God of Fishing

Chapter 1582: Lu Yuntian's play (part 1)

"God of Fishing (

Among all the people present, Wang He was the worst one.

Just now, at the moment he entered the void, he had said all the information he could say the first time. Including Han Fei’s identity, Han Fei’s true strength, Han Fei’s apocalyptic magic, and the 100,000 cured explorers on Flint Island...

He never knew any other information.

The Sea-Monster encouraged Wang He to continue lurking. After all, only the Intermediate Venerable was fighting Wang He, and he had no right to order Wang He to do this or that!

However, the Black Blood City was slaughtered by Han Fei in World War I, which made Wang He very hated in his heart.

There is no doubt that Han Fei's strength is strong. For the first time, when I went to fight the Lords, I couldn't go there at all, and I couldn't tell the truth, causing the two great Lords to fall.

This time, even though he was in the battle, the whole battle only had 10 breaths, and only had time to deliver some news, he was immediately dragged back.

In order to continue to lurch, Wang He did a scene, and in the end he was beaten with blood with one enemy and two.

Now, Han Fei, the bastard, even cooks demon-eating meat, this is simply the biggest **** in history!

Of course, unlike Wang He, everyone else here is happy.

Including Ye Qian, although he is undead, he does not need to eat. However, in any case, today is the best fight in so many years.

Although he didn't fight for long in this battle, but the enemy had fallen, and he was naturally comfortable. Moreover, he sucked a lot of death.

When the scene was so noisy that he couldn't control it, Han Fei swept it away and said directly to Longxi: "When Lu Yuntian comes back, let him go to the handsome mansion to find me."

Longxi: "Yes, handsome Han."


The outside world was studying how to cook the sea monster, and Han Fei entered the mansion.

After investigating, Han Fei found that his power of the soul had increased slightly, with a total increase of more than 800 points.

Han Fei couldn't help but laugh: This Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler is worthy of a sacred artifact in the world, so accurate. If you didn't change your luck yourself, the result would be "ping" hexagram. Maybe, I will lose a little bit of spiritual power.

In general, he was equivalent to using a ray of chaos to exchange more than 800 points of soul power growth. When the soul returns to its peak again, it still has to kill three venerables to make up for it.

This battle was won, but only punishing 5 enemies did not bring any advantage to the human side.

However, playing this time is still helpful to Han Fei. Although the polishing of the foundation is not too much, Han Fei does feel that he has made great progress when he is fighting against the half-king realm powerhouse. This is not a question of foundation, but a question of combat confidence.

Han Fei didn't even know: Without using any force, he could really compete with the half king!

This great psychological achievement is not worse than basic polishing.

It's a pity that time is limited now. Even if the willingness he has saved now is enough for Han Fei to push his strength to the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable, it will take time.

But now, after the sneak attack, there is no time.

The next step depends on how Heisha Snail King reacts.

The old turtle said: "If the false king really comes, you are afraid that these people are not qualified?"

Han Fei said: "The king is against the king, the general is against the general, the soldier is against the soldier, and the King of Black Shalu has his own golden boy to deal with. What I need to think about is like a pure victory."

Just listen to the old turtle: "You have to know, if the Black Brake Snail King really comes, not to mention how the Monster Beast Alliance will take action... Maybe the Black Blood City will be severely damaged by the Monster Beast Alliance. However, the Immortal City is also It will never be better. There are only more than 100 pieces here."

Han Fei grinned: "That's a lot. How many people do you think Heisha Luowang can bring?"

Han Fei remembered: In Laoyang's calculation, the number of Venerable Black Blood City seemed to be 287. However, a group died in Yin and Yang, a group died in the Gorge of Life and Death, and another group died in the Immortal City. Han Fei calculated that there should be 263 Venerables left. As for whether anyone else is new to the respect? Han Fei didn't know this.

In terms of quantity, the number of sages in the Black Blood City is far greater than that of the Undead City, which is more than twice as high.

Of course, the Immortal City also has its own advantages when fighting a defensive battle. At least, although the relationship between humans and Ten Thousand Beast Island is not good, they have common enemies, which is gratifying.

The Black Blood City can fight separately, so the front is bound to be tight. The Black Brake Conch King only has a chance to fight, and if one fails, the Black Blood City will surely suffer heavy losses.

In the original, the Undead City had a bigger gap than the Black Blood City. However, now there is Han Fei. Han Fei was able to save the living, and at this time, many people's strength was restored to its peak. This is very meaningful for the next battle.

However, on the battlefield, Han Fei is too late to save people-except to give humans a longer period of breathing.

Han Fei calculated it carefully. Black Blood City wants to initiate a blitzkrieg? I'm afraid it won't work either. After all, behind them, Ten Thousand Beast Island had already received his notice.

The situation between the enemy and ours is obviously beneficial to our own side.

