God of Fishing

Chapter 1665: Half king

In other words, when Han Fei heard the old turtle say that he had been in retreat for 3 months, he was confused: he thought he was at most a stick of incense? As a result, three months have passed? What international jokes are you making with me?

   Han Fei said with a black face: "Old Yuan, are you sure you didn't lie to me? I really closed for 3 months?"

   Old Tortoise said: "Of course. However, the outside time is only less than 6 days past."

   At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was not good: even in the refining world, what can he do? It took me 3 months to temper a phalanx? Just a section, not one! This thing... If you want to temper the whole body bones, how long will it take?

   Without thinking, if you follow this speed of cultivation, it will take you 52 years to finish all your bones!

  In an instant, Han Fei understood: Why Ren Tianfei is guarding the Central Holy City every day...Because this guy is tempering his bones, God knows how long he has been tempering?

   According to reason, Ren Tianfei's aptitude should be weaker than himself. After all, Ren Tianfei is not like himself, and the Emperor's Avenue is the meridian.

   It takes 52 years for even myself to cultivate from the peak of the nobleman to the half king. Then, it is conceivable that other people's cultivation does not destroy the hegemony body, and it must not take hundreds of years, then there is a problem!


   Han Fei took a breath, then looked at his resource consumption.

   As a result, with one eyelid, the resources were consumed about 2%. In order to temper a phalanx, the resource consumption is as high as 2%? What kind of fairy bone is this?


   Han Fei swallowed, this last step of the immortal body, it must be extremely strong! If a phalanx needs to consume so many resources, how much power will increase?

   When Han Fei took a closer look, he found that his strength had increased by 10 waves.

   Yes, Han Fei was right. It took me 3 months to temper an indestructible finger bone and increase my strength by 10 waves.

   Han Fei's expression is weird.

   Is this number less? In fact, there are not many.

   If the strength of a small phalanx can increase oneself by 10 waves... Then, when the whole body is tempered and the strength is increased, then 2000 waves will be the bottom!

   With his current strength, coupled with the strength of 2000 waves, this strength has almost killed the power-type half king in seconds.

   After learning the result, Han Fei was slightly surprised. Anyway, the battle of Shuimutian hasn't started for the time being...Why don't you let yourself spend more time to give Luo Xiaobai and the others!

   The exchange between Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian must be a process of rapid growth of the strong on both sides.

   As before, when I came here, if I didn’t remember to cross the catastrophe, and then wandered outside the sea, I would definitely go to the human race of Feiyube and learn the bow technique...

   At this moment, although the resources in my own body are not enough for my own cultivation. However, how much can be cultivated! Every time you complete a piece of bone, your strength will increase by 10 waves! In short, this is also an improvement...not to mention, besides the increase of power, this indestructible phalanx must have other powerful places!

   Therefore, if you delay for a while, you are not at a loss!

   Moreover, in the three months' time, in my own sense, it was just a piece of incense. Why bother with the question of time anymore, don't you just take 3 months as a stick of incense?

   Wanting to understand this, Han Fei felt: Even if he exhausted all his resources and completed his practice at one time, it would only take more than three years, and this time would be completely consumed by himself.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   So, 12 years later, in real time, about 7 months have passed...

   Han Fei suddenly woke up from his practice.

   To him, time seems to be only a few hours past.

   At the moment when Han Fei woke up, he was a little bit dumbfounded: the entire resource of swallowing seashells, plus the resources originally reserved in the world of refining, could not even be tempered with both arms?

   Now, Han Fei discovered: One of his arms is powerful, the other arm...oh no, the other hand, the palm of the hand is less than half tempered...

   Han Fei couldn't help but exclaimed, "Old Yuan, how long have I been practicing?"

  The old tortoise said: "It's less than 8 months."

   Han Fei: "……"

   Han Fei took a look at his information, and found out that his strength has increased by 482 waves, and there are still zero and full!

   "Huh~ wait..."

   Han Fei discovered something unexpectedly.

   My own soul power has grown by nearly 3000 points.

   This scene surprised Han Fei: the cultivation of the immortal tyrant body not only does not consume the power of the soul, but it can even increase the power of the soul! I didn't visualize anything!

   "Crack, click~"

  Han Fei clenched his fists subconsciously, and as a result, he made a crisp sound.

   After moving the joints, Han Fei felt: his arm is extremely powerful!

   Han Fei was silent for a moment, and he was surprised: "In the past, using the power of the soul to merge into the bones, it would consume a lot of the power of the soul. Isn't it the power of the soul that is feeding him back?"

   Han Fei's heart moved, only to see that his right arm was broken, and no blood came out. I only saw the arm floating in the air, but I could still control my arm.

   only saw Han Fei move his fingers and clenched his fists.

   That kind of feeling is like the arm has never left.

   "Hey! The method of body dissociation? How did you cultivate the method of body dissociation? Is your physical body strong enough?"

