God of Fishing

Chapter 2404: Endless water promotion

There are more avenues, and there are more avenues.

   It is definitely impossible to intercept time clips in a normal place. The main reason is that Demon's Domain is not normal, so Han Fei was given this opportunity.

   In addition, although this Shui Yuanlong Ling is invisible, he has a spirit. His spirit is scattered in the surrounding water vapor. However, when Shui Yuan Long Ling attacks, his spirits will be in a momentary state of aggregation.

   As long as he grasps this collection state, this Shui Yuanlong Ling can't escape.

   is just a mysterious creature in the late stage of Transforming Star. The strength of the soul may not be low, but it should not be much higher than himself.

  Sure enough, after a stalemate for a long while, the soul of Shui Yuanlong Ling was finally suppressed by Han Fei. And through the line of nothingness, Han Fei slowly obliterated the soul of the Shui Yuan Long Ling.

   Until the end, when the Shui Yuanlong spirit was dying, Han Fei did not take out its water **** beads and invisible water veins. Under this cold pool, he directly killed the Shui Yuanlong Ling completely.

  Because this Shui Yuanlong Ling's level is higher than his own, and his living state cannot bring him into his natal star.

   Outside the cold lake, Zhou Run and the others were still waiting, and suddenly they saw the endless water that was frantically absorbing water vapor, suddenly rushing to the bottom of the lake.

   Zhou Run frowned slightly and looked at Munan: "Should we go down and take a look."

Mu Nan: "There should be nothing wrong. With the current state of Brother Fei and the artifact in his hand, he can't use this Chaos Yuanshui, which is still in its incomplete state. Since he has summoned the Chaos Yuanshui, it should be there. The possibility of advancement. At this time, I think we should not bother."

   As soon as he entered his natal star, Han Fei immediately sacrificed the demon refining pot.

   I saw Han Fei threw the entire water-shaped water element dragon spirit directly into the demon refining pot, and then threw endless water into the demon refining pot.

   I cannot hope that all the mysterious creatures belong to me, instead of grabbing this creature for synthesis. It's better to use it to promote the endless water, by the way, it can also give the endless water a soul.

   Immediately, Han Fei's source of a large number of resources in the sea flew into the demon refining pot. He didn't care about it. What he has more resources now is that he refining artifacts is not much practical. Especially, he threw the entire Shui Yuan Long Ling in.

   half a day later.

  The demon refining pot finally stopped, and a drop of water, which was the same as before, slowly flew out of the demon refining pot.

   The next moment this drop of water flew out, it suddenly turned into a little dragon shaped like a little finger, brushing the ground and rushing to Han Fei's side, and then happily swimming around Han Fei.

   And in Han Fei’s eyes, information emerged:

   [Name] Endless Water

  【Introduction】The artifact-grade different water made by mixing the Chaos Primal Water and the Water Primal Dragon Spirit is equivalent to the Chaos Spirit Treasure in nature. The endless water after the advanced level can control all kinds of water and even some soft fluids. Endless water can be promoted by swallowing water veins, water vitality, assimilating different waters. This water is alive, warm and nourished every day, and its intelligence is no less than that of a wise creature.

  【Quality】Medium artifact

  【With Soul】Shui Yuan Long Ling

  【Effect】Control ten thousand waters, swallow water veins, assimilate different waters


  【Already refined】

  【Remarks】The soul of the fit, let the endless water that should be a low-grade artifact, go to a new level.


  Han Fei didn't expect that this trip would have such a reward. He originally thought that even if the benefits were many, the best was endless water promotion artifact, but it would be the end of the inferior artifact. Unexpectedly, they were directly promoted to a middle-grade artifact, and they also became a growth-oriented strange water.

   If endless water used to be a growth different water, then it has an upper limit, because endless water itself is a chaotic primordial water, and this upper limit has been determined.

   But now, endless water can assimilate different waters and achieve self-promotion. This is not comparable to ordinary Chaos Yuanshui.

   At this moment, watching the endless water close by his side, Han Fei couldn't help feeling: "The sea world is indeed not comparable in the small world!"


After leaving his natal star, Han Fei just returned to the Demon Realm, the endless water immediately burst out with ten times the strength of the previous suction. Han Fei clearly saw the water vapor under this cold pool, and the water was boiling, he saw A big vein was drawn today, wrapped in endless water.


   Han Fei just felt it for a moment, and then he was relieved. After all, endless water is now a middle-grade artifact, and it can control ten thousand waters and swallow water veins. This was originally his ability.

   It’s just that I don’t know how many water veins can be swallowed in order to promote endless water again.

   Of course, today Han Fei does not expect endless water to continue to be promoted, otherwise it would be too exaggerated. However, Mu Nan didn't say anything, that Mu Can also had a drop of Primal Chaos Water on his body.

