God of Fishing

Chapter 2441: Chance·Cause and Effect

(The leader adds more, welcome the new leader Lao Na to fight with you...)

"There is no way ahead!"

The phantom of the young man let out such a sigh.

The gods are all enlightened, and what is left should be inheritance. If it were the current emperor of the Divine Capital Dynasty, he probably wouldn't come here. Because most of the things left here are the magical skills of the Heaven-opening Realm.

There are also some special opportunities to facilitate the epiphany.

Or, when an Open Heaven Realm powerhouse comes in, they can only feel the related opportunities of Open Heaven Realm. At least what I feel so far is like this. No matter how strong the inheritor is, what he can get is only the level of the Open Heaven Realm.

Therefore, Han Fei didn't care about the so-called magical way or something. How could that stuff be so easy to get? Otherwise someone would have become a god.

Because every turn in the Enlightenment Palace is a choice. If you look back, the road will be different. In other words, it stands to reason that no one should know where he is. Therefore, this person is an inheritor.

Recognizing this, Han Fei immediately bowed his hand: "The junior has seen the senior. Since there is no way ahead, why does the senior come here?"

The young man didn't answer Han Fei's question either. He actually asked in a leisurely way: "Do you believe in cause and effect?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched, what do you mean by this?

But Han Fei replied sincerely: "Everything has cause and effect, so I believe in cause and effect."


The young man smiled softly, how about I give you a copy of cause and effect?

Before Han Fei could speak, he saw the young man. With a wave of his backhand, a black kit floated towards Han Fei.

Han Fei only thinks that this inheritance is a bit interesting, to give himself a share of cause and effect. What is the cause? Is this the kit?

Han Fei thinks that as long as it is a chance, you can catch it yourself!

When Han Fei grasped the kit, he suddenly felt a sudden tingling of his finger, and saw that his finger was pierced, and a drop of blood was incorporated into the kit.

As soon as Han Fei's heart moved, he felt that something was imprinted on him.

Han Fei hurriedly wanted to open this kit, but this kit could not be opened at all. It turned into a light and submerged in his body.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean, senior?"

The young man still didn't look back, his voice faintly said, "I didn't say it, I'm just giving you a cause and effect. I sent you a force that will go back to the time before you were born to kill you. This is an effect."


Han Fei had fluffed all over at the time, which was too much. Go back to before your birth?

Han Fei tried to calm himself down, only listening to him: "Why go back to before I was born? Wouldn't it be easier to go back after I was born, when I was weak?"

The problem that Han Fei thought of was that before he was born, if the other party wanted to kill himself, he had to kill his father and mother. And after that moment, both the old man and the old woman should have opened the sky.

So, in order to be foolproof, why didn't the other party trace it back to when he was a child?

Just listen to the young man: "Because you will go back and kill yourself in the future, it is yourself."


Han Fei was just stunned. Brother, are you playing with Mao? Am I going to kill myself? Am I sick?

Han Fei sneered: "Why should I kill myself? And, this is a time paradox. Now I, whether it is traced back to my childhood or when I was not born, I cannot kill myself. If If I kill myself, then I am dead. Since I am dead, I cannot go back and kill myself. This is a paradox."

Han Fei suddenly became very angry: "Also, what is the reason that seniors planted this fruit for me? Seniors, do we have hatred?"

The young man smiled faintly: "You have come to seek opportunities, I just give you opportunities."

Han Fei was speechless: "Is this a chance?"

The young man said: "To be precise, at the moment, the darkness and ominousness in your heart were removed from my body. But that is also part of you. He will go back and kill you. I, only then, he is the real one. Independent individuals. Because you are separated at this moment, it is you, not him, who need to bear the risk of death."

Han Fei's mouth twitched, and his face was already dark: "Senior, where is the darkness in my body and ominous, I read little, don't lie to me all the time."

Han Fei was sure that if he had a demon refining pot in his hand, it was impossible to be ominously infested. This person was clearly fooling himself.

The young man said, "There is darkness and ominousness in everyone's body. The more you go back, the more difficult it is to remove. Otherwise, why do you think the ominousness is terrible? I will help you get rid of the body now, and you should feel lucky. This is you. The cause and effect, me, remember. Your time is only 800 years."

In other words, Han Fei was really a little bit bluffed. He was obviously here to find a chance. How did he find that in the end, he felt that he had become a crisis of his own?

At this time, the phantom shook for a while, and Han Fei saw that this was a rhythm that was about to disappear.

