God of Fishing

Chapter 1426: Hard Shake King


With Han Fei's full force, under the impact of such a high speed, although a punch failed to break the ban, it also smashed the entire ban.

Above the ban, there are all fine cracks.

But even in this state, Han Fei did not have Gemini. After all, once one's twins become one, if they are picked up by others, who will cry with them?

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Boom!"

Suddenly the endless water exploded.

The power of terror swept the entire ban. Outside of the ban, the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, stretching for thousands of miles, and the seabed is directly sunken for dozens of meters.


Like the sound of glass shattering, this dark green ban was directly blown through by Han Fei.


The Hei Shaluo Wang gave a horrified cry, as if he hadn't expected: How could his ban be broken so easily? Although this ban was not placed by myself, this ban is also my own power. How can it be broken so easily?

What's more, what made the Black Brake Snail King a little speechless was: Han Fei didn't rely on some magical technique to blast his ban, but used pure power!

What kind of physique can possess such terrifying power?

Hei Shaluo Wang thought: If speaking of pure power, the strength of the person in front of him has at least reached the high-ranking state.

This is a totally unreasonable thing!

Even though there are gaps in the same realm in one path of practice, how can one cross such a big realm?

Heichaluowang's heart was shaking, and he yelled, "You are walking on the road of becoming a king of flesh?"

Han Fei has no time to pay attention to the Black Shalu King at this moment. No matter how you say it, this is all a king, even if it is just a projection, it has the strength of the Intermediate Venerable Realm.

Moreover, this Intermediate Venerable is different from other Intermediate Venerables. His deity is a king!

It's like Han Fei lowered his realm to the sea spirit realm. Although he is a good sea spirit realm, he has seen the scenery of the explorer realm and knows the ability of the explorer realm. This kind of insight is the greatest gap between the enemy and ourselves!

Even if Han Fei can try a battle, there is really no need to fight this battle. What's the point of killing yourself? What you do is your own fate, and what people use is projection. I really want to fight with others in a naive way, it's quite uneconomical.

Just now, the Black Chaluo King himself said that this is a secret realm he created. It can be said that the millions of snails here are all his energy. Everything here can be used by this Black Chaluo King.

When the old tortoise said that the surrounding large snails fell in batches, and when Han Fei saw the corrosive blood swarming, he knew: all this is true.

They are not only high-level and strong, but they also have inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy and evil spirits.

This, as long as a person is changed, even if that person is a high-level venerable, and is higher than the strength of the Black Shaluo King Projection, it is impossible to escape from this world.


Han Fei ran, trying to absorb the energy around him by swallowing.

As a result, of course it can't be absorbed!

The projection of the Black Brake Snail King came, and Han Fei's perception ability was directly reduced from 8000 miles to a distance that could only be controlled by vision.

Fortunately, Han Fei still knew where he came from, and the body of the white mist knew where to go.

However, at this moment, the speed of the Black Chaluo King chasing him is not slow at all. He is a middle-ranked venerable with the Eight Classics, and he is also a projection of a king-level powerhouse. If the speed is slow, it would be nothing.

Of course, chasing after him, Heichaluo Wang himself was dumbfounded: What is it? Is there such a fast speed in the pinnacle explorer realm? This person's speed is so fast that he ran into reality. This is a speed field that the king can master. How did he do this talented explorer?

Just listen to the King Black Shalu: "In the world of this king, your Cao family swallowing technique is useless. Everything here is created by the king. Dedicating your body to this king, this king can forgive You are dead."


The body of the twins immediately escaped in two ways.

The body of the white mist cursed: "What are you? A king who can't come out, with a ray of projection, also tried to convince this seat?"

In an instant, the twins had already parted ways, and they just got up and walked blindly, and didn't go in the direction of the exit.

"Incarnate outside?"

The Black Chaluo King sneered: "Well, it turned out to be just a combat skill. In the holy realm of this seat, if you have a thousand clones, what can you do? Do you think this king can't?"


When Han Fei passed by some big snails, these big snails fell inexplicably, and he clearly felt that there was vitality, soul body, corroding blood, and there seemed to be some special power. These forces were rapidly merging, and a new black brake snail king was born.

Han Fei bared his teeth: This is a bit too much! At this speed, doesn't he want a few clones of the Black Brake Conch King?

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "The emperor thinks that you can fight. You have a lot of resources. When you fight a war of attrition, once it is consumed too much, the space he created will collapse."

Han Fei still didn't stop: "I know. From the power he showed, I know. However, those are all the resources I have worked so hard to obtain, so why are they consumed here?"

