God of Fishing

Chapter 1525: Monster League

   Compared to the human immortal city, Han Fei felt: This monster alliance, you can go and find out.

   After all, this is a force that has never shown up in Yin Yang or Shuimu days.

   Is this force good or bad? What kind of monsters are they all? What is their relationship with the Kraken? These are all unknown.

   Therefore, Han Fei thinks: I have to find an opportunity to explore, and what kind of monster alliance with this monster, try to explain...

When the crocodile man heard that Han Fei had a half-beast bloodline, he frowned, "Man is a man, and beast is a beast. Monster beasts will have their own characteristics, and it is difficult to transform into such a perfect human form. Unless... Siren?"

   Han Fei was overjoyed when he uttered the word Kraken. Because he found that the crocodile man's eyes sharpened... There was a big disagreement, and he meant to act.

   Looking at it this way, the relationship between the Monster Beast Alliance and the Sea Monster is also a hostile relationship.

   But, from the previous words, they seem to be friendly to humans and not particularly friendly.

I only saw Han Fei's face suddenly change, and he said with an ugly face, "Brother, don't spit bulls. I...I, the bull demon king, is a peerless arrogant of the buffalo clan. How can it be compared to those murmur of?"

   Han Fei pondered: I don’t know whether these so-called monsters are marine creatures or land creatures? For a crocodile thing, you say he can live in the sea, that's okay; living on land, that's okay!

   At the time of Shiwan Dashan, the old crocodile liked to live in the sea, and also liked to hunt monsters in the sea. But in fact, there are many fierce beasts in the ocean. It cannot be ruled out that the crocodile in front of you must have something to do with the land.

  Han Fei originally wanted to say that he was a gorgeous tiger, but if he was a sea monster, then he would definitely not know who the gorgeous tiger was!

   But the old buffalo is different!

   Water buffalo and crocodile are actually similar. They can be aquatic or terrestrial. In any case, it can be considered a kiss...

  Even, Han Fei knew: In ancient mythology, there is still a Kui Niu, which is one of the beasts of the sea.

   The crocodile man saw Han Fei's face changed, and he understood: He said that he was a sea monster, which was a bit insulting to him.

Immediately, the crocodile man's ferocity received some, but he was still vigilant: "You said you are a buffalo clan? However, there are only three buffaloes in this entire cage. Although they can also transform people, there is absolutely nothing. It might become like you. You first expose your body to see?"

   Han Fei's heart moved: This crocodile man mentioned a few words. One is a cage, they seem to regard the wall of death as a cage. Also, there are really buffalo here? Moreover, it can still transform a human-shaped buffalo! That strength, the lowest level must be explorer level.

   However, Han Fei wanted to come too: he walked all the way, explorer-level creatures can be said to be everywhere. This is nothing to fuss about.


   Only seeing Han Fei's body begin to swell, the Beastmaster Art was activated, and he quickly became like a buffalo.


   Han Fei also made a special cry, rolling thunder, turbulent in the sea.

Han Fei stepped into the void and looked at the crocodile and said, "See? My extraordinary buffalo. I am the absolute arrogant of the buffalo family. The realm of diving fishermen can be transformed into a human form, and the realm of law enforcement is no different from a human form. You say , Here are my compatriots? Could you please brother, take me to see..."

   The crocodile was also a little dazed, wondering: Is it really a cow?

   Han Fei stepped through the void, extremely fast, and appeared next to the crocodile in a moment.

   Feeling such a close distance, Han Fei discovered: This crocodile is already in the realm of the Intermediate Venerable. No wonder, he was able to detect his own perception for the first time!

   When the crocodile saw Han Fei, he also looked up and down, recognized his breath, and seemed to confirm that Han Fei was indeed a buffalo.

Therefore, the crocodile man laughed: "Brother Niu, you are under the crocodile iron, but you don’t know where you are from? This cage is so big, there are only three buffaloes left, and only one enters the deity. If they were they Knowing that there is still one person from the Buffalo clan, he must be very happy."

  Han Fei did not become a human again.

   Anyway, I know the Beastmaster Art, and instead of fighting, I can keep the bull's body for a long time. If you can't hold it anymore, find an excuse to appear in human form. It's easy.


Just listen to Han Fei’s sigh: "Brother Crocodile, you may not believe it. Brother, I used to be trapped in a tower called the Town Demon Tower for thousands of years. Until a few years ago, the tower body changed. I took advantage of the chaos. However, I was seriously injured by the turbulence of the void, and after healed for more than two years, I dared to emerge. Who knows, as soon as this appeared, I met you, Brother Crocodile."

I saw the crocodile's eyes, the more they listened, the brighter, and he was busy saying: "It turns out that Brother Niu came out of the tower? That makes sense. That tower, I almost fell into the cage at the beginning. After waiting for many powerful people, one after another, intending to use the tower to break the cage. As a result, I couldn't bear to open...Brother Niu, so you are from the outside world? What is the outside world like?"

   "Sure enough!"

   In Han Fei's eyes, there was a flash of energy: This wall of death is connected inside.

   This means: This is a larger cage, which seals Shuimutian and Yinyangtian together.

   And Shuimutian and Yinyangtian should be separated by a wall.

   Maybe: The two fairy palaces, from the third perspective, should be a "日" shape. Or, a bit fatter than the day, and the lines are more rounded...


