God of Fishing

Chapter 1423: Luochahai

The big snail was shot to pieces by Han Fei.

Seeing Han Fei stretched out his hand, a blood drop with a gurgling sound appeared in front of Han Fei.

Han Fei frowned, this drop of blood was dark green, very different from normal red blood. It not only has a refreshing fragrance, but there is also a roaring sound in the blood drops, like the sound of a heartbeat, which is instantly recognizable.

When Han Fei caught the drop of blood, the dark green blood still wanted to stain Han Fei's skin. But, because he knew it was blood of corruption, of course Han Fei would not let it succeed.

Han Fei stretched out his hand to grab, grabbed a cloud of water vapor, and wrapped the drop of blood.

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, do you recognize what this is?"

The old tortoise said silently: "Is it omnipotent for you to be the emperor? The emperor is not a god. This is just a drop of dark green blood. In the vast sea, the blood color is this color, even if there is no one hundred thousand. It's 80,000, where is the emperor going to guess?...Huh? Wait..."

The old tortoise had just finished grumbling, and suddenly said: "Something is wrong. This drop of blood contains a surging blood! Such a surging blood is simply a tonic for the little sea monsters in the transformation of the monster realm. Their strength is not increased. strange."

Han Fei said leisurely: "So what?"

The old turtle thought to himself: "To achieve this effect, at least the blood of a half-exalable great demon can have this kind of blood energy."

Han Fei said leisurely again: "However, in Ten Thousand Monster Valley, 50,000 Sea-Monster half-merfolk have been created. Here, as far as I perceive, the number of half-merfolk is over a thousand. The number of this large snail is even more than There are more people."

The old tortoise was stunned at the time, and after a while, he said, "You can hunt a conch at will and take a look?"

When Han Fei thought, the hook appeared in his hand and threw it casually. The hook was like an arrow, piercing the void, and immediately caught a large snail ten miles away.


Doesn't this big snail know what's going on? I felt like I was held by someone instantly. Then, there is no more.

At the moment this big snail appeared, Han Fei had already slapped it, and had already slapped it into scum.

I don't know when it started. When Han Fei looked at these creatures again, he suddenly felt like looking down at the ants. Han Fei feels that he only needs to move his mind to live if he wants them to live, or die if he wants them to die.

But just killing two big snails casually, Han Fei didn't take it seriously. The eyes of him and the old tortoise were all attracted by the same drop of dark green blood.

When he saw this drop of blood, Han Fei said, "It seems that I haven't run away, every one has it."

The old tortoise paused and said, "Just try to catch it? Catch further."

"Shoo, hoo~"

Han Fei's fishing hook was thrown for hundreds of miles, a thousand miles, or even 3000 miles away, and he caught a large sea snail back.

But for a moment, Han Fei had 6 drops of dark green blood essence in his hands. Among them, the big snail in the sea spirit realm, the blood qi contained in the blood essence, is much richer than the blood qi contained in the other drops.

Until this moment, the old tortoise said leisurely: "You seem to be in serious trouble."

Han Fei said lightly: "These blood beads should all come from the same person. And this sea monster secret realm is enough for hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to hunt and grow. This also means: such blood essence may be as many as millions of."

Old Wugui hummed: "Under the king, it is absolutely impossible to do this level, unless it is the evil cultivation that specializes in this way. It is like the blood pool you saw last time, the evil cultivation of the blood sea **** Mucheng... …These people are actually all the same."

Han Fei squinted his eyes, "Xie Xiu?"

Old Tortoise: "The emperor can almost confirm that all the big snails here are used by a certain evil cultivator to draw some power! Although these big snails are still alive, they will not live long. No matter whether there are these sea monsters, Their life span is definitely not more than a hundred years..."

Han Fei took a breath and said, "Did anyone eat it?"

The old tortoise sneered: "This kind of blood is a life-threatening thing. It may stimulate potential for a while and make people stronger. But those... are all at the cost of their own potential and longevity. This kind of reckless mining and Using one's own potential will inevitably lead to a drastic reduction in life expectancy. The faster you practice, the faster you will fall."


Han Fei suddenly said: "How can the king take back some of the power of these people? Even if this blood is not a good thing, but millions of them, he can eat the king?"

The old tortoise solemnly said: "Just say you underestimate the king? The queen of life breeds a drop of the fountain of life within a few years at most. But a drop of the fountain of life can even increase the life of the venerable for decades. Taking it for explorers can at least increase the lifespan of a hundred years. What about the explorers, it is easy to increase life for a hundred years. What do you think?"


