God of Fishing

Chapter 2218: Road to Star

At this moment, Han Fei has been taken by others, but the drama is very good, the more this is the time, the less he can be taken lightly.

No, Han Fei's eyebrows gathered a large amount of soul power, and his body was covered by the soul of the master, trying to attack the person while trying to resist.

However, this person has concentrated on his eyebrows, and the weird spiritual power has also exploded.


In the same place, a terrible explosion occurred, and the air wave shook out for 100,000 miles. And Han Fei and the ancient humans were still there.

Mainly, the ancient humans did not move.

Just listen to him: "It's a pity, if you turn you into a star, the consequences are really unpredictable. But now, you are still tender."

After speaking, these ancient humans gathered the power of the soul to try to break through Han Fei's resistance and enter Han Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

I could only see that the unowned soul on Han Fei's body, although it continued to flow, was constantly shattering. In the end, Han Fei was unable to resist, and was suddenly hit by a powerful soul.


"I will carry your past and move towards your future. If I have revenge, and my proof is no more than a snap of my fingers, I might take you physically and reap the Godhead in the future..."

Han Fei's spirit was suppressed, but he didn't panic at all at this moment. Just listen to Han Fei: "Hey! Have you had enough?"


In Han Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, this ancient human race felt strange. He found that this person did not have the slightest fear, and he was extremely relaxed. It felt like... a victor's posture.

"Huh! Let your means to reach the sky, how can you compete with me in this state."


Just when the ancient human race's huge divine and soul pressure tried to crush and invade Han Fei Zhihai and suppress Han Fei’s divine soul. Suddenly, I saw a small gourd, suddenly appeared in Han Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Shoo, hoo~"

With the rotation of the demon refining pot, the six small vines stretched out slowly, but they did not give the ancient power a chance to escape.

"What is this? I and the emperor, one step away, how can it be suppressed?"


I saw that the ancient human spirit began to resist fiercely, but no matter how much he resisted, he couldn't break free from the shackles of Xiaoteng.

Just listen to Han Fei smiling: "I really thought I would dare to play with you if I didn't have a hole card? If you weren't afraid of wasting, you wouldn't even be able to get in my knowledge of the sea, I would be able to knock you out. Tsk tsk, now, still covet My body?"

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief and laid so much for him. At the expense of 5,000 years of vitality, he also tempted this person to dive into his own sea of ​​knowledge for this moment.

If this person is not trying to win the house, then Han Fei can only ask the big brother to help this one way. However, it was not once or twice that I was seized. These people always coveted their bodies.

No, Han Fei was confident that under the suppression of the Demon Pot, even if the emperor's soul came in person, he would still be suppressed, not to mention that this person was not the emperor.

"Roar! You and I belong to the same race, I didn't want to kill you, let me go, I let you go..."

Han Fei sneered: "You treat me as an idiot? Let you go, and then let you continue to kill me?"

After speaking, Han Fei thought: "Refining the demon pot, destroy him for me, shatter his spirit, and obliterate his consciousness."

After all, Han Fei has been growing, and his compatibility with the demon refining pot is getting better and better. At this moment, he can already partially control the demon refining pot.

And this ancient human being was indeed powerful, and Han Fei would be over if he didn't make a demon refining pot.

Therefore, the Demon Refining Pot was still very conscious. As he turned, the spiritual consciousness of the ancient humans was slowly obliterated in the crazy roar and wailing.

However, because the ancient human spirits were too powerful, even if his consciousness dissipated, Han Fei could see countless fragments of his memories from the sea of ​​knowledge.

Among them, the most prominent memory is the memory that has been destroyed here. From that memory, Han Fei saw the figure of the cicada family, and the cicada's wings were shaking.

I only saw that the mountains, rivers and earth were falling apart, and trillions of creatures were disintegrating. There are strong people who forcibly take the origin of the world and deprive the road here, and even Han Fei sees someone vomiting luck here and absorbing the aura of life.

When Han Fei saw these big methods, his heart was shocked. Isn't it so difficult to burn so many creatures?

Or is it that these people don't care at all?

Or is it that the so-called karma is actually just a deception?

Han Fei wasn't sure about this, but he really did, seeing a world destroyed. Imagine that if it was a riot in the ocean and suffered such a slaughter, Han Fei would be even more mad by the ancient humans.

"Don't worry, your enemy is also my enemy. The cicada clan, and that special race that devours popularity. In the future, I will step on them one by one, and I will wipe them out. Because, I Yes, be the emperor of the world."

