God of Fishing

Chapter 1974: See mother-in-law

Xia Hongzhu was sharper than Han Fei had imagined.

If a normal person sleeps for 100,000 years, I am afraid it will be dumb to learn the news after waking up. But Xia Hongzhu is different. After seeing these kings, she directly ordered: "Kings retreat, don't spread the news of my awakening."

"Yes, Lord Queen."

After a group of kings stepped back, Xia Hongzhu looked at Emperor Li Qing: "Are you the only late Jin Kaitian realm?"

Emperor Li Qing nodded slightly: "Yes, there is one more person. Within a thousand years, it may be possible to open up into the sky."

Xia Hongzhu looked at the Pure Emperor's Code: "It's still riots here?"

Pure Emperor Code: "Exactly."

Xia Hongzhu: "In the current riots, now that you two have appeared in the Open Heaven Realm, what about the Human Race? What about the other races?"

While talking, Xia Hongzhu looked at Han Fei, seeming to be looking at it.

Pure Emperor Belt: "During your deep sleep, the Human Race established thirty-six Xuantian... Among them, there were four people in the Open Heaven Realm. Among them, Huang Jingyuan, who was Fengshentian, contacted Anjia through some method, in order to follow Anjia gained strength and became an anchorman. In addition, the Hundred Monster Race, the half-mermaid sea monster, has now given birth to a Kaitian named Shipohuang. The submarine human race, that is, the one who used humans to enter the monsters, has one opener. Tian is named Kong Shen. These two are an alliance to deal with us and mankind."

Xia Hongzhu looked at Han Fei: "What day are you?"

Han Fei: "The Lord of Yin and Yang Heaven, Han Fei."

Xia Hongzhu: "The Lord of the Immortal Palace is the pinnacle of the Venerable?"

Han Fei: "This incarnation outside of me, open the world, Xiaoxu is invincible."

Xia Hongzhu couldn't help being a little speechless, now invincible is so casually talking about it?

Just listen to Xia Hongzhu asking back: "You mean, Pihai Jingnei, you are the strongest?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "It's not a sea-exiting realm. Every realm I go is the strongest."

If Xia Hongzhu had that kind of gentle character, then he would be a little humble, and that would be all by the way. But Xia Hongzhu is obviously not. She is a very decisive person. Because of her strong combat power, she is not beautiful if she is humble.

Xia Hongzhu couldn't help but chuckle: "Brother Dian, there is a strong one in the clan, call for a try."

But this time, Pure Emperor Code didn't move, but said lightly: "You don't need to try it. What he said is really good. He has been in the sea for less than 30 years, and he is almost invincible in this state."

"Less than 30 years?"

Xia Hongzhu couldn't help but squinted his eyes. In less than 30 years, he was the first in the riots to clear the sea? Is it because there are too few strong people in the riots, or is this person too violent?

Having forged a bad fate, is it impossible for his daughter to embark on the same path as himself?

However, she naturally knows that human beings may have bad things, but they must also have good things. But for better or worse, although I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a mother, now that I wake up, I will naturally make up for it.

Xia Hongzhu didn't care that Chun Huangdian and Emperor Li Qing were beside him, and looked at Xia Xiaochan: "Xiao Chan, although the mother did not fulfill her obligations as a mother. But after all, you are my daughter. This human being, Do you think you can totally believe it?"

Xia Xiaochan didn't expect that the first conversation between herself and her mother was like this, and even this mother's aura was actually a little stronger.

But Xia Xiaochan was not afraid: "I was born in a human world. With Han Fei, Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Ren Kuang, I practiced together since childhood, went into the sea together, hunted treasures together, had adventures together. Growing up...the human heart is sinister, right and wrong, I have my own mind. Han Fei, is the person I trust the most."

Xia Hongzhu: "Is it more trustworthy than your Uncle Dian?"

Xia Xiaochan looked at Chun Huangdian and couldn't help but shook his head: "It doesn't matter if he intends to be good or bad, no matter how many things he does in obscurity. But I don't like his behavior, starting from the day he shot Han Fei. ."

Chun Huangdian couldn't help but smiled slightly: "The same sentence, if there is another chance, I will kill him again. At that time, his talent displayed is too poor. Strength, too weak. The more intimate you are. , The more he must die."

Xia Xiaochan said angrily: "Why? After I return to the mackerel royal family, don't I also have to face Anjia, as if Anjia didn't know that I existed?"

Chun Huangdian sneered: "One of Anjia's powerful land spells, including the spell of curse. As long as they can get anything from Han Fei, with your strength at the time, even if I personally protect you, you will not escape death. ."

Xia Xiaochan: "Hmph, no matter how you explain it, I just don't like you."

Chun Huangdian shook his head lightly: "I don't need your likes."

Upon hearing this, Xia Hongzhu understood a cause and effect, and only listened to her: "So, now you have returned the blood of the gods as a mother, do you want to leave?"

Xia Xiaochan pursed her mouth, then nodded: "I don't like it here, and I don't want to stay here."

Xia Hongzhu groaned: "Let's retreat with me for three days. If you still want to leave within three days, I won't stop you."

Han Fei frowned slightly, it was all here, and there was nothing to say. Just listen to him: "Mother-in-law, I should talk about one sentence. The girl crossed the catastrophe and returned the blood of the gods, causing her foundation to be greatly damaged. And I, holding the gods of the apocalypse, may be able to repair her basis. If you can, my mother-in-law, please make a long story short."

