God of Fishing

Chapter 1476: Yin Yang Palace

The picture in front of Han Fei made him unbelievable: Is this the legendary fairy palace?

After seeing the Shuimu Immortal Palace, Han Fei felt: In his own Yin-Yang Immortal Palace, no one has been in it for a long time. Maybe the spiritual energy has been devastated. The spiritual fruit has grown for tens of thousands of years, and it may be ripe and fruitful...

Looking at it now, it's not like that at all.

In Han Fei's eyes, the flames were a disaster.

As far as you can see, it is like Shura Hell, full of earth fire magma everywhere. Although the aura is indeed bursting, the aura here is extremely violent, as if it is bursting from time to time.

In the sky, a huge huge eye, in which a magma waterfall flows downward. It looked like it was bleeding and tears.

In just an instant, all of Han Fei's clothes were burned.

The terrible temperature is hotter than Han Fei drilling through the mantle magma in Shuimudian...

Of course, at this moment, he has reached the state of half-sage. The Immortal Golden Body is also completely shaped! Although these temperatures are hot, they can no longer hurt myself.

Among these flames, Han Fei saw some figures. These figures are lying, sitting, or lying on the ground. Han Fei can feel powerful power from them.


Old Turtle said to Han Fei, "Boy Han Fei, it looks like it's not very good here."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: Isn't it so good? Simply broke all the good expectations in my heart! This place is simply a mess. Said to be a fairy palace, it is more dangerous than hell!

Originally, Han Fei came happily, hoping to get a lot of rewards here. Looking at it now, not only can't I get back anything, it seems that I have to dig out a lot.


Han Fei's thoughts moved, and Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai appeared beside him.

These two little guys seemed to be taken aback.

However, seeing the master there, I immediately felt relieved. For both of them, this terrifying flame temperature could not help them at all. It's just that Xiao Bai was slightly unhappy.

However, this time, Han Fei did not refining Xiaobai into the world, but said: "Daughter, you take a breath of the violent aura here, how much you can eat. Son, these terrifying flames belong to you. Now. Don’t you think you’re too close to the heat? This time, you’ll have enough."


I saw that the bodies of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai directly began to swell and enlarge.

Then, both opened their mouths and began to swallow frantically.

At this moment, Han Fei saw in the sky, the eyeballs of Daofa's eyes that day seemed to move, and glanced in his direction.

Han Fei took a deep breath: The old guy Ren Tianfei said that when others become kings, the price paid is much greater than that of himself, and that he should be fighting against this heaven's Dao Fa.

My realm is weak, so the difficulty that Heaven's Dao Dharma eyes impose on me is probably not too great.

Now, here is a mess.

The whole fairy palace was filled with domineering flame essence, which burned Han Fei's whole person.

This means: the challenge has come.

Sure enough, Han Fei felt that more and more puppets appeared in the flames.

Although Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are already swallowing hard. However, the strength of the two is not strong enough after all. Even with their best efforts, they can only form a whirlpool.

But the rampant energy, aura, and fire in the yin and yang fairy palace... are too much.


I saw a figure of a puppet, stepping forward, carrying a long rusty knife in his hand, and cut it to Han Fei.

The power of this sword is filled with a very special power, unlike the destructive power that an explorer can send out at will.


Han Fei swallowed a mouthful of energy, bombarded with a punch, and was about to directly crush the figure and the long knife.

Han Fei did not use his great power. The reason is that the eyes of heaven and law are watching. If I use stronger power, I don't know, will Heaven's Path and Magic Eye increase the difficulty?

However, although it is not a fist, Han Fei is also a powerful fighter.

Although Han Fei smashed the long knife in the puppet's hand, this fist blasted out as if it had hit an iron mountain. Although he twisted his body, he failed to smash it.

"Hi! What a strong body."

The old tortoise couldn't help saying: "These puppets have been tempered by this strong fire element all day, and I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have been refined? Maybe their strength is not good, but the physical strength is afraid that none of them is weak."


Han Fei swallowed, "I forgot to ask, how many puppets are there in the fairy palace?"

Having seen the Shuimu Immortal Palace, Han Fei felt: The Immortal Palace is not big, and it’s almost the same for dozens of miles. At this moment, Han Fei swept away, but he could only sweep out a kilometer away.

Han Fei said, "Lao Yuan, how big is this fairy palace? How many puppets are there?"

As soon as Han Fei finished asking what he said, he saw a red laser in Daofa's eyes that day, and it swiftly arrived.

Han Fei didn't even react at all. Who knows, you will suddenly come like this?

