God of Fishing

Chapter 1574: The 9th Immortal Lord, Han Fei

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Han Fei couldn't help thinking about this matter.

If calculated according to time, the time when my old lady caught Longzhen Immortal Palace was after Immortal Palace moved here...

Is this a bit too coincidental?

Even the old tortoise, the emperor of the age of the gods, has never seen dragon creatures. Old Han also said that the dragon is just a totem of descending the dragon sky.

However, Piansheng happened to be in this cage, and there was a battle between humans and dragons, and the result was not completely dead...

The old lady said: At the beginning, it was in the void. This dragon travels through the void, picking up treasures in the void. It just so happened that he encountered the Eye of Heaven and was almost wiped out. If it weren't for the mother, it would have fallen.

This statement, if you change it from another angle: this azure dragon flees, intending to travel too empty. As a result, it happened to be met by the Eye of Heaven. It was already badly injured and was almost destroyed, but fortunately my old lady rescued it.

However, the old lady also has a purpose.

I want it to guard the original water. Therefore, this legend about the dragon family will appear. In fact, from beginning to end, there is only this dragon.

Han Fei was shocked by his own thoughts!

If this is the case, then this ancient corpse of the blue dragon may be the one chased by the mummy.

This Canglong ruined Jianglongtian, and his body was full of evil. If your guess is true, you can't easily return its body to it. Of course, nothing is absolute...

However, Jianglongtian used the dragon as its belief and totem before. Why is the real dragon born, but everyone has turned against each other? Han Fei didn't know this reason either.

Han Fei pondered: There are some things, maybe you have to ask the golden girl and the girl.


In the refining world, Han Fei regained his vitality and did not learn the dragon swallowing technique.

Han Fei is still waiting for the frontline response.

Now, Han Fei wasn't worried at all... Black Blood City would come to retaliate, and he didn't believe that the Black Brake Snail King would directly kill him.

Heichaluo Wang is a cautious man.

At the beginning, the Sea-Monster Saint Realm was definitely not created overnight, I am afraid it has been deployed for hundreds of years.

If it hadn't been seen through by Han Fei in advance, it would be impossible for the Black Brake Snail King to immediately attack Broken Star Island. Even if they want to fight, they also intend to make a comeback, internally and externally...

Therefore, Heisha Conch King is a smart conch.

When Han Fei appears in the Immortal City, he will inevitably consider: Since Han Fei is here, will others come? Since Han Fei is here, why should he kill and sign up so confidently?

What is Han Fei's purpose? Obviously, just to lead him over...

With these potential factors, Han Fei concluded that the Black Brake Snail King would not come. At least, he won't come now.

Although the Black Chaluo King would not come, Han Fei predicted that he would send someone to take a look.

Everyone has the same psychology. It is impossible to come by anyone and claim to be Han Fei, so you have to mobilize a group of people to strengthen the line of defense.

the next day.

Han Fei was repairing the foundation for some junior explorers, but Ye Qian "brushed" and appeared next to Han Fei.

Ye Qian: "There is someone from the Black Blood City, I want to see you by name."


Han Fei smiled slightly: "Everyone is free to move around. It's still the same sentence. Without my order, you can't leave the island without authorization."

After a while.

On the fourth island, Han Fei only heard someone shouting: "Where is Human Han Fei? Come out and see."

When Han Fei saw the person, he suddenly sneered: This is a person who had a relationship with Han Fei-Cao Xuan.

As a newcomer to the Undead City, all of Han Fei's current actions have attracted the attention of those strong. Everyone wants to see, what kind of waves can he make?


Han Fei appeared directly in the sea, facing Cao Xuan head-on, with a long expression: "The dog of the bereavement, do not hesitate to self-improve, escaped from the commander's chase. Today, who gave you the courage to face this handsome? ?"

Cao Xuan was about to continue clamoring, but suddenly saw Han Fei's face, his face changed slightly at the time, it turned out to be this guy!

Yesterday, there were two deaths in the Immortal City, and the King of Black Chaluo was furious.

In recent years, everything went wrong.

In just two years, within the cage, 9 Black Blood City fell in a row. This blow is too heavy. You know... how many venerables are in the entire Black Blood City?

Cao Xuan: "Sure enough, it's you?"

The venerable Human Race Gan Feng and others were looking at the scene quietly at this moment, and seeing Cao Xuan's face and tone, it didn't seem to be a fake. Huaxiu Chinese

Just listen to Cao Xuan Dao: "My king let the deity tell you, you, and everyone in the Immortal City, prepare to meet the anger of my king."

Han Fei tilted his head and smiled lightly: "Anything else? Why didn't he come to tell this handsome himself?"

Cao Xuan snorted coldly: "What kind of identity is my king, is it comparable to you?"

"Hahaha...Is it? This commander killed him at the beginning of the half-king projection, and he was not the one who killed him? He killed an iron head fish?"

