God of Fishing

Chapter 1470: Mutual calculation

Han Fei threw a pound of Qi Lingye to Wang Santie, and Wang Santie looked dejected, as if he had not received Han Fei's approval.

Seeing that Chen Guzi still wanted to rush to his side, Han Fei shouted: "Okay, I don't need your news anymore, let's go!"

After speaking, Han Fei went straight to the pumice and said to the old turtle: "Lao Yuan, what do you think? Do you think it is safe or not?"

The old turtle said: "When the person said that it was not safe just now, it didn't seem to be a fake. The emperor had swept a few times just now, and it did feel that something was wrong."

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh?"

Just listen to the old tortoise: "First of all, the old men who are studying, although they have different forms, breaths, and communication methods. However, the emperor feels the same breath from them. I am afraid that these people are all different. It was touched."

Han Fei calmly looked at the pumice stone in front of him, and continued to ask, "What's wrong?"

The old turtle said: "The kid didn't say just now, the emperor really didn't care. The floating stone here seems to have been left with a certain breath by some means, and it is extremely weak."

Han Fei said coldly in his eyes: "Tracking?"

Old tortoise: "It should not be. This is sealed by the strong, even if there are half kings who can do things here, but just like the rules here, every next level, there are countless more possibilities. No one can be here. There are marks on each layer of pumice. Otherwise, have the skeletons from that few years ago been exposed?"

Han Fei was slightly relieved when he heard this explanation. Explain this way, that's it! If this monument to the gods has already been monitored, how can you wait for yourself to come? Long ago, I was afraid it was broken.

What Han Fei needs to confirm now is: How many floors are there in the front that will have a mark?

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, please help me to remember and see how many layers are there on that person's mark? I really don't believe that someone can lay hundreds of millions of marks to cheat people."

For the current Han Fei, he must first find the limit of the old yin goods to lay his mark. Finding his limit, he walked down seven or eight floors casually, no matter if he was right, the old guy would definitely not be able to find himself anyway.

At that time, as long as he temporarily avoided his vision and entered a deeper level, he would not worry about being found by Old Monster Chu.

The old tortoise said: "Actually, you can completely purify this power yourself. Don't forget, you have the magic of apocalypse to overcome these miscellaneous imprints."

Han Fei said in shock: "Can this also overcome?"

The old tortoise sneered: "It's weird that you are holy and glorious, and you can't restrain it. It's just that if you do it now, you're afraid to lead the other party to do it first."

Han Fei sneered: "I'm not that idiot. Go, let's feel it first."

In the refining world, the Vientiane is rotating.

Han Fei said, "Tell me where to go."

"Crack, click~"

The Vientiane turned a few times, and the arrow aimed at the direction of the floating steps.

Han Fei stepped up the floating stone steps, and immediately felt that the space around him was distorted, and he seemed to be able to penetrate this space. This should be what Wang Santie said, every step is a road. After each step, it represents countless roads.

Han Fei didn't get into the void cave.

There are 32 steps in this level of Penrose stairs.

Han Fei took a step and stayed for about three breaths. When he reached the twelfth step, in the refining world, the Vientiane stopped turning and pointed towards him.

Han Fei smiled secretly: Others have countless choices, but he has only one choice at each level.

According to Chen Guzi, the most powerful people only reach the 98th floor.

That means: You can surpass that person in 33 days at most. Moreover, I took the absolutely correct path.

Han Fei only plans to use the Vientiane three times a day. As for the side effects, I don't want to feel it once.

But today, Vientiane has been used twice. Plus this time, it happens to be the third time.

However, Han Fei did not stop his pace. Although the Vientiane was unavailable, Han Fei happened to go deeper to confuse the one who left the mark.


Han Fei crossed 12 steps, and got into the void cave until the 21st step.

The old tortoise said for the first time: "Here, it has also been marked."

Han Fei glanced: This layer consists of only 12 squares, a typical Penrose triangle.

Han Fei walked on this triangular floating stone. As a result, this geometric triangle looped infinitely, and the road could not die. No matter how many times you walk, you will eventually return to the origin.

However, apart from the 24 useless faces, every other face creates a spatial cave. In other words, this second layer has 54 options. The choice when it was removed means that there are 53 choices in this second layer.

Han Fei returned to the first floor, re-selected a spatial cave, and went in. The result is the same, all such triangles.

