God of Fishing

Chapter 1481: Admission

   I don't know how long it took, Han Fei was still caught in a very strange change. In his body, there seemed to be a spirit vein that went completely different.

   What Han Fei didn't know was: This half of the power in the original water might have other uses. As a result, this power was forcibly used by him above the limit of finding explorers.

   Therefore, when this complete black spirit vein first appeared, the tens of thousands of spirit fruits in Han Fei's body, including those of the highest quality, were all shattered.

   They all turned into terrifying energy, providing power for the emergence of this black spiritual vein.

   This energy formed a thick layer of cocoon inside and outside Han Fei's body. It seems that the energy has been too much to overflow and solidify.

   It's just that the old tortoise that was shielded, although he couldn't perceive it, but the sense of despair made him feel horrified: Han Fei's body seemed to have undergone some extremely strange changes. There seemed to be waves in his outside world. And he himself, like the little turtle when he was young, couldn't control his figure. The billowing energy outside is turbulent like a river tide. Although the magnitude of this turbulence is slowly reducing at an invisible speed. It seems that it was swallowed by Han Fei!

   may have gone through several hours, or it may be a day.

   In short, it shouldn't take more than one day.

   In Han Fei's refining world, this pure energy was exhausted. However, the black spirit veins are still growing. It's still asking...


   almost subconsciously, the ban that wrapped Han Fei was broken. The Fire Elemental Energy, which was full of this secret realm, immediately wrapped Han Fei.

   And Han Fei's body is like a desert, desperately in need of energy spring water.

  Han Fei subconsciously carried out the swallowing method. Infinite energy continues to surge in.

one day.

   Two days.

   Three days.


   Han Fei seemed to have a long dream. In the dream, his thoughts were taken into another mysterious world. This reminded him of himself, the scene when he first gifted the spirit...

   It seemed that he was sitting in the spirit of enlightenment again. In front of me, a thin film appeared again.

   The Demon Refining Pot is slowly spinning in the sea of ​​consciousness. However, the number of rattans above has become three.

   However, Han Fei did not notice the change in the refining pot. Just like a dream, Han Fei's consciousness was placed in the film.

   On the other side of that thin noodle, there seem to be many creatures. However, I am on this side of the fog, it is difficult to see the other side of the film, what is it like?

   Han Fei was still wondering: Am I, a gifted soul beast?

   I don’t know if my thoughts are slow in this environment, or what’s going on?

  Han Fei's brain is very foggy.

  Han Fei has only one belief: that is, the creature on the opposite side, come here!

   Han Fei can see many shadows from the film. These shadows seem to want to pierce through this film and reach their side.

   But suddenly, a strange shadow appeared. That shadow seems to have claws, or something? Suddenly, he appeared in front of this film.


   Han Fei could still feel that the claws smashed the other creatures to pieces.

   At first, only a creature was torn apart. But in a blink of an eye, the opposite seemed to be a massacre, and many creatures were torn apart.

  Han Fei looked at him, and felt his scalp numb. He only felt that the talented soul beast opposite was so cruel.

   It was only a moment, except for the gifted soul beast, there was nothing else on the other side. It seems that there is no talented soul beast, and dare to approach again.


   Suddenly, Han Fei saw the film, and was suddenly poked into a cone by a sharp thorn. It seems to be punctured at any time.

   The creature on the opposite side seemed to work very hard, trying very hard to pierce this film.

   When Han Fei saw this, out of curiosity, he slowly stretched out his finger, wondering: Can he meet the creature on the other side?


   When Han Fei's fingers just touched the sharp object, he saw that the film suddenly broke.

   only saw a black... paw stretched out.

   The claws are three in the front and one in the back. The toes of each claw are as sharp as a steel knife and as sharp as a cone. The paws and legs were completely dark, but they looked extremely powerful and fierce.

   Han Fei was stunned on the spot.

   only saw the paw, clutching it up and down. After a few spatulas, a hole was hardly broken.

   When all the creatures got here, Han Fei was even more dazed, so dazed.

   "This is... the crow?"

   The pitch-black bird, when Han Fei called himself a crow, pounced and poked.

   However, after penetrating this film, it is no longer the original one. Therefore, at this moment, the strength of this little "crow" is almost negligible.

   poked Han Fei's body, the fire flickered and made a "ding, ding, ding" sound.

   The little bird seemed to be unable to poke Han Fei, so he stopped. It fluttered its wings and let out a scream of "Ah".

   At this moment, Han Fei's consciousness is slowly retreating from this space. However, he was also in a daze, as if he heard the chirping of a bird, as if he had been stabbed.

   It’s just that Han Fei, whose thoughts are confused, how can I control why there are birds calling here?

  The difference from Han Fei is that when this bird call appeared, the entire Thousand Star City, the entire cloudy and sunny sky, was covered with dark clouds.

