God of Fishing

Chapter 1684: Time dragon carp is here

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There was no formal farewell to Zhang Xuanyu and the others, because the few days in the thug academy were a kind of farewell.

After Han Fei closed the canopy, he only had a few words with Luo Xiaobai alone.

He gave Luo Xiaobai a sun-moon shell, and Han Fei said, "These things are for the Thug Academy. It has nothing to do with the people in the Yin and Yang sky, it is all I deserve... Don't donate it! "

Luo Xiaobai glanced at him, his eyelids twitched: "Okay! When will you leave?"

Han Fei: "Now."

Luo Xiaobai said sternly: "Come back early."

Han Fei grinned: "I will try my best. By the way, I have something else..."

Luo Xiaobai: "???"

Seeing nothing but a shock, another Han Fei appeared. This Han Fei, with a slightly fairer skin, is naturally the incarnation of Han Fei.

Just listen to the incarnation outside the body and say: "I stay."

Luo Xiaobai couldn't help saying: "This is..."

Han Fei’s voice came from the external avatar: "I am the external avatar of the deity, and now I am a half-power. The external avatar and the main body’s spirit are the same, you treat me as a clone left by me. So one of my hole cards."

Luo Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth: "Dummy?"

The external avatar immediately said: "What's the fake? What did I not know about the things you did when you were young? I have said that, the external avatar and the deity are no longer separated from each other."

Luo Xiaobai couldn't help but smile: "Then stay! It just happens to be short of people, you will be a handsome guard in the future."

Han Fei: "..."

Luo Xiaobai made a rare joke, but Han Fei was still broken and gone.

In that sun and moon berry, Han Fei left a half-king body, 10 venerable sea monsters, and more than 30 superb soldiers. As for how to deal with it, it depends on their own...

Leaving Broken Star Island, Han Fei appeared 30,000 miles away on Yun Whale's back.

Han Fei sat cross-legged, clutching the corpse of a Venerable Great Demon and said, "Can you still eat it?"

Tang Yan said calmly, "A venerable one wants me to help you watch the yin and yang sky? Isn't it too cheap?"

Han Fei: "A Venerable Pinnacle, helped me watch the Yin and Yang sky for a few years, is it too much?"

Tang Yan was noncommittal: "As long as Cao Tianzhi doesn't attack suddenly, or force Wang Jie to pass."

Han Fei couldn't help laughing: "Even if I am not here, do you dare to cross the King's Tribulation? To be honest, I dare not."

Tang Yan paused for a moment: "Are you sure, you can leave this prison place? It's just that wall of death, can you go in now?"

Han Fei said, "I can try, but I didn't lie to the world. The cage, although it looks so tough, and the king is unbreakable... But maybe it really is about to collapse."


Tang Yan said again: "I know a little bit about the outside world. Thirty-six Xuantian is not a simple place. You can do it yourself!"

Han Fei smiled, and suddenly said, "Where is Tang Ge? Why hasn't it come out yet?"

Tang Yan: "Actually, it has already come out."


Han Fei said in surprise: "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Tang Yan said calmly: "He has experienced some things, and now his strength is about to be half respected. However, there have been some deviations in his understanding of himself. Maybe he doesn't know how to face you, so he is not here. Thousand Star City."

Han Fei said indifferently: "He is caught in the misunderstanding of who he is...?"

Tang Yan: "For the time being. But he will always get past this level. I... By the way, he found his sword path."

Han Fei was stunned, with a smile on his face: "This is good news."


After chatting with Tang Yan for a few words, Han Fei was about to leave and go to the only exit.

Suddenly, the time ring in Han Fei's hand flickered a few times for no reason.

The next moment, Han Fei felt: The time around him has changed!

Now, Han Fei appears in a separate timeline.


Han Fei only felt his scalp numb.

He was already so strong that he was taken to another timeline without reacting to the time avenue of the dragon carp?

And this piece of space is the abyss crack, the coral sea area where the hour light is.

At this moment, Han Fei saw Xiao Si standing not far away.

Beside Xiao Se, there was a girl who was only four or five years old, tender and round. On the little girl's eyebrows, there are a few strands of light blue texture, and her eyes are very fluid, as if she inherited the purity of fish eyes.

"Big brother!"

Han Fei grinned: "Oh! I am so young...have grown up so much?"

However, Han Fei was shocked. Is it possible to transform into a human being in such a small hour?

Sure enough, the information reading ability of the Demon Refining Pot did not appear. Therefore, Han Fei doesn't know now...what exactly has Xiaoguang grown into? Why is it suddenly transformed?

I saw Xiao Guangmao milky, running staggeringly over, and said with a slight slur, "Big brother, are you here to give me food?"

Han Feixin said: I do have something to eat...but now, the food I eat has been upgraded. This time I really haven't prepared the food that suits you!

However, Han Fei's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand to grab a glass of Qi Ling liquid and said, "Soon, brother, I will look back and take you to eat something."


At this moment, I saw the void shake and a big fish came out of a blue light hole.

Xiaoguang suddenly yelled: "Ma Ma..."

