God of Fishing

Chapter 1465: Temple of Creation

In other words, this seventh soul realm that no one cares about has been waiting for Han Fei to leave for a long time, and no one has noticed that the void stele outside it has changed.

The seven soul realms are arranged in a bow shape, and the creation temple is at the position of the arrow outside the bow. Without having to provide any information to himself, Han Fei quickly found a...weird dragon boat hall.

It can be said that this creation temple is the most special place in the ideal palace.

It is said that this location is useless. No matter who came, nothing strange happened. Therefore, except for some good people who want to find out, not many people take it seriously.

Originally, if Han Fei did not leave last time, he would definitely come to the Temple of Creation to take a look.

When he first saw this so-called temple of creation, Han Fei was speechless: The shape of the hull was more like a dragon boat than the dragon boat in the third-class fishing ground.

Among them, the hull hall is more than 300 meters long, from the bow to the stern, it is a whole dragon body shape. The middle part of the hull rolls inward in an arc.

When Han Fei came here, he saw that there were still some people groping around outside the hall.

It seems that in their opinion, such a maverick temple, there should always be some miracles. Countless people can't find the secret, maybe the secret is hidden in an unknown corner somewhere.

At the entrance of this hall, directly below the dragon's head, there is a magnificent gate with pictures of the sun, moon and stars carved on it.

In this pattern, Han Fei saw the solar calendar stone, and his eyelids suddenly jumped. At the beginning, I had seen this kind of solar calendar stone in the star beads of Mob Academy, outside of Xiaoci's coffin.

If this kind of calendar stone only serves to record the time calendar, will it be embedded in the gate? In this age of cultivating, who else cares about the calendar?

Obviously, there is an article here.

The solar calendar stone is just a calculation method to record the time calendar. How useful can it be?

Here, is it really just a decoration?

Han Fei is very skeptical: This kind of solar calendar stone seems to have its unique meaning. No matter what the role is, you should pay more attention to it.

After taking a few more glances, Han Fei, like an ordinary person, was about to walk into the Temple of Creation.

However, I didn't know if Han Fei's changeable appearance was too unfamiliar, so I saw a group of people shouting over.

"Brother, do you want a copy of the secret speculation map for creating the temple? This is how many generations and thousands of years of wisdom have gathered, and it is almost time to find the treasure of creating the temple..."

"Brother wait a minute, I have a treasure bag of trial and error to create a temple. There are many conjectures about the creation of a temple. These are all methods that predecessors have come up with. All kinds of fantastic ideas will definitely let you brothers. Inspiration broke out."

Someone said: "Brother, I have a map of the temple and underground palace here, can I have a copy?"

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "No, why should I buy the leftover things from others?"

The man shook his head quickly: "Hey! You can't say that. Behind every kind of whimsical idea, it represents a person's hard work, which was worked out with exhaustion. Even if it is wrong, maybe, We can also find some inspiration in some details."

Han Fei glanced at the half-foot thick book in the man's hand, and rolled his eyes: "Not interested."

However, although Han Fei refused, he had already stopped and said two more words. This made these intelligence sellers think that Han Fei was a baby, and had not been to the Temple of Creation.

As the so-called "geese go plucking hair", since these people are eyeing them, if you don't miss some money, no one can let you go!

Suddenly, someone took Han Fei's arm.

Someone hugged Han Fei's thigh directly.

Someone shouted: "Hey, grab my whimsy, how can you just forget it? If you don't give me 10 middle-grade soul crystals, this can't be done."

Someone shouted, "How can you be like this? I have read the information, but I still want to not pay? How can there be such a free lunch in the world?"

Around the creation of the temple, many people seem to have become accustomed to these people's routines. Anyway, they felt that if they couldn't die in the creation of the temple, and they could change their faces at will, then they would ask for money stubbornly!

As the saying goes, "people are shameless, and the world is invincible."

Regardless of the operations of these people, it is very vulgar. However, every time they make a move, they can always get some oil and water. If you are lucky, you can get a lot more.

Of course, they dare not meet the children of a great family. However, looking at Han Fei's clothes, it doesn't look like that of a big family!

Han Fei was speechless at the time: Isn't this a bunch of rascals? Strong buying, strong selling, this is.


Before this group of people came up to extortion and extortion... I saw the blade light flashed, Han Fei went down, and three people were chopped off.


As soon as Han Fei took the shot, many people immediately cast surprised eyes.

In the Palace of Ideals, this kind of mixed intelligence is all gangs. Everyone is united and the purpose is to ask for money.

These people are not rich people, they are people who can't find a way to make money. Therefore, such a group of people united, both pitiful and hateful.

