God of Fishing

Chapter 1458: Come again to 0 Star City

  Although that one wants to be busy is nothing, it doesn't exist at all. But at the moment that the spear light stretched out, Han Fei felt that he was defeated. It was because the opponent was too fast to keep up.

   Of course, although I lost, it doesn't mean that the demon pot will lose.

   It’s just that, whenever you feel that you are invincible in the same realm, there will always be a new power that appears, then defeat yourself and tell him that you are not the strongest.

   was stunned for a while.

  Han Fei closed his eyes, and a message appeared in his mind.

   "Zhu Shen Thorn" [Exemplary Deity]

  Introduction: This is the treasure art of slaughtering the gods, the world spear art, which belongs to the spear soul. If the gun has a soul, the gods can destroy the demons, break time and space, and nothing can stop. If you want to stab God, you must first refine the spear soul. When the gun is fired, it pierces time, space, and light, but there is a shortcoming that can be broken.

   deduction: unknown

   deduction consumption: 10 wisps of chaos

   Disadvantages: This technique cannot be accomplished in a day

   "The Treasure of Tushen?"

   When Han Fei saw this spear light, he knew that this technique was not easy. When he was in his current state, it was difficult to have a magic technique that could make him powerless. And this Zhu Shen thorn is one of them.

  Han Fei smiled bitterly after a quick scan of the Zhu Shen stab. This technique is still too difficult. After breaking through the time, he has learned a little bit of fur, which is considered Zhang Xuanyu's exclusive skill. But if you work hard by yourself, you should also learn to light up in an instant.

   As for piercing the void, it doesn't seem difficult to say it, but it's really a big hit, and the difficulty factor is not small. However, if I only pierced through a hundred miles, that would not be a problem.

   If you say that the first two can be done by yourself, but the last one, what the **** is the special piercing light? Han Fei would never think it was as simple as blocking the light. After reading the detailed training method, Han Fei was ashamed. This requires a shot that can swallow light.


   Han Fei swallowed, and said silently, "It's too difficult, it's too difficult, too."

"Are you OK?"

  Old Tortoise noticed that Han Fei was puzzled. He knew that Han Fei woke up from his practice, but he seemed to have been smoked. Is there any other problem?

  Han Fei quickly regained consciousness: "Oh, it's okay, I'm okay..."

   Han Fei's mind turned, this "Zhu Shen Thorn" can't be made in one or two days. However, "Frightening God" has already completed the training, and this interruption of perception has almost sent his perception ability to the peak.

Han Fei glanced at his personal information, and then slightly raised his eyelids. Although his mental power has not increased, his perception range has increased from 8,000 miles to 9,999 miles. This means that the gate is locked, unless the boundary is broken. Otherwise it can hardly be improved.

   After leaving Broken Star Island for three days, Han Fei felt that he had reached the limit of the half-sovereign realm.

   Originally, half-zun and explorer pinnacle, except for the road, other comprehensive strengths are similar.

   However, it is the power of this great road that is the key to success or failure.

Han Fei raised his head and glanced: "Lao Yuan! If I go, I have to be respected. I and Lao Han think differently. If there is a chance in the future, I can deprive you of a memory, and then release you. . So, if this trip comes to a critical moment, you can’t be lazy."

   The old tortoise rolled his eyes and said to his heart that you can let me go? You dare to say, I can't believe it!

   just listen to the old tortoise leisurely said: "This tortoise is too weak, not much stronger than you now, even if you use Chaos Qi to shoot, it will not be much stronger than you."

   Han Fei snorted: "What I need is not your strength, but your insight..."


   Thousand Star City.

   Recently, there has been a situation of soaring prices in Thousand Star City, mainly because there are no more things shipped back from Broken Star Island and third-level fishing grounds.

   These two resource giants were all gone, and Thousand Star City's massive resources were also out of supply. When the major distributors were out of stock, the market changed from a buyer's market to a seller's market. As long as there are suitable things, the price can be high. Anyway, I am not afraid that no one will buy it. In Thousand Star City, rich people abound.

   didn't know who it was, and spread the affairs of the City of Justice to the City of Thousand Stars. Suddenly, all kinds of gossip flew all over the sky, and soon swept through the entire Thousand Star City with a tsunami.

   For a time, countless people want to go to the lower realm, to the city of justice, to the broken star island.

  It's just that the Broken Star Island Teleportation Array has opened an extremely strict audit mechanism, resulting in the number of people inspected every day, at most a thousand people pass, which makes the huge army of descendants feel slowly malicious.

  Especially when some big clan children pretending to be ordinary people in the lower realm, they were discovered by others and sent back, and countless people were furious.

   Zhang Tao.

