God of Fishing

Chapter 2289: The first time, I was a little nervous

Feng Xingliu was very anxious. He knew that Han Fei was extremely strong. No matter what, he couldn't be beaten five to zero. This would be too embarrassing.

He had to kill one first and fight for one to keep two. That's it, so as soon as he heard that Han Fei was going to make a move, he had to fight one step earlier than Han Fei.

Both sides are full of confidence in this encounter. The man surnamed Na Yi felt that according to the strength of these two people, they could not have a stronger person in their original sea, so even if they could call a few people out, it was impossible for them to lose.

And Feng Xingliu felt that, let alone Han Fei, even if Han Fei was not present, four or five Transformation Stars would be his opponent?

Therefore, as soon as the two sides entered the void, they directly killed them head-on.

However, the mentality of the two sides are different.

For the man surnamed Yi, he felt that the two of them were of average strength and didn't need to do it himself, so he didn't move at all. Others also have the meaning of underestimating the enemy, so there are only two of them here.

On Feng Xingliu's side, he was eager to perform, and his shot was a trick. And Han Fei didn't use gloves at all, only pinched an unpretentious fist mark, which looked much worse than Feng Xingliu.


At the moment of the first fight, the person facing Feng Xingliu, after really touching the opportunity of Feng Xingliu's shot, suddenly changed his expression, and his soul trembled in shock.

"Puff chuff~"

I saw that the moment that person's discoloration changed, the flames of the sword beam stretched for three thousand miles, and directly crushed him completely. The flesh was burned into nothingness, and the soul was directly annihilated by the scorching power. .

At the same time, on Han Fei's side, a fist mark directly penetrated the depths of this person's soul.


I saw this man's body and soul, exploding together, just like the emperor used to be. Han Fei is in the Soul Enlightenment Realm now, and the Yang Shen has already become a reality, so he can directly attack the human spirit when he shoots.

Therefore, under this punch, this person's body and soul were annihilated at the same time.

At the moment the two men fell, a total of five qualification orders appeared on the two of them, and they quickly fell into the wrists of Han Fei and Feng Xingliu.


"How can it be?"

"No, go back."

"Boom boom~ boom boom~"

The celestial phenomenon changes, and two avenues traverse the sky in succession, heralding the fall of the two star-transforming powerhouses.

The look of the young man surnamed Yi changed drastically, and his heart was shocked. How could he be so strong? One move is just one move. What is their strength? A star has just turned into a star, and a star is quite dim, as if it has not yet turned into a star. How can it be possible to kill a strong man who has transformed into a star for many years in one move?

However, at this time, Han Fei and Feng Xingliu had continued to kill, and the speed was so fast that they had to deal with it. Because they were too close to the enemy before, who knew that these two people killed their teammates with one move? Moreover, neither of these two stopped at all, and rushed directly towards them.

The young man surnamed Yi didn't even think about it, he retired directly, and the two companions gave up, this time he punched his eyes. The opponent's realm, but showing such a strong strength, must be a Tianjiao level powerhouse, it is not worthwhile to be one enemy two.

The main reason is that he felt that a person who didn't have a star could penetrate a strong star, which showed that the potential was amazing and he might not be able to win.

Seeing that the young man surnamed Yi was about to run, Han Fei's heart moved: "Feng Xingliu, these two are for you."

Feng Xingliu suddenly felt happy, then I am not one to three, you only one to two, I won.


"Fire Phoenix imprisoned! Big flame knife..."

Han Fei didn't care about Feng Xingliu's two fools. After exploding six times the speed of light, Han Fei stopped the guy who was running away at less than five times the speed of light in the blink of an eye.

To be honest, Han Fei was surprised. This person probably came from an uncomplicated origin, and he was not in the late stage of Transfiguration, but he could explode close to five times the speed of light. This kind of person is definitely of the rank of Tianjiao. At least, if you go to the city of scavengers, this is the first-class powerhouse.

However, this young man surnamed Yi was more surprised than Han Fei, even astonished. He subconsciously thought, how could it be possible? How could a metamorphosis star explode faster than the speed of light? How could it be possible that the speed of the star could surpass itself? This speed, at least five times more, close to six times the speed of light? What kind of evil is he?

Han Fei, who was forced to stop the young man surnamed Yi, had a punch in his backhand. The latter did not dare to neglect, and a burst of white light suddenly appeared on his body, and he also slammed his fist toward Han Fei.




I saw that the whole right arm of the young man surnamed Yi, along with the small half of his body, exploded directly.

But Han Fei's eyes shrunk slightly, because he saw the flesh and blood exploded by this person, bathed in this white light, and he returned instantly, and he recovered as before, as if he hadn't been shot through.


