God of Fishing

Chapter 2061: The birth of a behemoth

When "One Qi Transformed into Three Clears" was performed, Han Fei's heart was agitated at that time.

Although the second body outside the incarnation, I don't know when it will be shaped, but the future of the oceans and seas will have opportunities.

It really doesn't work, Han Fei thinks that even if he takes another beastly path, it might be okay.

After all, under such a high rate of return, he immediately became full of confidence in Zhengdao Changsheng. Although he hasn't even opened the sky now.

What's more important is that whether it's the three things in the world, or the one gas into the three clears, they all mentioned that the external incarnation can ignore the hierarchical barriers and the catastrophe in a certain sense.

In other words, the external incarnation of his own ontology does not necessarily need to overcome the catastrophe, as long as he can go on this path, the probability of success is far greater than that of others, which is really outrageous.

As for 10% of the original strength, Han Fei can afford it, and it is nothing more than repairing it back.

At that moment, Han Fei did what he said, and Han Fei was also easy. He directly called the unearthed fat circle, took a mass of the earth fat circle's essence and blood and soul, injected it into the Demon Emperor's inner alchemy, and blended it with the Qi of Chaos, the power of the soul, the power of flesh and blood, and the spiritual will.

At that moment, in Han Fei's original sea, the wind and clouds were turbulent, and his spiritual energy was like a dragon. Even the celestial spirit that Han Fei was not prepared to invest in was partly inhaled into this new external incarnation.

In addition to these, Han Fei also tried to change part of the meridian of the external incarnation, and constructed a very complex yin and yang grinding disc array in his body, in order to better absorb energy and resources in the future.

I only saw that in front of Han Fei, there was flesh and blood of living creatures breeding in the void. Whether it is his own flesh and blood, or the soul, or the demon emperor's inner alchemy, or other resources. At this moment, they all turned into nothingness, swallowed by the chaotic shadow in front of them.

I don’t know if it’s because the external avatar I created is too strong. The situation is a little different from the original external avatar created by the water nymph. This time the molding lasted six days and six nights.

Han Fei watched a little bit of flesh and blood, meridians, and demon veins intertwined throughout.

Finally, when a black octopus appeared, there was a message in Han Fei's eyes:

【Name】Undead Devil (incarnation outside the body)

[Introduction] Once a wild and wild beast, the veins of the gods, so transformed and mysterious, can be classified as the line of gods. The undead devil possesses extremely powerful regeneration and self-healing ability, and the sucker has the ability to ingest aura, energy, blood, vitality, and spirit. When being attacked, 90% of the attacks can be removed, and the mental attacks of all creatures within level 10 can be swallowed and transformed into their own spirit attacks.



[Realm] Seeking

【Contains Reiki】223664

[Combat Skills] Swallow life, rebirth from a drop of blood, undead ray

[Can be collected] Immortal Demon Pill, Devouring Eye


[Remarks] Undead Devil, once a prehistoric beast

"My dear, the creature that I created still has a connection?"

Han Fei is fascinated by himself. Although its target is an octopus, it doesn't stop there, right? The only thing he used was the essence and blood and spirit of the Nine Deadly Cracked Soul Chapter. In this case, the high probability should be the bloodline of the Nine Deadly Cracked Soul Chapter, which contains some blood shadows of the Undead Devil.

However, the body of his undead demon barrier was completely different from the Chapter of Nine Deaths and Souls. Tu Fei Yuan had the meager blood of a sacred beast, and his own, a **** accomplished by a prehistoric beast, belonged to two camps completely.

Could it be said that in the long history, sacred beasts and prehistoric beasts also had a leg?

Han Fei thinks this possibility is also extremely high, as the old tortoise has said before. In fact, all of the bloodlines of the ten thousand races have been really studied deeply, and they are all mixed. The bloodlines hidden in the deepest part may have everything.

Even an ordinary person may have the blood of a god. Some people are lucky and have the phenomenon of returning to their ancestors. If they accidentally inspire that kind of bloodline in case ability, they become Tianjiao.

And some people may be unremarkable for a lifetime, and they don't even know that they still have such a powerful bloodline.

Anyway, Han Fei consciously made this wave. In a sense, this incarnation of oneself should be regarded as a kind of son of God, right?

Now, the body shape of this incarnation of oneself is only a thousand feet. However, once you begin to practice the behemoth divine way, the size of this undead devil will quickly grow bigger.

Han Fei couldn't even imagine how strong the Undead Devil would be when he cultivated to the level of the old snail.

I saw Han Fei grinning: "From now on, my external incarnation will be called... um... Zhang Daqian. Well, it fits the image of an octopus. Moreover, this external incarnation, since it is the sea Monster Giant Beast, then naturally you don’t need to practice with the main body, you can walk a path that belongs to the sea monster alone. Of course, that is after going to the sea world. Now, Zhang Daqian is still too weak, even if his identity background is extremely Strong, but after all, the realm is not enough."

