God of Fishing

Chapter 1697: The predators are here

Ask Daoyu, the most useful thing is just the heart of asking Dao.

  Han Fei felt nothing if he took this thing, fish or something.

   Han Fei used the Heaven Stealing Technique to steal the spirit power and vitality of Wendao Fish, while using the Demon Refining Pot to absorb the Chaos Qi in Wendao Fish.

   Everyone asked the fish, but Han Fei disassembled several parts and absorbed it, and there was no waste at all.

  Han Fei is going to save the meat and make a fresh mushroom fish soup. The taste is probably not bad.

   Of course, none of the people present can see Han Fei's show operation. In their eyes, Han Fei just caught Wen Dao fish back, and got back the heart of asking Dao.

   At that moment, many people looked at Dragon Dance and Pearl, which roughly means: the heart of asking the Tao is expensive. Even, it can be said to be priceless. Don't we grab this? After all, we are a pirate group!

   But Han Fei didn't care.

   Really dare to grab something from yourself? Then kill them. What happened to the woman? In the world of practitioners, there is no so-called distinction between men and women, but only strong and weak.

   However, Dragon Dance and Pearl didn't say anything, Han Fei put away the heart of asking Dao logically.

   "Bang Dang~"

Seeing that no one is making trouble for himself, Han Fei took out his cauldron and just listened to him: "That's right, I only cook one dish a day, and you guys have a taste. Want to eat full with me? That is impossible."


   Someone was speechless and muttered: "What are you pulling? Isn't it just a cook?"

   Someone shook his head: "This cook is amazing! With the heart of asking Dao, the two captains didn't even speak."

   can be secretly.

   Longwu was so angry that she couldn't help saying: "Pearl, what do you like them for?"

   Pearl said lightly: "Dragon Dance, you know, we must take everything that concerns the Wild Abyss seriously. I don't believe anyone comes to the Wild Abyss just to eat and drink... this person is suspicious."

   Dragon Dance couldn’t help saying: “There are too many suspicious people. They also used the boats of the Predator Pirate Group. God knows if these people are in disguise? The purpose is to steal our exploration of the wild abyss.”

Pearl was silent for a moment, and said leisurely: "At least, their combination is very wrong. Three human beings, one of them is a kid who reached the pinnacle of law enforcement only a few years old, and a turtle monster. You have heard that the beasts are in one vein Human?"

   Long Wu shook his head: "Never! But has anyone guessed this question?"

   Pearl looked at Dragon Dance: "Do you still remember the purpose of our witch pirate group to the Wild Abyss?"


   Dragon Dance took a breath, looked at Pearl in surprise, and said, "Don’t you think... they came out of...?"

   In the place where the two were talking, in the dark, a pure black shadow moved slightly. This is not Han Fei's black mist body, what is it?

   Han Fei, who was dissecting the questioning fish, had a strange light in his eyes, and he was secretly wary: How did they know that someone would come out of the wild abyss?

   Pearl and Dragon Dance, who consider themselves to be strong in the half-king realm, and not ordinary strong in the half-king realm.

   Therefore, they naturally did not take Han Fei and the others seriously, let alone think that Han Fei could hear what they said. Therefore, the two of them were chatting naturally and were not wary.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   just listen to the pearl: "At least, the wild abyss has been the most dynamic this time since these ten thousand years. It's not just us, but the outer thirteen days, A lot of people also came, and the pirate pirate group also came. But unfortunately, we met these people...Perhaps, it is unknown which day they were sneaked out by the Tianjiao children... But no matter what the purpose is , They are not simple. So, we must either keep them first, and he will cook for him if he wants to cook. Let the **** go back and investigate them. If they are from Outland 13 days, do you think there will be anyone Come to rescue them?"

   Dragon Dance's eyes lit up: "So, if they can't find their information, no one will come to rescue them, which means that they are probably... indeed related to the Wild Abyss?"

   Pearl nodded: "We can't be sure if there is a check, let Teacher Xuanfeng come!"


   Dragon Dance dumbfounded: "Just like this, do you want Lord Witch to come?"

   Pearl couldn't help looking at Dragon Dance: "Do you think this is a small matter?"

   Dragon Dance smiled awkwardly: "Okay! I will do it now!"

  In other words, Han Fei was a little fascinated at the time: After listening to the two people chatting, Pearl actually suspected that she came out of the wild abyss?

Why is that?

   As a normal person, I met a few people on the ship of the Predator Pirate Group, how can I not connect them with the Wild Abyss?

   And, just for this little suspicion, this pearl is going to go to Outland to investigate herself for 13 days? Why do you want to call Xuanfeng Witch? This brain was hit by an iron head fish, right?

