God of Fishing

Chapter 2399: Loose life

Han Fei is not a deliberate trial. At the moment when he was parasitized by Thousand Beasts, he felt that Thousand Beasts and monsters were not really easy to fight if they weren't eliminated from the root.

   Actively being parasitized, he has a way to directly purify the source of Thousand Monsters.

   As for Qin Xun and Wang Xiang, I can only say that Han Fei has tested a few people by the way. What kind of Avengers, if you just shout slogans, it doesn't make much sense.

   Since it has been established, it has to be a formal organization and do it well. Things like traitors must naturally be found out in the first place.

   But even if this organization is destroyed from the inside, it doesn't really matter. Anyway, he is a temporary selected behind-the-scenes boss and has not put much effort into this organization, so he can give up at any time.

  Presumably, after this betrayal, Zhou Run and the others will inevitably strictly control the Avengers personnel.

   At this moment, when Qin Xun and Wang Xiang saw Han Fei standing in front of them, their faces were pale.

   Wang Xiang looked solemn, and finally asked tentatively: "Brother Fei, are we still going back?"

   Han Fei shook his head slightly.

   At this time, Qin Xun and Wang Xiang's mood was quite complicated. When Han Fei appeared here intact, they realized that they had been cheated.

   The main reason is that he rebelled. This is an intolerable thing for any organization. What's more, they have always felt that Han Fei is a killer, how could they let them go?

   It's just that the hope of life made them have to deal with Han Fei.

   It's a pity that they are too weak.


   After more than two hundred breaths, Han Fei returned to the depths of this canyon. Thousands of monsters had no time to disperse into scattered life forms to escape, so they were suppressed by Han Fei at this moment, unable to move.

  Han Fei and the others have no way of knowing whether there are other clones of these Thousand Beasts, but at least, his real body of the demon source that has been so hard to cultivate was destroyed.

   When Han Fei came back, Zhou Run and others did not inquire about Qin Xun and Wang Xiang. They didn't find it strange at this point. It would be strange if Han Fei brought the two of them back.

   A super organization with lofty aspirations must not be broken internally from the beginning, otherwise they have endured so many years and endured loneliness?

Han Fei faced Thousand Monsters directly, carrying a long knife in his hand, and patted the head of the Thousand Monsters: "I! If you don't mind telling me, I can consider the practice of your multiple life combinations. Leave you with a resurrection seed, and even leave you with a small parasite. Of course, the premise is that you can't lie to me, otherwise..."

   Han Fei looked at the double axe in his hand and grinned: "Otherwise, I don't mind training your soul and let you become the spirit of the axe."

   Thousand Monsters are a bit horrified, because he has extremely high wisdom, so he can walk to the point of the real body of the demon source.

   The person in front of him has the power to suppress himself by nature. At this time, it is meaningless to contend with him. In the past two years, there have been too many magic sources that have been obliterated.

   There are even dozens of contestants who died in his hands. It can be seen that a new war has been fought, no matter what, you have to live.

   So, these Thousand Monsters can only answer honestly: "Our practice and law enforcement can become different life types, called loose lives."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "I explained it clearly."

   Thousand Warcraft: "It's like taking ants, this is a social life group. Do you think the ant colony is a combination of countless lives, or those countless ants form a living body?"

   Before Han Fei could speak, Cao Mengde said, "That's not nonsense? That must be countless lives!"

Thousands of monsters responded: "Why can't there be so many ants that form a living body? The queen is the brain, with consciousness and a powerful soul. Soldier ants are the defensive power of this living body. Worker ants are mouths and hands. They Used to find food and transfer energy. When worker ants gather and transport, your blood is actually running in your body. Moreover, worker ants can also breed new larvae and continuously provide a new source of strength for this life body. "

Zhou Runfa asked: "It still doesn't make sense. If the worker ants are used as a bridge for energy transfer and energy transmission, wouldn't the burst of combat power be too slow? The brain and body communication may take a long time to communicate? If this is strong The battle of the winners is over long ago."

   Thousand Monsters: "So, our final evolutionary form is the real body of the magic source!"

   Zhou Run: "..."

   It's over, Thousand Monsters said: "Moreover, the transmission of information does not necessarily require two entities to contact each other. You are like the perception that everyone has, and the communication through perception is also very fast."

  Han Fei couldn't help feeling a little horrified after listening. I miss the first moment when I came to the Demon Realm. At that time, what I saw was a huge amount of monsters and monsters under the sea-opening realm.

