God of Fishing

Chapter 1928: Trip to the Heavens

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Han Fei left Wudi City, and he also loaded everyone into the Origin Sea and took away.

Now, Han Fei's Origin Sea seems to have become a small mobile world like a Dinghai Chart, which makes Dinghai Charts basically useless now.

Although Han Fei knew that every immortal palace had a set of sea charts, he did not deliberately collect it. He wondered, if this is collected by one family, how can these people form an alliance with themselves?

It's better to wait for yourself to be strong enough to stun the entire Thirty-Six Profound Sky, and then consider collecting all the Dinghai Charts to see if there is any secret in it.

after one day.

Ten Thousand Poison Sky, Spider King City.

When Han Fei came back this time, there was no need to cover up like the last time.

Han Fei did not hide his figure, so when he first arrived at Wandutian, he heard Wandu's ancestor say: "I thought you ran away carrying the purple smoke stove... I didn't expect it! In a mere few decades, you have changed and you have become the king of the sea."

Dahuangze, somewhere on the top of a mountain, Han Fei and Wandu ancestor Huang Jie stood side by side.

Just listen to Huang Jie said: "Where is the purple smoke stove too? Let me see."

But seeing Han Fei waved his hand casually, a pill furnace with purple gas whirled in the air. I only saw Huang Jie's eyes full of infatuation, and he just listened to him tweeting: "Yes, it's indeed a purple smoke stove, a sacred artifact on earth, a priceless treasure... Hahaha, is the old lady Qiu exploded? Really refreshing? !"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Old Huang, I want to ask for two things this time."

Huang Jiexin said that if people can find Taishang Purple Smoke Stove, let alone two things, even ten things, as long as they can do it, there is no problem.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "The first thing, this is too on the purple smoke stove, lend me to train for ten years."

"Body refining? Do you use the pill furnace for refining?"

Just listen to Han Fei with a smile: "I found that in this pill furnace, the effect of body refining seems to be better."

Huang Jie squinted his eyes and said, "You want to treat yourself as a pill, the old man doesn't care. However, the day the pill furnace is returned, Fang is the time to truly form an alliance with my Wandutian."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Naturally."

Since Han Fei has now united with the mackerel royal family, the demand for other allies is no longer so urgent. In the past few years, in order to train these people on the Avengers, he has lost a lot of time after all.

Huang Jie is not in a hurry. Although Han Fei is now in a good shape, Huang Jie can confirm that Han Fei still needs allies. It can be seen from the battle when Han Fei returned to the Wild Abyss. His enemy is not something Han Fei can contend alone.

And for tens of thousands of years, Huang Jie didn't care about losing too many years.

Just listen to Huang Jiedao: "You have two requests, what is the other one?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Nine poisonous silkworms are naturally."

Han Fei meant that he wanted Huang Jie to provide his own way to counter the poisonous spirit. As the saying goes, Bao Duo doesn't press his body. When he was with Huang Jie, since Han Fei knew about the Nine Poison Silkworm, he would naturally not let it go.

Although in all his experiences, he rarely encountered poison repair and well-known big poison, this is not the reason for him to take it lightly. At each level, Han Fei thought it was necessary to refine the anti-drug body.

In this riotous sea, there are countless poisonous creatures. As long as you stand on top of the sea and feel it, there will be a lot.

It can be crushed now, but it does not mean that in the future, any poison can be crushed. Therefore, it is very important to prevent problems before they happen. Especially this poison of spirit is even more important.

Just listen to Huang Jie said: "Although the Nine Poison Silkworms are rare, it does not mean that they are not. The Nine Poison Silkworms will be offered on the day when the Purple Smoke Furnace is returned. At the same time, I will explain the spirit of anti-poison for you.

Han Fei slightly arched his hands: "So, thank you senior over there."

Huang Jie couldn't help saying: "None of these two things have been achieved yet, are you sure it's okay?"

Han Fei caught it for a moment: "There is still something else that needs to be asked."

Huang Jiexin said that she knew it was not that simple, and just listened to him: "But it doesn't hurt to say it."

I saw Han Fei smiled slightly: "Old Huang, I don't know if you have a way to develop a great poison that can deal with the strong of the Open Heaven realm?"

Huang Jie: "..."

Huang Jie also didn't expect that Han Fei came up to aim at the Open Heaven Realm. He said that there are so many Pihai Jing powers. You didn't get it right, so you started to worry about Open Heaven Realm?