Han Fei knew how strong his power was. Even if he didn't use the God Killing Knuckles, there were more than nine million waves of power, plus he could strike a punch. It stands to reason that if this punch goes down, half of this person's body should explode, and part of the soul will be directly destroyed by him.

However, this miraculous white light seemed to be even more miraculous than his own divine apocalypse, and he even recovered his body.


This person retreated thousands of miles, and Han Fei did not pursue him either. Only seeing the person retreating, a light door radiating holy light emerged behind him.


Han Fei said indifferently: "Are you from the gate of heaven?"

Over the years, Han Fei also has some understanding of the Celestial Clan. The Heavenly Gate is just a collective term for the entire force of the Celestial Clan. They are like the Fist Mountain Peak and the Ghost Strait, which are equivalent to a mountain gate.

However, in the gates of the kingdom of heaven, it is the race of the Celestial Clan that controls all this. In the East China Sea Shenzhou, the Gate of Heaven is a very powerful force, second only to the dynasty of the gods, and the existence of the same name as the horror. In terms of overall strength and foreign activities, it is better than places like Quanmang Mountain and Ghost Strait.

It's just that Han Fei has never understood what the door behind them means?

Just listen to the young man surnamed Yi: "Yes, I am not only a person of the gate of heaven, I am also a person of the heavenly clan. This fellow Daoist, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Those few people, if they fall, they fall. But, You and I can be described as arrogances, if we can join forces, who can be our adversary?"

With only one punch from Han Fei, the young man surnamed Yi knew that he was not his opponent. The power of the punch just now, without the door of his own talent, would have already suffered a heavy blow. That fist can hurt the body, it can hurt the soul, I don't know what the other party used. But boxing can reach this point, this person is probably the ultimate arrogant of Quangong Mountain.

He didn't dare to imagine that if there were a few more punches like that, he might be hammered alive. Therefore, he was the first to propose cooperation.

He believes that with the reputation of the gate of heaven and his status as a child of the heavenly clan, he should be no worse than this person in terms of seniority. If you can get this help, you can even grab many qualification orders.

However, Han Fei glanced at him contemptuously: "What are you worthy of joining hands with me? Are you qualified..."


Han Fei hadn't finished saying a word, the astronomical phenomenon of the collapse of the main road came from behind, and it seemed that Feng Xingliu had killed another one. Han Fei was not surprised by this, except that Feng Xingliu couldn't beat the late stage of Huaxing, these people could not be his opponents at all.

The youth surnamed Yi's face changed drastically, and he took out a piece of talisman paper, and as he stretched out his hand and waved it, the talisman paper unfolded, and there were hundreds of millions of swords on it, rushing towards Han Fei.

With this blow, Yi surnamed aside, preparing to escape faster than the speed of light.

However, Han Fei stepped into the void, ignoring this billions of swords, and his whole body was distorted.

For this tenth, Han Fei didn't stop it at all, and directly bombarded the youth with the surname Yi here.


With this punch, the power soared by 30% compared to before, because Han Fei turned the road a little bit. Mainly, he wanted to see how effective the light gate really is. He didn't believe that he could surpass his apocalyptic magic by coming to anyone and opening a door at random. This is unreasonable.

I saw this young man surnamed Yi directly explode, but under the white light, he recovered in the next moment.

"Huh? Interesting."

"Boom boom boom~"

The golden fist marks burst out continuously. This young man surnamed Yi collapsed time and time again, until the seventh time, the gate of light finally dimmed. But this time, Han Fei did not make another move.

"You won't kill me?"


In the distance, the celestial phenomenon reappeared, and Feng Xingliu had already killed the three transforming star powerhouses, which was very fast.

Yi Yuan was shocked, the killer with fire came. He never thought that he would die like this?

But the next moment, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Han Fei did not kill, but looked at him with his fists.

At this time, Feng Xingliu had flown by, and when he rushed to Han Fei's side and stopped, he laughed loudly: "I won, you haven't been killed until now."

Han Fei shrugged indifferently: "Yeah! You won."


Feng Xingliu's aura suddenly turned off, and he was speechless: "You just, just so plain, just surrender?"

Han Fei didn't know how to communicate with Feng Xingliu, and only listened to him: "It's a good job. Hey, why is your body shaking like this?"

"Am I shaking?"

Feng Xingliu looked down and found that his legs and hands were shaking, and his body seemed to be shaking a little.

Unconsciously, Feng Xingliu's words were a little trembling: "Me, me, for the first time, murder. Yes, I was a little nervous."


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