 people in the war. In fact, it is not big at all.

Of course, no one is stupid enough to disperse people to fight. After the initial confrontation, the battlefield will be opened. Some people will be taken farther and farther.

There are different battlefields for hanging fishermen, diving fishermen, law enforcement realm, explorer realm, and venerable realm, etc., and there will also be strong people supervising the battle to prevent certain unfair events from happening.

Just like Han Fei, the Venerable's combat power entered the submerged angler battlefield. A random shot can kill a group of people. Therefore, in the previous war, the Sea-Monster was really wronged. The supervising warriors were all killed by Han Fei. Even the great demon of the Venerable Realm who was watching did not escape Han Fei's poisonous hand.

Although Han Fei broke the rules in that battle, it was enough to reflect the value of the strong. The real strong can completely rely on one person to control a battle.

This is the ninth day after Han Fei returned.

Broken Star Island has already entered the highest state of security.

At a very moment, the material war preparation group has also participated in the deployment of front-line materials. Except for the twisted jungle, the entire coastline is one post per kilometer. As long as there is a sea monster attacking the island, there will be an army mobilized.

Although Broken Star Island is small, there are nearly 2,000 miles in length and breadth. How many million people can it hold? It's just that the number of people who fight daily is around one million.

Because of the rotation mechanism and multiple organizations, the total population on Broken Star Island can reach nearly 3 million in non-war time.

At this moment, all the people participated in the war, and the four major cities were almost empty.

Tranquility watched this scene, the food in his hand was not fragrant. She found out: People in Yin and Yang days are really cruel. In this posture, does this treat humans as Zergs?

Especially in the battle of Pearl Harbor, at this moment, Tranquility saw human beings, and nearly 60,000 troops had been assembled. Among them, the number of submerged fishermen and above has reached 10,000.

If Han Fei were here, he would definitely find out: Unlike the time in the ancient battlefield, this time, Xue Shenqi even used submerged anglers who had not reached the peak.

Fifty thousand miles outside the Pearl Harbor, this is the limit that mankind can handle. After all, there are so many people, and you can't take care of it any more.

Moreover, Xue Shenqi was very sure: The reason why the Sea Monster attacked Pearl Harbor was afraid that the real target was not here.

This time, his use of soldiers was so bold, of course, because Han Fei came back with a hole card, that was Jing'er.

Of course, this level of hole cards cannot be used in ordinary circumstances. However, whether it is used or not is one thing, and whether there is it is another thing!

In the Pearl Sea, where the army confronted Xue Shenqi, it was the blue-winged leader, Blue Feather.

However, just like Xue Shenqi, Cang Lan Yu is now the strength of the Venerable Realm. After all, even the Sea-Monster King City has come out, and the strength of Ten Thousand Monster Valley at this time is not the same as before. There are more strong people, this is the greatest confidence.

Cang Lan Yu sneered, his voice was not cryptic, and everyone could hear it from all directions: "Xue Shenqi, you are bold today. Don't you worry, I ate all your people in one breath?"

Xue Shenqi's expression was stern, and the same voice was in the sky: "Anyone can say big things, but you can eat one and let me see?"

Canglan Yu's face became cold, and gritted his teeth and said: "Xue Shenqi, in that battle a few days ago, my Sea Clan Venerable fell, and the Taoist Realm and Sea Spirit Realm were completely destroyed. Don't think I didn't know that it was your method...break the rules , The strong shot, quickly suppressed, so that I can not find an excuse. Good means! Betrayed the rules at one time, killed one of our venerable, ten great sea spirits, more than four thousand sea monsters. This account, you It's not a loss, is it?"

Xue Shenqi sneered: "I don't know what you are talking about. Moreover, you are so embarrassed to mention the rules? Every time the battle begins, the sea monster army is several times more than my human race. This is what you call fairness? This is what you said. Rules? Before, I didn't care about you, but now I can't care about it."

Cang Lan Yu sneered: "My Sea-Monster, there are already many people, what can you do?"

Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "My human race, the original method is very good. Kill you and wait, what can you do?"

Both camps, whether it is a human or a siren, are wondering in their hearts.

On the side of the siren, he was full of confidence.

General Canglan Yu personally led the battle, and news that the Human Race did not abide by the rules spread everywhere. For a time, roaring loudly.


"Destroy the human race."

"If you don't follow the rules, you should slaughter."

"Human race, what about credit rules? This time, it will kill the star island."

As for the human race, they also showed no weakness.

The battlefield at the bottom was not far away.

After all, if the two armies are fighting each other, the two armies must be brought closer together. The two armies clashed, fought on the waves, roared to the sky, that was extraordinary.

Someone heard all kinds of ridicule on the side of the sea monster, and immediately shouted: "Little Yu Zizi, let your mother's fish **** fart. My human race kills the enemy, why do you fake it?"

Someone yelled: "Joke, the strength of the sea monster has never been good. My human race is strong, and it is easy to defeat you."

"Every time there is a big battle, the sea monster must be several times larger than the human race. You still have the face to speak here? If I were you, I would have committed suicide early."


Above, Venerable Siren seemed to be dissatisfied with Xue Shenqi's attitude, and he tore through the void and stepped out. Just listen to this person's cold voice: "The Terran area is thousands of miles away, and I want to enemy us and the sea clan army? Who gives you the courage?"

Xue Shenqi glanced at him faintly: "I! I am impatient when something happens, so I can jump out and refute this seat? What's the matter, Cang Lan Yu, you, the master of the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, even your own venerable Live?"

Canglan Yu's face changed slightly immediately.

This **** Xue Shenqi said that on purpose. He is instigating the relationship between himself and the king of the city.

Of course, Venerable Siren is not stupid, he can hear it naturally.

He just listened to him shouting: "The human race can't control this world, thousands of miles away. Why do you fight like this? Xue Shenqi, this time my Sea-Monster is all out, and see how you can stop it?"

Xue Shenqi snorted coldly: Are you still doing your best? I have fought more battles than you have eaten. Who is fooling you?

Xue Shenqi was too lazy to talk, and said bluntly: "Sun Baisheng, this person belongs to you. If you let this person into the arena, military law will deal with it."

Sun Baisheng, isn't he the new venerable of the Sun family? Just a year ago, I was beaten by Old Han Fat, and he didn't have a temper at all.

At this moment, he complained slightly: "Asshole, Xue Shenqi is holding fish scales as a command arrow. But in the same situation as me, do you really treat me as a soldier?"

Yang Kun sneered: "The deity doesn't like his voice. In the future, he doesn't want to come to Thousand Star City."

Just listen to Chu Qing said: "Go! After all ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now in Broken Star Island, we have more important things."


Xue Shenqi's expression moved slightly, and the void was torn apart. Sun Baisheng walked out, holding a pair of knives, and pointing at the Siren Venerable: "Your battlefield is not here. I invite you to go, or do you take the initiative to go?"

The Sea-Monster sneered: "Well, the newly advanced human being, let me try my hand."

The Venerable was taken away, and both the enemy and the enemy, the lowest level of the hanging angler and the submerged angler, had already screamed out of anger as the main force on the battlefield.

But I heard Canglan Yu said: "Twelve seek the way, each lead an army, and kill them."

Xue Shenqi's face was cold, his eyes were merciless, and he opened his mouth, shaking in the void: "Kill."


At the same time, at the bottom of the hanging waterfall, Han Fei's body suddenly shook, and the spray exploded. The violent energy in the body poured out.

"Indestructible, it's done!"

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