God of Fishing

Chapter 2421: Baidi

This was the first time Han Fei used the power of the Arctic Orb.

   Before this, he actually had no idea about the power of the emperor, maybe it should be more violent than the starburst scene triggered by Feng Yu just now, right?

   However, the fact was beyond his expectation. The Arctic Orb bloomed with a blue halo in the void. Because it was targeted, the blue halo shrouded toward the shadow in the darkness.

I saw that the black shadow moved more and more slowly, because hundreds of thousands of miles of the void seemed to be frozen to freezing, and even the ice pattern road appeared in the void, which is the pattern of heaven and earth blooming in the void. The appearance of Frost Avenue.

   This blow is not only not violent, but even has some beauty.

   That is, the consequences after this blow are too cold. Almost everyone present shivered from the cold, and even the phoenix flames on Feng Yu's side were frozen.

   Feng Yu couldn't help being speechless, Junior Brother, you are the one who fixes me, right? Can't you see me fighting?

  Han Fei felt as if it was frozen into a frozen pile. Almost everyone present couldn't help but use the power of the soul to protect the soul of the soul.

   The void here, the ominous force, quickly dissipated, and the surrounding black fog became lighter and lighter. Although Han Fei could not intuitively feel how strong this blow was, he seemed to guess something.

   The power of this Frost Orb is an area attack, not a single attack. Therefore, its strength is definitely not as strong as a normal emperor.

   However, if it is a ranged battle, for example, I just sacrificed the Arctic Orb to these three thousand people, I am afraid it can help me kill hundreds of them in an instant.

   Cao is immortal, his eyes are eager to breathe fire, Cao Buqi is his own brother, this extremely cold orb was given to Cao Buqi by his father after hesitating for a long time. I gave Cao Buqi the Extreme Frost Orb, so the one that Cao is immortal must not be worse than this, but he has to take over the rights of Cao's foreign clan in order to become the young patriarch in the future.

   But now, the best artifact falls into the hands of Han Fei, which means that Cao Buqi is dead. How can he not be angry?

   It's a pity that Han Fei didn't want to care about them at this moment. He looked at the void nervously, because all the Dao patterns began to tremble at the same time.

   "Can't you?"

   "Crack, click~"

   When Han Fei just came up with this idea, he saw the endless void pattern and began to shatter. The black shadow broke through the emperor's blow in a very short period of time, probably less than a single breath.

   As expected by Han Fei, this Frost Orb’s imperial blow is not strong enough? Wanting to suppress a real emperor with a ranged attack from the emperor realm is obviously a bit whimsical.

   Fortunately, the state of this Demon Emperor should not be much better than Dao Yu Kui Shou. Dao Yu Kui is in a state of dying, what about this one? Basically, his clones in the Demon Domain have been wiped out by the contestants. If he could do nothing in this way, Dao Domain Kui Shou would have been destroyed by him long ago, and he can't wait for now.


   The endless void frozen by the ice suddenly shattered. Facing the emperor, Han Fei was helpless after all. He didn't expect to use Void Thieves to target the Devil Emperor anymore, it was proved by practice. The Void Thieves technique had little effect when facing the emperor, and it was almost useless.

   At that moment, it was too late for Han Fei to retire. The Devil Emperor seemed to be slow in his actions, moving forward step by step.

   But under the series of actions of Shattered Void, the Demon Emperor's probing hands, and the coercive shock and deterrence, in fact, it only takes a while.

   Fortunately, the last sunflower seed stood in front of Han Fei. Oh no, to be precise, it crossed Han Fei and rushed towards the Demon Emperor, trying to make the final blow.

   Just when Han Fei thought she might be about to bloom herself. Suddenly, a beam of light appeared between the sky and the earth, covering hundreds of thousands of miles around.

   In that beam, there was a figure with his hands on his back.

   Everyone did not see this person's appearance clearly, they heard an old voice and said leisurely: "You finally showed up."

   At that moment, the darkness receded like a tide, but it did not disappear, but was sucked into the body of the dark shadow. This Devil Emperor had known for a long time that someone was watching and someone was waiting for his appearance.

   This is the last chance. As long as that sunflower seed blooms, he may have hope of life. Otherwise, he could escape for a while, but he could not escape for a lifetime.

   It's a pity that this ice cold force blocked half of the breath time, which made him angry. Because if there is no such half-breath, perhaps he has already wiped out Dao Yu Kui.

   All the ominousness gathered on the dark figure at this moment, forming countless black long cones on him, like dark pointers, bursting out like torrential pear blossoms.

   It's just that the old man with his hands on his back gave a cold voice, a pillar that soared to the sky, blooming around him.

   one piece.