Han Fei took a breath: Nima, it seems a bit interesting to explain this way. Suppose, this so-called holy realm was operated for many years. So, for the king, it only took a while to create such a secret realm.

The old tortoise continued: "As for what you said, how to take back this power? There are many ways. For example, at the beginning, the fish asked about the exercises given to you. By offering sacrifices, you can ignore the spatial distance. Also, if this sorcery is the king’s great power... then he can retrieve these powers. The so-called ban is generally unable to seal the great power. Unless this power is deliberately sealed. However, Can you seal one or two places, can you seal thousands of places?"

Han Fei twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "According to what you said, isn't the vastness of this king's supernatural power a bit too much? Are the kings of the world so strong?"

The old tortoise said with disdain: "Then what do you think? Under the king, all are ants. Only when you enter the king realm, you can know what is truly powerful...at least, in your barren land, the king realm is still extremely powerful ."

Hearing what the old tortoise meant, Han Fei pondered: Old tortoise, it seems that he still looks down on Wang Jing. But under the king, the words of extremely ants are like the picture Luo Xiaobai experienced in the ideal palace.

Han Fei had long learned from the information: This is the blood of the king's corruption. The reason why I want to chat with the old tortoise is actually to understand, to see if this king has any purpose?

At this moment, Han Fei had some thoughts: The Sea-Monster King City might not be here yet. If he can get by, he won't be able to attack his million siren!

If he really came, he would come early in the morning. With this evil cultivation technique, hundreds of millions of people will suffer!

At this moment, the so-called opening of the Holy Realm only requires him to consume some power. What is the purpose of these forces? Han Fei didn’t know, but it was nothing more than several possibilities:

The first type: He wants to come, but he can't make it by himself. Therefore, a medium is needed, and some Krakens need to be sacrificed. While sacrificing the Kraken, he can still increase his power, and maybe he can kill the human race smoothly.

The second type: He needs strength to support his breakthrough at the critical moment of his cultivation.

Perhaps, there is a third, fourth...

However, Han Fei was only interested in whether he could come over, no matter how many. Once this kind of evil king comes over, it will destroy all creatures!


Just as Han Fei and the old turtle were chattering, when they were thinking about the problem, they suddenly discovered something was wrong: there were at least seven Sea-Monster Realms and two Sea Spirit Realms in the surrounding area, coming in their direction.

Han Fei frowned slightly: What does this mean? With these little shrimps, can you find yourself? If it wasn't for discovering themselves, then they had sensed this corrosive blood.

After all, Han Fei had a small cloud of corrosive blood in his hands. For these Krakens who desperately want to improve their strength, they are definitely a treasure.

However, in Han Fei's perception, there are actually not many sea monsters around. Many people did not hide the traces of the battle. Because there are too many three-layer demon snails here, there is no need to cover them.

However, only a mere nine people were attracted to it. Could it be possible that none of the other Krakens were found?

Han Fei immediately noticed the problem: the power of these nine sea monsters, relatively speaking, was the strongest among the surrounding sea monsters. They are all sea monsters who are about to break through, but are not ready to go out.

About half a stick of incense, first of all, three junior sea-monster half-mermaid rushed over.

Han Fei was still the body of the black mist, and did not use his real body.

When these three people came over, they couldn't help being stunned when they saw a cloud of blood floating in the sea.

Some people were surprised: "Why no one?"

Someone suddenly warned: "Could it be bait? Since this person can lay down such a large mass of blood, it is impossible to just leave it so casually."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them immediately became vigilant, and even merged with companion spirits.

When it was repeatedly determined that there was no danger here, the three came together to Han Fei, who had been waiting for a long time.


With a buckle on the Thread of Nothingness, all three of them were hit, almost all of them were dead.

Han Fei was controlling the spirits of the three people, and suddenly felt powerful, and even tried to follow the line of nothingness to penetrate into his spirits.

"Boom bang bang!"

Han Fei frowned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With a thought, he controlled the internal explosion of the three people.

Withdrawing the Line of Nothingness, Han Fei grabbed a total of 5 drops of Corrosive Blood from the three people.

"Huh! Want to pollute my head? You are the first one."

There were only two people in the second wave, one of which was a primary Sea Spirit Realm and the other was an intermediate Sea Monster Realm.

This time, they didn't even see the drops of corrosive blood that Han Fei had controlled, so they were killed on the spot by Han Fei.

The same as the last time, the blood of corrosion was intended to pollute Han Fei.

However, the end is obvious.

When Han Fei accumulated a small group of corrosive blood in his hands, suddenly, in his perception, more than 100 people rushed towards him.

Han Fei frowned slightly: Is it because the corrosive blood in his hand has increased, so more people are sensed?

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