   However, from the chat between the two, Han Fei also made some unexpected discoveries: that is the witch pirate group, which is very concerned about the savage abyss.

   The purpose of the witch pirate group mentioned by Pearl and Dragon Dance is obviously related to whether anyone came out in the wild abyss...

  From this, Han Fei can be sure: First of all, this witch pirate group is very sure that there are people in the wild abyss.

  Secondly, the witch pirate group is always paying attention to all the changes taking place in the wild abyss.

   Just now, they mentioned that the movement of the Wild Abyss is relatively large.

   Now, Han Fei suspects that this so-called movement may be the sub-energy that Lao Yuan helped him suppress. With his current physique, he was almost blown up by that energy.

   At the beginning, when I found this slightly safer exit from that impasse, there was indeed a terrifying force that instantly pulled myself out.

   It stands to reason, based on my current experience: that energy, it is almost impossible to carry that energy in the half-king state. I can carry it, I am afraid it is just a coincidence.

   Dragon Dance just did what it said, and asked one of the original three ships to change the course and go straight back.

  Han Feixin said: I just came here, are you investigating me now? In your investigation, isn't Lao Tzu going to show up in Outland for 13 days?

   At that time, if you really have a problem, the witch pirate group will naturally not be able to catch it... But at that time, what if the other pirate groups and the people of Outland 13 days know that they came out of the wild abyss?

   At that time, there is almost no need to think about it, and a few of them will inevitably become targets of public criticism.

   Especially, with this child by his side, the characteristics are so obvious, it will definitely make everything go wrong in the future.

   So, what guardian number, can’t go!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Han Fei can't wait any longer.

   Regardless of the purpose of this witch pirate group, it has been paying attention to the wild abyss...I have to keep a secret.

   The location of Yinyangtian and Mizukitian cannot be announced.

   Otherwise, with the current power of Yin Yang Tian and Shui Mu Tian, ​​it would be impossible to resist any force here. Even if only one pirate group passed by, it couldn't stand it.

   Just kidding, the top ten pirate groups here all have kings. Even this tenth-ranked witch pirate group has four strongest half kings, and the venerables do not know where it is... let alone other forces.


   Han Fei suddenly got up, glanced at Lao Yuan and Xiao Se, and said through the voice: "Get ready, I will take you back to Dinghai Tu. This witch pirate group, we don’t have to stay. This group of women, the deadline is coming."

   However, the Guardian was just about to leave, and Han Fei was about to do it.

   Suddenly, Han Fei looked at the void in the distance, only to see a large piece of void shattered there.


   Five **** shark ships burst out in a row.

   This thing is like a space jump. I don’t know. Do you think it is a spaceship?

  Han Fei is now a bit dazed: how are these people positioned? It just appeared like this suddenly, without warning.

   You need to know: Here, even the perception of the half-king is not very far away... How did these ships know that the Pearl and Dragon Dance are here?


   "The dragon dance girl, Wang Zhenzhu... I really didn't expect that... I would let this king meet you here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yo, Xuanfeng is not here, it's a coincidence..."

   At the moment the **** ship appeared, only the pearls and dragon dances shouted: "Open the ship formation and prepare to defend against the enemy."

  As he spoke, the figure of the pearl appeared on the top mast of the ship, and the suit on her body instantly crystallized and turned into a bright pearl suit.

   I saw her hand grabbing dozens of silk threads. Three large ships were towed by the silk thread, and the ship formation was fully opened.

   Dragon Dance drew a knife and shouted: "Fengwang Cannon, prepare..."

   As a bystander, Han Fei saw this group of pirates full of vigor in an instant, everyone tensed, but no one panicked.

   Judging from Jiang Fan beside Han Fei, what appeared in his eyes was decisiveness, the determination to fight to the end. As if the enemy came, their combat strength soared to 120%.

   On the other side of the hull, he saw a middle-aged man with a face full of flesh, open his chest, holding two black thorns, wearing a thorn armor, and laughing violently.

   Han Fei recognized this product at that time: Isn't that special? Who are the four crazy kings?

   Han Fei and the old turtle looked at each other: What kind of luck is this? As soon as they emerged from this wild abyss, they were all BOSS-level murderers...the pirate king, wouldn't they be silent? Why did it come out?

   It seems that the events of the Wild Abyss this time may have exceeded Han Fei's imagination!

   Just now, listening to the meaning of Pearl, there are still some people from Outland 13 days outside this sea area.

   just listen to the old turtle said: "You should be able to run away?"

   Han Fei shrugged: "The problem shouldn't be big."

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