   The old tortoise looked dazed.

   Although he knew that Han Fei was in retreat, he did not know: What exactly is Han Fei in retreat?

   At this moment, the whole turtle is not good.

   Han Fei also looked puzzled and said, "What is the technique of body dissociation?"

Old Tortoise said: "Generally speaking, this is a great technique that can only be practiced by those who are strong in refining the body. To cultivate it, at least the realm of kings is needed! Moreover, it is not a newcomer to the king... it has to go through many times Only a tempered king can do it! With this technique, the physical tactics are extremely strong and it is extremely difficult to be killed."

  Han Fei raised his brows: "Really? You said the emperor...I'm still happy! The emperor can practice? I thought that I had some great skill..."

   In fact, Han Feixin said: That's right, no matter how strong the indestructible hegemonic body is, it is ultimately a body-refining exercise that belongs to the realm of the nobleman. Could it be that the body refining technique that is stronger than the king's level is not successful?

   said so, but Han Fei was still quite excited. At least, he has now cultivated the King's Grand Art! When it comes to the realm of the sea, oneself is always better than others!


   Han Fei left Refining World and reappeared in Thunder Prison.

   There is no way, resources are exhausted, I have to come out...

   I knew that I would not throw all the resources to Luo Xiaobai! I thought that these resources were of little use... I didn't think that I could continuously break through the Venerable Peak and Half King Realm in one go!

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   It seems that no matter what happens in the future, you need to have enough resources on your body.

   Han Fei did not rush to find the old tortoise, but took out the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. With a heart move, the ruler began to slide.

   A moment later, when the ruler fell on the "big evil" hexagram, Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: It seems that the difficulty of robbing the Baibei King City is a bit big!

   However, since it is the hexagram of the big evil, not the hexagram of desperation, it means that oneself is still possible...

  Han Fei couldn't help but the corners of his mouth raised slightly: It seems that the chess pieces that were once buried are about to move!

   A moment later, when Han Fei found the old tortoise, he found that the old tortoise had gone two thousand miles ahead of the previous position. And the strength of the old tortoise has gone from the peak of the junior sage to the intermediate sage. Moreover, it is not the kind of newcomer, it seems that after a while, this realm can be cultivated!

   Han Fei said in shock: "Why do you practice so fast?"

The old tortoise said: "Hurry up? This tortoise’s energy-swallowing secret technique is not a joke at all. That is to say, the tortoise’s Sanqing’s aptitude is too bad. If the emperor’s body is here, there is such a space, the strength has long been restored The Venerable is at his peak."

  Han Fei pouted his lips: "Okay, don't sneer. I'm leaving, I'm going to Baibei Wangcheng to vote."


   Old Turtle said in surprise: "You go to Baibei Wangcheng? How do you go?"

   The corner of Han Fei's mouth slightly evoked: "Guess?"

   Thunder Prison, in Han Fei's view, is a pure place of cultivation.

  Han Fei has no further thoughts.

  Han Fei’s current goal is Baibei King City! Of course not to find another trouble for myself...

   After a while, Han Fei carried the thunder, and under the guidance of the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, came to the edge of the Thunder Prison. The entrance to the Baibei King City is here.

   Forbidden land-level trial field, it must be reviewed, UU reading www. uukanshu. com will open.

   Baibei King City will only open here when Tianjiao asks to enter here.


   The twin magical spells are launched.

   Today's Han Fei, who has performed the Gemini Divine Art, has a very low probability of being discovered.

   Unless the person on the other side of the entrance is Bai Jiadi himself... otherwise, it is difficult for anyone to find him.

  Even if the other party is the King City Law Enforcer of Bai Bei King City, Hai Ting Lei, he cannot find it.


  The body of black mist quietly sank into the entrance passage.

   When the body of the black mist exited the entrance of this forbidden area, Han Feichang breathed a sigh of relief: There is no one to guard it.

   It seems that when no one enters the forbidden land-level trial field, there is no one to guard it!

  Han Fei's gaze directly looked at the most difficult one of the four forbidden land-level secret realms of Baibei King City-the sea of ​​gods and demons.

   Once, Yu Tianxin told herself: The sea of ​​gods and demons may be connected to the wall of death.

   He said: There was once a ban that was damaged, but it was replaced by Emperor Bai Jia. A big demon tried to rush out, but was directly killed by Emperor Bai Jia.

   "Hehe, since I can't actively break the forbidden ban from inside and enter Baibei King City... Then, let you open this passage yourself!"

   Thinking about it this way, Han Fei didn't even need the Qi Luck Ruler, and he went straight into the secret realm of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demon.

   For Han Fei, what's in the wall of death? I know it too well.

   With Han Fei's current strength, Heisha Snail King can not miss it.

  A sea of ​​gods and monsters? How can I get myself?

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