God of Fishing

Chapter 1453: Very large group therapy

In this battle, countless soldiers have fallen on the human side.

Many people linger on the battlefield, on the one hand harvesting loot, on the other hand they are also collecting the remains of the dead comrades. Those who were injured were all sent to Poseidon Square immediately.

Some people were still crying in the blood-red water, being picked up by others, and thrown into the fishing boat. The population is still shouting: "I am no, I will be left alone in a team, I will not leave..."

The search and rescue team of the Anglers’ Union yelled: "You are so **** crying? Cheer me up! In Broken Star Island, have you not seen life and death? Look at you, blood and crabs. Soaking... Hanshuai Renyi, he will treat you personally, don't you go?"

There are members of the pioneer team, spreading the sea, and they are running around at this moment: "Don't fight, go back to the island, back to the island, Broken Star Island has changed..."

Even with the order of assembly, people are delivered in batches. In the beginning, most of the wounded from the various defense lines of Broken Star Island came; some wounded in the remote waters, it took the boss's work, and then gradually returned to the island.

Poseidon Square was packed full. Across tens of kilometers, shoulder to shoulder, there are people everywhere.

When the people from the round-the-island inspection team came here with a tour group of fifty-thirty-six towns, their faces were green.

After all, Thirty-Six Town does not have such a large-scale life and death battle. Now, they saw the miserable appearance of so many strong men. These people are all strong in their eyes...

Some of these powerhouses are still coming one after another, their wings are bald, and their bodies are dripping with blood. They have three knives and six holes, all with holes.

Where did the people from 36 towns have seen such a miserable dive angler?

There are hundreds of such powerful people flying in the sky. As long as they can fly, they all fly by themselves.

Those who can't fly are all carried by fishing boats. They are all in the state of hanging anglers, and there are almost no people in the state of anglers.

Most of these people's injuries are similar, with holes in their bodies. This is not to blame for them. Sea monsters almost always use harpoons as weapons, aren't they just holes?

There are still some people who haven't pulled the harpoon from their bodies yet, that's because the position of the harpoon is not right. Someone's neck is pierced, and as long as the harpoon is pulled out, they may fall on the spot. Therefore, if these people do not hang their lives, I am afraid they will die long ago.

Before the sightseeing team, the leader shouted: "Okay, I think you have seen them all when you fly by on a fishing boat. Here are my soldiers from Broken Star Island. This battle has not only fallen. Hundreds of thousands of people are as simple as that. Who is still alive without any injuries?"

Wang Jie and He Mingtang trembled a little. The village chief and Li Gang were okay, and they had both seen some in the world.

Of course, the village chief is the most calm, after all, people are already old. After sitting in a village for so long, I have seen a lot of strong people.

Wang Jie: "The village chief, there are too many strong people in this world, right?"

The village chief sneered: "What do you think? Just a Bihai Town, why has the strong been missing? Where is this place? It is an unknowable place in the legend. Just now, you all saw the battle. The legend is high in nine days and ten. The sage of the earth, he lost a dozen of them at once."

"The helper killed several by himself."

Li Gang hurriedly interjected, with the turbulent appearance, it seemed that he had killed those venerables.

The sky has long been closed, and no one knows where Han Fei is. Just when Poseidon's Square was about to be squeezed down, Han Fei appeared on the sky above the sky when he saw an "Om".


"Handsome Han, handsome Han!"

"Han Shuai is here."

"Han Shuai, we won..."

When Han Fei came, the whole audience fryed. Those guys who were still lying on the ground and groaning, at this moment, even jumped up.

Just listen to Han Fei yelling: "Lie down for me! When this coach heals your injuries, it won't be too late to get excited."

Han Fei wondered: This is probably the last time he has reaped his aspirations in the past few years... Oh no, tomorrow morning, maybe there will be another one.

However, Han Fei is now reluctant to miss an opportunity. Want to reap willingness? The scene must be grand, and his aura must be sufficient.

I saw that Han Fei's expression was serious, and his voice was solemn: "Everyone, after the injury recovers, he will be repaired on the spot and directly enter the state of cultivation."

At this moment, under the turmoil of public sentiment, millions of people from inside and outside came over. They just want to see the magic scene of Han Fei's group therapy.

For many people, this is still a rumor, and they are finally lucky enough to see it today. How can they not come?


Hearing Han Fei's roar, his body suddenly swelled and enlarged. But in the blink of an eye, he became a giant more than 20 meters high. The giant's body is golden.

Han Fei shouted: "I said, there must be light."

At that moment, I only saw the sky above the sky, a beam of light that pierced the sky, crashing down. The beam of light fell, and in an instant, it shattered into thousands of tentacles.

The holy healing brilliance rippling among thousands of wounded.

At that moment, the rain of blood in the sky stopped in an instant. Raindrops flew in mid-air, and the clouds and mist in the sky suddenly emptied.

Those beams of light pierced through the clouds and mist, purifying the blood rain, and illuminating a bright sunny sky.