What Han Fei was really afraid of was not the strength of the Black Shaluo King, but the abilities possessed by his king realm. Moreover, fighting this battle, in his opinion, is not worth it. Therefore, if possible, Han Fei is not willing to fight.

But shortly after the old turtle finished his proposal, Han Fei saw two dark green barriers blocking his way.

More than that, in front of the two barriers, there are actually two projections of the Black Brake Snail King.

"Fuck, isn't it? Four projections?"

Old Tortoise: "It's not a projection, it's him who is extracting the power of those monsters. Using their power and the blood spirits they planted, the clones created... Each clone needs a lot of vitality, energy, monster energy, and nothingness. The Lord’s Soul provides it. But how do you say it? At least, in a short time, you really can’t escape."

Han Fei was black. The appearance of the four Black Bras Snail Kings is a determination to kill oneself!

But where is Han Fei willing to take it? How can I be reconciled when I endured thousands of disasters and died in the hands of a mere projection?

"Lao Tzu hates projection. You kings always feel that you are aloof and treat others as ants. You think that a projection can control the battle? Today, Lao Tzu will meet you as the king."


Han Fei made a bold move. The body of the white mist suddenly pulled out the sorrow of snow, and for a while, all the places it passed were condensed.

The body of the white mist is extremely cold, coupled with the sorrow of the snow, that ice-cold power goes further. A hundred miles away, with a sword drawn, the silver light shines.

But the Heisha Snail King directly hit Han Fei with a carapace. At the same time, Wan times gravity poured down the sword light and split it out.

Han Fei got directly into the rock pit under the sea.

The other avatar of Heisha Snail King behind him had already been killed, and he saw its spiral shell turning at high speed, six layers up and down, with a thousand-zhang knife shadow, as if the sea water had been divided, and he blatantly killed Han Fei.

"Law is forbidden here."

Under the urging of Taoism, the shadow of Heishaluowang's thousand-zhang rotating knife suddenly became more than 30 zhang, and it shrank dozens of times.

But even so, that horrible sword light swept in front of Han Fei.

Han Fei had already thought about it at the time: once he loses and his body is broken, he will atomize, and then the twins will become one.


"Ding... Click!"

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Two different voices sounded at the same time. On one side was the black brake snail king carapace that had been smashed by Han Fei, and with a full-strength sword by Snowmourne, it directly opened up dense cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the force of ice cold directly froze him into a big ice tuft.

The dignified king clone was smashed to the bottom of the sea by Han Fei's sword. Just hearing a "bang", the ripples vibrated, and the explosive force swept away for thousands of miles.

Among other things, within five hundred miles, all vitality was cut off and everything was crushed into slag.

On the other side, Han Fei was hit by the Black Chaluo King. Six rounds of extremely sharp knife wheels feel like they can cut seawater into pieces. As a result, it cut on Han Fei's body and got stuck directly.

It seemed that Han Fei had been segmented, and his flesh and blood had been cut apart, but he could not cut it off after all.


Han Fei was cut out hundreds of miles like a nuclear bomb, and his body rolled on the bottom of the sea.

Han Feixin said: It's too uncomfortable to roll like this! As a result, the body of the white mist turned into a big ball. Han Fei turned into a rolling white ball, and at a terrifying speed, he slammed into the avatar of the frozen Black Chaluo King.

The Black Brake Snail King was dumbfounded at the time: Even if his avenue was broken, how could his pure rotation power be blocked by a peak explorer?

Heisha Luowang felt very inexplicable: "The golden body is great, you have already practiced the immortal golden body?"

Han Fei smiled: "Well! Don't tell me, I almost forgot about this. No matter, since you found out, let's fight against the young master for three thousand rounds."

Han Fei knocked the frozen Heisha Conch King into flight, and the latter thrust his conch armor against him.

"Boom", UU read www.uukanshu. Both of them flew out.

However, when the ice cube shattered, Han Fei saw that the carapace of the Black Brake Snail King was being repaired. In all directions, a large amount of dark green corrosive blood is gathering.

Heishaluowang's voice was dull and disdainful: "Human, your talent is the only thing this king has seen in his life. But even so, in this king's world, what can you do?"

"Your sister!"

He saw the body of Bai Wu transform, and Han Fei grew two heads on his neck, followed by four more arms.

"Boom bang bang~"

Anyway, the fog body can be transformed at will, with three heads and six arms thrown out, and the invincible fist marks against the two kings clones, which is a painful beating.

The energy of horror, do not rush out of money. In this so-called Sea-Monster Holy Realm, after encountering such a battle, no one knew how many creatures were killed.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Come on, I want to see, how many conch are you going to sacrifice to maintain the consumption of your four clones?"

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