God of Fishing

Chapter 1774: The entire army is annihilated

   Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan finally appeared in the safe sea.

   For Xia Xiaochan, this is a great freedom.

   And in the current land of the king's fall, there are only dozens of places that are truly worth exploring.

   Judging from the so-called keys he found, Han Fei directly suspected: These things were found in the garbage dump in the imperial palace.

   are all things coming out of the imperial palace. The things in the garbage dump can also contaminate the imperial Taoist rhyme, right?

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   The first thing Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan did after they came out was not to study how much wealth they had? Don't care how many babies you have now?

   These, to them, have little meaning.

   The reason why Han Fei needs resources is because he is prepared. Sometimes, often just when unexpected, partiality just needs resources. What can be done?

   Moreover, the resources that Han Fei saved were actually not used purely for himself.

   The sea is rioting and the materials are abundant. Compared with the people of Yin and Yang, these people can be said to be rich in clothing and food, and they can even practice breathing. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   But yin and yang are not good, even if he plunders more resources now, is it possible for hundreds of millions of people to cultivate in yin and yang?

   So, the resources have to continue to grab, what if they are used?

   At this moment, Han Fei is controlling the Vientiane Navigation Device and heading towards the place not far from the Burial Soul Valley.

  Han Fei’s goal is of course the remaining powerhouse of Fengshentian. The entire Conferred God Heaven came to kill Xia Xiaochan. Then, all those who come to Fengshentian must die.

   These people, maybe there should be some way to trace Xia Xiaochan. Therefore, so many people appeared in the Valley of the Dead and the Valley of Burial Souls.

   The strongest person in the gods will not fall, Han Fei can't rest for a moment.

Just listen to Xia Xiaochan's words: "At the beginning, when I was in the pirate group, no one from Fengshentian came to chase me. But this time, they seem to know where I am? From the beginning, they followed me. Come."

Han Fei said, "Perhaps, when you were in the pirate group, it might not be necessary for a king to accompany secretly... Or, they can sense your position within a short distance and through blood factors. But the distance is far, maybe I can't feel it anymore."

   This is what the old turtle said to Han Fei. Han Fei thinks the second situation is very possible.

   Just like Xiaobai can track a designated enemy, within a short distance, as long as the opponent is not in a small world, it can definitely be tracked.

   At least, I can trace where it disappeared. But if it is far away, it won't work.

   Xia Xiaochan: "When I disappear this time, Pure Emperor Dian will definitely search around. Since I can find news about the Wild Abyss, I think Pure Emperor Dian is certainly not stupid. At the beginning, he took me away from there."

   Xia Xiaochan didn’t talk about it, Han Fei didn’t remember it yet, and just listened to Han Fei’s words: “When Pure Emperor Dian took you away, was it the only exit from the Wild Abyss?”

   saw Xia Xiaochan shaking his head: "No, he laid an altar. Then, I stood on the altar, passed the altar, and appeared in the rioting sea."

   "Huh? Altar?"

  Han Fei's spirit was shocked: "You mean, the Pure Emperor Code didn't directly take you out of the wild abyss? Then when you appeared in the rioting sea, was there a super vortex around you?"

   Xia Xiaochan also shook his head: "No."

  Han Fei's heart was shocked: Therefore, the so-called take Xia Xiaochan away in the Pure Emperor's Code was only to transport Xia Xiaochan away through a magical teleportation altar. Moreover, this teleportation altar is still directional.

  The question is not yet in this altar. The question is: Can you enter the savage abyss...

   After all, at the beginning, Pure Emperor's Code was just a projection. Although I don't know how he can shoot so far? But maybe this is the unique talent of the strong!

   Xia Xiaochan: "You are wondering, can he go in? I asked about this, but he didn't answer."

   Han Fei: "Ask directly?"

   Xia Xiaochan nodded: "When I was brought back to the royal clan by him, I wanted to go back every day, so I often asked about this."

   Han Fei: "He never answered it once?"

Xia Xiaochan shook his head: "He didn't say...I, but after I entered the venerable, after many attempts to escape, when I asked him again, he said it was more dangerous than I thought. If I wanted to go back, I might go at all. There is no yin and sun."

   Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's interesting. Don't worry, I won't be reckless. Even if I will meet him in the future, I won't be prepared for nothing and let him catch him alive."

  Han Fei is prepared to return to the Yin and Yang Tiancheng King, so when the riots occur in the ocean, he will definitely not head head-on with Chun Huangdian. My own life now is valuable!

  The soil is fat and round, and I haven't brought it...fall, can it be resurrected? It's hard to say.

   At first, I wondered: How simple is it to find someone?

   As a result, until now, he has become a small half, and he still needs to wait patiently for the end of the trial in the land of Wang Yi, and get on the ride to the glass sky.

   Now, listening to Xia Xiaochan's statement, in addition to confirming the wild abyss, there is indeed an unknown danger.