Only saw the time dragon carp change his body, becoming a noble woman wearing a red robe with two horns on her head. The woman gently hugged the hour, judo: "Baby be good, you can go out. When you turn around, you will follow your elder brother to take a look outside... eat what is delicious, and play if there is fun..."

"Really? Can I finally go out?"

The woman spoiled and said: "Of course, the premise is that you can't abuse your time power. Be good, my mother and your elder brother have a few words to say, you should play by yourself first."

Xiao Xiao obediently ran to Xiao Se's side, looking at Han Fei and his mother, who were covered in blue halo, with a curious look.

Han Fei said in surprise: "Senior, the time is up?"

Just listen to the woman: "At least, in this wild land, you are indeed incomparable. I have been watching you for a long time. Although your personality is not very good, at least it is not bad for the people around you. Xiaoguang will sign an equal contract with you. In the future, how about you bring her to the king?"

Han Fei couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Senior, I haven't been the king yet."

Time Longli said indifferently: "If all goes well, this will only happen sooner or later... As long as you leave this place, you want to be a king? It's not difficult. However, I suggest you better become a king here. ."


Han Fei couldn't help asking, "What do you mean, senior?"

Time Dragon Carp said: "Here, you are gathering all kinds of luck in one body. All kinds of things here are more or less closely related to you. In the outside world, you are just an ordinary king outside. Here, you will carry the luck of this world and become a king. Of course, the effect will be different."

Han Fei's heart was shocked: Is there such a statement?

Although Han Fei did not have the idea of ​​becoming a king in the outside world. After all, he hasn't reached the end of his half-king path...Because of various exercises and the like, he has basically reached the upper limit. Now I am already slower to advance!

If you can go out this time and find Yin'er, it will naturally be the most important thing. However, if possible, it is necessary to polish the half-king realm to the limit!

For example, the technique of Reiki dismantling, although he has accumulated a lot of aspirations. But to what extent can this willingness support the dismantling? Han Fei is also not clear.

It is precisely because of this that Han Fei knew: This long journey is very important.

However, now that Time Dragon Carp said so, Han Fei took heart. If becoming a king in your own home is more powerful than outside... Then why do you want to become a king outside?

Han Fei immediately bowed his hand: "Thank you senior for reminding me."

Just listen to the time dragon carp said: "I won't let you take my daughter to the king realm in vain. You should have taken the time avenue? I can use the time avenue in exchange, and now it can help you the time avenue Raise two levels. In addition, you can learn all the time techniques my daughter uses. As long as you understand, everything can be learned, and there is no limit."

When Han Fei heard this, he was immediately surprised: how strong the Avenue of Time is... he naturally knew. Two grades higher than now! Can I enter other timelines?

Han Fei couldn't help looking at Xiao Guang and said, "Senior, Xiao Guang is now growing fast?"

The woman smiled slightly: "It will be beyond your imagination. The baby has stayed here for tens of thousands of years. It is not for nothing."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Okay! No problem!"

Han Feixin said: As long as it grows fast, it's easy to say.

Grow fast, in the future, you can ask the hour about things on the Avenue of Time.

But if it grows too slowly, maybe this role has to be reversed. It's impossible to be a nanny for hundreds or even thousands of years, right?

Speaking of the Avenue of Time...With his abilities of jasper stone bridge, there is no shortage of time dragon carp to help him raise two levels.

Just listen to the woman's words: "Besides, the Avenue of Time cannot be easily displayed. It doesn't matter whether my daughter or you is the same. The stronger the Avenue of Time, the less it can be easily displayed. Remember my warning. If you must Show it, then you must pay attention, no one can pay attention to you."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Why?"

Han Fei felt instinctively: This matter is not simple.

And in Han Fei's heart, there was a voice suddenly saying: "Three Temples."

Suddenly, Time Dragon Carp looked at Han Fei's chest: "It turns out that this is an ancient tortoise. He even knows this secret."

Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time: He knew about the Three Gods Temple. On the island of taboo, the old turtle once explained to himself.

The old tortoise talked about the Three Temples, so obviously, one of the temples should be the so-called Temple of Time.

Just listen to the woman: "This shouldn't be something you can know. The ancient tortoise in your heart should know the danger, so I don't need to repeat it too much."

When things...what temples were involved, Han Fei should have considered gains and losses. However, beside him, there was an existence like Emperor Sparrow, which was described by the old turtle as if the danger was not lower than that of the Three Temples.

Han Fei pondered: Anyway, just bring it to the king.

The old turtle once said that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just the beginning of the road. There are more kings among the tens of thousands of seas. As long as you are careful, there should be no problem.

The main problem is: waiting for hours to reach the king level, it means that the time avenue that oneself masters may exceed one's imagination.

After all, you can travel for a long time in just a few hours!

Han Fei handed over: "Junior knows! Senior don't worry, Time Avenue will not be used easily. Even if it is used, it will not be in front of many people."

Just listen to the woman's words: "As long as you don’t show a particularly sky-defying time technique, there is no problem. For example, the time reversal achieved by consuming chaotic energy... this level of time technique, no one will pay attention... It's hard to come by."

After confirming that Han Fei understood, the woman waved her hand, and a large amount of blue halo appeared beside Han Fei. Some of the sentiments on the Avenue of Time directly poured into Han Fei's mind.

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