God of Fishing

Chapter 2112: Secrets of Dinghai Chart

After a while.

Han Fei caught some ordinary marine creatures and made a barbecue.

The two sit opposite each other around the grill.

Han Fei: "I didn't expect that you would still be alive, and you are still the lord of the fairy palace in the Ten Color Heaven."

Li Luoluo: "I didn't expect that you, who had just enforced the law, are now open to the sky. This growth rate makes me seriously suspect that you are the reincarnation of a strong man."

Han Fei smiled and said, "If I am a reincarnation, how strong is my true body?"

The two talked for a while before Li Luoluo said, "Shishitian no longer exists, and the whole thing fell here. I am not a person from Shishitian, I just got lost here, and the reincarnation that I finally cultivated, I walked on. this road."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "What about your multiple personalities?"

Li Luoluo took a deep look at Han Fei, and saw her pupils change, and her tone suddenly changed: "Brother, long time no see!"


"Leave Cocoa?"

Han Fei took a breath immediately, and I will ask, have you become so fast?

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "Li Coco, how about calling Li Luoluo back?"

Li Keke: "Brother, everyone is already king, and multiple personalities can be shared with each other. Therefore, she can't come out, they are all the same."

Han Fei felt that Li Luoluo was wrong before, and Li Keco was definitely not so innocent as he looked. Looking at it now, it was the projection of the king at the beginning, and the acting was the same as the real one.

At this moment, Han Fei saw what the fairy palace looked like, and couldn't help saying: "Since there is no one in Ten Color Heaven, why are you staying here alone?"


Li Keke said softly, "It's terrible outside! The king will fall within a short span of a few weeks. A girl from the Lun family will dare to go!"

"You change it back for me."

Han Fei's face is black. The previous Li Keke can really deceive people. Now Han Fei already knows that she is the king. Where can he be deceived again?

Sure enough, seeing Han Fei couldn't stand it, Li Keco became Li Luoluo again.

I only heard her say: "You have so many people fighting for life and death. I am the only one in this colorful sky. Why should I go to participate in this troubled world? You came so far away, not to me to reminisce about the past. Right?"

Han Fei made no secret of it, and said directly: "I'm here to find Dinghai Tu. It should be on you, right?"


Li Luoluo did not deny that Han Fei had already found here. If he said he was not there, Han Fei would not believe it! So she took out the Dinghai Chart straightforwardly and said, "This thing is not very useful. It is where I cultivated the worms. Give it to you if you want it."

Naturally, Han Fei took it unceremoniously. He was so far away, didn't he just set the chart?

Putting away the Dinghai Chart, Han Fei said: "Now, the turbulent wars in the rioting sea have ended. The Thirty-Six Immortal Palace of Human Race has been unified. Since then, it will no longer fall apart. What, are you interested in returning?"

Li Luoluo shook his head slightly: "There is no need to return. I am the only one left in Shisetian. I will go to a place controlled by people if I have a chance. Of course, if you want to leave the sea of ​​riots, I Still willing to go."

When Han Fei moved his mind, he would definitely leave when he left. Li Luoluo's background was unclear, and he followed a very special mushishi way, and its dangerous nature was not low. Her strength, if she was right, should not be low, such a person, staying in the riot sea, not necessarily a good thing.

Therefore, Han Fei said: "For nearly a hundred years, it is best to pay attention to the human race. I want to leave the riots and the sea, I hope you can come too."

Knowing that Han Fei was worried, Li Luoluo nodded slightly: "It must be there."

Han Fei didn't talk to Li Luoluoduo, and there was nothing to tell. At that time, if Li Luoluo couldn't, I would come to her again, anyway, this woman had to get away from the riots.

It wasn't until Han Fei left that Li Luoluo said to herself: "It seems that the riots can't stay here anymore. He can find them even here, which shows that the navigator is indeed powerful. It's a pity, time. The worm and the space worm should not be found."

Immediately, Li Luoluo changed to Li Coco's voice: "It's fine if I can't find it for the time being. Anyway, Han Fei may also go to Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian in the future. It is safer for him to take risks than we can find in the chaos."

Then I heard another voice: "Do you want to go out with him? We can actually go out by offering sacrifices."

Li Keke sneered: "I really think that there is no strong man in the rioting sea? I really want to sacrifice and go out. Can the one behind be indifferent? Let's go out with him at that time! Just right, although Han Fei doesn't trust us, he can at least mix with him. A familiar face is always better than a stranger. If he can find Han Guanshu and Jiang Linxian in the future, it will also save us from having unnecessary disputes with him."

