God of Fishing

Chapter 2430: Parasited

When Han Fei and Feng Xingliu's group arrived, Feng Yu cast a roll of eyes, accompanied by contemptuous gazes.

To outsiders, this is obvious, although Feng Yuhui and Han Fei are on the same line. But that's because Feng Xingliu and Han Fei are good friends.

It's just that Feng Yu herself actually doesn't like Han Fei and Feng Xingliu's style, so she doesn't want to mix with these two people.

At least, no one would think that the relationship between Feng Yu and Han Fei would be much closer than they thought.

"Boom! Phoo~"

This time, Han Fei was more sassy. He took the initiative to take out a big pipe, took a sip, then looked around, and said with a leisurely voice: "My! Little trash of the heavenly clan, and the trash of the big clan, you guys. Okay! The fourth round of the qualifiers is over, you better look forward to not being met by me, otherwise, hehe..."

Han Fei showed a sorrowful smile, and his hostility didn't need to be concealed. At the last moment of the fourth round, Dao Yu Kui's head was overwhelmed. These people collectively defected and worked with ominousness. He would not forget this matter.

If it wasn't the last moment, which Baidi made the shot, I'm afraid that one of them and Feng Yu would call the big brother to help.

With this tone, Han Fei felt that he had to come back.

Although, this matter is essentially a mind-blowing of the Devil Emperor. He deliberately sent only a thousand people to intercept an army of three thousand contestants. In the end, in front of everyone, all the demons were sacrificed, and at the same time, all the guardian spirits of the Dao Domain Kwai Head were spelled out.

This is to release an illusion to everyone, so that everyone feels that he and Daoyukui Capital are the end of the 樯樹, and with the hands of the contestants, break the world origin, so that he can take the Daoyukui's head in one fell swoop.

In fact, at the last moment, his plan basically succeeded. Fortunately, Baidi waited for the opportunity to show up, and waited for 30,000 years. If it weren't for the Emperor Bai, this time, Han Fei would have to die.

After a while, when everyone was there. The imperial referee came to this arena.

In this event, there are 132,864 people in total at this moment. Compared with the time of the competition, almost 20,000 people have fallen. Han Fei couldn't tell whether the death of these 20,000 people was worth it. Just to make them realize the ominous horror, let them fall so in vain?

But fortunately, although 20,000 people have fallen. But most of the remaining people have obtained a lot of resources. Anyone who has survived the fourth round, as long as it is not in the realm of Huaxing Dzogchen and above. In the later resumption of practice, the strength will generally increase by about 20%.

This is the benefit of resources and training.

If you do this, the 20,000 people who have fallen are worth it.

Just listen to the referee: "Today, there are a total of 132,864 contestants here. You have participated in the conquest of the Demon Realm. You have encountered a large number of monsters, and you have seen enough darkness. Today, I have a secret to tell you. Those. Darkness, one day in the future, may appear in our sea world, or maybe not. However, if you rise, you may eventually understand that those darkness are our life’s enemies..."



"Will that thing appear in the sea world?"

Some people trembled all over. They had experienced the battlefield of the Demon Realm and knew the horror of those monsters and monsters. Those gadgets, one control one, one parasitic one. I thought that the Demon Yuan was behind the scenes in the Demon Realm, but later I learned that after the Demon Yuan, there are even stronger demons with real bodies.

In the next few months, although Han Fei and the others had finished ahead of schedule, the rest of the people became more and more concentrated, and the wild naturally encountered the real body of the demon source.

It can be said that one-third of the fallen contestants must be in the hands of the magic source body that has fallen behind, the more weird existence such as the devil.

But Han Fei's heart moved. Why did the referee announce this directly? Isn't it afraid that this matter will be publicized? Cause the world to panic?

But after another thought, it seemed that even if this matter was publicized, it wouldn't necessarily cause much panic! Because most people have never experienced ominousness, and don't know how ominousness actually exists. Just speaking verbally, everyone is curious at best.

What's more, it will naturally feel that when the sky falls, there will be tall people supporting them. If the tall people can't stand it, then they will do it whatever they want! The strong are dead, so what fearless resistance do they, the weak, do?

