God of Fishing

Chapter 1450: This avenue is so easy to use

Hei Sha Luo Wang turned his hands, and he could reach ten thousand times of gravity. Despite this, Han Fei was not afraid.

In terms of gravity, what is terrifying is not just weight, but its irregular changes. Even if you can withstand the ultra-high-pressure gravity, if this gravity is variable, then your behavior will be inaccurate, which is the most deadly.

And this kind of directional pressure is the least fatal.

Therefore, even if Han Fei estimated that at the end, he was afraid that he would have to bear nearly 130,000 times the gravity, there was no panic.

He even said that Han Fei not only didn't panic, he also had a little surprise and inexplicable surprise.

Although I don't feel much about my golden body, in fact, letting an individual hug it, it may not be able to hold it.

It can be said that Han Fei has subtle power to control it between daily walking and riding. Only in this way can one appear to be no different from ordinary people.

That is to say: At this point, Han Fei is cultivating as he walks, he is also cultivating while sitting, and he is cultivating even while sleeping. If you don't practice, lie down on the bed and make sure that the bed collapses.

In other words, isn't this also the trouble for practitioners?

At this moment, step on the bridge.


Two floors.

Three floors.


Until the eighth floor, Han Fei felt his legs trembling. After all, I am heavier now!

Fortunately, he has cultivated a golden body, and his spiritual veins are beyond. Therefore, Han Fei just stabilized his figure and stopped completely.

As Han Fei stepped down every step, he could see: There were three roads ahead, but they were all blurred. It seems that only after getting off the stone bridge can you see clearly.

This time, it was successful.

When Han Fei walked off the jasper stone bridge, suddenly, it wasn't his eyes that brightened, but the spirits in his mind.

It seems that in the dark, there is power being transmitted to myself and telling myself: The path in front of my eyes can change at any time, and it does not stipulate which path I want to take. But these three roads can be taken, and there are even other roads, which can be changed...


Han Fei took a breath of air at the time: Nima, from beginning to end, everyone's answer to himself is to take a road and make a road. The avenue attracts each other. If you walk on the avenue of others, you may be cut by others.

But now it's alright, can I switch my road?

Doesn't that mean: If someone wants to cut their own leeks, just change their way?

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei was agitated at the time. They all say that there are tens of thousands of avenues, only one. But can I get out of three? ……what! and many more……

Han Fei Mingwu's things are Tianqi Avenue on the left and Wudi Road on the right.

However, it seems that these two paths can be replaced. In other words, you can also switch. In Han Fei's mind, a terrible and weird idea once again emerged.

I seem to be able to copy the avenue of others through this way?


Han Fei looked towards Tianqi Avenue with a clear mind. But seeing the holy light on that road, it faded directly and turned into a flat ground covered by invisible power.

"The Gravity Way of the Black Chaluo King?"

Han Fei feels: Just one stop on this road by yourself, you can use this gravity avenue.

However, Han Fei changed it back. When the holy light reappeared, Han Fei was relieved.

Gravity Avenue is not comparable to Tianqi Avenue.

With this path, as long as it is not crushed into slag, even if the Venerable Ordinary has no chance of resurrection, he should be able to save it!

Of course, this is just how Han Fei feels now. After all, Tianqi Avenue is just a avenue. In this world, there is no absolutely invincible road. Even if there is, it should be one's own invincible road, not some apocalyptic road.

As for the invincible road on the right?

Han Fei pondered: This is the road he must take. After all, this road is too strong. The reason why I have always been able to defeat the strong with the weak and sweep the invincible in the same realm is relying on the invincible road.

As far as Han Fei's current situation is concerned, Han Fei can actually use the power of Tianqi Avenue and Invincible Road. However, what Han Fei uses now is the most basic, without going deep. Want to go deeper? I'm afraid that I have to completely follow these two paths.

In the end, Han Fei put all his attention on the middle road.

Before, every time he came to this bridge, Han Fei would see: On this road in the middle, there is a exactly the same himself.

Now, when Han Fei had walked down, he found out: This exact same self has disappeared?

The two roads on the left and right have not changed. Why has this road changed in the middle of independence? In Han Fei's mind, a rather absurd understanding suddenly appeared.

Over the years, Han Fei has always thought: He can make things out of nothing, that is the power of fantasy, and imagine that he has a certain power.

However, at this moment, when Han Fei suddenly turned around, there was a scene that made him a little creepy.

He found: On the Jade Stone Bridge, there is a self, walking under the bridge.

