God of Fishing

Chapter 2048: Emperor Zun 1 hit

It's too late to say, then it's fast.

Han Fei didn't even expect that Huang Jingyuan would have such a way to let the emperor possess his body.

Didn't it mean that the ordinary emperor of the riots couldn't get in? Didn’t the Wudi City take care of this place? If this had been possible long ago, the sea of ​​riots would have been defeated long ago.

Therefore, although Han Fei was surprised, he only felt that it was definitely not an emperor who had come.

Even if this product is really possessed by the emperor, what can it do? When did an emperor dare to be so arrogant in front of the disciples of the void temple?

Han Fei was about to arouse the imprint of the void in his mind, and let the big brother slap this guy to death.

However, there are others who are faster than themselves. I saw a ghost in Xia Xiaochan's body sweeping across the sky. Who could it be if it wasn't Xia Hongzhu?

Xu was the so-called possession of the emperor, and it drew the soul body of Xia Hongzhu in Xia Xiaochan's body, so as soon as the pressure of the opponent came, Xia Hongzhu appeared immediately.

"Ann Bairin."

Xia Hongzhu's voice was cold, but she also knew that this time was not a time to blindly vent her hatred. She is just a soul body, if this person is really An Bailin, he can't stop it.

However, the other party was just a soul thought, which made her secretly relieved. Just listen to Xia Hongzhu shouting to Han Fei: "Take Xiaochan to go first, I will block her for a while."

Facing that void, the trident in Xia Hongzhu's hand also burst out with brilliant brilliance. Xia Hongzhu seemed to be using all the power of this divine mind to shoot.

As soon as Han Fei saw that these two were already fighting, he was about to take Xia Xiaochan away. After all, his Void Mark can only be used three times. He had just become a disciple of the Void Temple, and he had to use such high-end power, and Han Fei was not willing to talk about it.

The other kings were not stupid, even the Sword God exploded out immediately, and of course the others ran away as soon as they found something was wrong.

There were only Luo Xiaobai, who didn't run very far. If it weren't for Han Fei's yelling, he might have to try to save him.


Han Fei, who had just walked out, just stepped into the void with one foot, and his body was not stable yet, so he was sucked back by the void vortex.

Because after being possessed, Huang Jingyuan didn't target other people at all, only Xia Xiaochan. How could he allow Han Fei to take Xia Xiaochan away?

Therefore, anyone can run, but they can't run.

Therefore, as soon as Han Fei appeared, a huge void with a width of more than six thousand miles appeared in the sky, and the void vortex twisted countless people and buildings in the Fengshentian into it. And the core goals of the vortex turned out to be Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan.

Xia Hongzhu's full blow made such a result. At this moment, Xia Hongzhu's figure was illusory, showing that this spirit was almost broken.

At this time, Huang Jingyuan slowly opened his mouth and said: "Xia Hongzhu, you really still wake up. Unfortunately, your current strength is too weak. Even if your body is coming with all its strength, it will not catch up."

Xia Hongzhuhan said coldly: "An Bailin, if you dare to touch one of my daughter's hair today, I will come to the sea in the future and slaughter you up and down without leaving one."

"Yeah! Then wait until you can come!"

After speaking, I saw a burst of fireworks, which shook the radius into a void storm. Xia Hongzhu's soul thoughts disappeared in the void storm after all.

When Xia Xiaochan saw this, his eyes were red, which was extreme hatred.

And Han Fei has no sense of hatred, but he is extremely angry. Not to mention that Xia Hongzhu will destroy your home in the future, Han Fei will definitely go to your home in the future, until you have no **** left.

At this moment, I can't run away. But Han Fei saw a clue from the battle between Xia Hongzhu and this person.

If this person really had the power of the emperor, Xia Hongzhu could not stop her one blow. Xia Hongzhu was an injured patient who had not healed, and this was just one of her soul thoughts, which could block An Bailin's two attacks. Obviously, Huang Jingyuan in this possessed state is not as powerful as he imagined.

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The reason why Han Fei made such a determination was naturally because he had just absorbed more than half of the chaotic air and fairy air from Huang Jingyuan's origin. The remaining ones, even if they can maintain Huang Jingyuan's physical battle, how long can they maintain the emperor's combat power?

As a result, Han Fei's heart moved, and a long scroll pattern flew out.

"Shoo, hoo~"

I saw one after another fairy evil spirits, like the great sword of the fairy demon spewing out from the box. This spray is eighteen.

Originally, this was prepared to deal with Huang Jingyuan. Because the Demon Refining Pot is very powerful, this second formation is of no use.

