God of Fishing

Chapter 1492: Eat all over Truman

   Han Fei did not intend to pretend to be Chu Xiao directly.

   After all, Chu Xiao is already a useless person. Don't talk about the upper level of Trumen, even the middle level of Trumen, he can't reach it now. His strength has fallen from the realm of law enforcement to the realm of the peak hanging angler, and he has no such face to go out and wander in the family.

   And Han Fei, this is what I was looking for.

   Although Han Fei trusts "The Deception Technique". However, even no matter how top-notch art is, no real person is practical.

   After reading Chu Xiao's soul, Han Fei has a general grasp of the location of the entire Chumen. As for the relationship between the characters? Han Fei only did a simple understanding.

   I saw Han Fei making a calculation, and then released Chu Xiao. In front of Chu Xiao's face, Han Fei turned into a black mist and quietly returned to the world of refining.

  Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, I will leave this Chu Xiao, I'm going to the Soul Sea for a trip."

   The old tortoise is speechless: Han Fei's luck is no longer there. Of course he knows why Han Fei went to Soul Sea?

   But seeing a ray of black air slowly creeping into Chu Xiao's body, the old turtle sighed inwardly: Han Fei, this kid is so bad, and he has awakened the emperor's talented soul beast. This should not be a character that is easy to fall.

   Unknowingly, the old tortoise has slowly entered the role. He doesn't argue with Han Fei anymore...

   Now, he is just a little bit sad for this Chu Sect, and said in his heart: Who are you offended? Want to mess with this little demon? This is all right, take care of your talented soul beast, and suffer heavy casualties.

   In the world of refining, a complicated and mysterious graphic appears.

  Han Fei hasn't entered the soul sea for a long time. When Shui Mutian last visited the Wood City of the Blood Sea God, Han Fei went there once, raised Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai two levels, and came out.

   The reason why he didn't go to the soul sea much is because there is no such environment. Han Fei already knew a lot about the secrets of Soul Sea. Only by devouring the innate soul beast with the master, will it not cause the unknown horror and will not be kicked out of the soul sea.

   This is a very important rule of the soul sea!


   Han Fei's consciousness suddenly descended on another world and appeared directly on Xiao Hei's body. However, before Han Fei went to see this Soul Sea World, he heard a cry of "Ah" above his head.

   That cry, as if being stabbed by someone, who owns it if it's not the emperor?

  Han Fei's fish eyes turned up, and he saw the proud figure of the Emperor Bird, with his head down, looking at him.

   "The emperor is standing on Xiao Hei?"

  Han Fei is a little confused.

   But, I think it should be. I am a dual-talented soul beast, can't they still separate? And since they appear together, it is normal for them to be together.

   However, at this moment, Han Fei can offend the Emperor Sparrow, but listened to his heart to convey: "The Emperor Sparrow, let's go for the fragrant food and the spicy one."

  Actually, Han Fei’s goal was chosen to be a talented soul beast above level 70. Such talented soul beasts must be extremely rare, and killing one would be a great loss for Truman, and it would have the best effect on Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's growth.

   Xiaohei and Xiaobai are now at level 70, and they have already reached the level of explorers. With Xiao Hei's mouth, those talented soul beasts within the tenth rank could not eat. Even if it is a talented soul beast above level 80, it is not impossible to try to swallow it.


   At this time, Xiao Bai fully understood what Han Fei meant. The cooperation between the two is not once or twice.

   There are only emperor birds. At this time, they looked at Han Fei and Xiaobai curiously, waiting with interest, wanting to see what they wanted to do?



   Old strange Chu, they are having a meeting in the void.

Old Monster Chu: "This child is cunning and possesses the power of a clone. Moreover, his other clone is pure black, which can avoid perception and vision. It needs to be judged by the surrounding space. This child's You have already seen the strength. If you let the tiger go back to the mountain this time, I don't know how far this child will grow in the future? With this child's character, I want revenge, but it is definitely not my Truman family."

  The other races were also helpless. Someone said: "Old Chu, you didn't get rid of it yourself. Now, what else can we use to strangle this son?"

Old stranger Chu said: "Since this son appears, he must return to Broken Star Island. Otherwise, he will stay in Thousand Star City, how can he grow? Thousand Star City does not have an environment for the rapid growth of the Venerable. Therefore, he must Leave. All you have to do is to guard all levels. I don’t believe it, this son will not appear..."

   Old Monster Chu was outside, and Han Fei had been in the soul sea for a long time when he was meeting a group of venerables.

   It's not that Han Fei didn't make a shot, but because he was looking for a suitable place to make a shot. Among the big clans, the hierarchy is distinct, the strong have the strong residence, not everyone can peek.

   Therefore, after avoiding dozens of independent and powerful soul beasts, Xiao Bai has been swimming in the soul sea, a valley, and the sky.

   half an hour later.

