God of Fishing

Chapter 1550: I'm going to Human Race

   Two years later.

   Han Fei spent two full years in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts. In fact, he spent 16 years in the refining world.

   The cliff of the holy realm, so the land is the place of worship of the beasts, and no one has ever come.

  At this moment, I only saw the rock wall shaking, and there was a vague watermark here.

   At the moment when the holy realm was shaking, there were at least seven or eight statues on the side of the Great Rift Gorge, looking sideways, looking in the direction of the cliff of the holy realm.


   Han Fei stepped out of the holy realm, took a breath of outside air, and grinned: "It's really not a human thing to retreat."

   Han Fei didn't think of it by himself.

  Before he came out, he also laid the Spirit Gathering Formation on the Ten Thousand Beast Tombs and inhaled for three days and three nights. I don't know how much energy and spiritual energy I swallowed and stuffed it into the refining world.

   But, at this moment, Han Fei had to come out because the food in the refining world had been eaten long ago.

   During this period, in order to train the shrimps every day, I also divided a few wisps of spirits out, controlled a few half-sage puppets, and practiced them day by day to polish their foundation.

   And Han Fei himself, in these eight years, basically consumed the energy resources in the refining world.

   Now, I am in the Venerable Realm.

   After practicing, the consumption of resources is terrifying.

   From entering the fairy palace to the present, Han Fei has basically spent resources outside.

  After seventeen or eighteen years of digging out, he still had to raise the shrimps and the aura and energy of the Dinghai Tu and Qianshan Ancient Realm, Han Fei couldn’t hold on...

  Especially the ingredients are basically eaten by the Emperor Sparrow, and the Qi Ling liquid is also consumed by it.

   In the end, I really didn't eat it, the Emperor Sparrow stuffed the best demon stone in his mouth. From an average of one per month to digestion, to now one in three days.

   The little crow before, has now grown into a handsome black giant eagle.

   The eyes glared, and the shrimps that were much stronger than it were shaking every day.

   And in the past few years, because they have all been grinding their foundations, fighting day by day, the strength of the shrimp has been squeezed to the limit by Han Fei.

   Despite this, for eight full years, their growth rate still cannot satisfy Han Fei.

   Shrimp reached level 64 every day.

   Xiaojin reached level 62.

   soil fertilizer round 62.

   lick the dog 63 levels.

   Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, he has only improved by one level in eight years, and only has 74.

   As for the emperor, this kind of food was level 59 abruptly.

   The most speechless thing is that this guy doesn't want others to practice against him.

   Han Fei tried to practice against it once. As a result, without knowing how to drop it, half of the unformed Chaos Qi collapsed, causing Han Fei to waste three months.

   Among the six of them, none of them have new skills. It stands to reason that Shrimp Ritian, Xiaojin, and Tufeiyuan are all required to enforce the law, but after the enforcement, there are no new combat skills.

  The Emperor Sparrow has never appeared in a combat skill until now.

  Han Feizhen doubted: Is this little guy as good as the legend?

   In the past eight years, Han Fei’s own growth was actually very limited. He struggled to lose his soul again, and spent another 10,000 soul power to continue his cultivation, forcibly integrating the first heavy golden bone into the soul, and he was trained.

   Of course, the price is that Han Fei spent eight years. Even if I visualized the Shocking God Map, I couldn't make up for the lost ten thousand soul power. Until now, only more than 4000 points have been made up.

   Therefore, in the past eight years, Han Fei and Xia Ritian have almost exhausted the energy resources in the refining world and had to come out. Otherwise, it will limit their growth.

   Walking out of the Tomb of Ten Thousand Beasts, Han Fei glanced at his message again. Compared to before he came in, his gains are extremely significant:

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 85

   Chaos Qi: 36 strands

   Spiritual power: 99999/99999

   Perception: 36,000 miles

   Power: 6892 waves

  The first spiritual vein: unknown

  Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

  The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish

  The second talented soul beast: Emperor Sparrow

  Major exercises: the sixth layer


   Han Fei sighed: "Hey! Gotta go!"

   "Where are you going?"

   Han Fei muttered to himself, but as soon as the voice fell, he saw the old sheep standing on the top of the mountain for some time.

   In the next moment, people like Ton Ton, Mad Lion, Yin Cang, Golden Tiger, and Jiao Mengyue burst out of the sky.

   Jin Hu was shocked: "How is this possible? There are still three years before the five-year period, how did you come out?"

   Yin Cang took a breath and said, "Null Demon King, have you discovered the secret of the Holy Realm?"

   Yin Cang said this, everyone stared at Han Fei.

   Everyone is so curious, no one has ever fallen into a sacred state and came out in less than five years.

   Jiao Mengyue said in surprise: "Huh! Did you break through?"

   Han Fei deliberately disguised his strength as if he had just broken through. In fact, as long as he wants to, he can continue to improve. In the past two years, I have accumulated some willingness, but it has been useless.