But now, Han Fei had to take it out.


Seeing a series of immortals killing Huang Jingyuan, they only listened to the latter with a contemptuous snort, a roll of long sleeves, and directly pulled away all the void storms within a six-thousand-mile radius, turning into a void spiral sword, hit Xiang Han Fei.

"Fuck! So strong?"

Although Han Fei felt that he was also very strong, the power that burst out from the roll of his sleeves was completely beyond his own understanding.

Just listen to "Boom Boom Boom", the explosion continues, one after another, the immortal evil strikes on this terrifying spiral void sword, although it has a certain effect, but the effect is extremely small.

Eighteen in a row, almost slashed in an instant, but not even 50% of the power of this terrifying blow was weakened.

Xia Xiaochan was horrified, and hurriedly shouted: "You go! Find a way to leave, and then give me revenge..."

Han Fei: "Don't panic, I feel like I can fight."

Xia Xiaochan was so anxious that she was speechless. What makes you feel like you can still fight? What should you do?

Just listen to her shouting: "This is no longer Huang Jingyuan, this is the emperor."

Han Fei sneered: "What kind of emperor is this? Can the emperor be so weak?"

At this time, a delicate crystal ball suddenly appeared in Han Fei's hand. Xia Xiaochan has seen this stuff. Isn't this the small world that blocked the Yin Yang sky and Shuimu sky before? Why did Han Fei have another one?

The next moment, I saw Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan's figure flashing, and then disappeared into this small world.


This is a barren sea, and only a few creatures live here. When Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan appeared in this small world.

Xia Xiaochan couldn't help being surprised: "This, where is the small world, can this stop his attack?"

Han Fei: "It stands to reason! It should also be suspended. This person is definitely stronger than Bei Luochen, but it is definitely not the strength of the emperor. It is estimated that it is just a soul mind like your mother. You said the soul mind of the emperor. Must be able to break through such a small world?"


As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, he saw the small world, directly changing from day to night, and the whole world was trembling. Above the starry sky, like a big star falling, with constant impact, one after another white marks appeared and disappeared.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan couldn't help taking a breath. This scene seemed like the world was about to collapse. The two people were shocked at the same time. This is the so-called power of the emperor?

This kind of magical scene lasted for the thirteenth breath, and only heard the sound of "click" and "bang". Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan looked at each other. Sure enough, there is a limit to the strength of this small world.

If it is only the Open Heaven Realm, it may take a thousand hammers and a hundred blows to make a crack in this small world. But the emperor's soul thought, within a mere ten breaths of time, actually split this small world.

At the twenty-fifth breath, a second white crack appeared on the sky. At this moment, both Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan could vaguely see the void turbulence still pouring crazily from the crack.

Xia Xiaochan was so nervous that his hands were sweaty: "If this small world can't stop it, you have to find a way to escape in the first place. If I don't die, he will not be able to stop."

Han Fei shook his head: "Come on, you enter my origin sea."

Xia Xiaochan shook his head: "Don't enter. I'm not dead, he can't let you go."

Han Fei: "Do you think that if you die, he can let me go? Just kidding, to the emperor, you and I are like ants. It's slippery, or I will be careful and I will spank you."

"When is it all, still poor?"

Han Fei looked at Xia Xiaochan and said: "You don't really think that I am coming to attack Fengshentian, do you have any preparations? Don't worry, if there is a second player, at least you can protect me from death. As long as I don't die, With apocalyptic magic, do you think I can be killed?"

Xia Xiaochan was suspicious: "Really?"


At this time, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there was a third crack in the sky. Han Fei estimated that this small world should not last long, and immediately said: "Hurry up, don't add chaos."

Although Xia Xiaochan didn't know what Han Fei could do, this time, it was exactly the same as when Han Fei was killed by the Pure Emperor. There should be secrets in Han Fei. However, it's really not appropriate to ask more at this time, you can still survive first.

Therefore, Xia Xiaochan could only give up resistance and let Han Fei take it into the source sea.

When Xia Xiaochan entered the Origin Sea, he only heard the old turtle say: "Your Nine Dead Soul Cracking Chapter has not yet overcome the catastrophe. With its power, now wanting to completely resurrect you, this... I am afraid it will be difficult. You still have it. What's the secret hole card? If not, we are afraid this time it is really bad luck."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth were slightly aroused, but when he saw his thoughts, he saw Nian'er actually appear next to him.

As soon as Nian'er came out, she said: "Brother Han Fei, why don't you let me play? I can also fight?"

Han Fei grinned: "Doesn't this just let you out? But, you can't come out, you have to come."

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