God of Fishing

Chapter 1579: 1 Jian Tu Zun

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei must admit: Although this world is said to be huge, but in actual combat, the power of these people is nothing special in his opinion...

However, if it is not special, it does not mean it is not great!

For example, now this half king, his great power just happens to be power.

Yes, what the Mantis Shrimp is proud of is not the punching speed, it is just his instinct; nor is it his moving speed... The Mantis Shrimp does not run fast.

However, the great power of this guy gave him several times the power of the normal half king.

Although strength cannot influence the outcome of a battle...After all, every Venerable has his own way. However, the Venerable who walked on the Avenue of Power is still very terrifying!

Therefore, when Han Fei confronted this person for the second time, he found that this person was under the peak burst speed, and he shocked his internal organs with a punch, causing bleeding from his seven orifices.

At this moment, Han Fei felt the terrible power.

At the same time, the mantis shrimp king opposite was even more shocked. He had thought that Han Fei would be very strong, but he wouldn't be so strong...to be able to contend against his own strength, right?

But Han Fei, this guy actually carried it down abruptly!

If this is for ordinary people, even if it is the pinnacle of the Venerable, they will be punched by oneself, hammering half of their body, right?

Therefore, the Sea-Monster half-king made up his mind: This time, he must kill Han Fei. Such a terrible role, if the tiger returns to the mountain, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Intermediate Venerable Realm, you can fight against yourself.

If it reaches the high-level venerable realm, will it still not go to heaven?

Taking advantage of Han Fei's not his opponent now, he had to kill him quickly.

After a round of confrontation, Han Fei cleverly stopped competing with this man. Although, theoretically speaking, all three times of his own power are superimposed, in fact, he can compete with this person...

However, after the official battle, Han Fei discovered that his source of strength seemed a bit imaginary. It cannot be said that it is not strong, but the power that is born out of nothing seems to be restricted by certain rules, which seems a little discounted.

Han Fei himself discovered this problem for the first time. Han Fei thought: When I go back this time, I have to find a way to study this jasper stone bridge.

Fortunately, the emptiness is a little bit vacant, but the strength of Han Fei's strength is not much worse than that of the half-king of the sea monster. Coupled with the fact that Han Fei is good at speed, so for a time, the two of them had a relationship.

In one breath, the two fought more than 20 times. The speed of this fight does not seem to be very fast, but the strength of both sides is too strong.

After three breaths, Han Fei spurted blood from the corner of his mouth. Even with the invincibility technique, Han Fei still struggled.

After five breaths, Han Fei was astonished, and his avenue, which was made out of nothing, was almost unable to survive.

This is too fast!

I have never felt this way before. With just five breaths of time, his own avenue bonus is going to be broken!

Just listen to this mantis shrimp half-king laughing: "Hahaha, Han Fei, I have to admit that you are indeed a stalwart, and you have even refined the indestructible golden body. Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, all means, All are nothingness."

Han Fei sneered, "Guess which side will arrive first?"

Just listen to the mantis shrimp half-king sneered: "I forgot to tell you, behind the sea monster, there is a teleportation formation coming over."

Han Fei was shocked at the time: at the moment the Mantis Shrimp King sneered, the space trembled. I only saw the peaks of the two Venerables of the other side, and they had already appeared.

From killing himself, escaping, to beheading the black scales, fighting the half king to this moment, it took about 17 breaths in total.

At only 17 breaths, the opponent's Venerable peak reached.

Han Fei's eyelids trembled a few times: This was 13 breaths earlier than his own estimate.

I have to say that the sea monster's reaction speed is too fast. With this reaction speed, want to carry out a sneak attack? Sure enough, it is a difficult thing.


At the moment when the void was shaking, a melody played in the sky, and shadows of mountains and rivers appeared.

Hearing only a naive voice, it sounded: "Look, I said it! They are much faster than you think, and they react even faster."

In the shadow of the mountains and rivers, the half king of the mantis shrimp was full of horror and shouted: "The undead golden boy? The king does not participate in the war. You are breaking the rules now... You are not dead, do you really want to fight back?"

