God of Fishing

Chapter 2460: Temple of Time, defending the way for Han Fei

As soon as the Queen of Terror spoke, Han Fei's whole body was not good. Does it mean that I have a charm that I don't even know? If this queen is looking for Wushuang, he should also look for Zhang Xuanyu, right?

Seeing Han Fei's face was speechless, she didn't know how to answer. The horror queen raised her chin slightly: "Forget it, I'll make a joke with you. Although the relationship between the capital of horror and the dynasty of God is not good, but you are by your side. Those few after all represent the big clan forces of the Divine Capital Dynasty, and accepting them is at least a big favor."

  Han Fei was taken aback when he heard the words.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "My Lady Queen, Zhou Run and the others are organized, planned, tolerant, and have potential. For a little bit of training, with them suppressing the explosion after so many years, the later stage of the transformation will be a matter of course. Dzogchen is just around the corner."

   The Queen of Horrors doesn’t care: “What about the Transformation of the Great Perfection, and you may not be able to prove it. I am not interested in them. I am curious, why do you want to help them?”

  Han Feixin said that I can’t tell you directly, I’m now their behind-the-scenes boss, and the better they develop now, the better it will be for me in the future. A group of little brothers of the Dzogchen Dzogchen, this is not just the beginning.

   These few people have good potentials, and they will not have the chance to become the fourth warlord level in the city of wanderers.

  Han Fei: "There is a heart of use and a heart of friends."

   The Queen of Terror snorted softly, not knowing if she believed it or not, anyway, he didn't ask this question again.

   I only heard her say: "Although those little guys have some special identities, my capital of horror does not care. Oh, Han Fei, are you interested in joining my capital of horror?"

Han Fei apologized: "My Lady Queen, I am afraid I have no chance. I still have some enemies of my own to deal with. This is a relatively long-term thing. Therefore, I will not join any in the short term, at least for two thousand years. A power."

  The Queen of Terror frowned suddenly and said: "This is not good, that is not good, then what am I doing to save you? I can't get a good one!"

  Han Feixin said, "If you don't save it, you won't save it, but I will save it myself!" At that time, the resources that these guys smuggled out before will all score half of their own.

  In the future, waiting for my Avengers to lay down a power, it may not be impossible to rise up a new power in the East China Sea.

   In fact, Han Fei wants to build the Avengers, and there is another meaning. That is, no one knows how many resources are needed in the realm of the emperor.

   However, the Southern Emperor had her crossing number, and the emperors of the Shendu Dynasty had the great dynasty, the gate of heaven, and the mountain peak of fist. Why did these big men finally become forces?

  Han Fei believes that if these people are able to get away with themselves, there is no need to build this powerful inheritance.

   Therefore, Han Fei has reason to believe that this is a way for the strong to collect resources and monopolize resources. The Avengers are now small. But when the human race in the city of scavengers was rescued, when the rioting human race appeared in the sea, and then the Beastmaster teacher was brought out, his Avengers alliance also had the emperor.

   When his power grows stronger, his own benefits are by no means a single star. As the saying goes, people without far-sightedness must have immediate worries. So even if the Queen of Terror doesn't help, then Han Fei will take the initiative in time.

   The only bad thing is that I don’t have time to take care of Zhou Run and the others for the time being. If I really rescued them by myself, then there would be no place for them in the East China Sea.

   Seeing Han Fei is not anxious, not nervous, even with a faint smile on his face.

   Finally, the Queen of Horrors let go: "Okay, I didn't expect that the lawless Han Fei turned out to be a boring gourd. Forget it, even if you owe me a favor, these people are temporarily rescued by the horror...huh, brat."

   "Thank you, Lady Queen, for your help."

   Han Fei arched his hands calmly, and sure enough, this one still needs to be saved after all.

   The Queen of Terror waved her hand casually, and drove away Han Fei. When Han Fei got out of Wushuang's courtyard, the latter said in amazement: "My Lady Queen, he... why did you let go so easily? If you didn't let him pay a price just now, wouldn't it be absolutely impossible to save people? "

The Queen of Terror looked at Wushuang indifferently and said, "It was just now, and now it is now. I'm afraid I'm too late, and this favor will not be there anymore. This kid is not easy, he has other successors... Tsk tsk, no wonder Nan Nan said he wanted to find a way to ask him for favor while this kid was still weak."

   Wushuang looked puzzled, his eyes widened: "Sir Nandi?"

   The Queen of Horrors stood up lazily: "Wu-shuang girl! This Han Fei, you should be your friend normally! I always feel a little surprised and happy."


the next day.

   is the day when the winners of the Open Heaven Realm Grand Tournament gather and announce the follow-up game.

   On this day, Open Heaven Realm Arena, above the only arena that remains.

   Here, there appeared a large teleportation array. In front of the array, more than 200 people stood. It was Han Fei and the others.

On this day, the emperor referee, standing above the void, looked around the arena, including those with strong powers, with a long voice: "Dynasty of God, Open Heaven Realm for 100,000 years, the whole people can watch. During the game, the God Capital Dynasty will set up a **** curtain next week in the city, and all the battle conditions will be revealed in the **** curtain."

   At that moment, in the Kingdom of God, countless people looked up at the sky.

