God of Fishing

Chapter 1565: My name, Han Fei

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The fall of Yu Aohai is the consensus of all human beings.

In their opinion, this fish proud of the sea is equivalent to fighting the half king with the peak power of the Intermediate Venerable. Who will die if you don't die?

And Han Fei, even pretending to look a lot?

It looks like they were beaten and disabled...

However, the identity of the strongest Spirit Gathering Master of the human race made Han Fei's damage recover in an instant, and even the slightest damage could not be seen.

"Roar! Sea-monster thief, look, this is the strong man of my human race."

"Hahaha! Are you dumbfounded? You know, my human race has such a powerful Spirit Gathering Master?"

"Hi! When did we have such a strong one in Immortal City?"

"It turns out that this is the real power of the Spirit Gathering Master, it can't be killed at all!"

In the noise in the rear, Han Fei inhaled a lot of Lordless Souls. After his soul power was depleted again, the distance was restored to perfection, only less than 5000 points. As long as four more slaughter, it should be able to make up for it.

As for vitality? Han Fei had made it back long ago.

However, when I went back this time, Han Fei also planned to declare that his vitality was insufficient...In this way, it was only natural to get some spirit fruit and heal tens of thousands of people.

That Sea-Monster Half King, did not expect that a Spirit Gathering Master's killing method could be so powerful!

Yu Aohai's physique is not weak! As a result, even a Thunder Blade could not stop it.

The problem is: Yu Aohai is already very good at thunder tactics. As a result, he was finally killed by the Thunder Blade! How is this not surprising?

At this moment, many people looked up at the sky, watching the rain of blood pouring down.

Many people sighed slightly. In the past few decades, the human side has no longer been able to slaughter the Sea-Monster Venerable.

After all, sea monsters have always pressed humans to fight. On the human side, the characters who should have appeared have actually already appeared. These venerables in the Black Blood City knew all about the power of the venerable human beings.

At this moment, Han Fei appeared as a brand-new character with many means. Before, when facing Chenxiang, he used pure tactics, and anyone could feel the fierce power from Han Fei.

It's just that this time, Han Fei completely used the formation method to kill an intermediate-level venerable peak powerhouse. Perhaps, for those explorers, Han Fei's battle was not easy, and it can even be said to be thrilling.

However, in the eyes of the human venerable, Han Feitu, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, came at his fingertips.

Han Fei's expression was flat, quietly looking at the half-king of the Sea-Monster, with a light voice in the sea and the majestic rain, he talked freely: "Look, my Immortal City is actually not that weak, black blood. The city is also not that strong. You have never seen a Spirit Gathering Master take action before, so I will let you see it today so that you fish and shrimp will know... you are all rubbish."

When he said this, Han Fei waved his hand, the tumbling waves crashed and the sea gradually returned to calm.

At that moment, Han Fei stood alone in the stormy sea. One person seems to be a battle line by itself, extremely brave.

When Chenxiang watched Han Fei's scene, she had a weird thought in her heart: Yes, until this moment, she didn't think Han Fei was like a handsome man.

The handsome, look at the overall situation and plan tactics.

For the general, the imperial army will fight in all directions, brave and invincible.

As soldiers, charge into battle and conquer the city.

It can be said that the soldiers do their best, the generals do their best, and the handsome do their best!

And Han Fei, he doesn't account for any of these three...


Chenxiang suddenly thought: Hearing the news from the Undead City, he said that Han Fei was the person, and he considered himself the king. What if... is this true?

This idea just flashed through Chenxiang's mind, without thinking deeply.

At this moment, Han Fei was still standing in the sea, staring directly at the half-king of the Sea-Monster: "I will not go today. Intermediate Venerable, no one will refuse! No matter who it is, I will fight."

Han Fei held his head high with his hands on his back.

After a pause of four or five breaths, Han Fei grinned: "Want to kill me? Maybe you only have one chance. If no one comes, I will leave."

Many Siren Venerable frowned, this person is too evil! How long did Yu Aohai take? It was cut by a knife.

The key is that this person has an unparalleled formation and can heal himself. Must have a very explosive force, able to explode him in one round!

Han Fei waited for another three breaths, glanced at the Kraken's camp, and said disdainfully; "A bunch of **** also tried to attack my human race..."


Suddenly, only the void was torn apart, and a long-haired young man in heavy armor crawled out of the void.

Yes, just climb out...

The man's lower body has a total of eight tentacles, like a spider, but with heavy armor like a crab shell. The upper body is human, with armor thick enough to be a shield!


When they saw this person, countless explorers on the human side took a breath.

"It's a crab eater, this is a lunatic."

Someone was angry: "Te mother's, why did this thing come out? He eats everything, and everything that is defeated by him will be eaten by him."

Some undead shouted: "Taught him."

A human veteran deliberately transmitted the voice: "Today, do you want to stop here? This person has a strange identity, has the blood of an ancient king crab, and has amazing defenses. Dadao..."