At this moment, I stood in this fascinating three-question formation. There were many visions in the formation, and there was a voice like a billowing thunder shadow, pouring over his head: "Zhang Tao, a native of Shuangxiandao, Qianxing City, casual repair, beginner fishing By……"

   When a string of information was exploded, in the voice, there seemed to be a kind of power concussed in the mind.

   "Where are you from?"

   Zhang Tao's eyebrows were struggling. When the power of ecstasy occurred, his eyebrows flashed white and broke through the illusion. Zhang Tao suddenly opened his eyes, revealing the color of ecstasy. Immediately, his eyes rolled: "I am from Shuangxian Island, Thousand Star City."

   "Which family do you come from?"

When the second question was asked, Zhang Tao laughed disdainfully, and said proudly: "I am an ordinary resident on Shuangxian Island. I rely on the Li family, a big family on Shuangxian Island. I often spend money to purchase the trial rights to the Li family trial field. Recently, there is really no money, these big clans are too ruthless..."

   Sure enough, Zhang Tao listened, and after a while, the third question came.

   "What is the real purpose of your coming to Thousand Star City?"

   Zhang Taoxin said, the normal answer is of course to become stronger and for resources!

Just as Zhang Tao was about to say this, a voice suddenly said: "The Three Questions of the Ecstasy was invented by this commander himself. You have a way to avoid the power of this commander's formation. It seems that you have the help of a mysterious treasure. !"

   "Who... cold, handsome cold?"

   Zhang Tao just had a look of contempt. At this moment, the whole person was horrified, and his heart was like a ten thousand iron head fish being rushed. He said in his heart that the Venerable Nima Broken Star Island personally sits in the teleportation formation, questioning the visitors one by one? This Supreme Commander is too boring, right?

  While sighing, Zhang Tao feels bad, this time it's over, how can I run back?


   Zhang Tao saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. When he looked up, he saw a young man sneer.

   The next moment, Zhang Tao felt that the soul no longer belonged to him, and the immortality in his body was instantly broken.

  Han Fei has been waiting here for a day, and specially sent a Zhang family to come over, is this special?

   At this moment, as soon as the soul search technique was performed, there was a Divine Soul Secret Treasure that wanted to explode immediately. As a result, the Divine Soul Secret Treasure was buckled by the Thread of Nothingness, and it was directly torn to pieces, and it was useless at all.

   "Zhang Tao, a foreigner of the Zhang family. Heh, he is an excellent foreigner, it's a pity..."

   Under Han Fei's feet, phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared, and Zhang Tao was directly thrown in.

  Han Fei: "Tree Spirit, tie it to me and don't allow him to explode."

   "Yes, master."

   After explaining the tree spirit, Han Fei's heart moved, his body began to become shorter, his realm plummeted, and he came directly to the junior diving fisher, his skin became whiter, and his body became a bit fatter...

  The trick of fraud was thoroughly used by Han Fei.


   There are only 8 entrances to Broken Star Island in Thousand Star City. Excluding those islands where few people live, there is only one teleportation array on an average of 3 islands.

   It's just that, no matter the teleportation array, it has already been crowded.

   Suddenly, I saw Shuangxian Island leading to Broken Star Island in the teleportation formation, one person flew out, spraying blood.

   After a while, many people staggered their bodies and watched "Zhang Tao" roll dozens of times on the ground.

"Aristocratic family really doesn't give up! There are already so many of them, and you have to send people to it. Since Broken Star Island and the family have torn apart, naturally there is a way to know who is from your family! Want to be fooled~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What does this person think?"

   Someone shouted: "What is it, knowing that I can't make it, I still have to occupy a position, believe it or not, grandpa, I will kill you?"

   Someone shot directly, cutting out the blade, someone offering a long sword, for a while, the sword danced wildly, and many people really wanted to chop "Zhang Tao". But aristocratic family, it would be daring to let them scream, but if they kill it directly, I am afraid that no one here can dare.

   saw that "Zhang Tao", he hurriedly jumped out, his face was ugly, while looking back, he said to himself: "It shouldn't be! That formation can actually smash the mysterious treasure?"

   Not long after "Zhang Tao" escaped, suddenly there was another person beside him. The man in a blue shirt stood beside "Zhang Tao", looked at the crowd with his head, and said indifferently: "You are the 1078th failure of the Zhang family. I thought you were not bad, but you were killed. Okay, Hui, it seems that Broken Star Island has been prepared."

   "Hey! Yes, Master Qing, the ecstasy formation is really too terrifying, it doesn't seem to be a normal formation. Even my divine soul treasure is torn apart, and Master Qing is the master."

   The steward gave him a small token with an annoying face and said, "Go back to the storeroom and find something to make up for it. It's almost enough."

   Han Fei turned the token, and immediately smiled in his heart: "Zhang Mingkun, who promised you and led me, will come sooner or later. Now, I am here..."

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