Just like the pulsation of the sky and the earth, the injuries of tens of millions of people are gradually healed at a speed visible to the naked eye between breaths and breaths.

"Fuck! I'm healed, and my flesh is growing."

"I feel my body is light, and I have recovered from my dark illness for many years!"

"Shanshuai, my eyes can actually see it."


Someone breaks directly and can no longer suppress the power in the body. Under Han Fei's healing technique, obstacles were easily broken.

Below, at every breath, thousands of people stood up from the ground. These people looked up one after another, they were bathed in this holy light, and their hearts were fanatical. Of course, thinking of Han Shuai's words, he immediately sat cross-legged and started practicing.

Among the crowd of onlookers, exclamations rose and fell. A few people looked at each other with weird expressions.

Luo Xiaobai twitched at the corner of his mouth: "Isn't this a king yet, so I started doing these fancy things?"

Le Ren Kuang looked envious: "When will I be so domineering like Fei? It's only a few years... If you don't tell me, I think he has become a king. And'I want to have light'... I really envy you. !"

Zhang Xuanyu slapped his lips: "How many girls do you have to see the beauty of this guy! No, I won't be a king, I want to be respected. When the time comes, the spear of the Venerable will also be admired."

Next to Zhang Xuanyu, a girl was exclaiming. Hearing what Zhang Xuanyu said, she couldn't help turning her head. First, she was startled by Zhang Xuanyu's appearance. After two full breaths, she hummed: "Just you This temperament is incomparable to Han Fei."

Zhang Xuanyu: "???"


The thirty-six town tour group, even the village head, couldn’t stand it any longer, and kept saying: “Our Tianshui Village is going to be famous, and it’s going to be famous. In our village, we have born a supreme powerhouse of all the former people, we Tianshui Village...cough cough..."

The village chief was flushed with excitement, like that, as if returning to light.

Han Fei's eyelids picked up, and his thoughts moved, and a healing spirit fell on the village chief. Suddenly, the village head became angry, feeling that his body and mind were washed.


It was almost in that instant that the village chief who had been stuck at the pinnacle of the big angler broke through directly, and the stubborn illness in his body was cleaned up. Realm, I stepped into the realm of anglers in one fell swoop. I felt that the whole person was ten years younger at once, and even his white hair had turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Around the village chief, everyone looked at him. Even the members of the round-the-island inspection team who took them to stroll around couldn't help but envy: I heard that Han Shuai came out of this small village. The village chief must have treated him very well, right?



While Han Fei was treating everyone, the void suddenly tore apart. Many people were taken aback and thought that things had changed.


When Xue Shen got up, a big cat rushed out. The moment he saw Han Fei, he immediately shouted: "Han Fei, the cat hurts."

The rhubarb at this moment is really bruised.

The whole body, except for the ears, is all colored. Even above the eyelids, something was slashed, and two claws were split apart.

Behind the rhubarb, one after another came out. Everyone is dripping with blood. Many people use their spiritual energy and spiritual fruit to hang themselves, so that they will not fall in the middle.

Ning Jingyao, both arms were broken; Du Jiangliu, even in the Distorted Domain, could not help him avoid the blow, there was a big hole in his body, and his body pierced back and forth.

Without Xue Shenqi's voice transmission, I saw an explorer among the crowd shouting: "Handsome Han, I'm waiting to be ordered to attack Ten Thousand Demon Valley. 3,068 people, 2,502 people, 566 people fell, and the whole army was wounded. An army of 800,000 in Demon Valley, slaughtered 100,000, but fortunately, he came back alive without humiliation."

I don't know this. Did Xue Shenqi teach this person?

Han Fei was extremely moved when he heard this.

When ordinary people listened, they took a breath: more than 3000 people? Sniping 800,000 troops? With more than 3,000 people, how strong is it?

Many people showed admiration.

This must be the strongest existence in Broken Star Island! When fighting, many people think that they have been extremely difficult to fight. However, they couldn't imagine what happened to these 3,000 people?

Someone sighed: "It's not me who brags, 3000 vs. 800,000. If I were there at that time, I would be frustrated and ashes."

Someone sighed: "This is the real Tianjiao strong! Punish one hundred thousand enemies, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this is your mother, I admire him."

Suddenly, Wang Jie suddenly exclaimed: "Xiaoyu, Teacher He, He Xiaoyu in your house."

He Mingtang's eyes widened.

When he saw He Xiaoyu whose hair was sticky with blood, when he saw He Xiaoyu still dripping blood, his eyes were dizzy.


With another call of rhubarb, the apocalypse magic technique fell, and only these 2500 people were seen, and the injuries on their bodies improved quickly.

He Xiaoyu is also a little confused, not sure how he came back? Of the five people in the team, three fell. A few days ago, they had just eaten together, but now they are gone.

If it hadn't been for Jiuyinling to keep taking care of her, at this moment, she might have been in a different place. I was still a long way away from the real Tianjiao.

Jiuyinling looked indifferent: After all, she came back alive! Seeing the scene of Han Fei performing magical skills, a smile appeared on her face.

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