Han Fei yelled, it felt like he had found the organization, and sighed again: "Brother Crocodile, when I first entered the realm of Explorer, I was caught in the demon tower in that town. To the outside world, too. I'm not familiar with it anymore. However, I still know a little bit about the external situation. First of all, there are kings outside..."

   Crocodiles and Han Fei walked side by side.

   When I heard that there was a king outside, the crocodile man showed a look of yearning at the time: "Sure enough, only outside, can you become a king?"

   Han Fei, but he heard the problem, he was surprised: "No...Brother Crocodile, is there no king in this cage?"

   Crocodile shook his head: "No, none of them. You see, the turbulence here is like this, the spiritual energy is so violent, who can become a king here?"

  Han Fei raised his brows: What international joke about Nima? Isn't he the king of the black chakra king? A projection of that goods has a half-king state. At the beginning, in a battle with the sea monster, this guy was stunned to cast three half-king projections and a lot of sage projections. Isn't this the king?

Han Fei immediately frowned and said, "Brother Crocodile, are you sure there is no king here? You know, the town demon tower that I came out of is a sealed land called Baibei King City. That Baibei King City has a king. Yes, when I was waiting to escape from the town demon tower, he also said that even if we escape here, there will be kings hunting us."

   "White Shell King City?"

The crocodile smacked his mouth and said: "I haven't heard of it. Can the king outside know the forces inside our cage? Then what he said is definitely wrong! In the cage, there is only one Black Blood King City. There is only one inside. A false king is far from being a true king."

   "Pseudo King?"

  Han Fei was stunned for a while: Heisha Snail King, is the pseudo king?

Seeing Han Fei's dumbfounded look, the crocodile immediately touched Han Fei's tail and said: "Brother Niu, the so-called pseudo-king is the half-king who failed to cross the king's robbery, but he is not dead. There is no hope of becoming a king in this life... However, he is better than half-king. Therefore, they are actually half-king. Our Monster Beast Alliance also has such a half-king."

   "Oh oh oh...really? But I was scared to death. I thought that there would really be a king to hunt this cow!"

Crocodile smiled and said: "Brother Niu, don't panic! I'll take you to our Monster Beast Alliance. In this cage, our Monster Beast Alliance is one of the four major forces. Now, with the Bull Brother you, you will be more powerful. "

  Han Fei's heart moved, the four forces? It seems that besides sea monsters, humans, and monsters, there are other creatures.

   Han Fei changed his mind and said: "Brother Crocodile, our Monster Beast Alliance compares with other forces, how is the Lord?"

The crocodile grinned and said: "I can't say too much. It is more difficult to become a venerable. However, compared to the immortal city of the human race, the black blood city of the sea monster, the forest of monsters, the ten thousand beast island of our monster alliance, There are 297 Venerables in total. Now, there are more Niu brothers, and there are 298...Among them, 11 are Half Kings, 38 are Peak Venerables, 56 High Venerables, 72 Intermediate Venerables, and Elementary Venerables. 120 people...The strength of Brother Guanniu should already be the pinnacle of Junior Venerable, right?"

  Han Fei's heart, that is called a Liangliang: Nima, there are too many strong people, right? 11 half kings? This Te Niang's Yin-Yang Sky and all the sages of Shui Mutian, combined, can't defeat any force in the Wall of Death!

   Or, to put it another way: In this wall of death, anyone who goes out can sweep the yin and yang sky. As for Mizuki Tian? It is estimated that they still can't get it.

   But, yin and yang? These people can definitely win.

   Han Fei secretly took a breath at that time, and had to come in first to check it out!

   This wall of death cannot be broken temporarily!

   I have to take this opportunity to continue to grow and become king as soon as possible.

   Oh no... at least, you have to reach the top as soon as possible and become a half king. Only when he reaches that state, he has the capital to challenge any forces in Yin-Yang Sky, Shuimu Sky, and the Wall of Death.

  Han Fei is confident: Once he becomes a half king, UU will definitely be able to defeat the so-called pseudo-king.

  Han Fei and the crocodile were chatting, while walking in the void.

   Han Fei also asked, "Brother Crocodile, you just mentioned the Immortal City of Human Race. Are they our enemies?"

The crocodile buzzed: "Humans, they can't be regarded as enemies. However, they are the weakest power in the cage. It seems...there are only a hundred people. They border the Black Blood King City, so they often break out. Great battle. Many people have turned to cultivate immortal creatures. Therefore, the city is so lifeless. There are not many living people, mostly immortal creatures..."

   Han Fei heard this, and his heart sank: Is it so miserable for the human race in the cage?

  Han Fei: "Our Monster Beast Alliance doesn't help? The Sea Monster... is not a good thing!"

Crocodile said: "What do you mean? Our Monster Beast Alliance, but we have to fight against the Black Blood King City and the Forest of Terror. The Human Race used to be allies, but there are more and more people who have converted to the undead... The relationship has gradually become less friendly. Immortal creatures, do you know? I don’t know if they are dead or alive..."

  While the crocodile was talking, he glanced at Han Fei and said, "Hey! Brother Niu, you said that you are of a half-animal bloodline, so is there half of a human bloodline?"

   Han Fei heard the words, nodded and said, "I! In my memory of inheritance, my mother was once the most arrogant human race..."

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