God of Fishing

Chapter 2437: Lightning Platform·Fire of Life

The reason why Han Fei was attracted by the great cauldron was not only because of the terrifying thunder arc on the great cauldron, but also because of the engraved Taoist patterns on the great cauldron. generally.

Out of curiosity, Han Fei leaned over to take a look, but saw that a message appeared in his eyes:

【Name】Training platform

[Introduction] The sacred stone platform once placed in the eternal thunder prison to collect thunder robbery and gather water from thunder robbery pond. After 100,000 years of thunder baptism, it was taken back after giving birth to Lei Ling and Thor Dao seeds. Because the stone platform gathers natural thunder pattern, it is refined into a device. The thunder-inducing platform can gather the water of the thunder robbery pool, which can breed thunder spirits. In daily use, the speed of nurturing the tribulations is relatively slow. The tribulation of the sea can gather the ordinary tribulations in five years, and the purple thunder can gather in ten years. In the Open Heaven Realm, ordinary thunder can gather for five hundred years, and purple thunder can gather for thousands of years. Five thousand years can gather to prove Dao thunder, and ten thousand years can gather purple to prove Dao thunder. If placed in a place of thunder and chaos, the speed can be increased tenfold.

【Quality】The best artifact

【With Soul】No

[Effect] Thunder Tribulation Body Tempering, Thunder God Body



[Remarks] Do not attach souls easily, and cannot blend with souls that are not compatible.

Han Fei frowned slightly after seeing the information from the mine-inducing platform. This thunder-inducing platform is very similar to the Qing thunder jug, one will produce wine, and the other will produce thunder calamity.

The point is that the demonstration behind the thunder robbery attracted Han Fei. It is undeniable to say that if you feel the thunder tribulation in advance, and absorb the power of this thunder tribulation, as long as you bear a few more such thunder tribulation transformations, it will inevitably increase the chance of success during the demonstration.

However, there is one thing that is not good. The time for this lightning platform to gather the catastrophe is too long. A purple sermon thunderbolt takes ten thousand years.

If it were in one's own natal stars, this ten thousand years would not be long. However, he doesn't have such power of thunder in his natal star, right?

Unless, I open a hole in my own destiny, so that the thunder in the sea of ​​stars can converge, but at that time, I don't know if time is accelerating so fast.

This caused Han Fei to fall into entanglement for a while. If one's own vision can be successful, then in the long run, the effect of the mine guide is far superior to other best artifacts.

But if it is not successful, the role of the mine guide will be greatly reduced. But Han Fei thought of a place, the eternal thunder **** was mentioned in the description of the mine trigger.

Not to mention, isn't there an eternal thunder **** in the sea of ​​riots? Although the power of thunder there is very weak. But at the beginning, he had never walked to the deepest part of the eternal thunder hell, right?

Han Fei's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look at the emperor elder on the first floor, and asked: "Senior, this junior would like to ask how long has the mine guide been put on hold here?"

The emperor did not hide it, and simply said: "Thirteen thousand years. This thing, the longer it is left, the higher its value."

Thirteen thousand years, that is, at this moment, there is a purple thunder of the Dao level in the Taizhong, but there is only one.

Han Fei suddenly understood it, and sure enough, without this purple thunder, the grade of this lightning platform would have become a top-grade artifact.

Han Fei's heart suddenly succumbed, no matter what, this is a good thing. Although it has been a long time since the birth of the heavenly tribulation, there is already a Dao-level purple heavenly tribulation as a bonus, which is indeed a top-quality artifact.

Furthermore, he felt that the legend of eternal thunder **** must exist in the sea world or in the star sea. This thing seems to be related to the battle of the gods, and the battle of the gods is also related to the ominous power, so no matter what, you should hold it first. Anyway, you still have more than 1 million points, and you can continue to change it.

No, Han Fei immediately burst out into a sword and cut open the barrier outside the thunder-inducing platform without hesitation.

"Huh! Han Fei, did you choose the minefield?"

Wushuang saw that Han Fei had chosen so quickly, and came to Han Fei's side, a little surprised.

Han Fei nodded: "This thing is good."

Wushuang: "But he is very tasteless most of the time. Once the purple Proving Dao Celestial Tribulation is used up, it is basically useless. Moreover, it is Proving Dao Tribulation. Right? After all, that is the Purple Heaven Tribulation. It is not an ordinary Thunder Tribulation."

What Wushuang wants to express is that this thing is not practical. And Han Fei, deep down, actually wanted to experiment with this thing. In case the experiment is successful, the value of this thing is even more than that of the ordinary best artifact.

Han Fei: "The elections have been selected, eh! Have you chosen?"

Wushuang smiled and said, "No, I'm struggling."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Then you slowly struggle first, and I will look at it again."