However, in the eyes of Han Fei, Huang Jie hesitated. This could not help but make him shine. Is there a show?

Originally, Han Fei didn't return hope, but seeing Han Fei's reaction made him feel very excited.

Just listen to Huang Jie leisurely said: "Poison to open the heaven has always been the direction of this king's research. Even if there is such a strange poison, I will not easily give you. If it is not poisoned to death, I will even be over. You know what I mean?"

Of course Han Fei understood that the most poisonous poison in the world must come from the Ten Thousand Poison Heaven. If it is not poisoned to death, Wandutian is naturally troublesome.

However, just listen to Han Fei: "Old Huang, you probably haven't realized what kind of battle you are involved in. My Yin and Yang sky and Taiqing Wuji, only you die and I live. Now, the person standing in line, you should also know in your heart. It's gone a bit."

Huang Jie nodded slightly: "Sword God Blessed and waited for the fourth house, ice and snow, plus your Yinyang and Shui Mutian power. Even if you count the old man's poisonous heaven, it is still far away."

Han Fei grinned: "Nine Palace Heaven can also be counted."

"Jiu Gongtian?"

Huang Jie couldn't help looking at Han Fei. Jiugongtian had disappeared for tens of thousands of years... However, he had guessed some of Han Fei's identity, and he couldn't help but wonder, could Han Fei find the site of Jiugongtian remnant?

Huang Jie said: "How much strength can the Nine Palaces survive? It was almost destroyed that year."

Han Fei: "In addition to Jiugongtian, I have other allies of my own. It is not that I want to provoke human civil strife. Rather, these thirty-six mysterious heavens have fallen apart for too long, and an imperial palace has been trapped here for 100,000 years. How about 100,000 years? Huang Lao, you are betting that I break the boundaries here..."

Seeing Huang Jie's silence, Han Fei said: "Senior, what I said, it doesn't really matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that if you really have the poison to deal with the Open Heaven Realm, remember to prepare it, and you will want to use it in case. Okay? Okay, the juniors are here, just say goodbye."


Old man Huang Jie looked at Han Fei, but didn't raise the issue of poison, but asked, "Lady Qiu really refined the Nine Grade God Pill?"

Han Fei sneered: "No."

Huang Jie: "A nest of eight products?"

Han Fei: "One 8-Rank, and the rest was swept clean by Wang Yijian. I risked a life and death crisis before grabbing one."

I don't know if Huang Jiexin is anymore, the old man turned his head to look at Dahuangze, and said leisurely: "I knew that with that old poisonous woman's ability, the eighth-grade pill was made by luck, so how can you make the nine-grade?"

While Huang Jie was speaking, Han Fei had disappeared, and Huang Jie didn't care, but continued to stand on the top of the mountain for how long.


one year later.

On a certain route, a **** boat floated alone on the surface of the sea, and on this boat, only one person was sitting on the bow, idle and fishing.

If you can sweep the 100,000 li here, you will surely discover how many battles are taking place within a 100,000 li radius. There are often waves and ripples that can incite this **** ship.


I saw something like a round dart flashing past~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xia Xiaochan threw a hook, but didn't catch the servant. The next moment, I heard Xia Xiaochan shout: "Haixing, you are lazy again, if Han Fei knows about it, you will have to suffer from flesh and blood."

Six-door Starfish couldn't help saying: "Seastar has worked very hard. Seastar has already fought three games in a row today. Now, Seastar has learned to fight."

Xia Xiaochan bared her teeth: "Do you also call a fight? Go, I will teach you personally."

Six-door starfish: "Hey, hey... Don't! The starfish is just talking about it... Don't!"


In the sea of ​​Han Fei's origin, a purple pill furnace was braving the purple fire.

In the furnace, Han Fei sat cross-legged, but saw the flesh and blood on his body, with the color of gold and jade flowing. Take a closer look, but this golden jade color has covered every corner of the body.


But seeing the top of the furnace collapsed, a golden light flashed out.

But seeing the golden light in Han Fei's eyes, a large shadow appeared in the void, as if the world was the world of law.

Suddenly, the old tortoise's voice sounded: "Are you finally out? This time, you have practiced for more than 31 years. It seems that you have made breakthroughs in physical and spirituality?"

Han Fei sighed: "This technique has finally become small, and it's time to set out to find the fairy palace of those news."

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