God of Fishing

Chapter 1846: 1 Sword Power


When Han Fei entered the tree hole, he actually broke into the darkness from one place to another.

At this moment, Han Fei's perception is still closed.

The only thing Han Fei can do is to light up the darkness with the torch in his hand. Of course, Han Fei also experimented with burning aura, but found that the aura could not be ignited in the dark.

I don't know what is special about this torch? It can actually serve as a light in this dark world...

The coverage of the fire is actually not large, only four or five meters square, and Weiwei can reflect the scene more than ten meters away.


Han Fei felt that his feet were suddenly empty.

Yes, it turned into a cliff under his body, and Han Fei was completely empty.

Not only did his feet become a cliff, but Han Fei's shoulders also felt a heavy force. However, at the moment when he stepped into the air, Han Fei felt the power of the wind again.

Han Fei seems to understand!

I saw Han Fei holding the torch in his hand and quickly stepping on the node in the wind. In this way, you can keep your body from falling.

However, the strength of this wind is too light, almost to the point of imperceptible weakness.

If it hadn't been for Han Fei, he would have realized the method of stepping on the wind node. At this moment, I am afraid I can only fall down. I don’t know the consequences of falling, but this extremely weak wind seems to be a life-saving straw!

At this moment, although these breeze is relatively light, at least not scattered. The wind under your feet blows from all directions, but goes in one direction. Han Fei only needs to grasp the direction of the wind, and he can naturally go where he should go in this darkness...

Sure enough, after a while, Han Fei saw a pillar with a torch. On the pillar, there was a torch that was not lit.

No matter how stupid Han Fei was, he didn't even understand this, so he simply lit the torch.

When the torch was lit, the wind did not regenerate under Han Fei's feet, and the void became a solid ground. He fell on the ground again.

"Huh, it's interesting. Starting from the Avenue of Wind, it's getting harder and harder. It's much harder to walk than the cliff."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly. Although it is more difficult here, it can't stop most people. Even if most people didn't really understand the first level, the people who came were all half-kings.

Han Fei couldn't help but glanced back, but saw a red dot on the way, far away. It looks like a burning flame.

That is the way when I came.

This means: the road here can be turned back.

At this moment, Han Fei was not ready to look back immediately. Since it's here, why bother to go back? In this secret realm, the test that everyone accepts is different. Coveting low risks is probably not a good thing.

Han Fei believes: This kind of difficulty is absolutely no problem for Xia Xiaochan.

After all, he is also a supreme arrogant, talent, blood, combat power, everything is not weak. In this kind of secret realm trial, just with the difficulty of the level currently encountered, want to stump her? The possibility is extremely low. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much.

Under the balance, Han Fei continued to move forward.

When Han Fei looked up and looked forward, he saw the sparks on the torch being blown by the breeze. In this darkness where there is no reference to any direction at all, the direction in which Mars is flying is the only clue Han Fei can refer to.

Of course, Han Fei can use the Multi-Navigation Instrument to confirm, but it is not necessary now.

Following the direction of Mars, Han Fei walked less than 30 meters, and saw another big tree with a deformed appearance. In the tree, there is also a big hideous hole with an open mouth. In the hole, it was still pitch black.

Han Fei entered again without hesitation.

Fearlessness will only make Han Fei be careful, but not afraid.


With the experience of the last time, this time, Han Fei just entered the tree hole and immediately felt where the wind was?

Sure enough, the environment is exactly the same as the last tree hole. Under the feet, there is still no support, can only step on the breeze.

But this time, some sword marks appeared in the void. These sword marks appeared silently, a bit like Xia Xiaochan's shadowless sword.

In the range where the perception was invalid and the visibility was almost less than five meters, the speed of the sword marks appeared too fast. Even Han Fei had to look tight.

In fact, the point of these sword marks was not Han Fei himself, but the torch in Han Fei's hand.

Now that Han Fei understood the importance of torches, how could he let these sword marks extinguish the fire torches? I'm afraid that once the torch is extinguished, this trial will come to an end.


"Ding Ding Ding~"

With a move of Han Fei's thoughts, endless water flew out, directly forming a knife formation, sealing the space around the torch to death.

Soon, Han Fei lit a new torch again at a new stone platform. The breeze came again, blowing the twinkling sparks, and continued to guide Han Fei.

And Han Fei also had a judgment in his heart: This is a trial that is gradually increasing in difficulty.

In this trial, every time a torch is lit, it is equivalent to completing a small stage of trial.

But, when will such a trial come to an end?