However, in a battle, the strategy of the leader is the most important thing. If the arrangement on his side is not correct, even if humans and Ten Thousand Beast Island have some advantages, they will be wasted by themselves.


Of course, the calculation of all this is to put the undead in the camp of humans.

As for Han Fei, it was clear from the mouths of Jintong, Youming and others that once they changed to the immortal spirit, they would not be able to be called humans.

The old turtle also said: Don’t ask about the secrets of the undead. Behind these people, there are forces that he dare not mention...

It was the words of Old Tortoise that made Han Fei pay more attention to the undead. A creature that grows by death, then this area can almost cover the entire sea...

Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​how big is the site? And how powerful is behind the immortal beings?

So, why should Han Fei care about the life and death of the undead?

If now, the entire Undead City is undead, Han Fei would not even dare to open this cage. Otherwise, when the time comes, only one orc can be trusted, and the headache is still himself.

Golden Boy said that Immortal City would be on his side, but that was only his promise.

At this time, Han Fei led more than 300,000 explorers and more than 20 Venerables. However, this is nothing compared to the undead. Of the seven large islands on the front line, four are basically occupied by the undead, and three are the land of the living.

Together with the Kraken's battle, it seems that we must make full use of the power of the undead!

At this moment, Longxi outside the door said: "Handsome Han, Great Venerable Yuntian is here."

Han Fei said leisurely: "In!"

Lu Yuntian's mood is complicated. In just 30 breaths tonight, 7 of them fell in a row, which really frightened him. It can be said that when Han Fei came, the battle of the immortal city seemed to have changed.

In just a few days, plus the human side, 9 statues have fallen. This falling speed is simply unprecedented!

At this level, one year later, God knows what the immortal city will become?

Lu Yuntian entered the handsome mansion and saw Han Fei sitting cross-legged, and asked directly: "What do I need to do?"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "I will act with me later. You can imagine... The things I arranged for you have not yet been completed... I will blast you out of the handsome mansion. After you go out, you need to be angry. , Waiting for Wang He to come to you. Remember, it must be done well. Your performance may be related to the life and death of all the powers of the Venerable Realm here..."


Lv Yuntian took a deep breath, his eyelids twitched wildly: Han Fei's words were serious, which put a lot of pressure on his heart.

Lu Yuntian had to believe Han Fei. Because this person is too evil, he can do things like attacking the Kraken's camp...what else can he not do?

Han Fei did it for the first time before Tu Zun.

For the second time, Han Fei did a sneak attack on the Kraken camp.

As for this time, Han Fei's design, Lu Yuntian has no reason not to believe it. Moreover, no one came to stop Han Fei this time. Han Fei is like a special envoy in the immortal city and can do whatever he wants.


Outside, Wang He was so nervous, he was also eating meat. Yes, in order not to arouse the slightest suspicion, he is also devouring the flesh and blood of Yu Zhenghuan.

After all, between the sea monsters, they could kill each other.

While devouring Yu Zhenghuan, Wang He still thought: If one day, his turn falls to the point of fall, he must not die in this way, he must explode immediately.


Wang He and the others were eating, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly saw the handsome mansion and burst open. Lu Yuntian flew out from Han Fei's door.

After landing, his feet glide on the ground, bleeding from Qiqiao.

Ye Qian appeared for the first time, and at the same time, a dead spirit blocked the sight of those explorers.

Wang He and others, naturally, before they came to the handsome mansion for the first time, they looked dumbfounded, wondering what happened inside?

Seeing Lu Yuntian's sullen face, someone asked, "Master Yuntian, this is...what's wrong?"


Han Fei walked out with a gloomy expression in the handsome mansion.

Han Fei didn't even look at Lu Yuntian, and directly shouted: "Ye Qian, come with me to the front line. Longxi, look forward to Flint Island."

Han Fei took Ye Qian and left quickly. Lu Yuntian also snorted coldly and waved away, but he didn't leave the island.

When Wang He saw this scene, he immediately moved in his heart: It seems that Lu Yuntian has not finished what Han Fei confessed! Therefore, Han Fei was so angry.

Wang He immediately said to Long Xi and the others: "Don't let the people below know about this. You are all here, let me see what's going on?"

Everyone understands what Wang He said, and it is nothing more than to comfort Lu Yuntian.

The venerables couldn't help sighing, thinking in their hearts: Han Fei is actually good in all aspects, that is, this is a handsome way, too domineering and extremely difficult to get close to!

A corner of Flint Island.

Wang He chased him up, "Lao Lu, Lao Lu... No, what's wrong with you? Why is it so stiff?"

Lu Yuntian said inwardly: Wang He, there really is a problem!

Lu Yuntian said with a calm face: "Pharaoh, you said that you don't want to stay in Han Fei's team. What's the matter, I should have believed that! If I have the ability to get us out, would you go? "

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