"Om~" novel

But when I saw that Sea-Monster, directly shook the void and shattered the human beings, the voice came from behind, only to hear him coldly said: "There are some things, I said on the spot, don't you think it's too late?"

But when he saw the crab eater, he sneered and said, "Human Spirit Gathering Master? I heard that you are in the middle-level venerable realm, and those who come will not refuse?"

Han Fei shrugged slightly: "I don't refuse anyone who comes."

The crab eater's claws were pierced in the void and moved closer to Han Fei. Because his claws plunged into the void too fast, every time his claws moved, they could rub against the air to create flames, just like walking on fire.

As soon as Han Fei raised his hand, a storm of spiritual energy formed above his body.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Crab, it should taste good."


As soon as Han Fei's words fell, he saw thousands of thorns in the void.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

But, at the moment when those thorn shadows appeared...

There was a shield flying over Han Fei's body. The six spirit armor of Dao Wen appeared out of thin air.


But I saw a series of formations on the sea.

In a breath, dozens of formations condensed, and the speed was so fast that it was dazzling.

Coil Turtle Formation, Yuhun Formation, Spirit Gathering Formation, Six Lingjia...There are also some incomprehensible lines that swim in the sea. I don't know what they are.

Han Fei still had his hands on his back, and smiled faintly in his mouth: "I heard you are amazing? I really want to see, how amazing can a crab be?"


The crab eater was so fast that he even disappeared, and he turned around Han Fei. Turning around, he turned out two bodies.

Han Fei felt it, it turned out to be a bit like Gemini magic. One is the deity and the other is the shadow, but in terms of strength, the two seem to have not weakened.

Han Fei understood at the time: That is, the special ability that this person possesses can give him a dual body. This is a bit similar to Zhang Xuanyu's three-dimensional body.

However, no matter which type, they are not as powerful as their own Gemini magic. If he performed the Gemini Divine Art himself, this crab eater would go up and bite, and he would be able to bite him to death.

Han Fei stepped on it, only to see a giant tortoise lying on the sea. The giant tortoise roars, the formation is mysterious.

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "I don't know who gave you the courage to make you feel that you can compete with me?"

"Heh! Arrogant human beings, you are indeed incomparable in formation. However, there are so many great avenues in this world, how many formations can you maintain? Want one law to break ten thousand laws? Huh... this deity doesn't believe it! "


I only saw that the shadow crab eater turned into a shadow, ignoring the formation and directly caught Han Fei's shadow. The moment the shadow passed through the formation, Han Fei frowned slightly, took out the embroidery needle, and made a move to prepare for attack.

It's just that Han Fei never expected: The shadow didn't even touch his own body. Only when he touched his own shadow, he would be able to confront his own soul.

The veteran on the side of the Sea-Monster smiled at the moment when he saw Han Fei's shadow being held back: This time, nothing was saved.

Crab Eater's Avenue: Eat Shadow!

Even if Han Fei knew, he would be recruited unknowingly, let alone Han Fei didn't know it!

The next moment, Han Fei stopped moving.

Just listen to the crab eater smiled: "Look, I'm right? You always have to pay for your ignorance."

Only saw the ten blades of the crab-eater spin, piercing Han Fei's big turtle formation. After all, this was originally meant to resist the defensive formation of the Intermediate Venerable Peak. As long as the attack is strong enough, it will always break.

When the ten cone-shaped crab claws were only 10 meters in front of Han Fei, Han Fei suddenly made a spear stabbing action.


Only the body of the crab eater was blown out of a round hole. A large swarm of blue spirits was directly blasted out by Han Fei.



Above the sky, another red crack appeared, and the blood rain range expanded. The crab eater was so excited, he didn't even know why, and was knocked to death by Han Fei!

This is probably the most wronged guy in Black Blood City until now!

He thought that the enemy would fall under his hands in the next second. However, the result is just the opposite.

Han Fei grabbed the corpse of the crab eater and the sun and moon, and threw it into the refining world. His voice said flatly: "The king crab? The taste should not be bad..."

Everyone: "..."

But seeing the face of the half-king of the sea monster, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's faint smile froze suddenly, and he stepped to the edge of the battlefield: "Who are you?"

Han Fei glanced at him faintly, then grinned suddenly: "I! I want to leapfrog the challenge. Waiting for the Kraken, is there anyone who dares to fight?"

This half-king suddenly thought of something: something happened in the Monster Beast Alliance a few years ago... a man named Bull Demon King, who was killed in three battles. At the time of the killing, the momentum in the Black Blood City was weak by three points.

Today, he suddenly felt something.

Just listen to this Sea-Monster Half King shouting: "Who are you?"

At this time, Han Fei also knew that he couldn't fight anymore. If this black blood city is still fooled at this time, it should be stupid!

But Han Fei raised his head slightly: "My name, Han Fei."

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