Han Fei's eyelids jumped wildly: What kind of weird road is this? Is the self on the bridge the self or the self under the bridge?

So, every time I look from the bridge to the bridge, I can see myself? As everyone knows, when I look from under the bridge to the bridge, I can always see myself...


Han Fei swallowed: This matter is a bit weird, so weird that Han Fei wonders if he is himself?

Feeling a sudden cardiac arrest for three to five breaths, Han Fei was suddenly excited: "No, no, I see myself from the bridge without feelings, just like a robot, it's impossible to be like me."

Han Fei also stuck out his tongue and twisted his hips at the self on the bridge, and almost did a three-hundred-sixty-degree maneuver.

As if feeling that he was a mentally handicapped, Han Fei stopped then, turned his head, looked at the road in the middle again, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Just now, I scared myself. In fact, there are no two selves at all. Why can I see the other self on and under the bridge?

This is not incomprehensible: perhaps, it is because I am walking towards a self who has gone through different possibilities. It can also be said that I am heading towards my future self.

There is a gap of seven or eight steps between these two selves. Therefore, there is a variable in the middle, a variable that may influence the road.

Among the eight steps, oneself may walk any avenue, which also gives oneself a million possibilities. Then, according to this kind of reasoning, he can walk countless roads.


Han Fei's chest was up and down, and after breathing for dozens of breaths, he gradually calmed down.

The temptation is too great, I can't bear it!

Originally, Han Fei felt that the three avenues were already great. The other two can also be exchanged, so that you can use many avenues.

"Huh? No, no..."

"If the road in the middle may be all avenues, then its existence and the two avenues on the left and right, actually have some overlap."

Han Fei furrowed his brows and was thinking, clearing his thoughts again.

"First of all, the road in the middle is my real road. There is no doubt about this. The roads on the left and right can be changed, but not in the middle."

"Secondly, with the power of three avenues at the same time, then the road in the middle must be different from the left and right. It needs to be stronger than the roads on the left and right."

"Better than Invincible Road...? Either a secret method, or the future self.

This is in line with the characteristics of this road. Oneself can steal a certain amount of power randomly in the unpredictable future. However, this power has limits, where is the limit? "

Soon, Han Fei was no longer confused.

After all, the Jasper Stone Bridge has passed. Now, these three avenues should be usable by myself. It's just that the middle one is particularly special, and you need to find the limit of this power.

Immediately, Han Fei's thoughts moved, and he wanted to empower himself in the Venerable Realm.

This is a terrifying force that has crossed the realm...

When Han Fei's thoughts appeared, Han Fei felt the weight of his shoulders, and he suddenly became heavier.

Originally, there was only about 130,000 kilograms of gravity, but now it feels that the sudden increase may more than triple. At that time, Han Fei was staggered.

However, Han Fei managed to hold on to this power.

But, taking a closer look again, where is he still on the jade stone bridge? The scene in the avenue disappeared without a trace, and he was standing in the handsome mansion, feeling that he had expanded three times the strength.

"I'm a good boy! Fortunately, the power is not virtual, I can really imagine it..."

Since Han Fei's strength has increased rapidly, until the advanced explorer realm, the power of the secret magic has almost been useless. Unless it is a secret method at the level of the Demon King’s contract, that secret method is not obtained casually, and the side effects are definitely not small.

Even the Beastmaster Art can provide less than twice the power to himself.

But this one is not a secret method, right? This is really your own avenue! It has nothing to do with the secret method or something. Even if you reach the Venerable Realm, maybe this avenue can continue to strengthen.


Han Fei seems to have discovered something extraordinary~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His own avenue seems to be exaggerated as he goes along! It's like a secret method of growth.

At the first time Han Fei appeared, the old turtle suddenly said: "What's the situation? Your avenue is cleared? It won't be so much stronger all at once! How does the emperor feel that you are all respected?"

Hearing what the old tortoise said, Han Fei's heart immediately moved, and the power of the Great Dao disappeared immediately. Although Han Fei really wants to find someone to fight, feel it specifically. However, the movement of the Venerable's hands is too great, it is unnecessary.

After the strength of this body dissipated, Han Fei felt that his body was a little weak, and his energy and aura seemed to be insufficient. Immediately, Han Fei swallowed a bite from the refining world.

"Huh? This consumption seems a bit big, if it only doubles?"

As Han Fei's heart moved again, he felt his strength skyrocketing again. But, compared to just now, the power is much weaker. However, it was twice as strong as his original strength.

"Fuck! It's that simple? Is this the power of the great road? This Nima is too easy to use!"

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