As soon as Han Fei took the shot, hundreds of people gathered from all directions. Those people are also looking for targets and preparing to fool others.

As a result, as soon as he saw that his brother was cut off, no matter what, he had to come and help. Otherwise, if something happens in the future, no one will come to help yourself.

Someone shouted: "Well, good, your kid is good. You don't pay for things, and you wait for me to fight? You are the ideal palace, where are you?"

Someone sneered: "When I was caught by my waiting brother, there are ways to annihilate you, do you know?"

Someone yelled: "Boy, you don't want to leave if you don't take out 50 middle-grade soul crystals today."

Seeing this group of people, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "There is a saying that makes people want to be poor. It's good for you. For the sake of a few soul crystals, you don’t need your face. Such behavior is not only impossible. Helping you to improve your level will also make it more difficult for you to find your own way in the future. The obstacles are long and thankless, and it’s all up to you."

With a few words from Han Fei, some people are a little confused: What is the truth?

Someone realized something was wrong.

With so many people around, Han Fei didn't panic at all? Faced with the threats from the crowd, how dare this person treat him with contempt? This is not an ordinary person.

Some people are already old fritters and snorted coldly: "Fart! The road is under my feet, my heart is the same, the road is the same. Hugh is talking nonsense here... brothers, beat him out."


I saw the void trembling, the blades of the sword beamed, and the more than ten people in front of Han Fei were cut to pieces in an instant, all of them collapsed, leaving the palace of ideals. From beginning to end, no one saw how Han Fei did it.

It's not that Han Fei has now reached the half-sage state, so after entering the Palace of Ideals, he becomes stronger. In fact, Han Fei's current power is only the power of the peak dive angler, the same as when he was in the Palace of Ideals.

It's just that now Han Fei's vision and pattern are different, and his understanding of combat is also different. In fact, if you change to any strong one, you will feel similar.

The Palace of Ideals was not connected to the outside world, so Han Fei didn't need to hide anything, and went straight into the Temple of Creation.

Until Han Fei entered, Han Fei's voice was still floating here: "There are no more unreasonable troublemakers, Tuer and other soul bodies."

When Han Fei was so scared, these people panicked. In terms of Han Fei's method of killing dozens of people casually, this man is definitely a top powerhouse.

Such a strong man said that he could kill the soul, and he really didn't dare not believe it.

Fortunately, in the creation of the temple, there are totally two worlds. Outside, everyone can explore, various tricks to find the secret of creating the temple.

However, anyone with a little brain will not believe that the secret will be outside. After all, the temple of creation has been so big for thousands of years. On the building outside, every inch of it would be searched for by others. If there is a secret, it has been taken away long ago.

Han Fei entered the main hall of the hull, his eyes were nothing but ordinary gold, stone and jade beads. Although these jewels also have jewels and look dazzling, they still don't make Han Fei feel dazzling.

In the central area of ​​the creation temple, there are eight jade inlaid with gold, and the stone pillars pass through the dome.

Above the dome, Han Fei saw five carved golden rings carved on it. On the golden ring, there are five strange symbols. The fourth golden ring is the symbolic figure on the solar calendar stone. The second golden ring seems to be related to the five elements. The third golden ring is a bit like a line of formation, but I don't know it.

It can be said that except for the solar calendar Shi Han Fei who has seen him, no other Han Fei knows.

"Huh! Wait..."

When he saw the dome, Han Fei realized that something was wrong. Because this kind of decorative pattern is actually quite similar to the symbol on Xiaoci's coffin.

However, there are not so many symbols on the coffin of Xiaoci.

This creates the temple, after everyone enters, it should be in this pattern.

Han Fei lowered his head and looked to his feet. He saw that his feet were more like an unfolded sphere, with ancient mountains and rivers engraved on it.


Han Fei’s eyelids, UU reading www. uukanshu.com was a pick at the time: it seemed a bit wrong.

The geographical map engraved on the jade brick body under his feet has two places that he is very familiar with-Shiwan Dashan and the city of justice.

Yes, Han Fei will never admit his mistake.

These floor tiles are piece by piece. The entire ground is a graphic composed of tens of thousands of small floor tiles.

It doesn't matter if there are more floor tiles, they are still chaotic and seem to require someone to join together. However, these palm-sized bricks are not seamless, but blocky, like Picasso's transformation.

Because of this, ordinary people simply don't realize that they need to be spliced, they just think they are mysterious.

Although these floor tiles are quite exquisite, they are not the original picture after all.

Therefore, when Han Fei saw it at first glance, he felt a bit twisted.

"Sure enough, this is still something left to me!"

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