God of Fishing

Chapter 1689: Rob a pirate ship

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When Lao Yuan asked for help, Han Fei was a little confused. No, you are a dignified man, why are you being targeted?

Han Fei woke up from the retreat, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Old tortoise: "When the emperor broke through, he was found. Those people have already discovered the emperor, and he will arrive at most dozens of breaths."


Han Fei immediately appeared outside the refining world. When he looked at Gui Sanqing, his face was surprised: "I have broken through the high-ranking state so soon?"

Old Turtle: "Although this sea area is dangerous, there are indeed many good things on the periphery. In addition to the Darkmoon Wolffish, there are also some extremely rare Wendao fish. The Emperor was in contact with those humans when he caught Wendao Fish. After...Unexpectedly, they could still find the old man!"

Han Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes. It sounds...like the old Yuan has robbed someone else's things...or else, why would people follow him? Moreover, it appeared when he broke through.

Han Fei was helpless.

Although his strength has not yet returned to its peak, the difference is almost the same. Senior Venerable Pinnacle, this strength, plus his own many methods...As long as the opponent does not have a half king, the problem should not be big.

After a while.

Han Fei saw a black shadow appear. It's just that the dark shadow is a little too big, it's clearly a big ship nearly 100 meters long. Moreover, it is the kind of fast sailing boat.

On the sail of the sailing ship, there is a giant shark-like picture with a mouth full of sharp teeth and red eyes. The bow is also piled up like a shark's head.

I saw the big ship riding the wind and breaking through the void, walking on flat ground in this wave of waves.

Suddenly, I saw the ship disappear.

Immediately afterwards, Han Fei felt vacant and shocking. The next moment, a big ship appeared just a hundred miles away from Han Fei.

When I waited for a nearby look, I saw that there were arrays around the hull. That formation is like a sharp knife... This thing can break through the void and escape in the void! It's really interesting.

The old tortoise is breaking through, and there is huge aura and energy around him being sucked into his body. However, the old tortoise left a ray of soul in Han Fei's heart, so he could still talk to each other at the moment.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "My! There should be no strong on this ship. The strongest one is only the high-ranking state, and the rest is the peak of the middle-ranking state, one in the middle-ranking state, and two beginners. Venerable state, the rest have six and a half states."

"So many sages?"

"Swipe it~"

I saw Void Vibration, three people in a row appeared dozens of miles away from Han Fei.

However, these people were wearing heavy armor with barbeds in many places.

Han Fei can keenly see...they are poisonous. The poison that can be wiped on the body by the Venerable Realm? I'm afraid, it's not an ordinary poison.

They all held serrated scimitars in their hands, and the roots of the scimitars were drawn by spiritual chains, like a standard weapon. Judging from Han Fei's eyes, it was not an ordinary standard weapon, and the weapon level was afraid to have the strength of a high-grade magic weapon.

However, he saw a man in the high-ranking state, and said with a sullen face: "It turns out that this turtle monster still has an accomplice...boy, you dare to **** things from my predator pirate group? It seems that you are tired of life. !"

Han Fei smiled faintly: "Oh? Whoever grabs the resources is the one. Is it possible that the best things in the world are the failures of your predator pirate group?"

However, he saw that Senior Venerable's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's not too courageous. Only if you are a Senior Venerable, do you think you can protect the turtle monster? Also, when did humans get mixed up with the ocean monsters Are you... the Shark Race?"

Han Fei's heart moved: Do these people know the Shaman tribe?

It seemed that he had left the Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian cages, and even the Shark Clan had already appeared. This is indeed the outside world!

Han Fei grinned immediately: "It seems that you know a lot?"

But when they saw the three people opposite, their complexion changed slightly, and the middle-aged man raised his hand: "Quit!"

However, the Han Fei people have already come out, how can they leave them safely?

However, seeing Han Fei stepping forward, he appeared directly next to the middle-aged man.

"Poison Tooth~"

The original intention of the middle-aged man was to give the other two a chance to escape. He bit Han Fei with the spirit of his teeth. And in that soul, it is clearly poisonous.

Of course, Han Fei couldn't swallow this strange poison at will.


At that moment, the Beast Soul Eater roar broke out, directly shattering the soul of the fangs. Han Fei pierced out with a shocking stab in his backhand.


The middle-aged man rushed with blood, carrying Han Fei's startling sting, and wanted to retreat... However, Han Fei had already appeared in front of him, with a palm on his heart.


In an instant, this man's battle clothes shattered and his ribs were all broken.

The middle-aged man was terrified, so strong.

Under the same circumstances, he didn't even have a chance to fight back! This kind of role is absolutely extraordinary.

