God of Fishing

Chapter 2416: Army attack

"Death, no complaint?"

  Han Fei's heart was severely touched, and Dao Yu Kui Shou used no complaints, not no regrets.

   Because, for it, there may be nothing to regret. Because ominous is something that all living beings will face eventually, it just faced it earlier. Others are just one step late.

  Han Fei doesn't care about life or life anymore. This qualifier, oh no, shouldn't be considered a qualifier anymore. This is a trial, a trial that faces an ominous one.

  In this trial, Han Fei has consciously gained too much. People can't be insatiable. He has already gained so many benefits. His only wish now is that Dao Yukui can survive.

   You can feel that Dao Yu Kui Shou is a gentle emperor who is easy to get close to. People used to say, Mother Earth, Han Fei thought this was a metaphor.

   But now, Han Fei feels that Dao Yu Kui Shou is the mother of this Demon Land. It is the mother of all spirits and the great emperor who nurtures all living beings.

  Han Fei has a solemn face: "Senior, to kill the ominous, it must be my life's wish. If I don't die for a day, I won't fall into this ambition."

Without giving Dao Yu Kui Shou a chance to speak, Han Fei immediately said: "Senior, beyond this barrier, there are some strong people. Although there are not many, there are hundreds of people. At this moment, there may be more. If you can give these people Opening up a channel for them to come in may be able to reverse the current situation."

   However, he heard Dao Yu Kui Shou say: "They are almost here."


  Han Fei's heart moved, which is a good thing. At least, now Han Fei doesn't worry about these people being enemies with him. If in this state, these people come to a nest, I am afraid that they don't need to do it themselves, Dao Yu Kui Shou will be able to kill him directly.

   And they want to get the chance, in fact, it is simple, as long as they help Dao Yu Kui Shou.

   After all, he had already gotten a great opportunity, he swept his eyes, and suddenly found that his soul power had directly reached as many as 12.86 million.

   Han Fei was shocked at the time, knowing that his soul power should have made a qualitative leap, but this leap was too exaggerated, directly increasing by 3 million! Moreover, it was consolidated by the origin of the world. Han Fei himself was stunned for a moment, and was a little confused. When he arrived in the sea world, the sky was already open at that time, and the power of the soul at that time did not increase this time. Many.

   It can be seen from this, how great is the chance this time. Just like this, it seems that he has not been able to absorb it completely, otherwise it is very likely to cause a serious imbalance between the soul and the body.

   Of course, the shortcomings of the power of the spirit became manifest immediately. Originally, Han Fei's spiritual power and physique have been very close to balance, so Han Fei can borrow 50% of the power of heaven.

   But now, Yicheng can't borrow it, because the gap between the two is too big.

No idea! This kind of problem can only be said after the golden and jade essence has been condensed successfully. One's own physical body should also take a qualitative leap at the moment when the Void Body Refining Technique reaches perfection.


   The demon source’s attack is still fierce, because their number is already less than 20,000. If all the remaining spiritual plants here in the world's original lake are all blooming, plus dozens of sunflower seeds, I am afraid that the 20,000 demons will almost be swept away.

   More importantly, the Devil Emperor clearly knew that a large group of people had forcibly rushed in.

   At this time, Han Fei saw more than 300 demons turned into sharp knives and launched a charge, but the goal this time was directly the Dao Yu Kui Shou.

   Han Fei looked around, these lotus flowers on the lake, there are a few more, add up, there are about thirteen lotus seeds in all the lotus plants. It seems that they are almost done in the previous battle.

   Among them, there are three lotus flowers.

   Then he saw that these three lotus flowers burst out of the lotus seed purifying beam, blocking Dao Yu Kui Shou's body.




   Three combos, directly purifying more than a hundred demons.

   When the lotus seeds are finished, it is their last bloom. Han Fei saw these three lotus flowers blooming one after another. Within thousands of miles, the ominous force was empty, and then filled up again, three times in a row.

   Suddenly, Han Fei saw the little red carp floating out of the Lake of Origin of the World, staring blankly at the three lotus flowers.

   Han Fei is sure, there is only such a small carp in this world's original lake, and there is no second fish creature.


   couldn't help reaching out and touching the head of the little carp, so scared that he immediately hid in the water.

   Han Fei sighed, the lotus has disappeared for so many years, I guess this little guy is not feeling well, right?

   Han Fei now understands why there are still nearly 20,000 demons, but they have not been able to capture this place. Because the Devil Emperor also knew that as long as Dao Yu Kui Shou did not die, it would be useless even if he destroyed all the Lingzhi here.

   The reason why he shot frantically before was because there were too many Lingzhi at that time, and it was too difficult to cross so many Lingzhi and attack Dao Yukui first.

   Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer Lingzhi, so the Devil Emperor uses the Devil to attack the Dao Domain Kwai Head again and again. He doesn't expect the demons to kill the emperor, he only needs these demons to consume the sunflower seeds of the Dao domain sunflower head.

  Perhaps the army of contestants is coming soon, Han Fei saw more than a thousand demons suddenly retreating, and he didn't know what to do. And Han Fei naturally guessed that these demons were going to intercept Feng Yu and the others.

   Originally, they broke into the ominous space. These contestants were taking their lives. Now, with a thousand demons rushing away, Han Fei felt that this was quite dangerous. If the people who come are not strong enough, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop this wave of demons.

   However, when Han Fei left, there were only 300 people outside the ominous barrier, but now, more than 3,000 people have rushed in. These 3,000 people, to speak bluntly, Jiucheng is the late stage of the transformation of the stars. Those who didn't reach this level basically couldn't fight it, or after encountering the demon, they felt the terrible demon and didn't dare to fight it.

   Therefore, these 3,000 people are among the elite, the strong among the strong. If it is a team battle, a thousand demons are really not their opponent. Not even a few people can be hurt.

   But Han Fei didn't know.


   At this moment, Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong are at the forefront of the impact, and they have already killed more than two hundred demons. Because they are fast, there will naturally be demons to stop them, but although they are fast, they have been sniped and their speed can't be improved.

   Gradually, they were **** by the people behind.

   And these people who came after them found that this ominous power was not as exaggerated as they had imagined. Following Feng Yu and the others, they could also solve some demons with ease.

At this time, Zhao Qinglong asked: "I don't understand. According to the dissipating speed of the ominous force, there will be at most three or five days before we can rush into this place without consuming half of our vitality. Why are you coming in so eagerly? Is it really afraid that these people will attack you?"

   Zhao Qinglong knows that there are two forces fighting in the depths here, but isn't this just right? As the so-called snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, when they finish fighting, it is not fragrant to sit and reap the fisherman's profit by himself? Why should Feng Yu waste his life and break in?

   As Feng Yu was afraid that these people would attack him, it would be nonsense. He didn't know the gap between the first in the heavenly list and the tenth in the gods' list. He only knew that Feng Yu was very strong and he was definitely not afraid.

   Feng Yu didn't respond, and didn't want to talk to Zhao Qinglong, so he said I didn't let you follow up!

At this moment, in Feng Yu's mind, a message appeared on the Flame Emblem: "Senior Sister, there will be a thousand demons blocking you. You have a quick fight, and I need your help very much. Come early, everyone. But if you get a chance, it’s too late and nothing is left."

   "Little brother, we will be there in a moment."

   Zhao Qinglong didn't wait for Feng Yu's answer, but suddenly heard Feng Yu shout: "Everyone, do you want resources? If you want resources, go quickly. If you don't speed up, it will be too late."

"That's too late?"

   When everyone heard it, their spirits instantly lifted up. Sure enough, Feng Yu still knew something.

   Although many people are puzzled, why Feng Yu kindly reminded them. However, Feng Yu's acceleration forced them to accelerate.

   But, after only half a stick of incense, they found that a thousand demons rushed towards him.


"what happened?"

   "So many demons, where did UU reading www.uukanshu.com come from?"

   A group of people showed their surprised expressions, even Zhao Qinglong couldn't help frowning, as if he realized something, in the darkness, some people didn't want them to come close.

Then Feng Yu yelled: "Everyone, it's best to do your best. These demons are to stop us and entangle us. He stops us and shows his guilty conscience. Once we are entangled, we will fall short. We break into this. In the dark realm, I just broke into it for nothing..."

   When everyone heard it, although they didn't know who "he" was referring to, now, suddenly a thousand demons appeared, which was obviously under the command of someone.

   I think of Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong again, and they don't hesitate to lose their vitality, but they have to rush inside. They must have felt something. I didn't feel the others, it must be my own problem, indicating that my strength is not enough.

   In fact, Zhao Qinglong was also full of doubts, he didn't know. Don't talk about him, even the black dragon doesn't know. Heilong just guessed a general idea, but listened to him: "I thought that little girl, it should have been summoned in some way."

  Zhao Qinglong frowned: "Summon? Who called? Why did you target Feng Yu alone?"

Heilong: "I don't know. But I can confirm now that in this ominous area, there should be two emperors fighting. The battle of emperors, I really can't figure out what is the use of a group of open heavens. So, why not? Following her, no matter what the chance is, it will ultimately depend on robbing, so no matter who the emperor is in love with this little girl or not. But at the end of the 樯橹, it may not be impossible to rob."

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