God of Fishing

Chapter 1406: Disarmed, homecoming (middle)

For three consecutive days, Fenglei Town's transfer field was overcrowded. In just three days, as many as 80,000 soldiers from Broken Star Island returned.

This is only back these three days.

One after another, people are returning all the time. This is not something that can be done quickly, after all, there are still people who want to stay there. Therefore, there will be a review process.

Most people, the speed of review is very fast, look at the age, physical condition, and then ask about the family situation...

If it's not necessary, just send it back.

In fact, there are seven to eighty thousand people in this area, even if they are scattered in various villages and towns, there are only 200 people in each village.

Even if it comes back seventy to eighty thousand, it is not much.

Few of those who were sent back were prepared to live a low-key life. In the villages and towns, I am a strong person, why should I live a low-key life?

They need to tell their stories to many people. Publicize the power of the Kraken to everyone, and spread the legendary stories that are often heard in the Broken Star Island Carnival Store. Of course, the most important thing is to cultivate the weak.

The reason why Han Fei wanted these people to come back was because the overall power provided by Thirty-Six Town to Broken Star Island was too weak, and most of them were made up by people from Thousand Star City.

This can't be done. Thirty-six towns really need to have the ability to train talents, and they may not necessarily be weaker than Qianxing City. Therefore, it is necessary for these strong people to return to their hometowns, and they can be cultivated casually to improve the overall strength of the teenagers in 36 towns.

In these days, all kinds of ways of returning kings have appeared in the sight of everyone.

In the town of Kaixuan, when the first group of people returned from the teleportation array, there were a total of 236 people.

Someone took the lead and said, "Everyone, remember the purpose and significance of our return. From today on, there is no unknowable place in this world. We will tell many people about the broken star island, so that these people who live in ease Remember. What the unknowable place they awe and expect to see is like..."

Someone smiled and said, "That's natural. Let's go, and report to the mayor first."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed: "Go...Go up."


I saw 56 of these 236 people suddenly spread their wings, huffed, and flew into the sky.

The 180-odd people left are tickling. They only hate that they are not submerged fishermen, otherwise, they can run rampant in the sky just like them.

Someone yelled: "A bunch of stinky people, brothers, let go of your breath and go to the mayor."

"Ha! Go..."

"I don't want my face, I'll play with you."

I saw these people walking in array, very fast. Even if one leg is broken, it will be several tens of meters without any slowness.

Behind them, everyone inside and outside the transfer hall of Triumph Town was dumbfounded.

"Wow! Angel, more than 50 angels came at once."

"My mother, what happened?"

When those more than 50 people volleyed in the sky, countless people looked silly. Could it be that something big happened in Triumph Town? Why did Angel come out without money?

A child raised his head and exclaimed, "Father, father, I saw a lot of adult dive fishermen."

A child rushed home, yelling, his father laughed and cursed: "Your father, I have never seen a few dive fishermen, can you see it?"

However, there were bursts of exclamation outside the house, and the man cursed and walked outside: "What the **** are you crying and howling in the day..."


Tianwu Town, Wushen Township.

Tianwu Town is warlike, and most of the other towns and villages are accompanied by people. The people in this town advocate personal courage and often like to fight alone.

At this moment, Qin Cang returned alone.

There was a black cloth over Qin Cang's eyes. His eyes were swept in a battle, and he could only see the world with perception.

Perhaps it was because people were blind, so although Qin Cang was a war spirit master, his spirit power was indeed extremely strong. In the same realm as a submersible fisherman, his soul power is more than twice that of others.

When Diaozhou arrived in Wushen Township, Qin Cang's heart was stirred. There is always a beautiful figure in his mind.

Back then, he was very energetic, resolutely and resolutely, rushed to the unknown, failed to stay with the girl waiting for him. Although he wanted to come back countless times, he was full of guilt.

At the beginning, it was he himself who resolutely left, leaving her alone, how faceless he would return?

But now, I have to return.

Before returning, Qin Cang's heart was agitated: I wonder if that girl is still married? In places like Wushen Township, most of them should be married, right?

Qin Cang was full of guilt for the girl.

Moreover, being a blind man himself, there is no such thing as the return of the king! Wait for some of your own affairs to be dealt with before going to talk about the mission of Broken Star Island!

Qin Cang pulled the black cloth on his eyes slightly, took the fishing boat, and quickly returned to his own courtyard.

This Qin Cang was also the arrogant generation of Wushen Township.

Therefore, his small yard is always there. However, when he arrived at the door of his house, he found that the yard had all the living facilities. There are dried sea linen clothes, large clams in the tank, many skewers of dried fish hanging in front of the house, some delicate handmade objects, and a half-polished fishing rod.

"Huh? Someone lives?"

Qin Cang couldn't help frowning. If I haven't returned for a few years, who would dare to lose his yard?

However, he felt it, and immediately found that there were women's clothes in the room.

"Hey! Who are you looking for?"

Beside, a fat middle-aged woman said something vigilantly, still holding an iron rod in her hand. Because Qin Cang was so tall and he was still covered with black cloth, he really didn't look like a good person.

Moreover, Qin Cang's blood is so heavy that it makes people think that he is a great evil person.