In the Immortal City, many people were shocked when they heard it: They had always known that Han Fei had cut half of the king. But that's what Han Fei said by himself...it was only because Han Fei was able to completely crush Chenxiang, so everyone chose to believe it.

But when I look at it now, it seems to be true!

Han Fei cut the projection of Black Brake Snail King? Even if it is a projection, it is the king of the black brake snails!

For a time, many people's eyes changed when they saw Han Fei. It seems that this guy's background is bigger than what he said!

Cao Xuan's face is black and blue: This Han Fei is as arrogant as ever. However, it was such a guy who abruptly destroyed all their plans for the Black Blood City. This is an endless scene!

However, Cao Xuan knew what his purpose was. He was to confirm Han Fei's identity, not to challenge him. Therefore, facing Han Fei's ridicule at this moment, he just responded with a sneer.

Just listen to Cao Xuan shouting: "People in the Undead City, my king has an order, so Linger will be required to hand over Han Fei within three days. Otherwise, the Black Blood City and the Undead City will go to full-scale war."

Gan Feng's voice was indifferent, and he responded unceremoniously: "Go back and tell the Black Chaluo King that the Human Race is never afraid of war. If you want to fight, then come!"

Han Fei couldn't help but glanced back at Gan Feng: This person is refreshing, without hesitation.

The half kings are all clamoring for war, and the rest of the nobles, explorers, naturally followed them and shouted.


When Cao Xuan retreated, Han Fei and Gan Feng looked at each other. Just exchanged his eyes, and Han Fei returned directly to Flint Island.

Upon returning to Flint Island, Han Fei quietly left again.

Originally, Han Fei didn't really want to enter the Island of Taboo. I seem to be able to see that in the depths of the Forbidden Island, there seems to be some great secret buried...

However, the performance of Gan Feng and others today was too abnormal and straightforward.

The Undead City and the Black Blood City are fully developed? In theory, it is naturally impossible to open.

Even if the Black Blood Pool fell 20 more, humans would still be unable to beat them. Therefore, it takes a lot of courage to fight in the Undead City. Moreover, you need to have enough trust in yourself, mainly because of this trust issue.

Outside the Island of Taboo, Han Fei stood on the shore, turning his hands, and the death bone xun appeared in his hands.


Han Fei thought for a while, and then started playing.

When the melody of sobbing came from the death bone xun. After about a hundred breaths of time, I saw the void tearing apart, and the golden boy walked out of the void with a smile.

Golden Boy said in a tender voice: "We are so fast, have we met again?"

Han Fei's eyes were piercing now, staring at the golden boy. In the refining world, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument only turned slightly to point to the Golden Boy.

Although this had already been expected, Han Fei gave a sigh of relief when he saw the true answer.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Are you the Fifth Immortal Palace, the one who descended to the sky?"

When he heard the three words Jiang Longtian, even the golden boy, strong enough to be a pseudo-king, his eyelids trembled slightly.

Jin Tong dropped his arms and looked at Han Fei seriously: "It seems that you have seen the palace lord?"

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "Almost failed to come out! Therefore, the reason why you dare not enter the grassland is because of the purple thunder formation on that grassland. Only a thunder arc is needed to kill a normal intermediate. Venerable state. At the peak of Venerable, I can't stand several bombardments."

Jin Tong smiled and said: "From the time you went to find the dragon bone, I knew that you had seen the palace lord. You can still live out after seeing the palace lord... The key is that you still have the trust of the palace lord. You are not simply the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island."

Han Fei grinned: "How to say?"

Golden Boy: "Chenxiang was also the supreme commander of Broken Star Island, but she didn't even know about Yin and Yang. She didn't even know her own site, let alone Jianglongtian? But you can tell with one bite that I am from Jianglong God, even knows that we are ranked fifth. With this alone, you can't be the likes of dust and incense."

Han Fei sneered: "Maybe, I learned from your palace lord?"

Jintong shook his head: "The grassland does have a large formation, and there are also murals left by me. UU read www.uukanshu.com but there has never been mentioned our origin. At that time, the palace lord was half crazy, the purple dragon formation It has already erupted. Our murals have fallen before the end of the engraving. In the end, the palace lord used his own soul and flesh as a sacrifice, and used taboo techniques to attract the fog of immortality and transform all of us into immortal creatures."

After finishing speaking, Jin Tong’s immature face looked at Han Fei with a serious face: "Re-acquaint me, my name is Jin Tong, Jianglong Immortal Palace, the palace lord Zuo Dharma...well, don’t you say any more, you are the highest commander Up."

Han Fei smiled faintly: "You can think of me as the next generation of immortal lord of Yin Yang Tian. The ninth immortal lord, Han Fei."

The Golden Boy was obviously taken aback by Han Fei's words.

After a long time, he said: "If you don't become a king, why should you be the master?"

Han Fei said leisurely: "Prepared."

Golden Boy: "..."

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