Immediately, Han Fei asked, "Senior, if what you said is true, what is the purpose of the kit you gave me?"

The mysterious young strong man said: "The kit, if you can survive, the kit will open, and you will know it by then."

"What if it's dead?"

Young strong man: "Die, even if you have more lives, you will die, and the tips will naturally disappear."

Han Fei realized that what this person said was actually very easy to verify. Is there any ominousness in the human body? Just ask the big brother about this matter.

Others may not know, but the Three Gods Temple exists because of ominousness, it is impossible for the big brother to be ignorant.

If the big brother is sure about this, I am afraid I have to be cautious. This young phantom, since he said that he gave himself a chance, it means that removing the ominous event is more difficult and more important than Han Fei imagined. It's not even comparable to ordinary grand skills and inheritance.

After all, this opportunity comes at the cost of death.

The young strong man phantom, after saying these last words, the whole person dissipated, leaving only the dazed Han Fei.

However, even though the young strong man disappeared, Han Fei felt that something inexplicable was hidden in this space.

Han Fei seemed to be able to see some fragments of the past from this void, and the concept of time here seemed a bit vague. On the wall, faint lines appeared, but soon disappeared and no longer reappeared.

"Huh! There is a heritage here?"

Han Fei felt a slight difference, there seemed to be some kind of inheritance here, and he wanted to manifest. But I don't know why, this inheritance has not fully manifested.

It seems that there is some power that cut off the source of the inheritance at the beginning of the inheritance.

"Who pinched the inheritance?"

"Wait, why can you cut off the inheritance?"

Han Fei's heart was suddenly startled, which means that this is a heritage that shouldn't exist, but somehow wants to emerge.

Han Fei's heart was shocked immediately, and saw the Avenue of Time burst around him, but unfortunately, no matter if time is still or crossing the timeline, he can't do it.

Time, one minute and one second passed, the strange inheritance that emerged and disappeared, repeating the same operation. Han Fei could only see the very short and strange lines every time, and he didn't dare to say that he could realize it.

A full half day passed, and finally, Han Fei, with that little piece of time, came up with a new great technique in his mind.

If it is not for refining the demon pot, it will force the recognition ability, Han Fei said that it is impossible for him to understand this strange inheritance of the great technique.

But in the eyes of Han Fei, there was information emerging:

"Twisted Cause and Effect" 【Emperor Supreme】

Introduction: Distorted cause and effect, a kind of causal rule. You can use language, behavior, and events to lay out a cause and pursue a definite result, causing the enemy to enter the negative causal distortion in an unknown direction. Because it involves causal killing technique, this technique is classified as emperor grade. Therefore, the uncertainty of the technique is high, and the unknown fruit cannot be clarified, so it can only be classified as the best.

Comprehension: Ten percent

Deduction: unknown

Deduction consumption: unknown

Effect: Distorted cause by distorting the result

Disadvantages: Unable to predict absolute results.

Note 1: Causality is the most difficult non-directional killing technique in the world, and its effect is ominous.

Note 2: The current deduction limit of the demon pot refining has been reached, and the deduction again will involve the mysterious world and will damage the demon pot refining.


Han Fei was stunned at the time. There really is such a causal killing technique in this world? In a sense, isn't this thing equivalent to the emperor's eye of disaster?

Han Fei's face changed slightly, it took a long time to realize 10%?

However, how could he give up such a weird technique comparable to divine art? The key is that this kind of causal killing technique seems to be deduced.

In the future, perhaps the effect of this twisted causality technique is unknown, but the follow-up to the deduction is not necessarily true.

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei at UU reading www.uukanshu.com stood still and continued to observe.

When Han Fei's comprehension level reached 20%, all of a sudden, the merits of the qualification order dropped by 100,000.

Han Fei must be in his heart, he should have time, he still has more than 430,000 feats in his hands, maybe he can realize it a day in advance.

And outside, when Feng Yu and the others discovered that three days had passed, Han Fei hadn't come out yet, who wouldn't understand? All felt that Han Fei continued to enlighten Dao in the Enlightenment Palace thanks to his great merits.

The referee saw this scene and opened the teleportation formation: "You go back first. The official arena will begin in four days. You don't have to wait here."

However, whether it is Yi Cai, or Cao Indestructible, Zhou Mi, and even Zhao Qinglong, some sense of crisis has been born in their hearts.

Zhao Qinglong's idea was to kill Han Fei before he emerged. This guy has so many opportunities before he enters the realm of the later stage. If he was given enough time to grow up, he might become another Feng Yu, or even a master of the gods.

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