   At the same time, only one sound of "Ah" resounded throughout the world.

   Thousand-Star City, all the Venerable Realm powerhouses, explorers, raised their heads to look towards the void. In the sky, black clouds are shrouded, and there are harsh birdsong. This is really not a good sign!

   Someone murmured: "Ten years ago, there was a weird voice. Three calls were made, but this time?"

   Some people were surprised: "This time, what is it?"

   Someone fingered the calculation, but even if the seven orifices bleed, nothing was calculated. It seems that everything about this tweet contains the power of chaos.

   Broken Star Island, Xue Shenqi and others frowned.

  In the boundless sea, the raging sea is raging and the dark clouds are rolling, which really doesn't seem like a good thing.

   In the commander's mansion, Xue Shenqi said directly: "Let everyone be prepared for vigilance, this is not a good sign."

   Star Tortoise couldn’t help but said, “Can’t fight war? I’m just a temporary substitute! You know, I don’t have the ability to fight.”

   Xue Shenqi looked ugly and said: "Since he left this to you instead of me, do you think he is stupid? Or do you think I am stupid?"

   After Xue Shenqi left, Xing Turtle sighed faintly: "I still exposed too much! An excellent turtle is really worthy of attention."


   In the vast sea.

   Heisha Conch King took a venerable person, hiding somewhere near the wall of death.

   At this moment, King Heisha Luo said lightly: "Ten years ago, there was a sound that shook the world. We can hear it in the restricted area. This time, the situation is similar. It seems that something happened in the world again."

   Someone said: "King, the human race is in conflict, this situation is obvious. Those sages of the human race can't always stay on Broken Star Island, right?"

   Heishaluo Wang shook his head slightly: "This king's true body is not there. Now, even if there are twice as many people, or even twice, it is useless. And wait..."


   In a third-level fishing ground, on a dragon boat, in a small restaurant, there is an elegant man and a black robe man drinking tea.


   Suddenly, the elegant man shook his whole body, and the tea cup in his hand instantly shattered, crushed to the end, and dissipated without a trace.

   Opposite the elegant man, the black robe also shook his body, and asked tentatively: "Emperor bird?"

The elegant man nodded slightly: "It seems that this is something we didn't expect. I thought that he could have twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish, which is already amazing fortune. But now it seems that... the emperor's advent is completely beyond. My expectation."

   The black robe cursed in a low voice: "The son of a tortoise, Han Guanshu, your son's talent and luck is a little better? Emperor bird! This doesn't belong to our horns, right?"

   This elegant man is Han Fei's father. At the moment, his face was not so happy.

   Just listen to him: "Accurately speaking, it is not a creature that should appear in this era at all. It is a mere overcast and sunny sky, even if the thirty-six mysterious sky is in the sea, it is difficult for this thing to appear."

   This black robe is naturally Li Daxian, the ancestor of the thug.

   I only heard him scolding: "God talks, I hate your bad problem the most. If you want to sneer, you can sneer! What's wrong with your son? Afraid to steal your limelight?"

   But seeing Han Guanshu's hand, a teacup reappeared.

He picked up the teapot and gave himself a cup of tea again: "You only know the name, but you don't know... In the eternal history, the emperor will be born, and it will be **** and bloody. In the world, it is regarded as a disaster. Symbol."

   Black robe sneered: "I don't know what disasters are not? All I know is that your son is the same forever."

   Hearing Heipao's words, Han Guanshu couldn't help but grinned and smiled: "That's what I said. What about the emperor? It's my son after all."


   Han Fei’s thinking seems to have gone through a long time, or maybe only a very short time. Obviously, he didn't know the difference himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how long it took. When Han Fei felt hungry, he suddenly recovered.

   At this moment, Han Fei was horrified to discover that all the energy fruits available in the refining world, and the various creatures he had worked so hard to collect, were all consumed at the moment he became esteemed. The original water no longer provides any energy and soul.

   At this moment, I am already respected.

   If it weren't for the refining world, the massive amount of spiritual energy would still be arching into the body, Han Fei would have almost forgotten that he was breaking through the Venerable.


   Seeing that the surrounding bans had been broken, Han Fei knew: The energy of the fire element in this secret realm was providing his own cultivation. And the power of the original water seems to have been exhausted long ago. At this moment, I can't feel it at all.

   At this moment, even though he has become esteemed, the breakthrough has not yet ended.

  Han Fei sat cross-legged and continued to swallow the energy of the fire element. Fortunately, he had enough resources. If ordinary people enter the dignity, the resources in their own body may be enough for them to enter the dignity five, six or seven or eight times...

   Han Fei's aura around his body is also rapidly becoming stronger.

   An hour has passed, when Han Fei felt that it was difficult for aura to promote strength, he frowned and opened his eyes slowly.

   "Huh? The effectiveness of aura is so low..."

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