God of Fishing

Chapter 2338: Global earthquake

Han Fei was not too surprised by the so-called test of God of War.

It would not be meaningless to want to leap over the star path. Otherwise, why would God of War want to jump over?

Even if the God of War told him the method, he had to ask the big brother and them again. After all, if the Star Path exists, it should have its meaning, just jump over it casually, isn't it a bit too disrespectful to the realm of the Open Heaven Realm?

After chatting with the **** of war for a while, the **** of war finally confessed that he would offer a good product next time, don't trim the leftovers, and then end the chat.

After the sacrifice, the explosive time of the God of War Seal reached ten breaths. Oh, because when I was in Doulong Street before, I used a breath to show the world my identity as a wild ancient clan.

Now, this secret should only be known by Nandi, but as the strongest casual cultivator in the East Sea Shenzhou, and Nandi's attitude towards herself, it seems that she will not reveal her identity, and she doesn't know why.

But Han Fei can't manage that much now. He still has two things to do. First, he must shape a ground vein, and then return to the Yuan.

Although he had an estimate in his mind, he didn't know whether the two would conflict or not, so he had to try to know.

In the sea of ​​origin, Han Fei sits cross-legged and has a huge amount of resources.

After arriving at Huaxing, his demand for resources is not so strong for the time being.

Han Fei thought about shaping the earth veins for a long time. The earth channel is just like the human body meridian, and the qi machine connects to the position of the star core. Its most basic external manifestation is ground vein spring water.

However, the earth channel is not exactly the spring water of the earth channel, the channel holder, the transport of qi, the number of days, and the movement of the heavenly Dao, in the natal stars, it should also need to use the star core to contain, nourish and radiate the rhyme of Dao.

Therefore, shaping a vein is divided into two ways of shaping internally and externally.

Outside, it's simple, to create a special area to carry the vitality and pulsation in this area. It was like a place like Blood Sea God Wood City and Dahong Orin in the old days.

Need to open a way to serve as the pulse, leading to the star core. Although he hasn't formed his own star core now, anyway, let's go through it first.

According to the method of shaping the veins that he obtained from the God of War, when the earth veins of the natal star can carry the vitality of the whole star, and when the veins are connected, it will end.

Specifically, God of War asked Han Fei to refer to his own body meridians.

In his words, you have to make your own natal stars come alive, not only contains huge vitality, but spreads that huge vitality above the natal stars.

The human body is also divided into primary and secondary pulses. What Han Fei is doing now is shaping a secondary vein. Because it's just an experiment, it doesn't take long to shape such a ground vein. With no shortage of energy resources, Han Fei only took three days to create a slender secondary vein, or rather, Not even the second pulse.

"Perfect, it can be tested."

And half a day later.

When Han Fei's natal star began to tremble slightly, all the resources that could be returned to the original form on the surface, creatures, flowers, trees, and the like, all turned into energy again and belonged to the natal star itself.

However, this return to Yuan made Han Fei feel a little unusually difficult. Because, inside one's own natal star, there is a star core that does not belong to one's own. Han Feixu underestimated the majestic energy contained in the star core, returning to the origin, attempting to wipe out the energy of the star core. But at this time, Han Fei realized that his way of returning to the Yuan had its limits.

This time, the return to Yuan had only consumed a tenth of that star core. It wasn't that Han Fei couldn't continue, but that he felt the terrifying energy inside the star core. When these energies are compressed in the star core, it feels like they are nothing, but under the return of oneself, one-tenth of it is released at once. Han Fei feels that if it is continuously released in this way, his natal star will be directly affected. Burst.


When Han Fei awoke from his return to the Yuan state, he took a deep breath and felt that an earthquake of considerable magnitude had appeared on his natal star.

This earthquake is not one or two places, this is the entire natal star is in the earthquake.

Fortunately, the magnitude of the earthquake is not high. However, this also made Han Fei aware of the terrible energy possessed by the star core for the first time.

When Han Feihuaxing last time, he didn't feel this way. Because it took time to transform the star, plus the addition and subtraction of acceleration, it took almost 200 years to transform the star.