Han Fei moved his new body tentacles a bit, but he still felt uncomfortable. He just listened to him saying: "Old Yuan, how about my external avatar?"

To be honest, the old turtle is dumbfounded now. Knowing that Han Fei wanted to create an external incarnation, he didn't expect that Han Fei would create such a creature that he didn't know at all.

The old turtle said: "Do you know which clan you belong to?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Which clan could it be? Octopus clan!"

The old tortoise was speechless: "It's not the same species as other octopuses. Anyway, I don't know the emperor. Are you going to use this external avatar to cultivate a giant beast?"

Han Fei: "Naturally, you haven't seen it, it's terrible that you don't understand this way."

Old tortoise; "Didn't the snail say that this way of cultivation is extremely difficult?"

Han Fei sneered: "This is a avenue of psychic, is it not difficult for him to psychic?"

"Huh? Godly?"

The old tortoise is directly squeezed. This is a broken place, and there is still a avenue of Tongshen? That said, he was a little moved.

However, when his heart is moved back to his heart, he still has his ontology, and his ontology is already in the Open Heaven Realm. If you have a chance to wait for yourself to return to your body in the future, you can think about what kind of giant beasts are together, and forget it now.

On the one hand, Han Fei controlled his octopus body and began to move, adapting to the octopus's habits. He found that this was really too flexible. You can control any sucker on your body, even any muscle and any meridian in your body as you like. He can twist himself into any shape, and even manipulate his tentacles to make a variety of dance styles.

As far as physical flexibility is concerned, Han Fei feels that this thing is almost perfect.

On the other hand, Han Fei looked at his personal information. After all, 10% of his original strength was consumed, and his strength must be compromised.

But in my eyes, information emerged:

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 99 (open sea)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 840006 (can be improved)

The air of chaos: 143819 strands

Spiritual power: 991134

Perception: 1 million miles

Power: 461128 waves

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 90]

The second talent: Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 92]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the eighth layer, "Time Fishing" [Imperial Artifact]


Han Fei sighed slightly when he saw this scene. Fortunately, it was not outrageous. The current strength is roughly weaker than when he first attacked Fengshentian, but there are not many weak ones, and his strength is slightly lost by tens of thousands of waves.

After that, the cultivation after Fengshentian, including the resource supplementation from 90,000 li to 100,000 li in the original source sea, brought about the increase in strength, and this time, when shaping the external avatar, it was almost consumed.

In other words, after Fengshentian, all of his own efforts were actually wasted. The strength is still half-a-half weaker than before the attack on Fengshentian.

Fortunately, strength or something can be cultivated again. It is nothing more than spending a few hundred more years to practice the Void Viewing Technique and Void Refining Technique.

If you are cultivating in the sea of ​​your own origin, it will take less than ten years.

However, Han Fei saw that the Canghaiwan family tree appeared with words that could be promoted, and he couldn't help but take another look.

When I took a closer look, I saw information emerge:

Ten Thousand Seas: 29620223

Master: 840006

Nearby bloodlines: Zhenhai snail, time dragon carp, golden crow blood, twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish, emperor bird, six star star...

Recommended bloodline: Zhenhai Snail

Han Fei couldn't help but froze, Zhenhai Snail? It means snail king?

Han Fei didn't expect that this Snail Emperor's bloodline level is quite high! It was actually on top of that clear water unicorn.

However, I haven't got the blood of the Snail Emperor yet, maybe it's just very close to the Snail Emperor, so the Demon Refining Pot has detected it.

Han Fei glanced at his body of the Undead Devil, and said to his heart why his external avatar couldn't provide his own blood to swallow him? Is it because he is an external incarnation of himself?

But no matter what, let's get the blood of Snail Emperor first.

Immediately, Han Fei's figure flashed and appeared outside.


Senior Snail Emperor~www.wuxiaspot.com~Senior Snail Emperor, please help me...

As soon as Han Fei jumped out, he faced the Snail Emperor for a while.

Snail Emperor was cultivating happily, and couldn't help but say silently: "It's only a few days now, why are you coming out again?"

Just listen to Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior Snail Emperor, please borrow a drop of blood from the younger generation. The younger generation is shaping the incarnation outside of the body, and now there is a super strong bloodline. In this place of origin, only your old bloodline is the strongest. You can't just sit back and watch when you are old!"

"Hiss~ Do you want my blood?"

The old snail was bad at the time. Is the essence and blood something that can be borrowed casually?

However, I only listened to Han Fei said: "Senior, I swear by the name of the Great Dao, I will be the throne, and I will swear by the catastrophe, without any other intentions. Believe me, my external incarnation is just a drop of your blood. ."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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