At this moment, he heard a ridicule from Yi Cai and sneered: "Han Fei, do you know, who owns this minefield?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Your family?"

Yi Cai: "You are a bit clever. Unfortunately, the best artifact hit this thunder-inducing platform. There are very few places to attract thunder in the sea. It can indeed prove."

She was talking, but the corners of her mouth showed a mocking color. No one knew the characteristics of the mine platform better than her. The purple Proving Dao Heavenly Tribulation condensed in thousands of years was only the first Heavenly Tribulation. Such a tribulation must absorb at least five tribulations in order to increase the success rate of crossing the tribulation by 30%.

With Yi Cai's view of Han Fei, he asked him to wait tens of thousands of years, fearing that it would be impossible, so this thing was equivalent to losing her hand, which made her come over and mock Han Fei.

However, Han Fei grinned and said: "It's okay, a superb artifact, do you think I would care? Besides, things are scored for human use, you heavenly clan, a group of foolish hats, how can you recognize the essence of this thing."


When it was over, Han Fei stopped paying attention to Yi Cai, but continued to wander around. He casually walked past these creative artifacts, thinking about whether to choose a piece of wings or shoes.

Suddenly, Han Fei stopped outside the barrier that passed a certain flame orb.


Han Fei thought it was a bead, but at this moment, it turned out to be a kind of water. However, this thing is obviously like a kind of fire, it is burning inside, how can it have the form of water?

When Han Fei took a closer look, the message emerged:

【Name】Fire of Life

[Introduction] This object can swallow the different fires of the world and turn them into the fire of life. At the moment when the host is about to die, or even die, it gives the host the profound meaning of life, allows the host to rebirth from the fire, and master this exception The power of fire. The vitality and injury of the host can be restored according to the intensity and level of the alien fire swallowed, which varies. Every time you use it, you need to replenish it.

【Quality】The best artifact

【With Soul】No

[Effect] Rebirth from the ashes



[Remarks] Do not attach souls easily, and cannot blend with souls that are not compatible.


Han Fei had just happened to pass by here, and he had no idea that he would see such a superb artifact. This thing is indeed not suitable for me, but this thing fits Feng Yu perfectly.

Han Fei couldn't help but remember, it seemed that he was the only one who hadn't given Feng Yu a gift for enlightenment, right? It's just that, to give a superb artifact, it looks so extravagant.

But let's go wrong! It's not appropriate. This thing is too suitable for Feng Yu, for Feng Yu, it is more than a life, this thing allows her to master many different fires.


"Tsk tusk, it seems that Feng Yu is going to owe me a favor. Wu, when I cross the catastrophe, he must return a considerable treasure back? Well, with the background of the Phoenix God Clan, the returned treasure, It's definitely not bad."

Therefore, this top-quality artifact was sent, but in the future, a considerable top-quality artifact will be recovered, and the loss will not be very bad, so I am temporarily missing a top-quality artifact.

No, Han Fei said to the senior emperor: "Senior, juniors have to use their merits to redeem the best artifacts, I wonder if?"


The old man responded without hesitation. Han Fei didn't know the value of meritorious service, let alone the difficulty of obtaining meritorious service in Tiankeng world.

It can be said that after killing an emperor independently, one million points can be obtained. Normal people can't do it basically, so they can use points to exchange for the best artifact to consume Han Fei's points. This old man is very happy to see it.

Even, in fact, the best artifact is good for the emperor's level, but the value of the best artifact has been underestimated by them, at least not as valued as the Open Heaven Realm.

No, I only saw that Han Fei's qualification order was directly increased by 1 million points, and Han Fei's mouth was twitched.


After Han Fei exchanged for the thunder-inducing platform, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was only half a stick of incense. Han Fei shot again and won a superb artifact. Many people who watched have their eyelids tremble. Nima willful. One magic technique, two superb artifacts, and the enlightenment palace at the back, this guy's chances are not so big.

The old man squinted his eyes slightly, this one is quite bold, but unfortunately, the potential is not as good as Feng Yu, and it is too troublesome, otherwise the God Capital Dynasty can absorb it.

Of course, it is estimated that Han Fei would not be willing to join the Shendu Dynasty, after all, this person is from the Shenzhou of the West Sea.

The old man, including everyone else, seemed to understand what he wanted to do when Han Fei took the fire of life. This is clearly meant to be given away. As for who to give it to, there is no need to talk about it?

Feng Xingliu's strength is still weak, it shouldn't be enough, it must be Feng Yu. Why did he spend millions of feats to give the best artifacts to Feng Yu? In their information, Han Fei and Feng Yu are not so close.

Therefore, their first thought was that Han Fei was asking for favor from the Phoenix Protoss, an adult favor.

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