Moreover, when transforming a star, a huge amount of energy is needed, plus that is a star core in the late stage of the transforming star, so Han Fei just doesn't feel that he will lack energy support during the whole process of transforming a star.

But this time, Han Fei didn't need to transform the star, nor did it take more than 200 years to absorb the energy of the star's core. Therefore, when he tried to pass through the state of returning to the original state, the nucleus was turned into energy at once and dissipated in the entire natal star mark, the problem came.

The earthquake continues, and the energy bursting from the center of the earth is hitting the ground. In this way, it is slowly released and transmitted. Han Fei believes that this situation may last for decades before it subsides.

Fortunately, one's own natal stars can accelerate in time, and it won't take long for a few decades.

But Han Fei soon discovered another thing, and that was that the ground vein he had formed was still there.

Yes, this ground vein has not disappeared due to the state of Guiyuan. Not only did he not disappear, but around this ground vein, the magnitude of the earthquake was greatly reduced, and the whole ground vein was filled with energy. And these energies are slowly transforming, partly transformed into ground vein spring water, and the bottom is faintly drawn by the main road.


Han Fei was surprised, God of War asked himself to look at his meridians, and then shape the earth channels.

If the nucleus of the earth's center star is the heart, then the earth channel is the bridge that connects the heart and conducts blood through the body through the large and small meridians.

In fact, the same is true for the natal stars.

The reason why one's own natal stars will be earthquakes is because they don't have a good channel to carry the energy bursting from the stellar core.

Therefore, Han Fei finally came to a conclusion.

Guiyuan will not let the earth veins melt. Moreover, the next time I try to return to the Yuan, I must wait for a lot of ground veins to be formed. Otherwise, it will be like today, the natal stars are in crazy earthquakes, and the world will be quake for decades or even hundreds of years.

It's a pity that in this state, it's not suitable for shaping the ground veins. You can only wait for the earthquake of the natal star to subside.

It is also due to the energy of the stellar nucleus that is only returned to the original by about one-tenth. It’s also due to my newly transformed star. There are too many places where the natal star lacks energy supply. The first time the energy feeds back, the absorption effect should be very good. Otherwise, it is possible to shake for thousands of years or even thousands of years.

outside world.

Han Fei spent almost a day in the natal star city, mainly due to a trip to Yi Qianxing’s natal star, and chatting with the God of War for a while, which took so long.

When Han Fei returned, he found that Feng Yu, Feng Xingliu, and Feng Qingcheng were eating hot pot.

Feng Yu also exclaimed from time to time: "How can someone create something like hot pot, it's a sin..."

Feng Xingliu snorted: "You still eat so fragrant after sinning."

Feng Yu: "What are you, you, you, sister, I'm older than you."

Feng Xingliu: "Heh! I was born a few days earlier. Not a few years, but a few days."

Feng Yu: "Giving birth to a stick of incense early is also early. Ha! Besides, your strength is so poor."

Feng Xingliu exploded at that time: "I am weak? I beat Doulong Street. How many people can do it?"


Suddenly, several people suddenly looked not far away, where Han Fei appeared.

At the moment when Han Fei appeared, UU read www.uukanshu.com's first reaction and felt the synchronization of Nezha and Zhang Daqian's information. This means that in just these two days, the two external incarnations of oneself arrived at the same time.

Han Fei didn't know what Nezha avatar had experienced along the way. But Zhang Daqian was left on the Crossover by Han Fei, but from the synchronized memory, Zhang Daqian quickly got off the ship and started his hunting career.

at the same time.

In the residential area where Pihaijing is located, Nezha clone and Zhang Daqian clone have synchronized countless information at the same time. The three parties exchange information, which is a very fast thing.

Han Fei did not show any abnormality, but looked at Feng Xingliu and the others.

Suddenly, Han Fei's face became stiff. He saw a girl with double ponytails. Her beautiful eyes were as water, and a look came like autumn waves. On her delicate pink nose, it was tall and straight but not high, and it was stained a little. Hot pot stains. Those shallow red lips, slightly raised corners of the mouth... Fuck, who is this?

Han Fei couldn't help but frown, "Feng Qingcheng?"

Feng Qingcheng smiled slightly, revealing her white and neat little teeth: "Brother Han Fei."

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