Why is the opening based on the understanding of the wind? If it starts, people don't understand it, and the difficulty behind it is extremely difficult, don't you have to play?

When Han Fei entered the next tree hole, he realized that it was so. The way ahead is still the same as before, but this time there are more creatures shooting in the dark.

Another tree hole, more spirit attacks.

Han Fei has been passing the barrier.

The difficulty of the checkpoints has become higher and higher, allowing various attack methods to be included.

Han Fei has to pay attention to his own body style, protect the torch, fight against people, and pay attention to spirit attacks...

Later, it even started to rain.

Han Fei feels: The torch in his hand is just an ordinary torch. If it rains? I'm afraid, it went out directly!

Han Fei wanted to keep the torch well with aura. However, the aura is actually invalid. Fortunately, Han Fei can also control water.

Here, the water just got under control, and the water over there began to fill the road of water. These waters controlled by Han Fei all condensed into frost, and finally turned into ice blades.

Han Fei's spirit is strong, and this ice blade can be called by Han Fei at will.

Under numerous tests, Han Fei passed 17 levels all the way.

When reaching the 18th level, Han Fei only felt: If the difficulty continues to stack, with many abilities restricted, I really don’t know, can I go deeper and farther?

No wonder, some people say: This third level trial is a death trial.

Han Fei bet: Among the more than 6000 people who can get here, the total number should not exceed one tenth.

Level 18, when Han Fei continued to walk into the tree hole...

This time, the environment was a bit beyond Han Fei's expectations.

Han Fei still held the torch in his hand. However, the feet are no longer empty, and there is no feeling of falling.

However, Han Fei felt an extremely strong sense of danger.

Han Fei subconsciously blocked it with a knife.


When the sword light swept over, Han Fei's heart was stunned. Time seemed to freeze. In Han Fei's eyes, only the sword light was seen.

Han Fei seemed to see a lot of power in an instant. It seems to be a combination of many Taoist rhymes.

That sword aura seems to contain the Great Way of Wind, with endless changes, it is difficult to grasp the position;

That Jian Qi, it seems that there is still Dao Yun hidden in the water. If this sword energy is instantly broken, it will burst instantly, lock itself, and extinguish the fire.

That sword aura seemed to contain the technique of attacking the soul.

This sword aura, obviously, is an incredibly slow locking technique.

This sword energy was very slow, as slowly as five meters away, Han Fei could circle it several times.

However, this is a locking technique.

Its power, in the process of moving, is continuing to increase. The longer the time delays, the greater its power.

Han Fei's eyelids twitched a few times.

Seeing Han Fei stretched out his hand, he flicked in the void, and void cracks appeared.

However, when the sword aura arrived, only a "click" sound was heard. The void shattered and turned into a strange power, which was directly absorbed by this sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and its power changed again. Strong.

Han Fei was half a meter away from this sword.

Han Fei's fingers gestured to the left and right of Jian Qi. If only forcibly breaking this attack, Han Fei would naturally be sure to do it.

However, he was still holding a torch in his hand. In this darkness, the demon refining pot could not be connected at all. Naturally, the torch could not be included in the demon refining pot.

At this moment, in the outside world, several pairs of eyes are watching this scene. It's not Zhang Luotian and others, but who can it be?

One of the big beards couldn’t help saying: "This kid has been able to pass the level very fast! It took only half a day and he broke through 17 levels. The problem is, he hasn’t failed yet... he can even try this again. ,Do not know at all……"

Bai Yue sneered and said, "Did you like it?"

The bearded nodded slightly: "I don't think it's useful. This guy is not a small character. I heard that although he is now in the half-king state, he has already fought many kings. Although he has not won, he is not Lost, right?"

While talking, this person also glanced at Yan Meng.

Just listen to Yan Meng said: "If he can cross the catastrophe and become a king, Yin and Yang Tian will have a chance to return. The problem is, even if he manages to entangle the pure emperor's canon, Thirty-Six Xuantian is not without the power. People are not in the minority. He wants to go back to the yin and yang sky, but it will not be easy."

Just listen to Zhang Luotian said: "If his degree of completion can reach 95%, why can't he not return to the Yin and Yang sky?"

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Luotian: "Such a high degree of completion has never been seen before. Are you so optimistic about him?"

Just listen to Zhang Luotian indifferently: "It's not that I am optimistic about him, but that he is very lucky. What's more, his strength is extremely strong. It has been 80,000 years, and he came here when the imperial palace was born. You think... …Is this a coincidence, or what?"

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