At this moment, the soul of the ancient strong man was finally completely wiped out, and he could no longer struggle. It also seems to be that after hearing Han Fei's words, he gave up the struggle.

In any case, this person was wiped out, and his soul turned into an endless soul without a master. However, Han Fei felt that his spirit was seriously polluted, so he didn't want a bit of it. If you need the soul of no master, some of the energy crystals are provided by the soul of ignorance.

However, when the last terrifying soul was obliterated by Han Fei into a milky white bead, it attracted Han Fei's attention.

At this moment, six small vines are inserted in this bead, as if extracting the energy from the milky white bead.

In Han Fei's mind, a message emerged:

【Name】Original Star Bead

[Introduction] It is difficult to keep the stars left behind by those who are strong in transforming stars. This star orb contains a higher level of spiritual power. It can greatly enhance the power of the soul, experience the transformation of stars, have a chance to understand the origin of the sea, and obtain the inheritance of the dead.



【Contains Soul Power】10021301

[Effect] It helps oneself understand the original imprint, the process of transforming stars, and even the experience of all stages of the entire Open Heaven Realm.

When Han Fei saw this message, he couldn't help being shocked. Good fellow, with more than 10 million soul power, no wonder he crushed himself. This is more than twice as much as himself.

Had it not been for a major improvement before, the power of the soul would be three times that of his own.

Moreover, this may also be left over after this person's spirit has been wiped out a lot.

However, what Han Fei felt a little puzzled was, can he eat so much spirit power now? After eating it, it will be like hundreds of years ago, the difference between the power of the soul and the body will be too large, which will cause a great loss of combat power, right?

However, such a good thing, put in front of oneself, said that if you don't eat it, you won't eat it? Demon refining pots say that this thing is extremely difficult to keep, and no one else can think of this primitive star orb.

Therefore, when Han Fei slowly opened his eyes, the original star beads floated out of his eyebrows. As soon as Han Fei stretched out his hand and took out his fishing rod, he immediately caught the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler.

Combining the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, Han Fei made some calculations and found that the hexagrams were in the flat hexagram, and there was no big evil or good luck. First of all, it is certain that the hexagram of desperate situation has been broken, and the real desperate situation is this ancient human being.

Secondly, if you take this Primordial Star Orb by yourself, it seems that it is not dangerous, but it does not seem to be of any benefit. I don't know how this hexagram became like this.

But in short, this primitive star bead can be eaten.

Han Fei's heart moved, regardless of the blood evil body standing there like a statue. The soul is gone, this physical threat is zero.

Han Fei also looked back at the evil spirits and found that they still didn't dare to come in, maybe they were used to it. After all, this blood evil body is still there.

Han Fei didn't care about it, and immediately sat cross-legged with a mouth, swallowing the original star bead into his mouth.


The entrance of the star beads turned into nothingness. In Han Fei's mind, a large amount of information appeared in an instant. The beginning of the information was as if he was turning into a star.

After the Primordial Sea opened more than 400,000 miles, it began to transform the stars. It must be because the ancient humans did not have very good resources, so he could only use endless evil energy to transform the stars.

His origin sea is full of blood, the entire origin sea is like a piece of paper, beginning to bend, from the surface into an arc, from the arc into a ball.

When the spheres grew, Han Fei seemed to stand on a star, but the star he saw was full of magma fire and broken walls.

Han Fei felt anger and hatred from this endless flame. The ruined walls covered with the earth seemed to be the source of power on this star.

Han Fei saw that above the stars, there was a avenue full of evil intentions, nourishing demons in the flames. Countless hideous faces seemed to crawl out of the ground.

This whole star ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is all over this evil.

The picture turned, and Han Fei suddenly felt that he was standing in the distant starry sky, looking at this star, and was suddenly covered by the flowing fire in the starry sky. When the flowing fire surrounded, this star formed his own star belt.

However, this is not over. It seems that the evil in the starry sky is approaching here. There are broken stars floating around, surrounding the stars.

There is a weird demon sun, shining a **** color, illuminating this hellish star.

Han Fei was a little bit horrified, he seemed to understand the way after the star was transformed. Transform the stars, turn your own origin sea into a star, and then gather the same avenue in the sea of ​​stars with the power of your own avenue of stars.

Han Fei also understood one thing at the same time, that is, there is a big attraction. Because the avenue attracts each other, the stars can converge.

In reality, killing people on the same avenue may be able to leave its original sea behind, attracting it around one's own natal stars, and gradually turning it into their own use. This is the fundamental reason why the avenue attracts each other and cuts leeks.

"So that's it..."

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