   At this moment, countless sky curtains appeared on the sky of the Kingdom of God.

   In this sky, a voice said: "Now, I announce the final rules of the Open Heaven Realm One Hundred Thousand Years Competition..."


   At that moment, countless people raised their heads in amazement. There has never been such a scene in history. Can the whole people participate in the big competition?

   The key is that it is a big match for the Open Heaven Realm powerhouse! Many people in the Shendu Dynasty, such as explorers! Venerable! Why are these people able to understand the Great Comparison of the Open Heaven Realm?

   They were even shocked, can this thing be seen through the curtain of God?

   However, this did not hinder everyone. They stopped what was in their hands and looked up at the **** curtain. For a time, all the islands of the Divine Capital Dynasty were overcrowded.

   In the submarine city, countless sea monsters appeared above the water.

  The city of rotation, there are magic curtains appearing in all directions, which is like showing a scene of a national movie.

  Han Fei couldn't help but feel shocked, the final? Is it going to be a national live broadcast?

   There are a lot of reactions like Han Fei. They think that the final format of Open Heaven Realm is the same as that of Pihai Realm's integral tournament knockout.

  Han Fei suddenly felt a little enlightened. The reason why Pihaijing adopts this cyclical combat method is to allow more spectators to observe and comprehend. The meaning for the contestants themselves is to squeeze them crazily and grab their potential within the rules.

   However, the Kaitian realm is different. From the sea-opening realm to the open-day realm, it is a screening mechanism in itself, but not every sea-breaking peak can successfully overcome the catastrophe.

   In the Open Heaven Realm, the transformation of stars is another watershed, and there is a big difference between those who count the stars and the ordinary ones. It can be said that there are not many who can reach the Open Heaven Realm One Hundred Thousand Years Grand Comparation, not many of them are not transformed into stars by the number of days. It's nothing more than the strength of the number of days. The weak ones are also wiped out.

   Therefore, when Han Fei and the others are in this position, they have already gone through countless rounds of competition. Everyone, it is not easy to get here. So, in fact, when the Open Heaven Realm Ten Thousand Years Big Comparison, the comparison reached more than 3,000 people. These people already have the possibility of preaching.

   Even if you give the other unsuccessful chances, it is not impossible to prove the way. But then it needs a great opportunity, at least there must be some special turning points in life, and these talents have the hope of proving the Dao.

   And, don’t think that this kind of transition is hard to come across. Sometimes, this kind of transition is just a matter of thought.

   Therefore, the Open Heaven Realm's competitions have reached this level. Elimination rounds, wheel battles, etc., are all dispensable. Then, the rule of these 200 people is absolutely impossible to be like that of the Wannian Dabi in the sea-breaking realm.

   just listen to the referee shouting:

"All contestants need to complete the final final, called The Road to the Stars. As the name suggests, the Road to the Stars is held in the sea of ​​stars. This is also a process for the entire people of the Kingdom of God to know the sea of ​​stars. Survive in our place. In the world of the sea, the sea is no more than a corner of the star sea. In the star sea, every step is dangerous, but in every age, there are brave people who set foot in the star sea, to the unknown, to the distant nothingness, and protect my sea world. No worries..."

   When the referee talked about this, the hearts of all the major forces were sinking. Let Shendu Dynasty uncover the mystery of Xinghai to the whole people, why?

   This in itself has explained the seriousness of the matter, so serious that the East China Sea Shenzhou has taken the lead in preparing, and even intends to tell the creatures of the ten thousand races of the East China Sea Shenzhou, the true secrets hidden in the Xinghai.

   Han Fei's heart is not good, what happened in the depths of Xinghai? So that the dynasty of the gods would use this 10,000-year competition to reveal the ominous invasion to the outside world?

Just listen to him continue: "This Open Heaven Realm Grand Tournament finals, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com The Road to Stars, means to feel the journey of the ancestors into the stars. In this finals, all contestants are advised to find their own Guardian. Because if there is no guardian, the road will die. But once the guardian takes the shot, the contestant will be deemed to have given up the competition and won the final ranking."

   Now, those who already have a protector, please take a hundred steps forward.

   Suddenly, Han Fei saw more than 180 people stepping forward. Unconsciously, these people have already joined the strong camp.

   Many of the remaining dozen people frowned slightly. Suddenly someone looked in a certain direction, and then heard someone shouting from high above: "Fisting Mountain Peak, protecting the island for Xu Qingxuan."

   Then I heard: "The Ghost Strait protects the road for Zheng Donglou."

   "Eastern sword pavilion, repairing the road for Lin Qi."

   "The original city, for..."

   It was only a moment, and Han Fei saw that everyone around him had disappeared cleanly. Good guy, he was the only one left.

  The key, no one told him! Even, I saw the Queen of Terror last night, and the Queen of Terror never told him about it.

  Han Fei probably knows the reason. He is too fierce and violent to offend the heavenly race. Everyone thinks that he can't leave the dynasty of God alive. Who wants to protect the road?

   A sneer evoked from the corner of Han Fei's mouth, and he raised his head and shouted: "I, Han Fei, no..."

   However, before Han Fei's voice fell, above the void, a voice suddenly sounded: "The Temple of Time, protects Han Fei."

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