   Han Fei saw a 100-meter giant python, covered with black scales.

  Han Fei knows: I have arrived.

Soon, Han Fei saw a giant bronze tortoise, an octopus with tentacles up to 100 meters, a large shell engraved with multi-color patterns, and a purple silver octopus floating up and down in the water, with large snails sticking out. Countless tentacles look like anemones...

   There are so many creatures, nearly half of them are explorer realm, and most of them are level 69. It can be said that one step further at level 69 is the realm of explorers.

   The number of these gifted soul beasts is as many as a thousand. This is not to say that there are a thousand explorers in the Trumen family alone. Han Fei also didn't believe that Chumen would have more than a thousand explorers.

   It should be said that the masters of these talented soul beasts are also stuck at level 69. When the master's cultivation has nowhere to go, they often choose to cultivate their own gifted soul beasts. After all, if the talented soul beasts become stronger, it is equivalent to becoming stronger themselves.

   Therefore, many of these thousand talented soul beasts are stuck at level 69. The realm of their master's strength limits their growth.

   The practice tower of Chumen.

   This is a cultivation tower specially built by Truman for the outstanding children of his clan. Different rooms on each floor represent different levels.

   Chu Luo is in retreat, he is attacking the half-sovereign realm. As long as you break through this realm, then, with your talented soul beast Purple Feather Emperor Hairtail, your own strength can even serve as a training partner for the newcomer to the realm of nobles.

   Suddenly, Chu Luo's spirits shook, and he felt a voice calling in the spirit. However, at this moment, he who is devoting himself to cultivation, thinks he might be in the half deity? I was a little excited.


  In the sea of ​​soul,

   Han Fei turned into Dahei, his body expanded five or six times, and he was biting wildly. But in an instant, a big hairtail was eaten into a sieve by Han Fei.


   The cry of the emperor bird no longer seemed to be stabbed, but full of aggressiveness. It was a little curious, so he went up and took a bit.

  Han Fei hurriedly conveyed his thoughts: "Be careful, these creatures are of high level, you may not be able to bear it. I will take you back to eat some lower level ones."


   The emperor screamed at Han Fei in dissatisfaction, and said to his heart: Are you underestimating me? I can’t even eat food anymore, right?

   only saw the emperor pecking, drinking soup behind Xiao Hei. After a while, he drank a lot of blood.

   And Han Fei saw that the emperor bird was shining brightly. After a while, just beating; after a while, beating again...

   In just one meal, the emperor's level suddenly increased from level 1 to level 9.

   It seems that I was a bit full after eating. In total, I only drank a mouthful of Xiao Hei's blood and meat, and the emperor flew onto Xiao Bai's forehead, as if there was a sign of a breakthrough.

  Han Feixin said: I told you not to eat more, look at it...Although the improvement is fast, how can there be a step to the sky?

  It’s just that Han Fei is also very surprised: a mere first-level creature can swallow the energy of the explorer realm? This is going to put an ordinary creature, it will undoubtedly die.

   For example, I caught a broken explorer-level creature and threw it into the army of marching water locusts. Will the marching water locusts die? Or will the explorer-level creature die?

   As a result, it is very likely that the marching water locusts were wiped out. And what about the explorer-level creature? Maybe, I can breathe.

   After all, the body of the marching water locust cannot carry the huge energy of high-level creatures.

   However, the Emperor Sparrow is different. It has been drinking blood, eating meat, and rising to nine levels. When he was full, he ran to Xiao Bai's head, closed his eyes and went to rest, and there was nothing to do.

  Han Fei didn't care about this either.

   Now that I found the place, I have to hurry up and eat Hesai. Not all explorers are fools. Maybe one person has not found anomalies, but not everyone can't find anomalies. Once they summoned their gifted soul beasts, they could not eat it even if they wanted it.

   So, Han Fei bit at a dragon. Who cares about him at www.uukanshu.com? Let's eat first.

   and the Truman practice tower.

   Soon, someone noticed something was wrong.

  While Han Fei was eating, some people felt that his gifted soul beast meant to come forward.

   As a result, when the man thought about it, when he summoned the gifted soul beast, he saw a complete fish head. The fish body was completely gone, not even the bones.


   That person is terrifying.

   What is going on? I have never encountered such a situation in my life!

   Actually, he shouldn't have summoned the gifted soul beast at this time. Call out now, this talented soul beast can only fall. If it is not called out, depending on the characteristics of the soul sea, it will eventually become a first-level new talented soul beast.

   At the moment that man’s gifted soul beast disappeared, Han Fei knew that this matter had been exposed. However, he doesn't care. Eat as much as you can!

   The Chumen are so big and there are so many people, they don’t believe it and eat!



   Finally, the Truman Cultivation Tower was in a commotion, and was panicked for a while.

   Someone exclaimed: "Attention everyone, call out the gifted soul beast, hurry up..."

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