   It stands to reason that if one of my own endless water was incomplete before, then Mu Can's one should be intact. Since it is intact, it should also be an artifact level.

   Therefore, if the endless water swallows Mu Can's drop, it is very likely to be directly promoted to the high-grade artifact.

   As for the best artifact, Han Fei didn't expect it either. The best artifacts are difficult to produce, and shouldn't be refined with one or two drops of Chaos Primal Water. If you swallow several complete different waters, maybe this is possible.


   Until Han Fei came out of the cold pool underground, the veins of this underground cold pool had already collapsed. Obviously, this movement could not be hidden from Zhou Run and the others.

   However, Zhou Run and others didn't know what happened to Han Fei in the cold pool, but they couldn't help smiling when they saw Han Fei's mouth. It seemed that things seemed to be going very well.

   Munan asked carefully: "Brother, it's done?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "It's not bad. I barely got a water vein under the cold lake, a bead with a little different water. Let's go! There is no chance here. Next, we will speed up our action, the origin of the world, not only Only from the devil. Therefore, fighting is second, and finding the true source of the world is the purpose of our trip."

   "Yes, no brother!"

   Everyone lifted their spirits, and Han Fei’s ability to deal with demons, at least in terms of safety, they felt that the problem should not be big. After all, Han Feina is a person who can even do what Huaxing Dzogchen can do.

   Besides, demons are demons after all, how can they have their means and wisdom?

   Seven days later.

   When a group of five demons was directly controlled by Han Fei and three of them, Zhou Run and the others rushed forward and attacked these demons in an indiscriminate bombardment.

   In just a moment, these five demons turned into the origin of the world and the masterless spirit.


   Cao Mengde laughed loudly. This was the 237th demon they had killed. Among them, not all of them were swallowed by Han Fei. During the following period, Han Fei only targeted the demon in the later stage of Transforming Star. During the period, he also met the demon of Transforming Star. There are dozens of them in the late stage of transforming stars.

   The reason why Han Fei let go of most of the demons for Zhou Run and Cao Mengde to absorb was mainly because he felt that Cao Mengde and the others were too weak. Most of their resources were actually transferred out secretly. In the Divine Capital Dynasty, they did not dare to become too strong, otherwise they would immediately be jealous of other people in the clan.

   Therefore, in the dynasty of the gods, they can only hold back and do not dare to raise their own strength excessively. Even if they hold their hole cards, they are finally hidden.

   But now, they have all betrayed so obviously, this time it is inevitable to leave the Kingdom of God, so it is time to increase their strength crazily.

   Mu Nan: "This underground water vein is too long and it has too many branches. We can't determine where it is now. We can only point it through you, brother."

   Han Fei flicked his fishing hook and fished out the Multi-Navigation Instrument. He pointed at one of the tributaries at the end of the water vein and said, "Go here."

  Until entering the tributary, Han Fei and their perceptions can relax a little, and they can probably reach out to perceive hundreds of thousands of miles.

   I don’t know, after only one day, they came to an empty, huge wilderness like a wild land.

   In a certain direction in the wilderness, a dark barrier appeared. Yes, there is no transition, it's like a room, half bright and half dark.

   In this place, energy is thin, and the reason is unknown. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   With the arrival of Han Fei and the others, all of a sudden, there were countless perceptions and they swept over. With this sweep, Han Fei and the others felt a lot of unkindness at the time.

   But I heard Li Chen's voice: "Li Qingyi is here, and there are several masters around him."

   Cao Mengde gritted his teeth: "I saw that Cao is immortal, and this turtle son is also there. There are Wu Daofeng from the Wu family, Zhou Mi from the Zhou family, Xu Chao from the Xu family, and Na Mucan."

   On the other side, Han Fei also felt many gazes, among them the most indifferent, but the most killing intent, was his opponent in the previous round, Zhao Qinglong.

   In addition to Zhao Qinglong, Cao Mengde and the few big clan children they were talking about also held deep hostility towards him. Of course, there are still some Han Fei suspected of being a Celestial Clan, the Celestial Transformation Star Great Perfection powerhouse he once met, Yi Cai. Yi Jiajia, Yi Xianling, Yi Shui Liu, and Yi Tianlong, who were once nailed to the bow by Han Fei, were all there.

   Also, Yi Chen, who had just been tampered with by Han Fei and sold 2 million li of resources, was staring at him at this moment.

   There are many new faces besides these few people, but the strength is definitely not bad.

   In addition to these people, there are many casual cultivators, and among them, Han Fei even knows one person. Isn't that the city of scavengers, Qi Tonghai, ranked sixth?

   "Han Fei~"

   Someone suddenly jumped up and greeted, yes, in addition to Zhao Qinglong and the group, Feng Xingliu and Feng Yu were also there, as well as Wang Beichen and Wushuang.

   Han Fei can't help being surprised, this person is quite complete!

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