"Do you hold apocalyptic magic? Are you related to the King of Humans?"

Han Fei: "It doesn't matter, I'm not over a hundred years old, how can I know King of People?"

Xia Hongzhu thought for a while and nodded slightly: "My palace knows."

Chun Huangdian looked at Han Fei: "If you call this title again, you will not be able to go back as an external incarnation."

Han Fei shrugged: "You are so lenient, the enemy back then, I will come to you sooner or later to ask for it."

Xia Xiaochan pinched Han Fei secretly, saying that you should talk less, you still can't beat him now.

Just listen to Xia Xiaochan's words: "Wait for three days."

Xia Hongzhu looked at the shattered Crystal Palace, and when he knocked the trident on the ground, he saw countless ice crystals reshaping, and the Crystal Palace quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the entry of Xia Hongzhu and Xia Xiaochan, the Crystal Palace closed.

Han Fei and Chun Huang Dian were both disgusted with each other, so Han Fei sat directly at the gate of the Crystal Palace, not standing in the air with Chun Huang Dian to be cool.

In fact, Han Fei was thinking about another thing. That is, through Xia Hongzhu's tone and Li Qing's special love history about the Pure Emperor Dian, it seems that we can get a certain news, that is, the Pure Emperor Dian was the one who opened the sky and descended the power as early as 100,000 years ago.

This made Han Fei speechless. He opened the heavens in 100,000 years. If he had cultivated for 100,000 years, would he be able to become an emperor?

Han Fei knew that the Pure Emperor Code had been dormant for 100,000 years, but he might not really do nothing, if it was himself. Although the spirit of the fairy will be supplied to Xia Hongzhu, this will not limit his thinking, right?

Therefore, Han Fei guessed that since Xia Hongzhu had awakened, then the outbreak period of the Pure Emperor's Code might be coming. By then, he really doubted that on the human side, no one was his opponent at all. After all, this guy is really too ambitious.


Three days later.

Han Fei sat cross-legged in the mouth of the Crystal Palace, but saw the Crystal Palace suddenly open.

Han Fei suddenly got up and saw Xia Xiaochan "brush" out of the Crystal Palace and said, "Han Fei, my mother called you in."

Han Fei was surprised: "Call me?"

Xia Xiaochan pushed Han Fei away with a smile: "Don't be afraid, my mother is actually quite good at talking."

Han Fei obviously felt that Xia Xiaochan was a little more lively, and immediately smiled: "Yes, I'll go, I'll go."

When Han Fei entered the Crystal Palace, Xia Xiaochan didn't follow the sound of "Ka Ka" closing the door, which meant that Xia Hongzhu had to say something to him alone.

Facing an Open Heaven realm mother-in-law, she was still a bit restrained. At this moment, Xia Hongzhu was sitting on a large ice chair, holding a trident.

Seeing Han Fei approaching, Xia Hongzhu said: "What character you are, you can't hide it from me. But I am not an unenlightened person. Then the opening of the imperial palace is imminent, I don't make it difficult for you. Since you say you have excellent talents , I can also believe in you. Even, Xiao Chan can go back with you now. But..."

Han Fei's eyes lit up: "But what?"

Xia Hongzhu: "On the trip to the imperial palace, if you don't die, your body will come to see me."

Han Fei pondered for a while, wouldn't it be killing me if he wanted to see me? However, it is important to take Xia Xiaochan back first. She didn't let herself make a great oath, so what if she didn't come by then?

Han Fei immediately said: "There is no problem."

Xia Hongzhu: "Since you are going to be with Xiao Chan, I also have to make sure that you have the ability to protect her. I won't let you take her out of the riot sea. Don't you have a navigator that you can point to? I don’t ask you to put an end to your home, but you need to stand firm in the outside world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you are still thinking about Cicada at that time, I might consider betrotting Cicada to you."

Han Fei was about to speak, but listened to Xia Hongzhu's words: "While you are still in the riots, I will watch your performance. Didn't you say that you are number one in the sea? Fengshentian, I will leave it to you."

Han Fei pondered for a moment, although Xia Xiaochan has now become a king through the catastrophe. But the outside world is even more dangerous, and it's okay to go first. As for Fengshentian, even if Xia Hongzhu didn't talk about it, he would kill them. For his own growth, resources are always needed. It is not suitable to attack any one now. It would be good if Fengshentian could win.

Han Fei: "Can she stay in the rioting sea willingly?"

Xia Hongzhu: "I have my own arrangements for this. But anyway, you will definitely meet again. The premise is that you can survive from the imperial palace and Anjia."

Han Fei pondered for a moment, but he didn't leave the violent sea for a while, there were still thirty-six immortal palaces to be unified, and the Hundred Demon Race and the Undersea Human Race to be wiped out, so he was very busy. According to the resources of the riots, come and build your own sky. It shouldn't be difficult. By then, his own right to speak will be high.

Han Fei wondered, Xia Hongzhu's confidence in speaking comes from her strength. Although I couldn't see her strength clearly, I knew that she couldn't be lowered. Since I was able to escape from that settlement at the beginning, it would definitely not work without any strength.

Moreover, the environment that Xia Hongzhu was in was very different from the environment of the **** child she knew. She was very strong, which was a matter of course.

Han Feixin said, taking people away first, it will not be a short time before you leave the sea of ​​riots.

Therefore, Han Fei readily accepted: "Okay, then that's the case."

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