Li Luoluo: "Okay, let's do it!"

One month later.

Somewhere in the sea, in front of Han Fei, one picture after another appeared, and the picture scrolls were merged together to quickly form a huge picture of mountains and rivers.

"This cannot be the origin sea of ​​the emperor."

When Han Fei saw this picture, he immediately came to this conclusion.

Taiyuan and the Sword God didn't know, but they knew that the Emperor Origin Sea had already transformed into a star. If it is the source sea of ​​the emperor, then the sea chart should be a spherical shape when put together.

However, no matter how Han Fei tried to piece together, the gap between the end and the end was not adjacent, which obviously did not conform to the state of the star.

Since it was not the origin sea of ​​the emperor, then this thing could not be Chu Hao's origin sea.

Others can't understand the chart. That's because others don't refine the demon pot, but Han Fei has it. This is the real reason why he is determined to find the chart.

Therefore, as soon as the picture appeared and the piece was completed, a message immediately appeared in his eyes.

【Name】Xinghai boundary map

[Introduction] This map is the original star-sea boundary map drawn by the strong based on the heart of the sea world. It can also be called the chaotic boundary map. The sea of ​​stars is also chaotic. The stars in the picture are like grains of sand, one grain and one world. The red star is dangerous, the yellow star has disappeared, the dark stars are mostly the initial places, and the other heterochromatic stars are all monster stars, so explore carefully. This picture can be sealed and collected Dao Qiyun.

[Quality] Top grade artifact


[Remarks] The roads in the picture are the special avenues collected by the painter exploring the Xinghai.

When Han Fei finished reading the description of the information, he couldn't help taking a breath, the map of the Star Sea Realm? Is that the star sea that opened the sky by oneself?

It seems that although this map is an artifact, its real function is a map.

It's like a treasure map, except that this is a map of the sea of ​​Chaos.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Lao Yuan, is Xinghai the Chaos Sea?"

Old Turtle: "You can understand it this way, because the sea of ​​stars in the original sea is part of the sea of ​​chaos. The strong go to the sea of ​​chaos to find the initial place, in fact, in the sea of ​​stars. Because once the sky opens, the sea of ​​stars will be grafted over. ."

Old Turtle: "This picture is related to Chaos Sea?"

On the Dinghai map, Han Fei raised his head, and when night fell, the starry sky was shining.

Suddenly, the sky full of stars shook him directly.

If you say, because I didn't know it before, I only saw him as a starry sky. So, Han Fei's current vision has changed. This is no longer as simple as the starry sky. This is a sea, a sea that contains chaos and starry sky. Inside, every star is a world. One world after another, formed the sea of ​​stars.

Just when Han Fei was in shock, the old turtle said, "Well, it turns out that this is a map of the sea of ​​stars? How powerful is this drawing person to draw the sea of ​​stars?"

Han Fei's heart moved. According to this, when he first went to get the original water, didn't he already enter the Xinghai?

Han Feidao observed this star chart, a large number of bright yellow stars were flashing, among which about 20% of the red stars were red. What the dark star is, I don't seem to see it.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, how do you find the original place here?"

Lao Yuan: "You can still find the original place in this picture. This is just a picture. He drew a chaotic sea chart, but it doesn't mean that the world in this picture is chaos. This is just what you are in the sea of ​​stars. It’s just a map. If there is an initial place..."


The old tortoise couldn't help being shocked: "If there is an initial place, then this initial place must have not been explored. It is also covered by the fog of chaos. In other words, if you are here. If you find the initial place, you can also find it in the real star sea, and it is the kind of initial place that has not been explored."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "So, this picture is actually pretty against the sky, right?"

Han Fei glanced over, and he did not see the so-called dark star. However, everyone has said that it is a dark star, I am afraid you can't see it with your naked eyes.

As for how to look at it, Han Fei still needs to think about it. I can’t travel in the Chaos Sea, but can’t I also travel on a map?

Han Fei realized that he still had a lot of time to study this land of stars. Moreover, he also has a nautical universal instrument.

But seeing Han Fei's heart moved, he wanted the Vientiane Navigation Instrument to point to a random dark star in this picture. Sure enough, Han Fei soon saw the Vientiane Navigation Device pointing near a red star.

Han Fei couldn't help sighing: "This is the real treasure!"

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