The middle-aged man secretly wanted to crush a pearl, but Han Fei had been fooled before. How could this kind of thing similar to amphibole work in front of oneself?

I saw that the palm of this person fell with a stab.

Han Fei easily grabbed the pearl and looked intently. There was information in his eyes.

【Name】Pearl of Escape

[Introduction] One-time consumables, with the ability to instantly break through the air and escape. As long as this bead is crushed, it will appear randomly somewhere within thousands of miles. The Escape Orb can break through the blocked void, which is its only advantage.

[Remarks] Basic escape type baby, ordinary grade.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: What do you think this is?

However, once it is born and twice it is familiar, this kind of thing may be of great use in a battle of comparable strength. However, when the strength is in a state of crushing, it is almost impossible for the crushed to escape by relying on this thing.

The next moment, Han Fei pressed against the middle-aged man, blasted his body with a fist, directly smashing half of his body. The line of nothingness had already been deducted as early as the first time.

Han Fei seemed to have just solved a trivial opponent.

After going through the middle-aged man, Han Fei said faintly: "Well, this person's strength is not bad, and his defense is also quite strong. The reaction ability and the spirit of attack and killing are considered good. However, He Tianjiao is completely incompetent. Come to think of it, being so strong may be that his true age is not young."

Old tortoise: "The other two ran away."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth was raised: "The formation is just...just right, let me see how powerful the outside formation is?"

Han Fei held the middle-aged man in one hand, and his figure had already arrived in front of the big ship of the predator pirate group.

Waiting for Han Fei to perform the battle and transfer to the stars, but found that this technique has actually failed... Could it be that the level of this formation is very high?

Suddenly, Han Fei had a ray of crisis in his heart, only to see a bright surging on the bow of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, the shark's mouth that was supposed to be just a decoration spouted a shock wave of spiritual energy comparable to the half-king. Among them, there is even a lot of great power.

"Sacrifice fist mark."


The terrifying explosion directly swept nearly a thousand miles.

Han Fei was hit and retreated nearly a hundred miles.

However, in the end he stood in front of the old turtle. Even the middle-aged man he held in his hand was intact.

However, many people on the pirate ship exclaimed.

Someone shouted: "How is it possible? This person, with the strength of the high-ranking state, actually blocked the energy cannon of the half-king state? Is he still a human?"

On both sides of Han Fei, the sea was like a waterfall, while behind him, the wind was calm.

Han Fei shrugged, moved his muscles and bones, his complexion was solemn.

This special lady, a 100-meter-long boat...is it so fierce? Can this ship's hull withstand the attack of the Half-King Realm?

"No! It's a matter of formation...There are formations that can play a half-king realm! It's interesting, this must be studied..."

After speaking, Han Fei's figure disappeared again. Although the shark's mouth seemed to be charging, Han Fei had already fisted it up.

After the bombardment of the invincible fist mark, the ship formation burst out, with an energy shield protecting the entire ship.

In this energy shield armor, because there is a trace of the power of the road. Therefore, Han Fei's invincible fist mark cannot be shaken at all.

But how could this stump Han Fei? How can you always expect to beat your opponent with one punch in a fight like this?

"Boom bang bang~"

With the power of the avenue added, Han Fei's power suddenly rose. With dozens of punches in a row, the ship rumbling, the entire hull trembling. In some places, cracks have appeared.

Han Feixin said: If you have this ship, you can be regarded as a pirate group... Then it's simple. Form a one-man pirate group by yourself, so you have a legitimate background.

After all, pirates are also pirates in the outer waters, and no one will doubt their identity.

At this time, someone exclaimed: "Your Excellency, don't want to deceive people too much. Does your Excellency really want to unite with my predator pirates? If I wait for something to happen here, the Four Kings will never give up."

"Four Kings?"

Han Feixin said: I care about your uncle’s four or five kings? Grandpa, I've never been threatened, whoever comes will **** him.

"Boom boom boom~"


Although Han Fei still expected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is probably only one of the so-called Pirate Pirates, but the beam has already been formed, and it will be all done.

When the hull was split apart, Han Fei appeared directly on top of the hull.

That scene can be imagined.

Han Fei is now on the road, and his strength is comparable to a half king. The few venerables were all taken right away.

The remaining halves looked at each other: Is this guy so reckless? My pirate group of predators has reached the point that even individuals cannot be scared away?

Han Fei stretched out his hand to catch, and the middle-aged man was caught again. The old tortoise is still breaking through at sea, and Han Fei is not in a hurry.

Just listen to Han Fei sneered: "Everyone is holding it for me. If anyone changes, try to find a way to explode! Otherwise...Jie Jie..."

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