The golden boy smiled slightly: "Where is the name of the king still in the state of the venerable? The pseudo-king is only a half-king, why can't he participate in the war?"

The golden boy walked out and saw his fists interlaced. Two phantom shadows of blue dragons spewed out from their fists.

When Han Fei saw this way of fighting, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched: Even the battle is the dragon shadow whirling. It seems that this dragon descending sky has indeed worshiped the dragon to a certain extent.

But the next moment, Han Fei saw Jin Tong suddenly holding a knife.

One black, one gold, two swords slashed, the world changed color. Accompanied by the gray mist, a vast expanse, killing towards the two vibrating voids.



As soon as the two venerables came out of the pinnacle, they saw a horrible light from the sword, killing them with layers of mist.

However, the Mantis Shrimp Half King had already blocked the front, four consecutive punches, exploding two large shadows of the black dragon. After a flick, his body appeared, and he took the blow of the golden boy abruptly.

However, his tail was also cut off.

"Heh! Immortal Golden Boy, do you really think you can compare with my king? Today, let me see how strong you are in these years? You two, kill Han Fei... …"

Jin Tong looked at Han Fei, then looked at the mantis shrimp, and smiled faintly: "Li Tee, or wait for the hook tu... This deity asks you two to come together... Others may not be able to come for a while."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth curled up and his body burst back.

At the moment he retired, a teleportation formation began to emerge under his foot.

When the line of formation began to condense, the two venerable peak-level powerhouses thought that Han Fei was going to run, of course, they shot quickly and prepared to intercept.

In fact, when they reached the realm of the venerable peak, they also understood that although a pseudo-king could become a king, it was only slightly better than a half-king.

Although crossing the king's robbery did not succeed, they gained some power, which gave them power to surpass the half king.

However, if you really want to say that the pseudo-king will be able to sweep many half-kings? That is unlikely.

After all, the false king is not the true king, and the power of the false king is also limited. On his own side, the two half kings shot, even if they were lost, it was enough to deal with the golden boy for a while.

But the corners of Han Fei's mouth raised, and within a thousand miles, the edge of the blade rose, and the endless water mixed in, blocking the two of them from going.

But seeing Han Fei grabbing the void in his hand, pulling out a space crack, turning it into a knife, slashing at one person, and hitting his body fist, sniping one side; the road to the peak of the two venerables was stuck to death.

Playing Half King, Han Fei is not yet an opponent.

However, Han Fei really didn't dare to worry about Venerable Pinnacle.

At the peak of these two venerables, one was extremely fast, and the space they passed was distorted, like the twisted space of Du Jiangliu. The body of the other person unexpectedly began to crystallize, gradually turning into an amethyst color.

However, at this time, it did verify the mantis shrimp half-king. One force is reduced for ten times. In the face of absolute power, no amount of tricks is useless.

In the face of absolute power, the person who turned into amethyst was blasted back by Han Fei. The extremely fast guy actually blocked Han Fei's drawing of a sword with a twisted space.

However, he saw Han Fei's Gravity Avenue descend.

At this moment, Han Fei didn't need to deliberately hide the road he was involved in.

This way of gravity was learned by Han Fei from King Heisha Luo.

Because Han Fei himself mastered the law of gravity. Therefore, this gravity avenue, falling on Han Fei, can continue to strengthen Han Fei's power.

Moreover, Han Fei can control this gravity at will within a certain range.

Han Fei tried this kind of thing when Du Jiangliu enforced the law.

What distorts the space? As long as the entire twisted space he is in is covered, it can directly inflict a range attack on the opponent.

When the venerable peak was crushed by irregular gravity...

Han Fei's fist of sacrificing body has been bombarded out.


At this moment, the lord of the amethyst body stood in front of that person. I saw these two people, both were shocked.

At this moment, the void was shaking, and Han Fei's teleportation array had just been completed. And the opponent's manpower rushed to it first.