Han Fei felt his scalp numb at the time.

This means that every piece of pumice on the first floor has 53 possible paths that are exactly the same for you to choose.

This thing, I am afraid that someone will have to grab their hair when they reach the third floor. Isn't this what people do?

Han Fei was exploring frantically.

On the third floor, the old turtle said: "There is a mark."

On the fourth floor, the old turtle said: "There is a mark."

On the fifth floor, the old turtle said: "There is a mark."

In fact, Han Fei was in the cave indiscriminately, and when he jumped out, the old turtle said, "There is no mark here."

I tried dozens of times in a row, and I didn't find any marks even when I went to the sixth floor.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Han Fei's face immediately became extremely ugly: a **** thing, if he did not calculate it wrong, this Te Niang's **** memorial tower has been imprinted more than 600 million times.

Han Fei had to admire this person's perseverance. How did he do this? Planting so many marks, just to ambush people?

Once he didn't pay attention and found the right way, but didn't find these marks, then every subsequent layer would be tracked until the customs clearance.

Outside the Gods Memorial Tower, in the shadows of the void, someone shook his head slightly: Han Fei is walking around randomly, there is no rule to follow.

However, he will not let it go.

Because Han Fei went beyond the sixth floor several times, and even reached the eighth floor once. Unfortunately, that should all be Han Fei's test, not the real route.

This person was also slightly surprised: Isn't Han Fei right? The people in the thug academy, is it true that there is no course of action?

On the first day, Han Fei almost used it to walk and explore.

The next day, Han Fei reached the 12th floor. Fortunately, the imprints under Han Fei's feet did not disappear, otherwise the person in the void was afraid to make a move.

On the third day, Han Fei still swayed in the first ten floors, and finally returned to the first floor.

On the fourth day, Han Fei practiced on the first level, showing the eyes of Yin and Yang. After going through all the void caves nearly 10,000 times, they returned to the first floor.

Until the fifth day, the person hiding in the void almost lost confidence, feeling: Han Fei was afraid that he could not find the way to the depths.

But as a result, at the stall that was about to end this day, when Han Fei was on the fifth floor, he suddenly broke out. A horrible and brilliant holy beam of light enveloped the audience.

At that moment, the figure of Han Fei, Cyclonus entered a void cave and disappeared.

Suddenly, outside the memorial tower of the gods, in the void, a strong figure appeared instantly. With a tough attitude, he tried to win Han Fei.

Following Han Fei's figure, he directly broke into the sixth floor, not slow at all.

Seventh floor, eighth floor...

The fifth layer of imprint was purified by Han Fei, and Han Fei rushed all the way to the eighth floor.


In a sudden, a big hand pinched Han Fei instantly. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

He only heard an old voice saying: "Huh, Han Fei. The old man told you that since you have torn your face, don't think about coming to my Thousand Star City in the future. You think that with your little cleverness, you can be under the old man's hand. , Can't pass the blunder?"

Han Fei, who was caught, didn't panic at all, but he smiled: "Old Monster Chu, it really is you. Unfortunately, today, you are wrong..."


I saw Han Fei's body shattered in an instant and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This made Old Monster Chu's heart "thump": This person turned out to be a fake?

And the real Han Fei is already on the correct eighth level at this moment.


When the twins became one, Han Fei took a deep breath: Fortunately, although the space is different, the space does not affect the use of the Gemini magic.

At this moment, I only saw Han Fei stretch out his hand and the Vientiane Navigation Device appeared in his hand. I saw him standing still, after more than 10 breaths, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Next level."

Han Fei had already calculated the time and went all the way to the 11th floor. He also randomly stepped into a 12-story space cave and sat cross-legged.

Han Fei said in his heart: If this is the case, Old Monster Chu still has the ability to find himself, then he's dead.

In fact, from the 5th floor to the 12th floor, although there are only 7 floors in between, there are tens of billions of choices.

Even if the gods are alive, if you follow the rules to walk this god's monument, I am afraid that tears will come down.

Old tortoise: "Don't worry! If you don't know the route, the emperor will get lost, let alone the half king?"

Han Fei smiled softly: "I have to say that the aristocratic family is indeed difficult to deal with. If it hadn't been for the reminder of Wang Santie, he would almost start talking. In the future, this Chu Sect will be destroyed.

The third thing is... the next month ticket is high... Meme...

(End of this chapter)

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