God of Fishing

Chapter 1981: Journey to the Fallen Dragon Sky (Part 2)

Holy Land of Slaying Dragons.

In Jianglongtian, there is only one Zhao family who can live in the sacred land of slaying dragons.

In the eyes of others, the Zhao family brothers, one of them repelled the powerful enemy of the Dragon Region, and the other defended the Dragon Sky. This situation is exactly the same as that of Jiugongtian.

Old Han entered the wild abyss at the beginning, leaving Han Xuan alone carrying the small semi-main city and the fairy palace and ran away. After all, Jiugongtian was also guarded by Han Xuan.

Han Fei couldn't help being surprised. It seems that in the old Han and his era, it seems that the two brothers became strong together, it seems that it is not a minority!

Originally, Han Fei and Zhao Jianglong's plan was not like this. They were thinking about finding a way to get back the people from Jianglongtian outside the Sword God Palace.

But now, when Zhao Jianglong is back, Zhao Zilong happens to be here again, and it is time for this trip.

But Han Fei still reminded: "Lao Zhao, are you sure your brother can still recognize you now? This brother hasn't seen each other for so long, who knows if he will kiss anymore! Hey, did you kiss before?"

Zhao Jianglong: "Zilong naturally believed it. At the beginning, forget it...Let's go first."

Han Fei's heart moved, so he wouldn't run to other people's homes for no reason. So quietly, the body of black mist separated, and the body of white mist followed Zhao Jianglong.

Anyway, with Han Fei's current strength, a clone is equally powerful, and no one will find anything wrong.

No, after a while, Han Fei and Zhao Jianglong took Zhao Feiyu to the outskirts of the Dragon Slaying Holy Land.

The so-called Dragon Slaying Holy Land is because there is a dragon evil spirit here, so ordinary people can't get close. And the routine of the fairy palace is always the same, the spirit of the dragon evil is just constructed to be used for the assessment and used to select the Tianjiao.

When Zhao Jianglong saw these dragon evil spirits, he couldn't help furrowing his brows deeply, tightening a little deeply, and unconsciously letting out some killing intent.

But what kind of strength Zhao Jianglong is, this little bit of killing intent overflowed, and immediately made Zhao Feiyu like falling into an ice cave.

Zhao Feiyu was shocked, this person really didn't have any good intentions. Before he reached the Dragon Slaying Holy Land, he escaped such a terrible killing intent. Wouldn't he have to fight directly later?

It is a pity that although Zhao Feiyu has the intention, he is unable to make any small movements in front of Han Fei and Zhao Jianglong, otherwise he will feel the feeling of being manipulated again, that is the creeps from the heart.

Han Fei couldn't help but glanced at Zhao Jianglong: "Old Zhao, hold on, there is no Canglong here!"

Zhao Jianglong suppressed the killing intent forcibly and tried to restore calm, only then he smiled apologetically: "I am too obsessed with the dragons. Feeling the aura of the evil dragon will inexplicably arouse anger. With such a killing intent, Zilong is afraid that he has already sensed it. ."

Zhao Feiyu said heartily, who is this person? Is it such a tiger? This acting is still addicted to acting, and even screaming one by one, do you really think you are the ancestor of the Zhao family?

However, at the next moment, a voice rang out: "I have indeed sensed it. After 80,000 years, I didn't expect you to come back alive."

Zhao Feiyu was shocked at the time. Is this... the voice of the palace lord?

After that, I saw Dragon Sha's breath opening a path out.

Zhao Jianglong couldn't help smiling, and he couldn't wait to step out. Han Fei followed, and in the blink of an eye, the two arrived at the so-called Dragon Slaying Holy Land.

When Han Fei and Zhao Jianglong appeared, they found themselves standing outside a long palace hall.

Behind them, there is a road leading directly to the center of the Dragon Slaying Holy Land. There, there is a thousand-meter-high statue, which carved the scene of Zhao Jianglong tearing the blue dragon by hand.

Before them, it was the entrance of the palace, deep and dark. On both sides of the entrance, there are two sea-clearing realm powerhouses, one on the left and the other, looking at them with complicated and vigilant expressions.


I saw two rows of lights that stretched out for more than 50 miles. At the end of the corridor, in front of a huge dragon skeleton, stood a middle-aged man who was eight-point similar to Zhao Jianglong.

Just listen to the man's words: "80,000 years ago, you went crazy to slay dragons, chasing dragons, and finally disappeared into the vast sea. Unexpectedly, you can see you again one day. It turns out that you went to Yin and Yang? "

Han Fei looked at the middle-aged man and said that this should be Zhao Zilong, but unfortunately he didn't know what weapon he used. It would be interesting if he used a gun.

Zhao Zilong set his sights on Han Fei again: "Han Fei, Lord of Yin and Yang, Long Yang?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Long Yang."

After nodding to Han Fei, Zhao Zilong continued to say to Zhao Jianglong: "You are too intent to kill, don't tell me, you still have to reopen the seal of the Dragon Region and fight the dragon clan when you come back."

When Zhao Zilong said this, he stared directly at Zhao Jianglong, as if he wanted to know Zhao Jianglong's answer.