   Of course, Han Fei is still not sure: Chunhuangdian, is it really possible to go in Yinyangtian?

   Before, Han Fei learned from the witch pirate group: more than once, someone had entered. Even a king has gone in.

   But, that's all I heard. How much do they know in detail? Han Fei is not sure.

   Han Fei couldn’t help thinking, “Girl, do you say that the place with the most information and the most reliable information about the riots is Wudi City?” Genius remembers Chinese in one second m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Xia Xiaochan nodded: "Yes! Although I am not very sure, but some information obtained from the pirate group of the mackerel. Wudi City is home to strong men. Although it is equivalent to a black market, it has always been fair and just. . At least, in Wudi City, it is like this."

  Han Fei immediately made up his mind: After this trip, after looking for Yinger, I am afraid I have to go to Emperor Wudi City!

   At this moment, Han Fei subconsciously pinched a finger, but in his perception, he saw someone appear and was coming in his direction.

  Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Girl, here comes, the man of the gods."

   Xia Xiaochan looked at Han Fei in surprise: "Do you perceive this far?"

   Surprised, Xia Xiaochan has already drawn out his dagger, ready to fight.

   Just walking out of the Valley of Burial Souls is not complete.

   All the people who entrusted the gods to the heavens fell, so that they can be truly free.

After a while, Han Fei said again: "Two batches have arrived. One batch is from the Soul Burial Valley, which deviates from a certain direction. One is the direction of the City of the Dead. It seems that they do not know the City of the Dead and the Burial. Soul Valley can communicate with each other. There is no absolute control over your position. Therefore, they will have people on both sides. Otherwise, if they all go in, the consequences will be really unimaginable."

   Xia Xiaochan: "Hmph, let them have their lives this time, they have no life to return."

   Han Fei: "Hey! Even though the opponent has fallen 16 people, there still seem to be 13 people now. There are many of them. If they all have a king attack, it will be quite troublesome to fight. Why..."

   Xia Xiaochan: "Huh?"


  Fengshentian these people, although they are killing here, they are somewhat puzzled: Is it the person who entered by himself, did not find Xia Xiaochan, or was she ran away? Why did Xia Xiaochan appear outside?

   However, the purpose of these people here is to hunt Xia Xiaochan.

  What imperial palace key? They didn't even think about it.

   At this moment, Xia Xiaochan appears, how can they let go of this opportunity?

   A moment later, when the two groups of people had not arrived, Xia Xiaochan pretended to find it and began to flee.

   However, its escape speed is not fast. Even with the wings of a cicada, there is still a smell of blood when escaping all the way, and it can't hide from these people's noses.

   Someone sneered: "Seriously injured? She escaped? She is indeed a descendant of the cicada. It is a pity that she can't escape much after all."

   After a while, when the two sides of Fengshentian gathered together, both sides were more surprised.

   Someone was surprised to hear the sound transmission: "Are you here too?"

   Someone responded: "It looks like she came out from Soul Burial Valley, but she didn't come out through the entrance, she should come out through other exits. Therefore, neither side was able to kill her."


   When these people were only a few thousand miles away from Xia Xiaochan, someone shot a thousand miles away and tried to stop Xia Xiaochan.

   And Xia Xiaochan appeared to be unable to run. The battle clothes on her body were worn out, her face was pale, and her feet looked slightly vacant.

   "Where to go?"

   "You should know that you can't walk away by yourself."

   "Heh! You shouldn't have come to participate in the trial of the land of Wang's fall."

   For a while, Xia Xiaochan was surrounded and sturdy.

   Hearing only a sound of "Om", six gate formations appeared, protecting Xia Xiaochan in it.

   But someone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ smiled contemptuously: "Does it make sense? With a six-door starfish that is less than a high-level sage, even if its six-door imperial formation is powerful, how many breaths can it block?"

   "Do it!"

   However, just as these people approached Xia Xiaochan, someone suddenly discovered that they couldn't use their great skills.

   At this time, I saw a gray mist of water blowing over.

   In the mist, there are thousands of sharp blades, slashing at them.

   "Huh! Little bugs."

   Someone also consciously said: "This mist is not in the right color, be careful of poison."

   Everyone is preparing to block with aura or make tentative contact, but none of them are afraid, and said to their heart: What is the danger, can it be impossible to shake so many people at once?



   However, gray mist erupted around them.

   This kind of gray substance also appeared on them at some point. As soon as the smell spread, these half-kings were immediately fascinated: What kind of fairy smell?


   Just at this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air, and a stick pierced through one.

   On the other side, a black mist directly shattered the flesh and blood of the other half king. Naturally, Han Fei's black mist body.

   And Xia Xiaochan broke out at the same time, rushing out of the six gates...

   I only heard Xia Xiaochan's cold response: "This is my first time responding to your pursuit. In the next day, the house will be full of people..."

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