  Those monsters are actually like young ants in the mouth of Thousand Beasts. At that time, a monster in the Sea Boundary Realm fell, and his ominous power was swallowed by countless monsters, followed by centipede monsters to take away. The centipede monster is equivalent to a worker ant, transporting it.

   And later, when the monsters that I encountered later were relatively strong, even when they were monsters in the Open Heaven Realm, it was equivalent to military service, and their existence was to protect the source of the magic.

  The demon source can give instructions to these open-world realm monsters. It's really very similar to an ant colony.

   Han Fei was keenly aware: "But unlike the ant colony, the queen of the ant colony dies, the ant colony is abandoned. And you can parasitize those ordinary magic objects."

   Thousand Monsters: "That was originally a part of my body, how can you talk about parasites?"

   Han Fei was silent for a moment, so the ant colony cannot have no queens, but the magic source land can have no magic source. Because as long as there is time, a new source of magic will be born and rise again.

  Moreover, because the Demon Source Land is too big and there are too many lives, unless all the lives of the entire Demon Source Land are killed, it is impossible to kill a real Demon Source at all.

   Including this Thousand Monsters, if nothing else, besides the real body he is showing here now, there must be parts of his body scattered in certain corners.

   The reason why he would answer Han Fei’s words was to make sure that Han Fei did not use their way of life. The other is that he wanted Han Fei to let go of a part of the real body of Demon Origin. so. Although he will be reduced to an ordinary demon source again, but with some demon source real bodies, he can quickly grow into a relatively powerful demon source.

   After listening to the explanation of Thousand Monsters, Han Fei was very surprised. He thought of a terrible thing. What if the demon source really proves it? So, does it mean that the demon sources killed by countless contestants are actually part of the body of the emperor's demon source, but they don't know it, thinking that they are an independent body, just like a queen.

   Han Fei was a little shuddering. If this is the case, then this loose life form of life is too terrifying. This is like the offline development of MLM, which can develop almost indefinitely. No one knows what level the real magic source behind the scenes is. If this entire initial place is not completely destroyed, I am afraid that this creature will not be able to be wiped out at all.


   Also aware of this, and Zhou Run, they are all aware of such a terrible form of life.

   It is very possible that these hundreds of thousands of contestants are fighting wildly in the Demon Realm and destroying the Demon Source, but they are actually fighting together with one living body.

   Even, Han Fei suspected that there were only two life forms left in this entire initial place. One is the origin of the world, and perhaps a little bit of origin consciousness. The other is this loose life. Everything that everyone sees along the way is part of this loose life.

   If this is the case, Han Fei is suddenly shocked, I am afraid that this initial place is not like the gods dynasty said, there is no emperor. However, this emperor is too huge, this emperor is this demon realm. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   And it is said that the emperor of the Demon Realm was beheaded by the Great Emperor Tobu, I am afraid that the Great Emperor Tobu beheaded was only a loose life of the emperor class that existed like a thousand monsters. It is equivalent to that Emperor Tobu beheaded the strongest queen ant. But in this world, there are tens of thousands, countless queens. They may rise at any time.

   Now, Tobu the Great regards this as an assessment, challenging this initial place to the contestants, or even as a benefit, just to give back how difficult it is for the contestants in this 100,000-year-old competition?

   The answer is obviously no. Since Emperor Tobu dared to let so many people in, it meant that the Shendu Dynasty was sure that nothing unexpected would happen.

  Secondly, maybe he wanted to let the contestants understand the horror of ominous life. Otherwise, the explanation is not clear, why Tobu the Great can clearly destroy such a dangerous initial place, but he has to make the contestants pay nearly 20% of the casualty rate to destroy this initial place.

   Suddenly horrified, perhaps, at this moment, the deity of Tobu the Great is personally paying attention to the situation in the Demon Realm. Otherwise, if a large number of demon sources in the Demon Realm suddenly sacrifice their own ominous power and let them all gather, is it possible to reshape an emperor-level demon source body?

Han Fei shook his head. Perhaps he thought too much. If these ominous powers can gather at any time, then the emperor of Demon Realm might already gather. As long as the gathering is completed, he may become one. A terrifying emperor.

   Just as Han Fei was caught in various speculations about the Demon Realm, he suddenly heard Wu Bufan say: "Hey! Look at the qualification order, there is a hidden mission on it."

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