Han Fei didn't even have time to step on the formation, and was hit with a solid blow.

Han Fei rolled several kilometers away on the ground. He was covered in blood and blood, his five internal organs were tumbling, and all his body hair was burned. Even the bones are aching.

The old tortoise said in horror: "No, it can feel the power of the emperor. The emperor's soul power is completely wiped out by it. It even intends to destroy the emperor directly."

Han Fei was shocked: This is too much. Means, the old tortoise can't make a move?


With a move of Han Fei's heart, he directly included Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai in the refining world at the same time. Because those puppets started to move. If these puppets are easy to dismiss, then Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai will be outside. But now it seems that none of the puppets here are easy to dismiss.

"With so much terrorist power, if it is placed on the sea monster battlefield, who can be the enemy?"

Han Fei was speechless: These puppets, now they are starting to shoot madly. For a time, the spear was like a dragon, the sword was shining brightly, and the sword slashed the void, one after another toward Han Fei.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

After Han Fei stepped on the defensive formation for himself, he tried to manipulate these puppets with the line of nothingness.

It's just that when the line of nothingness buckled these puppets, Han Fei suddenly saw a big bleeding eye, his head full of the eyes of heaven.


At that moment, Han Fei bleeds from Qiqiao. The blood evaporated in the flame instantly, and then was sucked back by Han Fei with energy.

Han Fei was shocked: It's over, all the puppets here are all over. They either had no souls or remnants of their own souls, retaining some instinctive consciousness.

But now I look at it: these spirits have all been infested by the eyes of heaven and law, and none of them can be saved.


Hundred Beasts Town's soul roared, and the three puppets beside Han Fei seemed to be shattered, and they were directly weakened.

Seeing this, Han Fei was overjoyed.

Yes, attack with spirits. These puppets, even if they can crush them, there is no benefit at all. But if their spirits are destroyed, then their puppet body can still be used.

Such as that Soul Splitting is the most basic method of manipulation. Divide a ray of spirit out, these puppets will be used by themselves.

Of course, the only downside of this method is that you have to separate out a lot of spiritual power.

"God thorn."


Fortunately, the Jingshen Tu has completed cultivation, and the Jingshen Thorn has been completely transformed into the Celestial Thorn. It's just that I am not yet proficient. After all, Han Fei hasn't used it recently.

Right now, it can be used to deal with these guys.

A puppet without a spirit is a simple puppet. Therefore, Han Fei took the three puppets into the refining world as soon as he received an item.

However, Han Fei was not happy for long.

Although he has enough strength, he can kill the corrupted spirits of these puppets. However, there are so many puppets here!

No matter how strong Han Fei was, he didn't use the power of the great power, that is, he was physically strong.

And at the moment these puppets, UU reading www.uukanshu.com single-on physique, almost all exceed half of them. Thousands of shots at the same time, even if Han Fei is strong, he can only fly around the fairy palace, fly to the sky, and fight while running.

If he had to resist, at most ten breaths, Han Fei would be stunned by this unknown puppet.


Han Fei's psychic attack methods are always limited. Except for Hundred Beasts Town Soul Roar, there is only the thorn of the gods.

The Line of Void is okay against the enemy, but if you face the Eye of Heaven, you will hurt yourself first. At this time, it is absolutely useless.

The old tortoise was in Han Fei's body, and because he didn't need to make a move, he said leisurely: "Perhaps your strength is too low. This should be just the instinctive defense mechanism of the Dao Dharma eyes. Therefore, it should not be difficult for you to conquer these puppets.

Han Fei: "I'm afraid that some of these puppets have born their own consciousness during these ten thousand years."

Han Fei remembered the example of Narcissus. If there is a puppet of the Venerable Realm, it is not easy to fight.

The old tortoise said: "This shouldn't be possible. Heaven's law is here, do you think it will allow the birth of a new consciousness? Even if it is born, it will be wiped out immediately. That's why the emperor said, conquer these puppets. It’s not difficult. It’s nothing more than just spending a little more time, a few days is enough."

Han Fei sneered: How many days? Now, the number of puppets appearing in the perception has exceeded 1,000. This force, even if it is placed in Shuimutian, is an extremely powerful force.

The fighting continued, and the inside of the Yin-Yang Immortal Palace was battered.

However, when Han Fei ran, he found something was wrong: he seemed to be in the middle of the fairy palace. He saw that amidst the intense flames, a large palace stood quietly.

"Huh? This palace is sealed? Can't even break the seal?"

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