Qin Cang turned his head and smiled slightly: "Aunt Qing, it's me..."

The fat woman could still call her own name as soon as she saw this person, and this name... Another look at Qin Cang's face, although it was hidden by the black cloth, it was still familiar.

"Ah! Are you... Qin Cang?"

Qin Cang nodded slightly: "It's me, I'm back."

The fat woman exclaimed again and again: "Xiao Cang, have you been gone for eight years? Why are you back now? Oh, what's wrong with your eyes..."

Seeing the fat woman talk for a while, Qin Cang couldn't help saying: "Aunt Qing, my house..."

Just heard the fat woman say: "Oh, Jin'er has always lived here! Jin'er is watching the house for you. After waiting for you for eight years, how many excellent boys have been pushed away? Hey? Qin Cang, this time, you absolutely can't live up to Jin'er! Otherwise, even though your Aunt Qing can't beat you, you will still be slapped!"

Qin Cang's body trembled: "What? It's her...where is she?"

The fat woman said, "The girl's house! The injury was not light back then. Although I was still strong, I also brought a small business with me when I was fishing! Just on the east side of the airport, Jin'er rented one. Shop, make some small jewelry or something..."


Wushen Township, the east area is away from the airport.

Several Poppies are making provocations, one of them with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek is leading three or two Poppies, blocking the entrance of a small shop.

The headed short and thin green laughed, and said with his hands: "Lin Jin, you just follow! Xiaolei's family is the best? The second young master of Xiaolei's family, that talent is also first-class. One. You got married, that day was so beautiful!"


The girl called Lin Jin was thin and pale, but her face was still beautiful. At this moment, she glared at the short and thin young man: "Get out!"

Seeing that his hand had just been slapped off, the short and thin man suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Lin Jin's ass. Lin Jin was so angry that he drew out the long knife on the table and slashed it: "Dare to do it again. I killed you."

The poppy laughed: "Lin Jin, kill me, can you wait until your brother Cang? Are you afraid of being exiled?"

The short and thin man laughed and said, "Lin Jin, if you want me to wait and stop harassing you, then you will marry! It really doesn't work, I can do it if you are a brother!"


As the few poppies laughed, they grabbed a box of jewelry and sneered: "Fine, forget it today, tomorrow I will come again!"

"lay down."

The short and thin man was holding the jewelry box and was about to leave, when he suddenly saw a young brawny man with a black cloth covering his eyes, stopping at the door of the shop.

The short and thin man cursed and said, "Where is the blind man? Go to the black master, or I will kill you kid."


The silver light suddenly appeared, and when the cold light swept away, I saw an arm flying up. The box of jewelry, at some point in time, had already appeared in the blind man's hand.


The short and thin man fell directly to the ground and rolled, and several Popi's expressions changed drastically, and they shouted angrily: "Damn, do you know who you killed? This is the black master of Xiaolei's family, you are finished."

The short and thin man roared wildly, "Don't let him go, chop this guy out for me."


The silver light reappeared, and the other arm of the short and thin man was gone for some time.

Qin Cang's voice was indifferent, his body was bloody, and his long knife pointed at Spike: "You, go tell Xiaolei's family, if a stick of incense is not available. From today, there will be no Xiaolei's in Wushen Township."

That Poppy crawled around and ran away frantically. And outside this small shop, there are already crowded.

"Cang...Cang brother?"

Lin Jin already knew who came from the moment Qin Cang appeared. At this moment, covering his mouth, two lines of tears rolled down.

Qin Cang looked at Lin Jin, and after a long time, he said, "Sorry, I...I'm late."

At this moment, a group of law enforcement officers from the airport rushed over, shouting: "Where is it? Where is the mob?"

Someone ran into him abruptly, and angrily said: "Thief, commit the crime in public, who gave you the courage..."


Those people just ran within 10 meters of Qin Cang's side, and they all fell to the ground, spraying blood, shaking like dried shrimps, unable to speak a word.

Qin Cang ignored these people, but walked forward and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Lin Jin's eyes.

Suddenly, Lin Jin threw himself into Qin Cang's arms and cried loudly: "Why did you come back? Where have you been all these years? Do you know that I am waiting for you so hard..."

Qin Cang hugged Lin Jin and his voice trembled: "I'm back, I won't go. In this life, I, Qin Cang, will never leave you alone and leave. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Among the onlookers, many people sighed: "Qin Cang? This seems to be the arrogant one!"

"Huh! Why are you blind?"

"Is blind so powerful? This child's talent is still good."

"What's so great? Eighty percent came back because they couldn't hang around outside."

After a while, he heard someone from afar and shouted wildly: "Which thief, dare to move people from my Xiaolei family?"

I saw an armored division, leading two junior anglers to rampage. Without saying anything, the people rushed into the store without even looking at the law enforcement team members lying on the ground.

Qin Cang gently stroked Lin Jin's hair, and said lightly, "Only one fisherman came here? Ha, from today, there will be no Xiaolei's house in Wushen Township."

Suddenly, only hearing thunder from Qin Cang's mouth, many people onlookers were frightened to the ground: "I am an unknowable land, the pioneer group, the deputy commander of the 76th group, and Qin Cang is also the leader of the village of Valkyrie, Xiao Lei Patriarch, come and see."

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