Among them, there are 3 Senior Venerables, 4 Intermediate Venerables, and 8 Junior Venerables.

When Han Fei saw these people, his face was full of smiles.

It's really time to come, today, if they don't come, I'm afraid I can only kill two Siren Venerables!

But now they are here, that would be a bad idea.

On the other side, Ye Qian and the others who had been waiting in the back were also agitated. Even Ye Qian, the venerable peak, moved a little.

There are already two cracks in the sky. Han Fei is alone, so he will fight it first?

Ye Qian knew more than the others, except that it was Jin Tong who had confessed to herself: to trust Han Fei unconditionally.

So at this moment, he can still hold on.

After all, he believed that the golden boy, the two who fell must belong to the sea monster.

Someone was restless: "Great Lord Ye Qian, it's almost 20 breaths since the first one has fallen. There will be no accidents in Hanshuai, right?"

Someone was uneasy: "Da Zun Ye Qian, shall we go straight? Anyway, it's near, it shouldn't be delayed for long."

Wang He was shocked. He hoped that Han Fei would fall, but looking at Ye Qian's appearance, he seemed more determined. Is Han Fei really that strong? Breaking into the Kraken camp alone, surrounded by many powerful men, can you hunt two in a row?

Just listen to Ye Qian shouting: "Shut up all of you, wait..."

But seeing Ye Qian's voice just fell, the jade slip in his hand suddenly shattered. A teleportation formation in front of him quickly opened.

Ye Qian was shocked and immediately shouted: "Hurry up, let's go."


In the battle formation, the teleportation formation hole opened, and Ye Qian quickly swept out of the teleportation formation.

Immediately afterwards, Wang He and other 5 Intermediate Venerables, and Longxi and 18 Junior Venerables followed suit.

Thousands of miles away, only the golden boy shouted: "You have 12 breaths."

As soon as Ye Qian came out, he glanced at the battle, and rushed to Han Fei to kill him, only to hear him shout: "Can you kill one person?"

Han Fei grinned, but his answer was a long roar: "Roar~"

That roar, even Jin Tong was alarmed: How can Han Fei Longyin?

At that moment, the beasts ate the soul.

Han Fei's heart, a ray of chaos, spread directly.

In fact, when Han Fei made this shot, the two venerable peaks on the opposite side also used the Qi of Chaos.

Not only did the two of them use it, but even Ye Qian used an inexplicable ray of black energy. UU reading www.uukanshu. Although com is not chaotic, but it should not be bad.

Han Fei's goal is the Venerable who can distort space. Compared to pure defensive players, this kind of fancy avenue is actually better to play.

Ye Qian drew the bow and shot out with one arrow. There was no spiritual energy arrow, no energy arrow, but between the two venerable peaks, the void was isolated.

Massive spatial rifts have isolated more than 300 miles.

Han Fei's heart moved: What a powerful archery!

With the conditions created by Ye Qian, Han Fei and Shuanglong explored the sea.

At that moment, Han Fei felt that his great power had reached its limit. I saw him holding Snow's Sorrow, using all the power of his body, and converging it on a sword.

With one sword, the sea diverges, and the sword is a thousand miles away.

When the Venerable Peak saw this scene, he shouted in horror: "Three links, save me..."

It is a pity that the battle of the venerable is only in the slightest.

As soon as this Venerable's peak voice fell, he was unwilling to fight with all his strength to deal with Han Fei's attack.

But the next moment, he felt that his soul had also been inexplicably threatened. This is a threat of death!


Only saw Han Fei spit out a mouthful of blood.

The venerable peak was in despair, unexpectedly blew a huge amount of spirits, and shattered three lines of nothingness.

"My Nima...dead!"


When the rift in the sky reappeared, Han Fei, who had been fighting for a long time, fell to the bottom in an instant.


Apocalypse magic came, Han Fei hurriedly collected and took a sip of the soul with the remaining void line, and then looked to the other side, the venerables who had already joined the battlefield.

Han Fei's expression turned sullen, and he shouted angrily, "You still have ten breaths, so how many can you kill?"

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