God of Fishing

Chapter 1503: I'll take your life

   Han Fei's momentum today is quite big.

   slaughtered a small family.

   gave an exciting speech.

   came to challenge the senior monk of the Sun family.

   Among them, slaughtering a small family is actually not a big deal. At that time eight years ago, dozens of families were slaughtered.

   Ren Tianfei, this old man, has slaughtered several of them by himself. However, none of their actions were as blatant and powerful as Han Feilai...

   After all, that kind of battle is a battle of life and death, and both sides have sent a lot of forces, it is a kind of group battle. In the Battle of the Lord, the battle between the Lord and the Lord takes place in the void. No one was extraordinarily swaggering like Han Fei.

   Therefore, ordinary people cannot see all the battles, only the strong can see them.

   This time, Han Fei’s challenge was not blocked by anyone.

  What happened to Truman? At the moment when millions of people left Hanyue, everyone knew it. Millions of people left and spread everywhere. How long did it take to spread the news?

   Now, the aristocracy knows that Han Fei has the ability to hunt down soul beasts of others.

   This also means: Han Fei can hunt directly or indirectly in the sea of ​​souls. This matter is scary enough in itself. No one has solved the mystery of the soul sea in the entire Thousand Star City. Han Fei, who is partial, has this ability?

   This is not the case, Han Fei, a venerable person, sneaked into Truman.

   Old Monster Chu and King Truman opened the mountain-protection formation, and after half a month of tossing, they didn't even catch Han Fei's shadow? Finally, was forced to release Han Fei?

   It can be said that Chu Men's face is completely lost.


   The void opened, Han Fei and Sun Xiaotian stepped into the void one after another.

   Of course, Sun Xiaotian would not treat Han Fei as an ordinary character. Is there any ordinary character who can kill the half king in the realm of half respect? Which Junior Venerable can escape the chase of the half king several times? Which venerable person can sneak into Trumen and hunt people's gifted soul beasts frantically?

   These, Han Fei can do.

   Therefore, Sun Xiaotian will use all his strength. Even he would treat Han Fei as a pinnacle of venerable people. After all, he also knew that if Han Fei could kill himself today, he would never keep his hands. On the contrary, today, it is impossible for him to kill Han Fei anyway. Obviously it is his own home court, but he is restrained everywhere. This is what makes him uncomfortable.

   As soon as he entered the void, he only saw Sun Xiaotian stretch out his hand, and a superb sword appeared in his hand.


   Start with a long sword, and hundreds of swords are in the air, forming a big formation. This was the Sun Family's Killing Immortal Formation, and Han Fei had already recognized it when Sun Xiaotian first shot it.

   At the beginning, when he and Sun Mu were enemies, he often dealt with this killing formation.

   It's just that Sun Mu's Killing Immortal Array and Sun Xiaotian's use are completely two grades.

   The first sword is still killing the immortal sword.

  In Sun Xiaotian's hands, from the moment the sword was in his hand, the Killing Immortal Sword Qi covered hundreds of miles around him, forming a sword aura domain.

  Han Fei didn't stop him, he secretly lifted the road, his strength has already risen. At least, at the level of strength, Han Fei can already be comparable to a high-ranking Venerable. However, he is definitely not as good as his soul strength.

   According to Ren Tianfei's theory, people live older than you, they cultivate longer than you, and their realm is higher than you. How can the intensity of the soul be lower than you?

   Han Fei also admits this. At least, he admits this when he hasn't made up for it at all.

   It's just that Han Fei didn't panic, after all, he had a refining pot. Want to hurt yourself? Unless very special means, otherwise, how to hurt one's soul?

   At first, the time in the Palace of Ideals was completely unexpected. At that time, he was running the Taishang Yin-Yang Chakra, and the weapon that Chu Qingyan had obtained was also extremely special, something unique in the ideal palace. The most important thing is that the person who can be in the ideal palace is originally the soul body.

   I only saw Han Fei's thoughts move. In the void, in the formation of Killing Immortal Sword Qi, the Blade Purgatory was also rolled up, and the blade of the sword was thrown into a ball in an instant.

   Unlike Sun Xiaotian’s killing fairy sword aura, Han Fei’s Blade Purgatory can induce void rifts. Its intensity, killing the sword spirit. If a battle skill of a venerable genius is impossible, what is it called a venerable genius?

  Sun Xiaotian was obviously aware of this, and even all the other Venerables who watched the battle were aware of this.

  The nearest Venerable Yang Family asked in astonishment: "What kind of combat technique is this Han Fei that can provoke void rifts?"

Venerable Mo Family: "The key is not whether he can trigger the void rift. The key is that this combat skill is too strong! In the group battle, the Killing Immortal Formation is the strongest group combat skill we know. However, Han Fei's This set of combat skills will be even better than the Killing Immortal Array. We can only see how it will follow..."

   Sun Xiaotian has fallen behind with the first-strike ranged combat technique.

   Sun Xiaotian's second blow to the fairy to guide the way, has been shot. Four red lights came from four directions towards Han Fei.

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly curled up, standing still, with layers of void cracks spreading out from Han Fei's body. Those four red lights couldn't escape the swallowing of the void, they were swallowed directly.

   It can be said that the use of void cracks can also be regarded as a space combat technique, causing all of Sun Xiaotian's moves to fall into a different space. If Sun Xiaotian's attack power is not enough to crush these void cracks, how can his attack get Han Fei's body close?

At this moment, Han Fei said with a calm expression on his face: "I! I told Sun Mu of your Sun family before that if you come out to fight, it's best to use the big move from the beginning. But it seems that you really are. A family, just won’t use it. I have to take it step by step to let me realize the power of your Immortal Killing Array... Haha, what is there to show off? Is it really powerful?"