  Han Fei smiled and said: "Fortunately to break through...you guys, I know you want to know the secrets in the depths of the holy realm. I did go there. But...the secrets in the depths are not what you think..."


   Even the old sheep was very surprised.

  Han Fei actually admitted that he had been to the depths of the holy realm, which means: Han Fei has seen what is there...

   Mad Lion said: "You said, don't we know it?"

   Jinhu also wailed: "Yes! I am really anxious. Now that you have been there, just say it!"

   For a while, the voices of several people started to feel bad. Even Jiao Mengyue looked at Han Fei's eyes, not quite right.

   Han Fei didn't panic at all, just smiled slightly: "In the deepest part, there is a prophecy hidden."

   Han Fei looked at Lao Yang and said, "Darkness is approaching, and ominous is overwhelming. The emperor has no return, and all races will be silent. Go find your way..."

   Jinhu scratched his head: "What do you mean?"

   Yin Cang squinted his eyes: "It doesn't sound like a good thing."

  蛟 Mengyue: "There is no other revelation? You only saw this prophecy?"

   The old sheep coughed: "Okay, you are all quiet."

   glanced at everyone, so that they stopped asking questions, and then Lao Yang looked at Han Fei.

   He knew: Since Han Fei said this, it must have a purpose. Otherwise, Han Fei will find reasons at random, and he will definitely be able to prevaricate.

   The old sheep looked at Han Fei and said, "It doesn't sound like a good prediction. Then you have seen the secret in the depths, do you know how to solve this dilemma?"

   Han Fei shook his head: "I want to break the game, there are too many problems. The only thing I know, the way to break the game is to find a way, and this way may be in the human race."


   Jiao Mengyue several people, looking at each other.

   The mad lion did not believe: "Human race? The race is almost gone, right? Immortal city is not decent anymore. How can my orc race be so strong?"

   Laoyang: "Why is it determined that it is a human race?"

  Han Fei suddenly smiled and said, "My! Lao Yang, do you know who it is?"


   Crazy Lion and others were shocked, and Jin Hu even exclaimed: "Who? God of War...The legendary God of War?"

   Elephant Ton: "Isn't that the character in the ancestor story?"

   Jiao Mengyue: "Is there really a God of War?"

   The old sheep nodded slightly: "Yes! But, the **** of war is not the **** of my orcs? Isn't the **** of my orcs the beast king?"

Han Fei said: "One hundred thousand years ago, the Orcs, the Sky Clan, the Demon Planting Line, the Giants, and the Humans coexisted in the world. Among them, the Giants believed in the God of War, while the other tribes had no faith. Therefore, the God of War was The only hope of all races. In the depths of this burial mound is the Altar of the God of War. And what I got from there is only the word'human'."

   The old sheep immediately discovered Han Fei’s purpose: Han Fei wanted the entire orc race to stand on the human side, because Han Fei is a human being.

   However, he is not going to expose it.

  Because, since Han Fei wants the orcs to stand on the human side, first of all, he needs to help them get out of the cage.

   Laoyang’s vision, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will certainly not be placed in the Undead City. He put his gaze outside the cage. What if Han Fei can help the orcs get out of the cage, and the orcs stand on the side of the human race?

   After all, one hundred thousand years ago, the ancestors seemed to stand beside this person.

  Han Fei looked at the old sheep, and the old sheep was doing something. They looked at Jinhu and didn't dare to breathe, for fear that it would disturb the old sheep's calculation.

   After a while, Lao Yang opened his eyes slightly and looked at Han Fei and said, "You have to go to Human Race."

   Han Fei nodded: "Yes, I have to go to Human Race."

   The two of them acted like this.

   The reason why Han Fei said so much was to let Lao Yang know that he was going to Human Race.

   This is not just as simple as going to the Human Race. Lao Yang’s promise represents the Monster Beast Alliance. In the future, it may resume cooperation with the Human Race Undead City...

   So, the two of them only mentioned the matter of going to the human race, and they didn't say anything else.

   If Han Fei can promise definite good news in the future, it will be possible to reconcile the Orcs and Humans.

   Yin Cang said: "To the Immortal City?"

Jiao Mengyue said: "Brother Niu happens to have a human blood line, which can be perfected into a human form... My orc holy realm, we can't go to it. But brother Niu has entered, can it be said... The holy realm needs human blood to penetrate? "

   Jiao Mengyue's conjectures caused Yin Cang and others to lose their thoughts.

   Jin Hu said: "Brother Niu, is it dangerous to go here? Going into the Immortal City alone? I'm afraid it's wrong. Do you want me to wait? This is more confident."

   The mad lion said silently: "You should go to fight?"

   Han Fei said: "Everyone! Everyone has a fate. I feel that it may take some time to go here. If there is news, I will definitely come back to let you know."

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