Just listen to the referee: "I just give you all a warning. Those darkness, called ominous, are enemies of all races. The ominous things you are encountering right now are actually nothing, but in the sea of ​​stars, hidden It is far more terrible and ominous than you had anticipated. Therefore, in the world of the strong, there is an iron law, that is, the ten thousand races and the ominous are divided into life and death, and there is no possibility of cooperation."

What the referee said was to Zhao Qinglong and the others, but he didn't name him by name, he had saved face, and they were fearless if they didn't know. However, now that he has said it, if someone commits it again later, it is a mortal enemy.

However, most people are puzzled because they don't feel that they will cooperate with Ominous. They didn't participate in the ominous and Dao Yu Kui first battle, so they didn't understand what the referee said very much.

However, the next moment, I just listened to the referee: "Today, there are three things. The first one is naturally the clearance of the fourth round of the qualifiers. The second one is to exchange your record with Success, merit will give you the opportunity to redeem prizes. The third thing...Hey, some of you are ominously parasitized. So, I will help you dig out that thing from your body."


"How can it be?"

"His! Parasitized?"

In the field, almost 80% of the people shivered. It's no joke to be parasitic. How could they not know the parasitic ability of the magic source after three years of battle. This thing, parasitic everything, and the entire magic source land, are parasitized by them, and now it can still parasitize people silently, and the parasitic will almost unknowingly become a puppet of the thing. ?

A moment ago, many people hadn't paid much attention to this kind of ominous arrival, but now, they are even a little frightened. Who is parasitized? I shouldn't have it, right?

Even Han Fei was very surprised that he still had this operation?

I only saw a bright halo blooming on the high tower. In the beginning, the people here were fine. However, under this bright beam of light, only ten breaths of time passed before a problem occurred.


Someone knelt to the ground in pain, and black smoke was floating on his body.


Many people suddenly jumped away from that person, and even Feng Xingliu dazzled his eyes and said, "Is this all right?"

Zhou Run: "If this is the case, it is really difficult to wrap around."

Han Fei frowned slightly, this is more than difficult, this thing really parasitizes countless people on him, it will be like a virus, it will spread quickly.

It's also a bad thing that I waited for someone to come out early, and these talents have just finished the fourth round, and they haven't had time to get in touch with others.

One, two, three.

Suddenly, people with black smoke appeared frequently, and in the end there were 2803 people.

This number really shocked everyone. When they were parasitized and how they were parasitized, no one else knew.

However, nearly 3,000 people were parasitized at once. If this is contagious, the place where all races gather like the Shendu Dynasty, I am afraid that it will soon be miserable.

Those people with black smoke just screamed, because before that, they didn't feel that they were parasitized. Up to this moment, they felt very uncomfortable as thousands of ants eroded their hearts.

Just listen to the referee: "This kind of ominousness can parasitize your body silently, draw on your strength and grow, and even spread to other people. Therefore, I hope you can realize his terribleness."

Looking at the painful parasitized people, someone finally couldn't help but said, "My Lord referee, are there any parasitized people in the sea world today? All of us can enter the sea of ​​stars, just in case..."

The referee shook his head slightly: "For the time being, you can rest assured that the existence of the magic domain of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is a special one. This is something that the dynasty of God Capital deliberately retrieved from a special place in the star sea. Most of the time, they don't. It may be out of that place. The reason why it is used for your assessment is because you are strong in the sea world, and you have already stood at the top of this world. In the future, you may set foot in the sea of ​​stars. Believe me, when the time comes, In order to leave the sea world, you will fight to get a bloodshed...because there is the way of the emperor."


Han Fei was puzzled, the referee seemed to faintly encourage everyone to leave the sea and go to the Xinghai.

However, can the Open Heaven Realm really be able to explore the stars in the sea for a long time? At this point, he was very puzzled.

It was Feng Xingliu, Han Fei said, "You better not yearn for it! Go there for a lifetime! It is said that if you want to cross that place, the death rate is as high as 90%."

Han Fei raised his brows and couldn't help looking at Feng Xingliu. This guy seemed to know something. Since Feng Xingliu knew it, it was as if he knew it, so I had to ask him when I looked back.

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