Zhao Jianglong shook his head slightly: "Naturally not, I come back, just want to see what Jianglongtian is like today."

When Zhao Zilong heard Zhao Jianglong's words, he secretly sighed in relief, and his expression eased a lot. The moment Zhao Jianglong left, he knew that Zhao Jianglong was crazy. Today, Zhao Jianglong returned, and Jiang Longtian's five major sea openings, including himself, were all ready.

Once Zhao Jianglong was about to go to war, he also had to give up the so-called brotherhood.

But with Han Fei's thoughts, Zhao Jianglong's state can be unstable. Zhao Zilong was clearly worried just now. It can be seen that when the seal of the Dragon Region is opened, the consequences are not ordinary.

Therefore, Han Fei added: "Lord of the Dragon Palace. Before coming, I gave Lao Zhao a Seven-Rank Soul Calming Pill. There is a saying, Lao Zhao’s spirit has not been fully recovered, can he keep his clarity? I can't guarantee too much."


When Zhao Zilong heard this, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and even the two kings at the door changed their expressions. In order to suppress the risk of Zhao Jianglong's spirit confusion, Han Fei even used the Seventh-Rank Soul Calming Pill?

Just listen to Han Fei and say again: "If you now look for some of Yaowangtian's fifth-rank Jingxin Pills or sixth-rank Jingxin Pills and Yangshen Pills, the effect should be good."

When Zhao Zilong heard this, he glanced straight back: "Go to the treasure house to get it!"

The king immediately took the order, took a quick look at Zhao Feiyu, took it away, and then warned: "No one else is allowed to know about today's affairs except you."

Zhao Feiyu is dumbfounded at the moment, he is not well. That person... was actually the first generation palace lord of Jiang Longtian? The ancestor of your own Zhao family?

Zhao Feiyu didn't know how serious this matter was. What did Han Fei mean when he said that the ancestor's spirit has not recovered? The palace lord asked the ancestor if he wanted to open the seal of the dragon domain. What did this mean?

Suddenly, Zhao Feiyu felt that he was trapped in a huge mystery, only to hear him murmur: "No! I also have to find a Meditation Pill to eat..."


Inside the palace.

Zhao Jianglong was a little bit ashamed and said: "I will not stay long after this return. I will wait for the spirit to return to Qingming. Seeing that there is nothing wrong with Jianglongtian, now that the population is rich and there are many strong people in the sea, I can rest assured. Up."

Zhao Zilong's voice was slightly hoarse: "Brother, although I don't want to mention it to you. But...I think you should take a look."

After speaking, Zhao Zilong waved his hand, and the whole palace was brightly lit. But Dao is on the inner wall of the entire palace, inlaid with pieces of white bone jade, each about three inches in size, some with names engraved on them, and some without.

Just listen to Zhao Zilong's words: "You and I are both guilty of what happened back then. You chose revenge, and I chose to defend the people. But after all, some people who have fallen should go to confess to them."

Zhao Jianglong's eyes were blurred. This piece of white bone jade was forged from human bones. There were numerous densely packed pieces here, which made Zhao Jianglong's heart confused.

Almost, Zhao Jianglong was not stretched, but fortunately, he tried to suppress the hostility in his heart.

Zhao Jianglong walked towards the wall in despair, leaving only Han Fei and Zhao Zilong looking at each other.

Zhao Zilong said bluntly: "Since the Lord of Yin and Yang chose to commit the risk alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not mobilize the pirate army to besiege or even bring my brother back, Zhao is not ignorant. Within seven days, Jianglong All those who besieged the Sword God's Fourth Palace in the sky were withdrawn."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Palace lord Jianglong is working. In addition, regarding the attitude towards Yin-Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​I don't know what the lord Jianglong Palace thinks? After all, the trip to the imperial palace is imminent, and my Yin-Yang-tian allies are limited."

Zhao Zilong pondered for a moment: "On the trip to the imperial palace, I will let the children of Jianglongtian maintain a friendly attitude towards the people of the Avengers pirate group. If necessary, I can help out. As for the others in Yinyangtian and Shuimutian, actually At that time, no one will know, just report to the family of your allies in the Immortal Palace, or to report me to Jianglongtian, and I will explain it to you."

Han Fei nodded: "It's so good."

Zhao Zilong: "My brother's love is paid back?"

Han Fei: "I didn't expect to bring Entu to report, but I suggest that Jiang Longtian can wait and see the situation in the future. Taiqing and Wuji may not be very strong. And Han Fei, I may not be much weaker. But it must be the case. Let's talk about it after the trip to the imperial palace."

Zhao Zilong: "Zhao remembered...Thank you."

Zhao Zilong looked at Zhao Jianglong who was reaching out and groping for the wall, and he sighed slightly. At the same time, I admired that Han Fei's acting style seemed to be much better than the rumors. At least, this time the return of the dragon to the sky was actually not enough, but they did not ask for it. In comparison, it was more pleasing to the eye than Taiqing and Wuji.

Han Fei looked at Zhao Jianglong and yelled to Lao Zhao, but no one responded. Han Fei shook his head slightly, and finally looked at Zhao Zilong and said, "So, let me go."

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