   Two roots.

   three roots.

   In an instant, six beams of light gleamed at the same time, swelling and expanding frantically.

   "The light of the avenue!"


   At that moment, everyone was blinded by this power, and they couldn't even release their perception.

   They can only hear, there are angry voices roaring, roaring.

   "I only have the last step..."

   "The ominousness will eventually come, it will eventually swallow the sky full of stars, and eventually destroy this hundreds of millions of people, hahaha...hahaha..."

In this crazy laughter, the light is gradually disappearing, and no one knows that when the beam of light shines, nearly a hundred of those who crazily **** the origin of the world, only feel that there is heat in their bodies, as if something has been Purified in general.

   the light shrouded, and it lasted for more than 30 breaths. Until they saw the old man in white, they didn't know him.

   There are only a few people, showing a look of surprise.

   A girl was surprised, and hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Lord Baidi."

   Cao is immortal, Wu Daofeng, Li Qingyi, Zhou Mi, and other big clans children, are shocked when they hear the sound, the 12th house of the gods, the 8th house, Lord Baidi. It is said that the Emperor Bai hasn't appeared in the world for 30,000 years, and he didn't expect to meet him here today.


   I saw, the old man in white, waving casually. The people who fell on the lake of the origin of the world were instantly thrown out of the lake. At this moment, the lake water is about one-fifth less than before.

   also suffers from the world's origin lake, which is part of the Taoist Kui Shou. If the Taoist Kui Shou is not dead, it is impossible for them to put the original source lake water into the original source sea. You can only learn desperately, and you can learn as much as you can. Otherwise, the lake would have dried up long ago.

   The old man in white snorted softly, then walked towards Dao Yu Kui Shou, when passing by Han Fei, he paused and said lightly: "You are not bad."

   After finishing speaking, the old man in white did not pay attention to Han Fei anymore, but said lightly to Dao Yu Kui Shou: "I didn't see you before. It was to save you, do you understand?"

   Daoyu Kui Shou did not speak, Han Fei also had a bewildered expression on his face, and everyone had a bewildered expression on his face.

The old man continued: "There are two ways to destroy this demon, one is to destroy this world, and the other is to destroy this demon. To destroy this world, you must die. To destroy this demon, you must destroy its true body. I think you should. Understand this."

   Tao Yukui finally responded: "Now, do you believe he has completely fallen?"

Baidi smiled faintly: "You are very strong, so Emperor Tobu doesn't want you to die, and I don't want to. I guard this place for 30,000 years, for this moment. I will help you regain your vitality and become a real body. The realm is trained into a realm jewel. Even if this demon is not completely dead, as long as you resuscitate and take control of this realm, it will eventually be inevitable."

   After finishing speaking, Baidi looked back at Han Fei: "Boy, come back to the Seed of the World! If you want her to recover."

   Han Fei's heart moved, this old man knew that Dao Yu Kui had given himself the little red carp?

   Although I know that the little red carp is a good thing, it can speed up the birth of my own world origin. However, Han Fei would not hesitate if Dao Yu Kui Shou could survive.

   So, in the eyes of countless people, a little red carp appeared on Han Fei. The little carp of UU reading www.uukanshu.com felt the surrounding state, and then suddenly and happily swam to the source lake of the world.

   The last sunflower seed flew upside down, suspended above the world's original lake.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Senior, I can have thousands of opportunities, but your life is only this time. Therefore, you are a magnificent emperor, it is better to live."

   Dao Yukui's voice is long: "Okay! I won't be polite to you."

   This time, Han Fei really didn't want anything in return, because he had enough opportunities, and he had to digest it well.

   On the side of Emperor Bai, after dealing with this matter, his face immediately became cold. He saw his eyes become cold, scanning the three thousand people, indifferent: "There is no distinction between right and wrong, some people don't know, but you big tribe children, heavenly disciples, and even the strongest of gods. Isn't it? Know what ominousness is? Today, this emperor tells you. As a member of the ten thousand races, you can do anything, no matter how fierce or evil it is. There is one thing you can’t do, and that is to associate with ominousness."

  While speaking, Baidi stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Those people who were still filled with the world's origin, who had just been ingested in their bodies and had not been completely absorbed by the world's origin, were forcibly caught out.

   This is not a big deal, some people have indeed absorbed a lot, and Bai Di didn't make them feel better. When he thought of it, these people spurted blood and suffered heavy injuries.

   But I heard Baidi say indifferently: "This trial is just to tell you that the ominousness has always been there, and it is extremely difficult to deal with. Ten thousand races and ominousness cannot coexist. Those present today will all withdraw from this round of testing immediately."

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