   Looking at the third style of the killing immortal formation, red light is everywhere, and the void is covered with red lines.

  Every one is incredibly fast.

   Han Fei knows: Blade Purgatory can no longer stop it. There is endless water in front of him, directly turning into a flying scroll of ten thousand swords, surrounding Han Fei's body, like a blue dragon, protecting Han Fei in it.

   "Ding Ding Ding~"

   "Clang clang clang~"

   The red light that can tear apart the void alone cannot tear the blue dragon that surrounds Han Fei.

   Endless water grows with Han Fei's growth.

   Han Fei enters the deity, the essence of endless water, has almost reached the top grade magic weapon. Even if these sword currents are allowed to impact, it can impact?

   When Sun Xiaotian besieged Han Fei like this, the endless space cracks also swept towards Sun Xiaotian. The latter has a main sword in his hand, which surrounds his body, and can also cut through these void cracks.

   Han Fei curled up the corners of his mouth with disdain, and saw that he suddenly raised his footsteps and walked towards Sun Xiaotian, taking dozens of miles.


   I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand and grabbed at the void, drew out a 100-meter-long void crack, and slashed towards Sun Xiaotian.

   "Sword Gang protects the body, the dragon and snake retreat."

  Sun Xiaotian condenses Jian Gang around his body. The return of 108 swords, a hundred swords are transformed into one and only one.

   But Han Fei continued to stretch out his hand, grabbing towards the void.




   One after another huge space cracks appeared.

  Who would have thought: Han Fei could turn the space rift into a long knife in his hand, drag it out of the void, and kill him?

   Taixu Academy, many elders sighed: "Han Fei this son, what kind of swordsmanship is this? Why is it a bit like Taixu Academy's most unique Void Sword Qi?"

Someone shook his head slightly: "It seems to be different. Han Fei slashed in the air. It seems simple. In fact, every time he makes a shot, he needs to be fast, accurate, and ruthless. Moreover, it consumes a lot of money! However, the power of this knife, It's really hard to resist."

   Someone sighed: "So strong swordsmanship, people of the Heavenly Sword Sect, I'm afraid I will have a headache after seeing it.

   Like Taixu Academy, Heavenly Sword Sect is better at playing swords than Taixu Academy.

  In the Heavenly Sword Sect, ordinary people can't play swords, because they have to find their own sword path first and get the sword in their heart.

   At this moment, Mu Tianfang, the lord of the Heavenly Sword, was greatly moved when he saw Han Fei's terrifying sword light.

  The Lord of Heavenly Sword said lightly: "Han Fei is just using a knife forcibly. If he finds the soul of the sword and finds the knife in his heart, Sun Xiaotian can't be his opponent."

   Mu Tianfang: "Even so, it is very powerful. At least I can't match this kind of swordsmanship."

  The Lord of Heavenly Sword: "He will find it. This child's savvy is probably extremely high."

   In the void, it was shocking.

   is really under the shadow of the sword and sword, cutting the mountain and breaking the sea, it is no problem.

   If such an attack appeared on Sanguang Island, Sanguang Island would have to be cut to ruins within a moment. Therefore, the battle of the strong is in the void.

  At this moment, the battle of God's control has ended.

   Sun Xiaotian blocked Han Fei's sword-drawing technique by closing the tide of swords. At the same time, he was surprised to discover: Han Fei's talent is too high. If there is a chance to choose again, I really don't want to be an enemy of a guy like Han Fei.

   Sun Xiaotian yelled: "Zhu Xian 108 sword..."

   At this time, including the long sword in Sun Xiaotian's hand, has also participated in the war. The sword entered the void, Sun Xiaotian shot directly, with the power of the condensed Zhuxian sword formation, and the terrifying sword wave, he whizzed towards Han Fei.

   Under the 108 sword shadows, the void seemed to be cut open.

   What Han Fei felt was a weird technique that could be cut into the soul.

  Han Fei twisted his body, feeling that he had been slashed, and his brain hurt. If this continues, I will definitely lose my soul.

   But seeing Han Fei's heart move, 108 dragons endlessly hydrated, and each found a sword.

   saw Han Fei with a grinning smile: "It's interesting. Although Sun Mu can do this sword, it's not powerful."

   "Boom boom boom..."

   saw the endless water suddenly exploded. UU reading www.uukansshu.com's 108 swords were blown up in an instant. In terms of grade, they are not as good as endless water now.

   Han Fei smiled and looked at Sun Xiaotian: "You, what else do you have? Xiaoye, I'm almost impatient."

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei roared, and the beasts devoured their souls.

   is also a spirit attack, but unlike Zhuxian 108 sword, this kind of power directly acts on Sun Xiao's sea of ​​knowledge.

   "Zhu Xian Thorn!"



   I saw Han Fei and Sun Xiaotian both spraying blood, both of them seemed to be seriously injured.

   Han Fei couldn't stop the last sting. Sun Xiaotian seemed to have withstood the psychic attack in his mind before he got the chance of this blow.

   A big hole was punched in Han Fei's chest, but Han Fei didn't care. Instead, he grinned and smashed the Zhu Xian formation with a punch.

   When Han Fei wanted to continue to kill Sun Xiaotian, he saw several venerables coming to Sun Xiaotian's side.


   Han Fei tore open the void, looking at Sanguang Island.

   "Hahaha... the family, but so. Today, there are so many of you, I will spare your life... the rest of the day, your life, I will accept Han Fei one by one..."

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